/* This query provides events with TLS version and event source. This query is helpful when you are trying to find specific version of TLS. Eg: If you’re trying to find events realted to TLSv1 (which will have a end of support on June 28. 2023), You can include in the filter criteria AND CAST(REPLACE(tlsDetails.tlsVersion, 'TLSv', '') AS DOUBLE) <= 1.1 This filters all TLS connections with 1.1 and below. Feel free to change the version number on the filter to tilter out different versions. You can also change use different operators such as =, >, <, >=, or <= in filtering TLS versions. */ SELECT eventSource, tlsDetails.tlsVersion, sourceIPAddress, recipientAccountId, COUNT(*) AS numOutdatedTlsCalls FROM WHERE eventTime >= '${date_filter}' -- Eg: '2023-06-20 00:00:00' AND eventTime <= '${date_filter}' -- Eg: '2023-06-27 00:00:00' AND tlsDetails.tlsVersion LIKE 'TLSv%' AND CAST(REPLACE(tlsDetails.tlsVersion, 'TLSv', '') AS DOUBLE) <= 1.1 GROUP BY eventSource, tlsDetails.tlsVersion, sourceIPAddress, recipientAccountId ORDER BY numOutdatedTlsCalls DESC