## Chaos Engineering In this workshop, you will get a hands-on introduction to Chaos Engineering by assuming the role of newest site reliability engineer. As an SRE, you’ll be responsible for keeping microservices architecture up and running during busiest “two days†of the year. On “day one,†you’ll start by setting up the infrastructure for the online store. You’ll then be tasked with creating dashboards and alerts to track the health of the system as the first orders start rolling in. Before “day two,†you’ll have the opportunity to run Chaos Engineering experiments on your environment to ensure that what you set up is working as expected. You’ll also learn how to get ahead of potential issues before the store opens again for “day two.†## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.