import os, sys import boto3 import re def regex_extract(text, pattern): m =, text) print(text) if m: found = return found def extract_result(log_abspath): result = {} ap_95_all = 0 ap_50_all = 0 ap_75_all = 0 ap_95_small = 0 ap_95_medium = 0 ap_95_large = 0 with open(log_abspath, 'r') as log: for line in log: if 'IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100' in line: temp_ap_95_all = float(regex_extract(line, '(?<=maxDets\=100\s\]\s\=\s)([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)')) ap_95_all = max(ap_95_all, temp_ap_95_all) if 'IoU=0.50 | area= all | maxDets=100' in line: temp_ap_50_all = float(regex_extract(line, '(?<=maxDets\=100\s\]\s\=\s)([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)')) ap_50_all = max(ap_50_all, temp_ap_50_all) if 'IoU=0.75 | area= all | maxDets=100' in line: temp_ap_75_all = float(regex_extract(line, '(?<=maxDets\=100\s\]\s\=\s)([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)')) ap_75_all = max(ap_75_all, temp_ap_75_all) if 'IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100' in line: temp_ap_95_small = float(regex_extract(line, '(?<=maxDets\=100\s\]\s\=\s)([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)')) ap_95_small = max(ap_95_small, temp_ap_95_small) if 'IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100' in line: temp_ap_95_medium = float(regex_extract(line, '(?<=maxDets\=100\s\]\s\=\s)([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)')) ap_95_medium = max(ap_95_medium, temp_ap_95_medium) if 'IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100' in line: temp_ap_95_large = float(regex_extract(line, '(?<=maxDets\=100\s\]\s\=\s)([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)')) ap_95_large = max(ap_95_large, temp_ap_95_large) if 'Training seconds: ' in line: time = float(regex_extract(line, 'Training seconds: ([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)')) result['time'] = time result['ap_0.95_all'] = ap_95_all result['ap_0.50_all'] = ap_50_all result['ap_0.75_all'] = ap_75_all result['ap_0.95_small'] = ap_95_small result['ap_0.95_medium'] = ap_95_medium result['ap_0.95_large'] = ap_95_large return result def upload_metrics(parsed_results, num_gpus, batch_size, instance_type, platform): client = boto3.client('cloudwatch') print(parsed_results['ap_0.95_all']) client.put_metric_data( Namespace='ModelOptimization', MetricData=[ { 'MetricName': 'Precision-0.50:0.95-all', 'Value': parsed_results['ap_0.95_all'], 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'Model', 'Value': 'FasterRCNN' }, { 'Name': 'Platform', 'Value': str(platform) }, { 'Name': 'Instance Type', 'Value': str(instance_type) }, { 'Name': 'Num of GPUs', 'Value': 'GPUs:' + str(num_gpus) }, { 'Name': 'Batch Size', 'Value': 'Batche Size:' + str(batch_size) } ] } ] ) print(parsed_results['ap_0.50_all']) client.put_metric_data( Namespace='ModelOptimization', MetricData=[ { 'MetricName': 'Precision-0.50-all', 'Value': parsed_results['ap_0.50_all'], 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'Model', 'Value': 'FasterRCNN' }, { 'Name': 'Platform', 'Value': str(platform) }, { 'Name': 'Instance Type', 'Value': str(instance_type) }, { 'Name': 'Num of GPUs', 'Value': 'GPUs:' + str(num_gpus) }, { 'Name': 'Batch Size', 'Value': 'Batch Size:' + str(batch_size) } ] } ] ) print(parsed_results['ap_0.75_all']) client.put_metric_data( Namespace='ModelOptimization', MetricData=[ { 'MetricName': 'Precision-0.75-all', 'Value': parsed_results['ap_0.75_all'], 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'Model', 'Value': 'FasterRCNN' }, { 'Name': 'Platform', 'Value': str(platform) }, { 'Name': 'Instance Type', 'Value': str(instance_type) }, { 'Name': 'Num of GPUs', 'Value': 'GPUs:' + str(num_gpus) }, { 'Name': 'Batch Size', 'Value': 'Batch Size:' + str(batch_size) } ] } ] ) print(parsed_results['ap_0.95_small']) client.put_metric_data( Namespace='ModelOptimization', MetricData=[ { 'MetricName': 'Precision-0.50:0.95-small', 'Value': parsed_results['ap_0.95_small'], 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'Model', 'Value': 'FasterRCNN' }, { 'Name': 'Platform', 'Value': str(platform) }, { 'Name': 'Instance Type', 'Value': str(instance_type) }, { 'Name': 'Num of GPUs', 'Value': 'GPUs:' + str(num_gpus) }, { 'Name': 'Batch Size', 'Value': 'Batch Size:' + str(batch_size) } ] } ] ) print(parsed_results['ap_0.95_medium']) client.put_metric_data( Namespace='ModelOptimization', MetricData=[ { 'MetricName': 'Precision-0.50:0.95-medium', 'Value': parsed_results['ap_0.95_medium'], 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'Model', 'Value': 'FasterRCNN' }, { 'Name': 'Platform', 'Value': str(platform) }, { 'Name': 'Instance Type', 'Value': str(instance_type) }, { 'Name': 'Num of GPUs', 'Value': 'GPUs:' + str(num_gpus) }, { 'Name': 'Batch Size', 'Value': 'Batch Size:' + str(batch_size) } ] } ] ) print(parsed_results['ap_0.95_large']) client.put_metric_data( Namespace='ModelOptimization', MetricData=[ { 'MetricName': 'Precision-0.50:0.95-large', 'Value': parsed_results['ap_0.95_large'], 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'Model', 'Value': 'FasterRCNN' }, { 'Name': 'Platform', 'Value': str(platform) }, { 'Name': 'Instance Type', 'Value': str(instance_type) }, { 'Name': 'Num of GPUs', 'Value': 'GPUs:' + str(num_gpus) }, { 'Name': 'Batch Size', 'Value': 'Batch Size:' + str(batch_size) } ] } ] ) print(parsed_results['time']) client.put_metric_data( Namespace='ModelOptimization', MetricData=[ { 'MetricName': 'Training time', 'Value': parsed_results['time'], 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'Model', 'Value': 'FasterRCNN' }, { 'Name': 'Platform', 'Value': str(platform) }, { 'Name': 'Instance Type', 'Value': str(instance_type) }, { 'Name': 'Num of GPUs', 'Value': 'GPUs:' + str(num_gpus) }, { 'Name': 'Batch Size', 'Value': 'Batch Size:' + str(batch_size) } ] } ] ) if __name__ == '__main__': abspath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), sys.argv[1]) parsed_results = extract_result(abspath) upload_metrics(parsed_results, sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5])