# AWS Streaming Media Well-Architected Custom Lens AWS Streaming Media Well-Architected Custom Lens specifies best practices in Operational Excellence, Security, Performance Efficiency, Reliability and Cost Optimization pillars. The best practices are designed for Media Streaming workload. The Streaming Media Lens five pillars questionnaire is based on the [Streaming Media Lens whitepaper](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wellarchitected/latest/streaming-media-lens/streaming-media-lens.html), more detailed information please reference back to the AWS official whitepaper. ## Intended Audience CTO, Technical Leader or technical owner for an AWS Media Streaming workload ## Contributing - [Jill Wang](mailto:jiwanwg@amazon.com), Sr. Technical Account Manager, GCR, AWS - [Ray Wang](mailto:hsiawang@amazon.com), Solutions Architect, AWS