import paramiko from scp import SCPClient from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from time import time import os class SSH(object): """ Provides a simple set of ssh and scp tools for working with one or several ec2 instances. """ def __init__(self, public_ips, key_file, user_name='ubuntu', async_threads=None): """ Parameters ---------- public_ips : list(str) List of public ip addresses for EC2 instances key_file : str filepath to keyfile user_name : str optional user name to login to instances, default is ubuntu async_threads : int maximum number of threads, default is number of instances * 8 """ self.public_ips = public_ips self.key = key_file self.user_name = user_name self.thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=async_threads \ if async_threads \ else len(self.public_ips) * 8) def create_connection(self): """ Creates a generic ssh connection Returns ------- ssh : paramiko.SSHClient """ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) return ssh def run_on_node(self, hostname, command): """ Run ssh command on a given host Parameters ---------- hostname : str public ip address of node command : str command to run on node Returns ------- results : dict a dict of stdout and stderr result from command """ ssh = self.create_connection() ssh.connect(hostname=hostname, username=self.user_name, key_filename=self.key) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) results = {'stdout': ''.join(stdout.readlines()), 'stderr': ''.join(stderr.readlines())} ssh.close() return results def run_on_master(self, command, wait=True): """ Run a command on the master node (first ip in list) Parameters ---------- command : str The command to run wait : bool optional default True If true, submits thread to scheduler and returns thread without waiting for result Returns ------- result : dict or thread if wait==True returns dict of stdout and stderr if wait==False returns thread object without waiting for results """ task = self.thread_pool.submit(self.run_on_node, self.public_ips[0], command) if wait: while not task.done(): continue return task.result() return task def run_on_workers(self, command, wait=True): """ Run a command on all worker nodes Parameters ---------- command : str the command to run wait : bool optional default True If true, submits thread to scheduler and returns thread without waiting for result Returns ------- result : list of dict or thread if wait==True returns dict of stdout and stderr if wait==False returns thread object without waiting for results """ tasks = [self.thread_pool.submit(self.run_on_node, worker, command) \ for worker in self.public_ips[1:]] if wait: while not all([i.done() for i in tasks]): continue return [i.result() for i in tasks] return tasks def run_on_all(self, command, wait=True): """ Run a command on all worker nodes Parameters ---------- command : str the command to run wait : bool optional default True If true, submits thread to scheduler and returns thread without waiting for result Returns ------- result : list of dict or thread if wait==True returns dict of stdout and stderr if wait==False returns thread object without waiting for results """ '''tasks = [self.thread_pool.submit(self.node_bash, node, command) \ for node in self.public_ips]''' tasks = [self.thread_pool.submit(self.run_on_node, worker, command) \ for worker in self.public_ips] if wait: while not all([i.done() for i in tasks]): continue return [i.result() for i in tasks] return tasks def node_scp_put(self, hostname, src, dest, recursive=False): """ Copy a file from local to a node Parameters ---------- hostname src dest recursive Returns ------- """ ssh = self.create_connection() ssh.connect(hostname=hostname, username=self.user_name, key_filename=self.key) scp = SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()) results = scp.put(src, remote_path=dest, recursive=recursive) ssh.close() return results def node_scp_get(self, hostname, src, dest="", recursive=False): """ Copy a file from a node to local Parameters ---------- hostname src dest recursive Returns ------- """ ssh = self.create_connection() ssh.connect(hostname=hostname, username=self.user_name, key_filename=self.key) scp = SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()) results = scp.get(src, dest, recursive) ssh.close() return results def scp_local_to_master(self, src, dest, recursive=False, wait=True): """ Copy a file from local to master Parameters ---------- src dest recursive wait Returns ------- """ task = self.thread_pool.submit(self.node_scp_put, self.public_ips[0], src, dest, recursive) if wait: while not task.done(): continue return task.result() return task def scp_master_to_local(self, src, dest="", recursive=False, wait=True): """ Copy a file from master to local Parameters ---------- src dest recursive wait Returns ------- """ task = self.thread_pool.submit(self.node_scp_get, self.public_ips[0], src, dest, recursive) if wait: while not task.done(): continue return task.result() return task def scp_local_to_workers(self, src, dest, recursive=False, wait=True): """ copy a file from local to workers Parameters ---------- src dest recursive wait Returns ------- """ tasks = [self.thread_pool.submit(self.node_scp_put, i, src, dest, recursive) \ for i in self.public_ips[1:]] if wait: while not all([i.done() for i in tasks]): continue return [i.result() for i in tasks] return tasks def scp_workers_to_local(self, src, dest, recursive=False, wait=True): """ copy a file from workers to local Parameters ---------- src dest recursive wait Returns ------- """ tasks = [self.thread_pool.submit(self.node_scp_get, i, src, dest + str(j), recursive) \ for j, i in enumerate(self.public_ips[1:])] if wait: while not all([i.done() for i in tasks]): continue return [i.result() for i in tasks] return tasks def scp_local_to_all(self, src, dest, recursive=False, wait=True): """ copy a file from local to workers Parameters ---------- src dest recursive wait Returns ------- """ tasks = [self.thread_pool.submit(self.node_scp_put, i, src, dest, recursive) \ for i in self.public_ips] if wait: while not all([i.done() for i in tasks]): continue return [i.result() for i in tasks] return tasks def scp_all_to_local(self, src, dest, recursive=False, wait=True): """ copy a file from workers to local Parameters ---------- src dest recursive wait Returns ------- """ tasks = [self.thread_pool.submit(self.node_scp_get, i, src, dest + str(j), recursive) \ for j, i in enumerate(self.public_ips)] if wait: while not all([i.done() for i in tasks]): continue return [i.result() for i in tasks] return tasks def get_gpu_counts(sh): counts = sh.run_on_all('nvidia-smi --query-gpu=gpu_name --format=csv | wc -l') counts = [int(count['stdout'])-1 for count in counts] return counts def create_hostfile(sh, private_ips, outfile='hosts'): gpu_counts = get_gpu_counts(sh) slots = {ip: count for ip, count in zip(private_ips, gpu_counts)} hosts = '' for i, j in slots.items(): hosts += "{0}\tslots={1}\n".format(i, j) sh.run_on_all("printf \"{0}\" >> {1}".format(hosts, outfile)) return def create_ssh_comm(sh): sh.run_on_master('ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa') sh.run_on_all('printf "Host *\n\tForwardAgent yes\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ${HOME}/.ssh/config') sh.run_on_all('printf "\tUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n" >> ${HOME}/.ssh/config') sh.run_on_all('printf "\tLogLevel=ERROR\n\tServerAliveInterval=30\n" >> ${HOME}/.ssh/config') sh.run_on_all('printf "\tUser ubuntu\n" >> ${HOME}/.ssh/config') private_key = sh.run_on_master("cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa") public_key = sh.run_on_master("cat $HOME/.ssh/") sh.run_on_all('printf "{0}" >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format(public_key['stdout'])) sh.run_on_workers('echo "{0}" >> $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa'.format(private_key['stdout'])) sh.run_on_all('chmod 600 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa') return def setup_container_communication(sh): sh.run_on_all('mkdir ssh_container') sh.run_on_all('cp hosts ssh_container/') sh.run_on_master('ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ${HOME}/ssh_container/id_rsa') sh.run_on_all('printf "Host *\n\tForwardAgent yes\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ${HOME}/ssh_container/config') sh.run_on_all('printf "\tUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n" >> ${HOME}/ssh_container/config') sh.run_on_all('printf "\tLogLevel=ERROR\n\tServerAliveInterval=30\n" >> ${HOME}/ssh_container/config') sh.run_on_all('printf "\tUser ubuntu\n" >> ${HOME}/ssh_container/config') private_key = sh.run_on_master("cat $HOME/ssh_container/id_rsa") public_key = sh.run_on_master("cat $HOME/ssh_container/") sh.run_on_all('printf "{0}" >> $HOME/ssh_container/authorized_keys'.format(public_key['stdout'])) sh.run_on_workers('echo "{0}" >> $HOME/ssh_container/id_rsa'.format(private_key['stdout'])) sh.run_on_all('chmod 600 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa') sh.run_on_all('sudo chown root:root ${HOME}/ssh_container/config') sh.run_on_all('printf "#!/bin/bash\n" >> $HOME/.ssh/') sh.run_on_all('printf "echo \\"entering container\\"\n" >> $HOME/.ssh/') sh.run_on_all('printf "docker exec mpicont /bin/bash -c \\"\\$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\\"\n" >> $HOME/.ssh/') sh.run_on_all('chmod +x $HOME/.ssh/') sh.run_on_all('printf "command=\\"bash $HOME/.ssh/\\"" >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys') sh.run_on_all('printf ",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding " >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys') sh.run_on_all('printf "{0}\n" >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format(public_key['stdout'])) class Notebook(object): def __init__(self, clush, notebook_port = 8890, tensorboard_port = 6008): self.notebook_port = notebook_port self.tensorboard_port = tensorboard_port self.clush = clush self.socket = None self.forward_port() def forward_port(self): host = self.clush.public_ips[0] self.socket = "tf-socket-{}".format(int(time() * 10000)) start_port_forwarding = "ssh -i {0} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " \ "-M -S {1} -fNT -L {3}:localhost:8888 " \ "-L {4}:localhost:6006 ubuntu@{2}".format(self.clush.key, self.socket, host, self.notebook_port, self.tensorboard_port) os.system(start_port_forwarding) print(os.system("ssh -S {} -O check ubuntu@{}".format(self.socket, host))) def disconnect(self): host = self.clush.public_ips[0] print(os.system("ssh -S {} -O exit ubuntu@{}".format(self.socket, host))) def get_token(self, container_name='mpicont'): token = self.clush.run_on_master("docker exec {} bash -c \"jupyter notebook list\"" \ .format(container_name))['stdout'].split('token=')[1].split()[0] return "http://localhost:{}/?token={}".format(self.notebook_port, token)