using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using Image = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image; namespace ZipExpanderConsole { class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { const long IMAGE_MAX_SIZE = 7 * 1048576; var config = GetConfig(args); var extractDirectoryRoot = Path.Combine(config.Temp, DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()); var extractDirectoryImages = Path.Combine(extractDirectoryRoot, "images"); var downloadZipPath = Path.Combine(extractDirectoryRoot, ""); if (!Directory.Exists(extractDirectoryRoot)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(extractDirectoryRoot); Directory.CreateDirectory(extractDirectoryImages); } using (var s3Client = new AmazonS3Client()) using (var ddbClient = new AmazonDynamoDBClient()) { int lastPercentReported = 0; long totalRead = 0; var httpMessage = new HttpRequestMessage { RequestUri = new Uri(config.ImportUrl), Method = HttpMethod.Get }; Console.WriteLine($"Downloading zip archive from: {config.ImportUrl}"); using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) using (var message = await httpClient.SendAsync(httpMessage, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead)) using (var stream = await message.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()) using (var localStream = File.OpenWrite(downloadZipPath)) { var buffer = new byte[32 * 1024]; int readLength; while ((readLength = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { await localStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, readLength); totalRead += readLength; var percent = (int)(totalRead / (double)message.Content.Headers.ContentLength * 100.0); if (lastPercentReported != percent) { lastPercentReported = percent; Console.WriteLine($"... {percent}%"); } } Console.WriteLine($"Download complete to {downloadZipPath}, file size {new FileInfo(downloadZipPath).Length}"); } using (var localStream = File.OpenRead(downloadZipPath)) using (var archive = new ZipArchive(localStream)) { int processed = 0; var entries = archive.Entries; foreach (var entry in archive.Entries) { try { Console.WriteLine($"{processed}/{entries.Count} Processing {Path.GetFileName(entry.FullName)}"); Stream content = new MemoryStream(); using (var zipStream = entry.Open()) { zipStream.CopyTo(content); } content.Position = 0; if(IMAGE_MAX_SIZE <= content.Length) { Console.WriteLine($"Skipping {entry.FullName} of size {content.Length} exceeds max size of {IMAGE_MAX_SIZE}."); continue; } var destinationKey = $"Galleries/Raw/{config.UserId}/{config.GalleryId}/{Path.GetFileName(entry.FullName)}"; await s3Client.PutObjectAsync(new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = config.Bucket, Key = destinationKey, InputStream = content }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Error processing entry: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } processed++; } } var updateItemRequest = new UpdateItemRequest { TableName = config.DDBTable, Key = new Dictionary { { "UserId", new AttributeValue{S = config.UserId } }, { "GalleryId", new AttributeValue{S = config.GalleryId } } }, AttributeUpdates = new Dictionary { {"Status", new AttributeValueUpdate{Action= AttributeAction.PUT, Value = new AttributeValue{N = "1" } } } } }; await ddbClient.UpdateItemAsync(updateItemRequest); Console.WriteLine("Import Complete"); } Directory.Delete(extractDirectoryRoot, true); } static Config GetConfig(string[] args) { const string ZIP_EXPANDER_IMPORT_URL = "ZIP_EXPANDER_IMPORT_URL"; const string ZIP_EXPANDER_DDB_TABLE = "ZIP_EXPANDER_DDB_TABLE"; const string ZIP_EXPANDER_BUCKET = "ZIP_EXPANDER_BUCKET"; const string ZIP_EXPANDER_USER_ID = "ZIP_EXPANDER_USER_ID"; const string ZIP_EXPANDER_GALLERY_ID = "ZIP_EXPANDER_GALLERY_ID"; const string ZIP_EXPANDER_TEMP = "ZIP_EXPANDER_TEMP"; var config = new Config(); if (args.Length > 0) { config.ImportUrl = args[0]; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_IMPORT_URL))) { config.ImportUrl = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_IMPORT_URL); } else { throw new Exception($"Missing required parameter {ZIP_EXPANDER_IMPORT_URL}"); } if (args.Length > 1) { config.DDBTable = args[1]; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_DDB_TABLE))) { config.DDBTable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_DDB_TABLE); } else { throw new Exception($"Missing required parameter {ZIP_EXPANDER_DDB_TABLE}"); } if (args.Length > 2) { config.Bucket = args[2]; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_BUCKET))) { config.Bucket = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_BUCKET); } else { throw new Exception($"Missing required parameter {ZIP_EXPANDER_BUCKET}"); } if (args.Length > 3) { config.UserId = args[3]; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_USER_ID))) { config.UserId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_USER_ID); } else { throw new Exception($"Missing required parameter {ZIP_EXPANDER_USER_ID}"); } if (args.Length > 4) { config.GalleryId = args[4]; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_GALLERY_ID))) { config.GalleryId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_GALLERY_ID); } else { throw new Exception($"Missing required parameter {ZIP_EXPANDER_GALLERY_ID}"); } if (args.Length > 5) { config.Temp = args[5]; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_TEMP))) { config.Temp = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ZIP_EXPANDER_TEMP); } else { config.Temp = Path.GetTempPath(); } return config; } public class Config { public string ImportUrl { get; set; } public string DDBTable { get; set; } public string Bucket { get; set; } public string UserId { get; set; } public string GalleryId { get; set; } public string Temp { get; set; } } } }