from __future__ import print_function import logging from time import sleep import boto3 import os logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ssm = boto3.client('ssm') def send_command(instances, commands, log_group): logger.debug("Sending command to %s : %s" % (instances, commands)) try: return ssm.send_command(InstanceIds=[instances], DocumentName='AWS-RunShellScript', Parameters={'commands': commands}, CloudWatchOutputConfig= { 'CloudWatchOutputEnabled':True, 'CloudWatchLogGroupName':log_group}) except ssm.exceptions.InvalidInstanceId: logger.debug("Failed to execute SSM command", exc_info=True) return def onCreate(event, context): props = event['ResourceProperties'] instanceId = props['InstanceId'] coPasswordSecret = props['COSecret'] cuPasswordSecret = props['CUSecret'] expectScript = props['ExpectAssetURL'] self_signed_param = props['SelfSignedParamName'] region = os.environ['AWS_REGION'] hsm_ip = props['HSMIpAddress'] log_group = props['LogGroupName'] # This will work only for AL2 commands = ['mkdir -p /tmp/setup', 'cd /tmp/setup', 'wget -q', 'sudo yum install -y --quiet jq expect ./cloudhsm-client-latest.el7.x86_64.rpm', 'sudo rm -f cloudhsm-client-latest.el7.x86_64.rpm', 'aws --region ' + region + ' ssm get-parameter --name \'' + self_signed_param + '\' --query Parameter.Value --output text > customerCA.crt', 'sudo mv customerCA.crt /opt/cloudhsm/etc/customerCA.crt', 'sudo /opt/cloudhsm/bin/configure -a ' + hsm_ip, 'aws s3 cp ' + expectScript + ' cloudHSMActivate.expect', 'COPASSWORD=$(aws --region ' + region + ' secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id \'' + coPasswordSecret + '\' --query SecretString --output text | jq \'.password\' -r)', 'CUPASSWORD=$(aws --region ' + region + ' secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id \'' + cuPasswordSecret + '\' --query SecretString --output text | jq \'.password\' -r)', 'expect cloudHSMActivate.expect $COPASSWORD $CUPASSWORD' ] returnData = {'Data':{}} while True: send_response = send_command(instanceId, commands, log_group) if send_response: returnData['Data']["CommandId"] = send_response['Command']['CommandId'] break if context.get_remaining_time_in_millis() < 20000: raise Exception("Timed out attempting to send command to SSM") sleep(15) if send_response: returnData['Data']["CommandId"] = send_response['Command']['CommandId'] returnData['PhysicalResourceId'] = send_response['Command']['CommandId'] return returnData def onIgnore(event, context): return False def isComplete(event, context): request_type = event['RequestType'] if request_type != 'Create': return {'IsComplete': True} instanceId = event["ResourceProperties"]["InstanceId"] commandId = event['Data']["CommandId"] while True: try: cmd_output_response = ssm.get_command_invocation(CommandId=commandId, InstanceId=instanceId) if cmd_output_response['Status'] == 'Success': return {'IsComplete': True} elif cmd_output_response['Status'] in ['Cancelled','TimedOut','Failed']: if cmd_output_response['StandardErrorContent']: raise Exception("ssm command failed: " + cmd_output_response['StandardErrorContent'][:235]) else: raise Exception("ssm command failed: " + cmd_output_response['Status']) return {'IsComplete': False} # Command is still running except ssm.exceptions.InvocationDoesNotExist: logger.debug('Invocation not available in SSM yet', exc_info=True) sleep(15) def handler(event, context): request_type = event['RequestType'] if request_type == 'Create' : return onCreate(event,context) if request_type == 'Update' : return onIgnore(event,context) if request_type == 'Delete' : return onIgnore(event,context) return False