## **Workflow**
### Content Moderation Part-1

#### **Pre-requisities :**
1. [Obtain your region specific Mediaconvert endpoint url](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-javascript/v2/developer-guide/emc-examples-getendpoint.html), which is used to create the mediaconvert sdk client to submit the transcoding job.
2. Create a SNS topic - used as [Notification channel](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/APIReference/API_NotificationChannel.html). Also, create a role that gives Amazon Rekognition publishing permissions to the Amazon SNS topic.
3. Create a S3 bucket -  used to store output of elemental media convert job.

This section accomodates 2 functionalities :
1. Start an asynchronous job to detect inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content in a stored video using [StartContentModeration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/APIReference/API_StartContentModeration.html) API.
2. Convert video into frames using a Transcoding job using [CreateJob](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/apireference/jobs.html#jobspost) API call.

Workflow :

1. This Lambda function invokes [StartContentModeration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/APIReference/API_StartContentModeration.html) API which starts asynchronous detection of inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content in a stored video. Once the job is successfully submitted, a JobID is returned back to the user. In order to track the completion status, we use a notification channel using Simple Notification Service to Trigger the next Lambda function to execute the [GetContentModeration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/APIReference/API_GetContentModeration.html) API to retrieve the results.

Sample output of StartContentModeration API :

	"JobId": "3ffd9326c88e8194b35cf102644a2b8fb587684a2617820ad0fe593ac75ae525",
	"ResponseMetadata": {
		"RequestId": "7029e5f9-24f7-4b99-9ac3-4e44806af6da",
		"HTTPStatusCode": 200,
		"HTTPHeaders": {
			"x-amzn-requestid": "7029e5f9-24f7-4b99-9ac3-4e44806af6da",
			"content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1",
			"content-length": "76",
			"date": "Thu, 22 Sep 2022 09:02:57 GMT"
		"RetryAttempts": 0

2. Since Rekongition custom labels can only be tested against images, we break the input video into frame for the Plagiarism detection. [Elemental Mediaconvert](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/what-is.html) is a a file-based video processing service that provides scalable video processing. In our case, we use the [CreateJob](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/apireference/jobs.html#jobspost) API call to submit a transcoding job to convert video into frames.

Please refer [documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/apireference/jobs.html#jobs-request-examples) for the payload options and settings.