# Copyright 2020 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: 'This template provisions Client VPN Resources' Parameters: ClientCidrBlock: Description: The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, from which to assign client IP addresses. The address range cannot overlap with the local CIDR of the VPC in which the associated subnet is located, or the routes that you add manually. AllowedPattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-2]))$ ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/16-32 Type: String ServerCertArn: Description: Specify Server Cert Arn for VPN endpoint. Type: String ClientCertificateArn: Description: Specify Client Cert Arn for VPN endpoint. Type: String SubnetID: Description: The ID of the subnet to associate with the Client VPN endpoint. Type: String TargetNetworkCidr: Description: The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, of the network for which access is being authorized. AllowedPattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-2]))$ ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/0-32 Type: String VPC: Description: The ID of the VPC to associate with the Client VPN endpoint. Type: String #Conditions: Resources: ClientVpnEndpoint: Type: AWS::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint Properties: AuthenticationOptions: - MutualAuthentication: ClientRootCertificateChainArn: !Ref ClientCertificateArn Type: "certificate-authentication" ClientCidrBlock: !Ref ClientCidrBlock ConnectionLogOptions: Enabled: false Description: "Client VPN to connect to VFX Host" ServerCertificateArn: !Ref ServerCertArn VpcId: !Ref VPC SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref VPNSecurityGroup Tags: - Key: Name Value: VFX-ClientVPN VpnEndpointTargetNetworkAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::ClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation Properties: ClientVpnEndpointId: !Ref ClientVpnEndpoint SubnetId: !Ref SubnetID VpnEndpointAuthorizationRule: Type: AWS::EC2::ClientVpnAuthorizationRule Properties: ClientVpnEndpointId: !Ref ClientVpnEndpoint AuthorizeAllGroups: true Description: Allow access to VFX Host subnet. TargetNetworkCidr: !Ref TargetNetworkCidr InternetAuthRule: Type: "AWS::EC2::ClientVpnAuthorizationRule" Properties: ClientVpnEndpointId: !Ref ClientVpnEndpoint AuthorizeAllGroups: true TargetNetworkCidr: "" Description: "Allow access to internet" InternetRoute: Type: "AWS::EC2::ClientVpnRoute" DependsOn: VpnEndpointTargetNetworkAssociation Properties: ClientVpnEndpointId: !Ref ClientVpnEndpoint TargetVpcSubnetId: !Ref SubnetID DestinationCidrBlock: "" Description: "Route to the internet" VPNSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupName: Security Group for VPN Clients GroupDescription: This security group is attached to the Client VPN Endpoint. VpcId: !Ref VPC VPNHostSecurityGroupIngress1: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress Properties: GroupId: !Ref VPNSecurityGroup IpProtocol: -1 SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref VPNSecurityGroup Outputs: VPNSecurityGroupID: Description: VPN Security Group ID Value: !GetAtt VPNSecurityGroup.GroupId Export: Name: !Sub "${AWS::StackName}-vpn-security-group-id"