# lambda function "delStorageData"
Schedule deletion of a KMS CMK associated with an object in S3 bucket at the same time as S3 bucket deletion.
**Caution: NOT to specify the resource you are using during the test as the specified S3 Bucket and CMK will be deleted.**
# premise
the 4 following premise is needed to use the function:
1. There is an S3 bucket to delete in which encrypted objects are stored
2. There is a target key associated with the bucket
3. The key for signing has been created
4. S3 bucket created to store key list
# build the lambda function : "delStorageData"
1. Create IAM roles and policy to attach (see json files in 02_iam folder respectively)
- Create policy “policy_AWSKeyManagementServicesForDeletion”
- Create role “role_dsd-role-lambda” for lambda with policy attached above
2. Create the lambda function
- Configure the lambda function with the following two python code
- delStorageData.py
- lambda_handler.py
- timeout: 5 minutes
- memory: (dpend on the volume of the bucket to delete)
3. Run lambda function
- Run lambda by entering data in the following json format
"bucketName" : "",
"bucketNameStoredKeylist" : "",
"keyIdToSign" : "",
"filenameOfKeyList" : "", ## need to set
"digestFilePath" : "", ## need to set
"signatureFilePath" : "" ## need to set
!! This will delete the specified bucket and all objects and schedule the deletion of the CMKs used for encryption!!
# the procedure to verify the list of keys scheduled to delete
Make sure the hash (sha256) of the original file matches
# : "keyListAboutDeletedS3Bucket.dat"
# : "digest.txt"
# : "signature.binary"
$ sha256sum
d4e120ff985bb3f0c220d1879f3868840d6dab3e4e2256a984d48eac2dee3742 keyListAboutDeletedS3Bucket.dat
$ cat digest.txt
Verify that the can be validated with the signature file that is stored with it
$ aws kms verify --key-id \
--message-type RAW \
--signing-algorithm ECDSA_SHA_256 \
--message fileb:// \
--signature fileb://
Sample when verify succeeded
$ aws kms verify --key-id alias/dsd-key-for-signature-ecc_secg_p256k1 --message-type RAW --signing-algorithm ECDSA_SHA_256 --message fileb://digest.txt --signature fileb://signature.binary
"KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:*********:key/c30b398a-70a9-4a5a-902f-*******",
"SignatureValid": true,
"SigningAlgorithm": "ECDSA_SHA_256"