""" AMQP Specification ================== This module implements the constants and classes that comprise AMQP protocol level constructs. It should rarely be directly referenced outside of Pika's own internal use. .. note:: Auto-generated code by codegen.py, do not edit directly. Pull requests to this file without accompanying ``utils/codegen.py`` changes will be rejected. """ import struct from pika import amqp_object from pika import data from pika.compat import str_or_bytes, unicode_type from pika.exchange_type import ExchangeType from pika.delivery_mode import DeliveryMode # Python 3 support for str object str = bytes PROTOCOL_VERSION = (0, 9, 1) PORT = 5672 ACCESS_REFUSED = 403 CHANNEL_ERROR = 504 COMMAND_INVALID = 503 CONNECTION_FORCED = 320 CONTENT_TOO_LARGE = 311 FRAME_BODY = 3 FRAME_END = 206 FRAME_END_SIZE = 1 FRAME_ERROR = 501 FRAME_HEADER = 2 FRAME_HEADER_SIZE = 7 FRAME_HEARTBEAT = 8 FRAME_MAX_SIZE = 131072 FRAME_METHOD = 1 FRAME_MIN_SIZE = 4096 INTERNAL_ERROR = 541 INVALID_PATH = 402 NOT_ALLOWED = 530 NOT_FOUND = 404 NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 540 NO_CONSUMERS = 313 NO_ROUTE = 312 PERSISTENT_DELIVERY_MODE = 2 PRECONDITION_FAILED = 406 REPLY_SUCCESS = 200 RESOURCE_ERROR = 506 RESOURCE_LOCKED = 405 SYNTAX_ERROR = 502 TRANSIENT_DELIVERY_MODE = 1 UNEXPECTED_FRAME = 505 class Connection(amqp_object.Class): INDEX = 0x000A # 10 NAME = 'Connection' class Start(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A000A # 10, 10; 655370 NAME = 'Connection.Start' def __init__(self, version_major=0, version_minor=9, server_properties=None, mechanisms='PLAIN', locales='en_US'): self.version_major = version_major self.version_minor = version_minor self.server_properties = server_properties self.mechanisms = mechanisms self.locales = locales @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.version_major = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.version_minor = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 (self.server_properties, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.mechanisms = encoded[offset:offset + length] try: self.mechanisms = str(self.mechanisms) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass offset += length length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.locales = encoded[offset:offset + length] try: self.locales = str(self.locales) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass offset += length return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('B', self.version_major)) pieces.append(struct.pack('B', self.version_minor)) data.encode_table(pieces, self.server_properties) assert isinstance(self.mechanisms, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.mechanisms' value = self.mechanisms.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.mechanisms, unicode_type) else self.mechanisms pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value))) pieces.append(value) assert isinstance(self.locales, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.locales' value = self.locales.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.locales, unicode_type) else self.locales pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value))) pieces.append(value) return pieces class StartOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A000B # 10, 11; 655371 NAME = 'Connection.StartOk' def __init__(self, client_properties=None, mechanism='PLAIN', response=None, locale='en_US'): self.client_properties = client_properties self.mechanism = mechanism self.response = response self.locale = locale @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): (self.client_properties, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) self.mechanism, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.response = encoded[offset:offset + length] try: self.response = str(self.response) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass offset += length self.locale, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() data.encode_table(pieces, self.client_properties) assert isinstance(self.mechanism, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.mechanism' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.mechanism) assert isinstance(self.response, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.response' value = self.response.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.response, unicode_type) else self.response pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value))) pieces.append(value) assert isinstance(self.locale, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.locale' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.locale) return pieces class Secure(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A0014 # 10, 20; 655380 NAME = 'Connection.Secure' def __init__(self, challenge=None): self.challenge = challenge @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.challenge = encoded[offset:offset + length] try: self.challenge = str(self.challenge) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass offset += length return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.challenge, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.challenge' value = self.challenge.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.challenge, unicode_type) else self.challenge pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value))) pieces.append(value) return pieces class SecureOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A0015 # 10, 21; 655381 NAME = 'Connection.SecureOk' def __init__(self, response=None): self.response = response @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.response = encoded[offset:offset + length] try: self.response = str(self.response) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass offset += length return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.response, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.response' value = self.response.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.response, unicode_type) else self.response pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value))) pieces.append(value) return pieces class Tune(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A001E # 10, 30; 655390 NAME = 'Connection.Tune' def __init__(self, channel_max=0, frame_max=0, heartbeat=0): self.channel_max = channel_max self.frame_max = frame_max self.heartbeat = heartbeat @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.channel_max = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.frame_max = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.heartbeat = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.channel_max)) pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.frame_max)) pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.heartbeat)) return pieces class TuneOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A001F # 10, 31; 655391 NAME = 'Connection.TuneOk' def __init__(self, channel_max=0, frame_max=0, heartbeat=0): self.channel_max = channel_max self.frame_max = frame_max self.heartbeat = heartbeat @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.channel_max = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.frame_max = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.heartbeat = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.channel_max)) pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.frame_max)) pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.heartbeat)) return pieces class Open(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A0028 # 10, 40; 655400 NAME = 'Connection.Open' def __init__(self, virtual_host='/', capabilities='', insist=False): self.virtual_host = virtual_host self.capabilities = capabilities self.insist = insist @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.virtual_host, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.capabilities, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.insist = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.virtual_host, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.virtual_host' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.virtual_host) assert isinstance(self.capabilities, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.capabilities' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.capabilities) bit_buffer = 0 if self.insist: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class OpenOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A0029 # 10, 41; 655401 NAME = 'Connection.OpenOk' def __init__(self, known_hosts=''): self.known_hosts = known_hosts @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.known_hosts, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.known_hosts, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.known_hosts' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.known_hosts) return pieces class Close(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A0032 # 10, 50; 655410 NAME = 'Connection.Close' def __init__(self, reply_code=None, reply_text='', class_id=None, method_id=None): self.reply_code = reply_code self.reply_text = reply_text self.class_id = class_id self.method_id = method_id @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.reply_code = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.reply_text, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.class_id = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.method_id = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.reply_code)) assert isinstance(self.reply_text, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.reply_text' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reply_text) pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.class_id)) pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.method_id)) return pieces class CloseOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A0033 # 10, 51; 655411 NAME = 'Connection.CloseOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Blocked(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A003C # 10, 60; 655420 NAME = 'Connection.Blocked' def __init__(self, reason=''): self.reason = reason @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.reason, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.reason, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.reason' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reason) return pieces class Unblocked(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A003D # 10, 61; 655421 NAME = 'Connection.Unblocked' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class UpdateSecret(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A0046 # 10, 70; 655430 NAME = 'Connection.UpdateSecret' def __init__(self, new_secret, reason): self.new_secret = new_secret self.reason = reason @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.mechanisms = encoded[offset:offset + length] try: self.mechanisms = str(self.mechanisms) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass offset += length self.reason, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.new_secret, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.new_secret' value = self.new_secret.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.new_secret, unicode_type) else self.new_secret pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value))) pieces.append(value) assert isinstance(self.reason, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.reason' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reason) return pieces class UpdateSecretOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x000A0047 # 10, 71; 655431 NAME = 'Connection.UpdateSecretOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Channel(amqp_object.Class): INDEX = 0x0014 # 20 NAME = 'Channel' class Open(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0014000A # 20, 10; 1310730 NAME = 'Channel.Open' def __init__(self, out_of_band=''): self.out_of_band = out_of_band @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.out_of_band, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.out_of_band, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.out_of_band' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.out_of_band) return pieces class OpenOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0014000B # 20, 11; 1310731 NAME = 'Channel.OpenOk' def __init__(self, channel_id=''): self.channel_id = channel_id @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.channel_id = encoded[offset:offset + length] try: self.channel_id = str(self.channel_id) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass offset += length return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.channel_id, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.channel_id' value = self.channel_id.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.channel_id, unicode_type) else self.channel_id pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value))) pieces.append(value) return pieces class Flow(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00140014 # 20, 20; 1310740 NAME = 'Channel.Flow' def __init__(self, active=None): self.active = active @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.active = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() bit_buffer = 0 if self.active: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class FlowOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00140015 # 20, 21; 1310741 NAME = 'Channel.FlowOk' def __init__(self, active=None): self.active = active @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.active = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() bit_buffer = 0 if self.active: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class Close(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00140028 # 20, 40; 1310760 NAME = 'Channel.Close' def __init__(self, reply_code=None, reply_text='', class_id=None, method_id=None): self.reply_code = reply_code self.reply_text = reply_text self.class_id = class_id self.method_id = method_id @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.reply_code = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.reply_text, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.class_id = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.method_id = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.reply_code)) assert isinstance(self.reply_text, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.reply_text' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reply_text) pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.class_id)) pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.method_id)) return pieces class CloseOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00140029 # 20, 41; 1310761 NAME = 'Channel.CloseOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Access(amqp_object.Class): INDEX = 0x001E # 30 NAME = 'Access' class Request(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x001E000A # 30, 10; 1966090 NAME = 'Access.Request' def __init__(self, realm='/data', exclusive=False, passive=True, active=True, write=True, read=True): self.realm = realm self.exclusive = exclusive self.passive = passive self.active = active self.write = write self.read = read @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.realm, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.exclusive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.passive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0 self.active = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0 self.write = (bit_buffer & (1 << 3)) != 0 self.read = (bit_buffer & (1 << 4)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.realm, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.realm' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.realm) bit_buffer = 0 if self.exclusive: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 if self.passive: bit_buffer |= 1 << 1 if self.active: bit_buffer |= 1 << 2 if self.write: bit_buffer |= 1 << 3 if self.read: bit_buffer |= 1 << 4 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class RequestOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x001E000B # 30, 11; 1966091 NAME = 'Access.RequestOk' def __init__(self, ticket=1): self.ticket = ticket @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) return pieces class Exchange(amqp_object.Class): INDEX = 0x0028 # 40 NAME = 'Exchange' class Declare(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0028000A # 40, 10; 2621450 NAME = 'Exchange.Declare' def __init__(self, ticket=0, exchange=None, type=ExchangeType.direct, passive=False, durable=False, auto_delete=False, internal=False, nowait=False, arguments=None): self.ticket = ticket self.exchange = exchange self.type = type self.passive = passive self.durable = durable self.auto_delete = auto_delete self.internal = internal self.nowait = nowait self.arguments = arguments @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.exchange, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.type, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.passive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.durable = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0 self.auto_delete = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0 self.internal = (bit_buffer & (1 << 3)) != 0 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 4)) != 0 (self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.exchange, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.exchange' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.exchange) assert isinstance(self.type, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.type' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.type) bit_buffer = 0 if self.passive: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 if self.durable: bit_buffer |= 1 << 1 if self.auto_delete: bit_buffer |= 1 << 2 if self.internal: bit_buffer |= 1 << 3 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 4 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments) return pieces class DeclareOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0028000B # 40, 11; 2621451 NAME = 'Exchange.DeclareOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Delete(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00280014 # 40, 20; 2621460 NAME = 'Exchange.Delete' def __init__(self, ticket=0, exchange=None, if_unused=False, nowait=False): self.ticket = ticket self.exchange = exchange self.if_unused = if_unused self.nowait = nowait @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.exchange, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.if_unused = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.exchange, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.exchange' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.exchange) bit_buffer = 0 if self.if_unused: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 1 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class DeleteOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00280015 # 40, 21; 2621461 NAME = 'Exchange.DeleteOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Bind(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0028001E # 40, 30; 2621470 NAME = 'Exchange.Bind' def __init__(self, ticket=0, destination=None, source=None, routing_key='', nowait=False, arguments=None): self.ticket = ticket self.destination = destination self.source = source self.routing_key = routing_key self.nowait = nowait self.arguments = arguments @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.destination, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.source, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 (self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.destination, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.destination' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.destination) assert isinstance(self.source, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.source' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.source) assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key) bit_buffer = 0 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments) return pieces class BindOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0028001F # 40, 31; 2621471 NAME = 'Exchange.BindOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Unbind(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00280028 # 40, 40; 2621480 NAME = 'Exchange.Unbind' def __init__(self, ticket=0, destination=None, source=None, routing_key='', nowait=False, arguments=None): self.ticket = ticket self.destination = destination self.source = source self.routing_key = routing_key self.nowait = nowait self.arguments = arguments @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.destination, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.source, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 (self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.destination, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.destination' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.destination) assert isinstance(self.source, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.source' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.source) assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key) bit_buffer = 0 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments) return pieces class UnbindOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00280033 # 40, 51; 2621491 NAME = 'Exchange.UnbindOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Queue(amqp_object.Class): INDEX = 0x0032 # 50 NAME = 'Queue' class Declare(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0032000A # 50, 10; 3276810 NAME = 'Queue.Declare' def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', passive=False, durable=False, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False, nowait=False, arguments=None): self.ticket = ticket self.queue = queue self.passive = passive self.durable = durable self.exclusive = exclusive self.auto_delete = auto_delete self.nowait = nowait self.arguments = arguments @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.passive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.durable = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0 self.exclusive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0 self.auto_delete = (bit_buffer & (1 << 3)) != 0 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 4)) != 0 (self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue) bit_buffer = 0 if self.passive: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 if self.durable: bit_buffer |= 1 << 1 if self.exclusive: bit_buffer |= 1 << 2 if self.auto_delete: bit_buffer |= 1 << 3 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 4 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments) return pieces class DeclareOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0032000B # 50, 11; 3276811 NAME = 'Queue.DeclareOk' def __init__(self, queue=None, message_count=None, consumer_count=None): self.queue = queue self.message_count = message_count self.consumer_count = consumer_count @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.message_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.consumer_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue) pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.message_count)) pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.consumer_count)) return pieces class Bind(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00320014 # 50, 20; 3276820 NAME = 'Queue.Bind' def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', exchange=None, routing_key='', nowait=False, arguments=None): self.ticket = ticket self.queue = queue self.exchange = exchange self.routing_key = routing_key self.nowait = nowait self.arguments = arguments @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.exchange, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 (self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue) assert isinstance(self.exchange, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.exchange' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.exchange) assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key) bit_buffer = 0 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments) return pieces class BindOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00320015 # 50, 21; 3276821 NAME = 'Queue.BindOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Purge(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0032001E # 50, 30; 3276830 NAME = 'Queue.Purge' def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', nowait=False): self.ticket = ticket self.queue = queue self.nowait = nowait @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue) bit_buffer = 0 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class PurgeOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0032001F # 50, 31; 3276831 NAME = 'Queue.PurgeOk' def __init__(self, message_count=None): self.message_count = message_count @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.message_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.message_count)) return pieces class Delete(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00320028 # 50, 40; 3276840 NAME = 'Queue.Delete' def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', if_unused=False, if_empty=False, nowait=False): self.ticket = ticket self.queue = queue self.if_unused = if_unused self.if_empty = if_empty self.nowait = nowait @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.if_unused = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.if_empty = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue) bit_buffer = 0 if self.if_unused: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 if self.if_empty: bit_buffer |= 1 << 1 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 2 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class DeleteOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00320029 # 50, 41; 3276841 NAME = 'Queue.DeleteOk' def __init__(self, message_count=None): self.message_count = message_count @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.message_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.message_count)) return pieces class Unbind(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00320032 # 50, 50; 3276850 NAME = 'Queue.Unbind' def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', exchange=None, routing_key='', arguments=None): self.ticket = ticket self.queue = queue self.exchange = exchange self.routing_key = routing_key self.arguments = arguments @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.exchange, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) (self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue) assert isinstance(self.exchange, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.exchange' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.exchange) assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key) data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments) return pieces class UnbindOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x00320033 # 50, 51; 3276851 NAME = 'Queue.UnbindOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Basic(amqp_object.Class): INDEX = 0x003C # 60 NAME = 'Basic' class Qos(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C000A # 60, 10; 3932170 NAME = 'Basic.Qos' def __init__(self, prefetch_size=0, prefetch_count=0, global_qos=False): self.prefetch_size = prefetch_size self.prefetch_count = prefetch_count self.global_qos = global_qos @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.prefetch_size = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 self.prefetch_count = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.global_qos = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.prefetch_size)) pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.prefetch_count)) bit_buffer = 0 if self.global_qos: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class QosOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C000B # 60, 11; 3932171 NAME = 'Basic.QosOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Consume(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0014 # 60, 20; 3932180 NAME = 'Basic.Consume' def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', consumer_tag='', no_local=False, no_ack=False, exclusive=False, nowait=False, arguments=None): self.ticket = ticket self.queue = queue self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag self.no_local = no_local self.no_ack = no_ack self.exclusive = exclusive self.nowait = nowait self.arguments = arguments @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.no_local = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.no_ack = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0 self.exclusive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 3)) != 0 (self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue) assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag) bit_buffer = 0 if self.no_local: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 if self.no_ack: bit_buffer |= 1 << 1 if self.exclusive: bit_buffer |= 1 << 2 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 3 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments) return pieces class ConsumeOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0015 # 60, 21; 3932181 NAME = 'Basic.ConsumeOk' def __init__(self, consumer_tag=None): self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag) return pieces class Cancel(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C001E # 60, 30; 3932190 NAME = 'Basic.Cancel' def __init__(self, consumer_tag=None, nowait=False): self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag self.nowait = nowait @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag) bit_buffer = 0 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class CancelOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C001F # 60, 31; 3932191 NAME = 'Basic.CancelOk' def __init__(self, consumer_tag=None): self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag) return pieces class Publish(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0028 # 60, 40; 3932200 NAME = 'Basic.Publish' def __init__(self, ticket=0, exchange='', routing_key='', mandatory=False, immediate=False): self.ticket = ticket self.exchange = exchange self.routing_key = routing_key self.mandatory = mandatory self.immediate = immediate @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.exchange, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.mandatory = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.immediate = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.exchange, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.exchange' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.exchange) assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key) bit_buffer = 0 if self.mandatory: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 if self.immediate: bit_buffer |= 1 << 1 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class Return(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0032 # 60, 50; 3932210 NAME = 'Basic.Return' def __init__(self, reply_code=None, reply_text='', exchange=None, routing_key=None): self.reply_code = reply_code self.reply_text = reply_text self.exchange = exchange self.routing_key = routing_key @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.reply_code = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.reply_text, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.exchange, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.reply_code)) assert isinstance(self.reply_text, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.reply_text' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reply_text) assert isinstance(self.exchange, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.exchange' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.exchange) assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key) return pieces class Deliver(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C003C # 60, 60; 3932220 NAME = 'Basic.Deliver' def __init__(self, consumer_tag=None, delivery_tag=None, redelivered=False, exchange=None, routing_key=None): self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag self.redelivered = redelivered self.exchange = exchange self.routing_key = routing_key @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 8 bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.redelivered = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.exchange, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag) pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag)) bit_buffer = 0 if self.redelivered: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) assert isinstance(self.exchange, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.exchange' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.exchange) assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key) return pieces class Get(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0046 # 60, 70; 3932230 NAME = 'Basic.Get' def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', no_ack=False): self.ticket = ticket self.queue = queue self.no_ack = no_ack @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.no_ack = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket)) assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue) bit_buffer = 0 if self.no_ack: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class GetOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0047 # 60, 71; 3932231 NAME = 'Basic.GetOk' def __init__(self, delivery_tag=None, redelivered=False, exchange=None, routing_key=None, message_count=None): self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag self.redelivered = redelivered self.exchange = exchange self.routing_key = routing_key self.message_count = message_count @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 8 bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.redelivered = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.exchange, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) self.message_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 4 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag)) bit_buffer = 0 if self.redelivered: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) assert isinstance(self.exchange, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.exchange' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.exchange) assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key) pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.message_count)) return pieces class GetEmpty(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0048 # 60, 72; 3932232 NAME = 'Basic.GetEmpty' def __init__(self, cluster_id=''): self.cluster_id = cluster_id @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.cluster_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) return self def encode(self): pieces = list() assert isinstance(self.cluster_id, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.cluster_id' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.cluster_id) return pieces class Ack(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0050 # 60, 80; 3932240 NAME = 'Basic.Ack' def __init__(self, delivery_tag=0, multiple=False): self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag self.multiple = multiple @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 8 bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.multiple = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag)) bit_buffer = 0 if self.multiple: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class Reject(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C005A # 60, 90; 3932250 NAME = 'Basic.Reject' def __init__(self, delivery_tag=None, requeue=True): self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag self.requeue = requeue @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 8 bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.requeue = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag)) bit_buffer = 0 if self.requeue: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class RecoverAsync(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0064 # 60, 100; 3932260 NAME = 'Basic.RecoverAsync' def __init__(self, requeue=False): self.requeue = requeue @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.requeue = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() bit_buffer = 0 if self.requeue: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class Recover(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C006E # 60, 110; 3932270 NAME = 'Basic.Recover' def __init__(self, requeue=False): self.requeue = requeue @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.requeue = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() bit_buffer = 0 if self.requeue: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class RecoverOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C006F # 60, 111; 3932271 NAME = 'Basic.RecoverOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Nack(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x003C0078 # 60, 120; 3932280 NAME = 'Basic.Nack' def __init__(self, delivery_tag=0, multiple=False, requeue=True): self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag self.multiple = multiple self.requeue = requeue @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 8 bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.multiple = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 self.requeue = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag)) bit_buffer = 0 if self.multiple: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 if self.requeue: bit_buffer |= 1 << 1 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class Tx(amqp_object.Class): INDEX = 0x005A # 90 NAME = 'Tx' class Select(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x005A000A # 90, 10; 5898250 NAME = 'Tx.Select' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class SelectOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x005A000B # 90, 11; 5898251 NAME = 'Tx.SelectOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Commit(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x005A0014 # 90, 20; 5898260 NAME = 'Tx.Commit' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class CommitOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x005A0015 # 90, 21; 5898261 NAME = 'Tx.CommitOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Rollback(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x005A001E # 90, 30; 5898270 NAME = 'Tx.Rollback' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class RollbackOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x005A001F # 90, 31; 5898271 NAME = 'Tx.RollbackOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class Confirm(amqp_object.Class): INDEX = 0x0055 # 85 NAME = 'Confirm' class Select(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0055000A # 85, 10; 5570570 NAME = 'Confirm.Select' def __init__(self, nowait=False): self.nowait = nowait @property def synchronous(self): return True def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0 return self def encode(self): pieces = list() bit_buffer = 0 if self.nowait: bit_buffer |= 1 << 0 pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer)) return pieces class SelectOk(amqp_object.Method): INDEX = 0x0055000B # 85, 11; 5570571 NAME = 'Confirm.SelectOk' def __init__(self): pass @property def synchronous(self): return False def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): return self def encode(self): pieces = list() return pieces class BasicProperties(amqp_object.Properties): CLASS = Basic INDEX = 0x003C # 60 NAME = 'BasicProperties' FLAG_CONTENT_TYPE = (1 << 15) FLAG_CONTENT_ENCODING = (1 << 14) FLAG_HEADERS = (1 << 13) FLAG_DELIVERY_MODE = (1 << 12) FLAG_PRIORITY = (1 << 11) FLAG_CORRELATION_ID = (1 << 10) FLAG_REPLY_TO = (1 << 9) FLAG_EXPIRATION = (1 << 8) FLAG_MESSAGE_ID = (1 << 7) FLAG_TIMESTAMP = (1 << 6) FLAG_TYPE = (1 << 5) FLAG_USER_ID = (1 << 4) FLAG_APP_ID = (1 << 3) FLAG_CLUSTER_ID = (1 << 2) def __init__(self, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, headers=None, delivery_mode=None, priority=None, correlation_id=None, reply_to=None, expiration=None, message_id=None, timestamp=None, type=None, user_id=None, app_id=None, cluster_id=None): self.content_type = content_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding self.headers = headers if isinstance(delivery_mode, DeliveryMode): self.delivery_mode = delivery_mode.value else: self.delivery_mode = delivery_mode self.priority = priority self.correlation_id = correlation_id self.reply_to = reply_to self.expiration = expiration self.message_id = message_id self.timestamp = timestamp self.type = type self.user_id = user_id self.app_id = app_id self.cluster_id = cluster_id def decode(self, encoded, offset=0): flags = 0 flagword_index = 0 while True: partial_flags = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 2 flags = flags | (partial_flags << (flagword_index * 16)) if not (partial_flags & 1): break flagword_index += 1 if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_CONTENT_TYPE: self.content_type, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.content_type = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_CONTENT_ENCODING: self.content_encoding, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.content_encoding = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_HEADERS: (self.headers, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset) else: self.headers = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_DELIVERY_MODE: self.delivery_mode = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 else: self.delivery_mode = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_PRIORITY: self.priority = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 1 else: self.priority = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_CORRELATION_ID: self.correlation_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.correlation_id = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_REPLY_TO: self.reply_to, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.reply_to = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_EXPIRATION: self.expiration, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.expiration = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_MESSAGE_ID: self.message_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.message_id = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_TIMESTAMP: self.timestamp = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0] offset += 8 else: self.timestamp = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_TYPE: self.type, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.type = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_USER_ID: self.user_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.user_id = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_APP_ID: self.app_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.app_id = None if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_CLUSTER_ID: self.cluster_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset) else: self.cluster_id = None return self def encode(self): pieces = list() flags = 0 if self.content_type is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_CONTENT_TYPE assert isinstance(self.content_type, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.content_type' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.content_type) if self.content_encoding is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_CONTENT_ENCODING assert isinstance(self.content_encoding, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.content_encoding' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.content_encoding) if self.headers is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_HEADERS data.encode_table(pieces, self.headers) if self.delivery_mode is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_DELIVERY_MODE pieces.append(struct.pack('B', self.delivery_mode)) if self.priority is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_PRIORITY pieces.append(struct.pack('B', self.priority)) if self.correlation_id is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_CORRELATION_ID assert isinstance(self.correlation_id, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.correlation_id' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.correlation_id) if self.reply_to is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_REPLY_TO assert isinstance(self.reply_to, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.reply_to' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reply_to) if self.expiration is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_EXPIRATION assert isinstance(self.expiration, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.expiration' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.expiration) if self.message_id is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_MESSAGE_ID assert isinstance(self.message_id, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.message_id' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.message_id) if self.timestamp is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_TIMESTAMP pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.timestamp)) if self.type is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_TYPE assert isinstance(self.type, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.type' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.type) if self.user_id is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_USER_ID assert isinstance(self.user_id, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.user_id' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.user_id) if self.app_id is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_APP_ID assert isinstance(self.app_id, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.app_id' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.app_id) if self.cluster_id is not None: flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_CLUSTER_ID assert isinstance(self.cluster_id, str_or_bytes),\ 'A non-string value was supplied for self.cluster_id' data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.cluster_id) flag_pieces = list() while True: remainder = flags >> 16 partial_flags = flags & 0xFFFE if remainder != 0: partial_flags |= 1 flag_pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', partial_flags)) flags = remainder if not flags: break return flag_pieces + pieces methods = { 0x000A000A: Connection.Start, 0x000A000B: Connection.StartOk, 0x000A0014: Connection.Secure, 0x000A0015: Connection.SecureOk, 0x000A001E: Connection.Tune, 0x000A001F: Connection.TuneOk, 0x000A0028: Connection.Open, 0x000A0029: Connection.OpenOk, 0x000A0032: Connection.Close, 0x000A0033: Connection.CloseOk, 0x000A003C: Connection.Blocked, 0x000A003D: Connection.Unblocked, 0x000A0046: Connection.UpdateSecret, 0x000A0047: Connection.UpdateSecretOk, 0x0014000A: Channel.Open, 0x0014000B: Channel.OpenOk, 0x00140014: Channel.Flow, 0x00140015: Channel.FlowOk, 0x00140028: Channel.Close, 0x00140029: Channel.CloseOk, 0x001E000A: Access.Request, 0x001E000B: Access.RequestOk, 0x0028000A: Exchange.Declare, 0x0028000B: Exchange.DeclareOk, 0x00280014: Exchange.Delete, 0x00280015: Exchange.DeleteOk, 0x0028001E: Exchange.Bind, 0x0028001F: Exchange.BindOk, 0x00280028: Exchange.Unbind, 0x00280033: Exchange.UnbindOk, 0x0032000A: Queue.Declare, 0x0032000B: Queue.DeclareOk, 0x00320014: Queue.Bind, 0x00320015: Queue.BindOk, 0x0032001E: Queue.Purge, 0x0032001F: Queue.PurgeOk, 0x00320028: Queue.Delete, 0x00320029: Queue.DeleteOk, 0x00320032: Queue.Unbind, 0x00320033: Queue.UnbindOk, 0x003C000A: Basic.Qos, 0x003C000B: Basic.QosOk, 0x003C0014: Basic.Consume, 0x003C0015: Basic.ConsumeOk, 0x003C001E: Basic.Cancel, 0x003C001F: Basic.CancelOk, 0x003C0028: Basic.Publish, 0x003C0032: Basic.Return, 0x003C003C: Basic.Deliver, 0x003C0046: Basic.Get, 0x003C0047: Basic.GetOk, 0x003C0048: Basic.GetEmpty, 0x003C0050: Basic.Ack, 0x003C005A: Basic.Reject, 0x003C0064: Basic.RecoverAsync, 0x003C006E: Basic.Recover, 0x003C006F: Basic.RecoverOk, 0x003C0078: Basic.Nack, 0x005A000A: Tx.Select, 0x005A000B: Tx.SelectOk, 0x005A0014: Tx.Commit, 0x005A0015: Tx.CommitOk, 0x005A001E: Tx.Rollback, 0x005A001F: Tx.RollbackOk, 0x0055000A: Confirm.Select, 0x0055000B: Confirm.SelectOk } props = { 0x003C: BasicProperties } def has_content(methodNumber): return methodNumber in ( Basic.Publish.INDEX, Basic.Return.INDEX, Basic.Deliver.INDEX, Basic.GetOk.INDEX, )