# FSx Module Variables variable "fsx_name" { type = string description = "The name associated with this fsx" } variable "fsx_kms_key" { type = string description = "kms key for fsx" } variable "storage_capacity" { type = string description = "storage capacity for fsx" } variable "storage_type" { type = string description = "storage type for fsx" default = "SSD" } variable "throughput_capacity" { type = string description = "throughput capacity for fsx" } variable "deployment_type" { type = string description = "deployment_type for fsx" default = "MULTI_AZ_1" } variable "active_directory_id" { type = string description = "AD ID" } variable "vpc_id" { type = string description = "The ID of the VPC" } variable "fsx_attach_subnet_filter" { type = string description = "subnet filter to place fsx" } variable "fsx_ingress_cidr_blocks" { description = "List of CIDR blocks allowed to access the FSx" type = list(string) default = [] } variable "fsx_ingress_prefix_ids" { description = "Prefix list ids which are allowed ingress smb connections" type = list(string) default = [] } variable "preferred_subnet_id" { description = "Subnet ID of the preferred primary subnet when running Multi-AZ. (Optional) defaults will be selected if not specified" type = string default = "" } # Tags variable "tag_product" { description = "Family of resource being deployed" type = string } variable "tag_environment" { description = "Environment in which resources are deployed (e.g., nonprod)" type = string } variable "extra_tags" { description = "A map of additional tag/value pairs to add to the resources" type = map(string) default = {} }