variable "name" { description= "Name of the canary which is going to be sent as part of the notification when the canary fails and the alarm triggers." type = string } variable "runtime_version" { description= "Runtime version of the canary. Details:" type = string default = "syn-nodejs-puppeteer-3.7" } variable "take_screenshot" { description= "If screenshot should be taken" type = bool default = false } variable "api_hostname" { description= "The host name of the API, ex: mydomain.internal." type = string } variable "api_path" { description= "The path for the API call , ex: /path?param=value." type = string } variable "vpc_id" { description= "The vpc used by the lambda executing the code of the canary." type = string } variable "subnet_ids" { description= "The subnet ids used by the lambda executing the code of the canary." type = list(string) } variable "frequency" { description= "The frequency in minutes at which the canary should be run. The minimum is two minutes." type = string } variable "alert_sns_topic" { description= "The SNS topic to which the cloud watch alarm notification is sent." type = string }