AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: This template deploys an automatically generated CloudWatch dashboard for the referenced ECS service. Transform: - AWS::LanguageExtensions Parameters: ServiceArn: Type: String Description: The ARN of the service that we want to generate the dashboard from. Resources: # A CloudWatch log group for persisting the deployment events ServiceEventLog: Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup # Create the EventBridge rule that captures deployment events into the CloudWatch log group CaptureServiceDeploymentEvents: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: Description: Fn::Sub: - 'Capture service deployment events from the ECS service ${ServiceName}' # Scary but working way to get service's human name from it's ARN - ServiceName: !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Select [5, !Split [':', !Ref ServiceArn]]]] EventPattern: source: - aws.ecs detail-type: - "ECS Deployment State Change" - "ECS Service Action" resources: - !Ref ServiceArn # Where to send the events Targets: - Arn: !Sub arn:aws:logs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:log-group:${ServiceEventLog} Id: 'CloudWatchLogGroup' # Create a log group resource policy that allows EventBridge to put logs into # the log group LogGroupForEventsPolicy: Type: AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy Properties: PolicyName: EventBridgeToCWLogsPolicy PolicyDocument: !Sub - > { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "EventBridgetoCWLogsPolicy", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "", "" ] }, "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents" ], "Resource": [ "${LogArn}" ] } ] } - { LogArn: !GetAtt ServiceEventLog.Arn, RuleArn: !GetAtt CaptureServiceDeploymentEvents.Arn} # This resource creates the widgets that will live in the CloudWatch # dashboard, by pulling stats from Container Insights ServiceDashboard: Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard Properties: DashboardName: Fn::Sub: - "${ServiceName}-dashboard" - ServiceName: !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Select [5, !Split [':', !Ref ServiceArn]]]] DashboardBody: Fn::ToJsonString: widgets: # A table that shows recent deployment events - type: log x: 0 y: 0 width: 24 height: 4 properties: region: !Ref AWS::Region title: Service Deployments query: !Sub "SOURCE '${ServiceEventLog}' | fields @timestamp, detail.eventName, detail.deploymentId | sort @timestamp desc | limit 500" view: table # A graph showing the running task count over time - type: metric x: 0 y: 13 width: 24 height: 6 properties: metrics: - - "ECS/ContainerInsights" - "RunningTaskCount" - "ServiceName" # Extract service name from service ARN - !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Select [5, !Split [':', !Ref ServiceArn]]]] - "ClusterName" # Extract cluster name from service ARN - !Select [1, !Split ['/', !Select [5, !Split [':', !Ref ServiceArn]]]] - [ ".", "DesiredTaskCount", ".", ".", ".", "." ] view: timeSeries stacked: false region: !Ref AWS::Region stat: Sum period: 60 yAxis: left: min: 0 title: "DesiredTaskCount, RunningTaskCount" # A graph showing CPU and Memory utilization over time - type: metric x: 0 y: 13 width: 24 height: 6 properties: metrics: - - "ECS/ContainerInsights" - "CpuUtilized" - "ServiceName" # Extract service name from service ARN - !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Select [5, !Split [':', !Ref ServiceArn]]]] - "ClusterName" # Extract cluster name from service ARN - !Select [1, !Split ['/', !Select [5, !Split [':', !Ref ServiceArn]]]] - [ ".", "MemoryUtilized", ".", ".", ".", "." ] view: timeSeries stacked: false region: !Ref AWS::Region stat: Sum period: 60 yAxis: left: min: 0 title: "CPU Utilization, Memory Utilization"