import streamlit as st import boto3 import botocore import pandas as pd import io s3_client = boto3.client('s3') s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3') def search_buckets(): search = st.text_input('Search S3 bucket in your account', '') response = s3_client.list_buckets() if search: buckets_found = 0 for bucket in response['Buckets']: if search: if search in bucket["Name"]: buckets_found = buckets_found + 1 st.write(f'{bucket["Name"]}') if buckets_found: st.success(f'Listing existing **{buckets_found}** buckets containing **{search}** string') else: st.warning(f'No matching buckets found containing **{search}** string') else:'Provide string to search for listing buckets') def list_bucket_contents(): total_size_gb = 0 total_files = 0 match_size_gb = 0 match_files = 0 bucket = st.text_input('S3 bucket name (public bucket or private to your account)', '') bucket_resource = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket) match = st.text_input('(optional) Filter bucket contents with matching string', '') size_mb = st.text_input('(optional) Match files up to size in MB (0 for all sizes)', '0') if size_mb: size_mb = int(size_mb) else: size_mb = 0 if bucket: for key in bucket_resource.objects.all(): key_size_mb = key.size/1024/1024 total_size_gb += key_size_mb total_files += 1 list_check = False if not match: list_check = True elif match in key.key: list_check = True if list_check and not size_mb: match_files += 1 match_size_gb += key_size_mb st.write(f'{key.key} ({key_size_mb:3.0f}MB)') elif list_check and key_size_mb <= size_mb: match_files += 1 match_size_gb += key_size_mb st.write(f'{key.key} ({key_size_mb:3.0f}MB)') if match:'Matched file size is **{match_size_gb/1024:3.1f}GB** with **{match_files}** files') st.success(f'Bucket **{bucket}** total size is **{total_size_gb/1024:3.1f}GB** with **{total_files}** files') else:'Provide bucket name to list contents') def create_bucket(): bucket = st.text_input('S3 bucket name to create', '') if bucket: try: s3_client.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: st.error('Bucket **' + bucket + '** could not be created. ' + e.response['Error']['Message']) return st.success('The S3 bucket **' + bucket + '** successfully created or already exists in your account') else:'Provide unique bucket name to create') def s3_select(): bucket = st.text_input('S3 bucket name', '') csv = st.text_input('CSV File path and name', '') st.write("Example: `SELECT * FROM s3object s LIMIT 5`") sql = st.text_area('SQL statement', '') if bucket and csv and sql: s3_select_results = s3_client.select_object_content( Bucket=bucket, Key=csv, Expression=sql, ExpressionType='SQL', InputSerialization={'CSV': {"FileHeaderInfo": "Use"}}, OutputSerialization={'JSON': {}}, ) for event in s3_select_results['Payload']: if 'Records' in event: df = pd.read_json(io.StringIO(event['Records']['Payload'].decode('utf-8')), lines=True) elif 'Stats' in event: st.write(f"Scanned: {int(event['Stats']['Details']['BytesScanned'])/1024/1024:5.2f}MB") st.write(f"Processed: {int(event['Stats']['Details']['BytesProcessed'])/1024/1024:5.2f}MB") st.write(f"Returned: {int(event['Stats']['Details']['BytesReturned'])/1024/1024:5.2f}MB") st.write(df) else:'Provide S3 bucket, CSV file name, and SQL statement')