# NOTE: # - Do not include sonar.projectVersion or sonar.projectName as these are set automatically by the pipeline # - Customize sonar.sources, sonar.exclusions, sonar.coverage.exclusions, sonar.tests and sonar # unit test coverage reports based on your project # Refer to https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/project-administration/narrowing-the-focus/ # for details on sources and exclusions. Note also .gitignore which is used by sonarqube # sonar.sources=source, deployment # Focusing sonarqube analysis on non test code first and reducing noise from analysis of test code. Projects # can customize the exclusions to include analyzing of test code if desired sonar.exclusions=\ **/test/**, \ **/tests/**, \ **/test*, \ **/node_modules/**, \ deployment/*-assets/** \ deployment/open-source # Code coverage Specific Properties sonar.coverage.exclusions=\ **/jest.config.js ## Python Specific Properties* # coverage # https://docs.sonarqube.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4784149 # Comma-separated list of ant pattern describing paths to coverage reports, relative to projects # root. Leave unset to use the default ("coverage-reports/*coverage-*.xml"). # # Example: Uncomment next section for python code # sonar.python.coverage.reportPaths=source/tests/coverage-reports/*.coverage.xml # Sensor SonarJS Coverage [javascript] was not allowing globbing # for sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths such as this # source/test/coverage-reports/jest/*/lcov.info # so we have to provide an explicit list of reportPaths # # Example: javascript/typescript code sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths= \ source/test/coverage-reports/jest/example-function-js/lcov.info, \ source/test/coverage-reports/jest/solutions-constructs/lcov.info # Encoding of the source files sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8