--- title: "Clean up" weight: 340 --- ## Clean Up To clean up the resources you created in this module, follow steps shown next. Delete the sample stack that consumed the sample module: :::code{language=shell showLineNumbers=false showCopyAction=true} aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name cfn-workshop-modules aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name cfn-workshop-modules ::: :::alert{header="Only required if you completed the challenge" type="warning"} Deregister version `00000001` of the module from the CloudFormation Registry. You will need to repeat this step for each version of this module you registered (except for the default version that cannot be deregistered): :::code{language=shell showLineNumbers=false showCopyAction=true} aws cloudformation deregister-type --type MODULE --type-name CFNWORKSHOP::EC2::VPC::MODULE --version-id 00000001 ::: Deregister the module from the CloudFormation Registry: :::code{language=shell showLineNumbers=false showCopyAction=true} aws cloudformation deregister-type --type MODULE --type-name CFNWORKSHOP::EC2::VPC::MODULE :::