- name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure mounting of cramfs filesystems is disabled" lineinfile: dest: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf regexp: "^(#)?install cramfs(\\s|$)" line: "install cramfs /bin/true" create: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_1|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.1 - cramfs - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Remove cramfs module" modprobe: name: cramfs state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_1|bool - ansible_connection != 'docker' tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.1 - cramfs - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure mounting of freevxfs filesystems is disabled" lineinfile: dest: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf regexp: "^(#)?install freevxfs(\\s|$)" line: "install freevxfs /bin/true" create: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_2|bool - ansible_connection != 'docker' tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.2 - freevxfs - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Remove freevxfs module" modprobe: name: freevxfs state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_2|bool - ansible_connection != 'docker' tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.2 - freevxfs - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure mounting of jffs2 filesystems is disabled" lineinfile: dest: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf regexp: "^(#)?install jffs2(\\s|$)" line: "install jffs2 /bin/true" create: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_3|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.3 - jffs2 - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Remove jffs2 module" modprobe: name: jffs2 state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_3|bool - ansible_connection != 'docker' tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.3 - jffs2 - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure mounting of hfs filesystems is disabled" lineinfile: dest: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf regexp: "^(#)?install hfs(\\s|$)" line: "install hfs /bin/true" create: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_4|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.4 - hfs - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Remove hfs module" modprobe: name: hfs state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_4|bool - ansible_connection != 'docker' tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.4 - hfs - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure mounting of hfsplus filesystems is disabled" lineinfile: dest: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf regexp: "^(#)?install hfsplus(\\s|$)" line: "install hfsplus /bin/true" create: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_5|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.5 - hfsplus - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Remove hfsplus module" modprobe: name: hfsplus state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_5|bool - ansible_connection != 'docker' tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.5 - hfsplus - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure mounting of squashfs filesystems is disabled" lineinfile: dest: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf regexp: "^(#)?install squashfs(\\s|$)" line: "install squashfs /bin/true" create: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_6|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.6 - squashfs - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Remove squashfs module" modprobe: name: squashfs state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_6|bool - ansible_connection != 'docker' tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.6 - squashfs - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure mounting of udf filesystems is disabled" lineinfile: dest: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf regexp: "^(#)?install udf(\\s|$)" line: "install udf /bin/true" create: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_7|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.7 - udf - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Remove udf module" modprobe: name: udf state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_7|bool - ansible_connection != 'docker' tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.7 - udf - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure mounting of FAT filesystems is disabled" lineinfile: dest: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf regexp: "^(#)?install vfat(\\s|$)" line: "install vfat /bin/true" create: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_8|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.8 - vfat - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Remove FAT module" modprobe: name: vfat state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_1_8|bool - ansible_connection != 'docker' tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.1.8 - vfat - name: "SCORED | 1.1.2 | PATCH | Ensure separate partition exists for /tmp | enable and start/restart tmp.mount" systemd: name: tmp.mount daemon_reload: yes enabled: yes masked: no state: started when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_2|bool tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.2 - name: "SCORED | 1.1.3 | PATCH | Ensure nodev option set on /tmp partition\n SCORED | 1.1.4 | PATCH | Ensure nosuid option set on /tmp partition\n SCORED | 1.1.5 | PATCH | Ensure noexec option set on /tmp partition\n | drop custom tmp.mount" copy: src: etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount dest: /etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount owner: root group: root mode: 0644 notify: systemd restart tmp.mount when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_3|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_4|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_5|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.3 - rule_1.1.4 - rule_1.1.5 - name: "SCORED | 1.1.6 | PATCH | Ensure separate partition exists for /var" shell: mount | grep "on /var " args: warn: false register: var_mounted changed_when: no failed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_6|bool tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.6 - skip_ansible_lint - name: "SCORED | 1.1.7 | PATCH | Ensure separate partition exists for /var/tmp" shell: mount | grep "on /var/tmp " register: var_tmp_mounted changed_when: no failed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_7|bool tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.7 - skip_ansible_lint - name: "SCORED | 1.1.8 | PATCH | Ensure nodev option set on /var/tmp partition\n SCORED | 1.1.9 | PATCH | Ensure nosuid option set on /var/tmp partition\n SCORED | 1.1.10 | PATCH | Ensure noexec option set on /var/tmp partition" mount: name: /var/tmp src: "{{ rhel7cis_vartmp['source'] }}" state: present fstype: "{{ rhel7cis_vartmp['fstype'] }}" opts: "{{ rhel7cis_vartmp['opts'] }}" when: - rhel7cis_vartmp['enabled'] - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_8|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_9|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_10|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.8 - rule_1.1.9 - rule_1.1.10 - name: "SCORED | 1.1.11 | PATCH | Ensure separate partition exists for /var/log" shell: mount | grep "on /var/log " register: var_log_mounted changed_when: no failed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_11|bool tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.11 - skip_ansible_lint - name: "SCORED | 1.1.12 | PATCH | Ensure separate partition exists for /var/log/audit" shell: mount | grep "on /var/log/audit " register: var_log_audit_mounted changed_when: no failed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_12|bool tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.12 - skip_ansible_lint - name: "SCORED | 1.1.13 | PATCH | Ensure separate partition exists for /home" shell: mount | grep "on /home" register: home_mounted changed_when: no failed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_13|bool tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.13 - skip_ansible_lint - name: "SCORED | 1.1.14 | PATCH | Ensure nodev option set on /home partition" mount: name: "/home" src: "{{ item.device }}" state: mounted fstype: "{{ item.fstype }}" opts: "nodev" when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_14|bool - item.mount == "/home" with_items: "{{ ansible_mounts }}" tags: - level1 - level2 - patch - rule_1.1.14 - name: "SCORED | 1.1.15 | PATCH | Ensure nodev option set on /dev/shm partition\n SCORED | 1.1.16 | PATCH | Ensure nosuid option set on /dev/shm partition\n SCORED | 1.1.17 | PATCH | Ensure noexec option set on /dev/shm partition" mount: name: /dev/shm src: tmpfs state: mounted fstype: tmpfs opts: "defaults,nodev,nosuid,noexec" when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_15|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_16|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_17|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.1.15 - rule_1.1.16 - rule_1.1.17 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.1.18 | PATCH | Ensure nodev option set on removable media partitions" debug: msg: "--> Not relevant" changed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_18|bool tags: - level1 - notscored - patch - rule_1.1.18 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.1.19 | PATCH | Ensure nosuid option set on removable media partitions" debug: msg: "--> Not relevant" changed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_19|bool tags: - level1 - notscored - patch - rule_1.1.19 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.1.20 | PATCH | Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitions" debug: msg: "--> Not relevant" changed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_20|bool tags: - level1 - notscored - patch - rule_1.1.20 - name: "SCORED | 1.1.21 | PATCH | Ensure sticky bit is set on all world-writable directories" shell: set -o pipefail && df --local -P | awk {'if (NR!=1) print $6'} | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -type d -perm -0002 2>/dev/null | xargs chmod a+t changed_when: no failed_when: no #when: sticky_bit_on_worldwritable_dirs_audit.rc == '0' when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_21|bool tags: - level1 - level2 - patch - rule_1.1.21 - name: "SCORED | 1.1.22 | PATCH | Disable Automounting" service: name: autofs enabled: no when: - not rhel7cis_allow_autofs - autofs_service_status.stdout == "loaded" - rhel7cis_rule_1_1_22|bool tags: - level1 - patch - rule_1.1.22 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.2.1 | PATCH | Ensure package manager repositories are configured" command: yum check-update args: warn: false register: yum_configured changed_when: no failed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_2_1|bool tags: - level1 - notscored - patch - rule_1.2.1 - skip_ansible_lint - name: "SCORED | 1.2.2 | PATCH | Ensure gpgcheck is globally activated" replace: name: /etc/yum.conf regexp: "^gpgcheck=0" replace: "gpgcheck=1" when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_2_2|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.2.2 - name: "SCORED | 1.2.2 | PATCH | Ensure gpgcheck is globally activated" find: paths: /etc/yum.repos.d patterns: "*.repo" register: yum_repos changed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_2_2|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.2.2 - name: "SCORED | 1.2.2 | PATCH | Ensure gpgcheck is globally activated" replace: name: "{{ item.path }}" regexp: "^gpgcheck=0" replace: "gpgcheck=1" with_items: - "{{ yum_repos.files }}" when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_2_2|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.2.2 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.2.3 | AUDIT | Ensure GPG keys are configured" command: gpg --quiet --with-fingerprint /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}-release changed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_2_3|bool - ansible_distribution == "RedHat" tags: - level1 - notscored - patch - rule_1.2.3 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.2.4 | PATCH | Ensure Red Hat Network or Subscription Manager connection is configured" command: subscription-manager identity changed_when: no failed_when: no when: - ansible_distribution == "RedHat" - rhel7cis_rule_1_2_4|bool tags: - level1 - notscored - patch - rule_1.2.4 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.2.5 | PATCH | Disable the rhnsd Daemon" service: name: rhnsd state: stopped enabled: no when: - ansible_distribution == "RedHat" and rhnsd_service_status.stdout == "loaded" and not rhel7cis_rhnsd_required - rhel7cis_rule_1_2_5|bool tags: - level2 - notscored - patch - rule_1.2.5 - name: "SCORED | 1.3.1 | PATCH | Ensure AIDE is installed" yum: name: aide state: present when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_3_1|bool tags: - level1 - scored - aide - patch - rule_1.3.1 - name: "SCORED | 1.3.1 | PATCH | Ensure AIDE is installed" command: /usr/sbin/aide --init -B 'database_out=file:/var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz' args: creates: /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz changed_when: no failed_when: no async: 45 poll: 0 when: - rhel7cis_config_aide|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_3_1|bool - not ansible_check_mode tags: - level1 - scored - aide - patch - rule_1.3.1 - name: "SCORED | 1.3.2 | PATCH | Ensure filesystem integrity is regularly checked" cron: name: Run AIDE integrity check cron_file: "{{ rhel7cis_aide_cron['cron_file'] }}" user: "{{ rhel7cis_aide_cron['cron_user'] }}" minute: "{{ rhel7cis_aide_cron['aide_minute'] | default('0') }}" hour: "{{ rhel7cis_aide_cron['aide_hour'] | default('5') }}" day: "{{ rhel7cis_aide_cron['aide_day'] | default('*') }}" month: "{{ rhel7cis_aide_cron['aide_month'] | default('*') }}" weekday: "{{ rhel7cis_aide_cron['aide_weekday'] | default('*') }}" job: "{{ rhel7cis_aide_cron['aide_job'] }}" when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_3_2|bool tags: - level1 - scored - aide - file_integrity - patch - rule_1.3.2 - name: "SCORED | 1.4.1 | PATCH | Ensure permissions on bootloader config are configured" stat: path: /etc/grub2.cfg register: grub_cfg when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_4_1|bool tags: - level1 - scored - grub - patch - rule_1.4.1 - name: "SCORED | 1.4.1 | PATCH | Ensure permissions on bootloader config are configured" file: path: "{{ grub_cfg.stat.lnk_source }}" owner: root group: root mode: 0600 when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_4_1|bool - grub_cfg.stat.exists and grub_cfg.stat.islnk tags: - level1 - scored - grub - patch - rule_1.4.1 - name: "SCORED | 1.4.2 | PATCH | Ensure bootloader password is set" grub_crypt: password: "{{ rhel7cis_bootloader_password }}" register: grub_pass when: - rhel7cis_set_boot_pass|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_4_2|bool tags: - level1 - scored - grub - patch - rule_1.4.2 - name: "SCORED | 1.4.2 | PATCH | Ensure bootloader password is set" copy: dest: /boot/grub2/user.cfg content: "GRUB2_PASSWORD={{ grub_pass.passhash }}" notify: generate new grub config when: - rhel7cis_set_boot_pass|bool - grub_pass is defined and grub_pass.passhash is defined and grub_pass.passhash - rhel7cis_rule_1_4_2|bool tags: - level1 - scored - grub - patch - rule_1.4.2 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.4.3 | PATCH | Ensure authentication required for single user mode" block: - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.4.3 | PATCH | Ensure authentication required for single user mode - Emergency" lineinfile: dest: /usr/lib/systemd/system/emergency.service regexp: '/sbin/sulogin' line: 'ExecStart=-/bin/sh -c \"/usr/sbin/sulogin; /usr/bin/systemctl --fail --no-block default\"' when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_4_3|bool - ansible_distribution_major_version == 7 tags: - level1 - level2 - patch - rule_1.4.3 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.4.3 | PATCH | Ensure authentication required for single user mode - Rescue" lineinfile: dest: /usr/lib/systemd/system/rescue.service regexp: '/sbin/sulogin' line: 'ExecStart=-/bin/sh -c \"/usr/sbin/sulogin; /usr/bin/systemctl --fail --no-block default\"' when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_4_3|bool - ansible_distribution_major_version == 7 tags: - level1 - level2 - patch - rule_1.4.3 - name: "SCORED | 1.5.1 | PATCH | Ensure core dumps are restricted" lineinfile: state: present dest: /etc/security/limits.conf regexp: '^#?\\*.*core' line: '* hard core 0' insertbefore: '^# End of file' when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_5_1|bool tags: - level1 - scored - limits - patch - rule_1.5.1 - name: "SCORED | 1.5.1 | PATCH | Ensure core dumps are restricted" sysctl: name: fs.suid_dumpable value: '0' state: present reload: yes sysctl_set: yes ignoreerrors: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_5_1|bool tags: - level1 - scored - sysctl - patch - rule_1.5.1 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.5.2 | PATCH | Ensure XD/NX support is enabled" shell: set -o pipefail && dmesg | grep -E "NX|XD" | grep " active" changed_when: no when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_5_2|bool tags: - level1 - level2 - patch - rule_1.5.2 - name: "SCORED | 1.5.3 | PATCH | Ensure address space layout randomization (ASLR) is enabled" sysctl: name: kernel.randomize_va_space value: '2' state: present reload: yes sysctl_set: yes ignoreerrors: yes when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_5_3|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.5.3 - name: "SCORED | 1.5.4 | PATCH | Ensure prelink is disabled" command: prelink -ua when: - prelink_installed.rc == 0 - rhel7cis_rule_1_5_4|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.5.4 - name: "SCORED | 1.5.4 | PATCH | Ensure prelink is disabled" yum: name: prelink state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_5_4|bool tags: - level1 - scored - patch - rule_1.5.4 - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure SELinux is not disabled in bootloader configuration" replace: dest: /etc/default/grub regexp: '(selinux|enforcing)\s*=\s*0\s*' follow: yes register: selinux_grub_patch ignore_errors: yes notify: generate new grub config when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_6_1_1|bool tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.6.1.1 - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure the SELinux state is enforcing" selinux: conf: /etc/selinux/config policy: "{{ rhel7cis_selinux_pol }}" state: enforcing when: - not rhel7cis_selinux_disable|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_6_1_2|bool tags: - level2 - scored - selinux - patch - rule_1.6.1.2 - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure SELinux policy is configured" selinux: conf: /etc/selinux/config policy: "{{ rhel7cis_selinux_pol }}" state: enforcing when: - not rhel7cis_selinux_disable|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_6_1_3|bool tags: - level2 - scored - selinux - patch - rule_1.6.1.3 - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure SETroubleshoot is not installed" yum: name: setroubleshoot state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_6_1_4|bool tags: - level2 - scored - selinux - patch - rule_1.6.1.4 - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure the MCS Translation Service (mcstrans) is not installed" yum: name: mcstrans state: absent when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_6_1_5|bool tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.6.1.5 - name: "SCORED | 1.6.2 | PATCH | Ensure SELinux is installed" yum: name: libselinux state: present when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_6_2|bool tags: - level2 - scored - patch - rule_1.6.2 - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure message of the day is configured properly" template: src: etc/motd.j2 dest: /etc/motd when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_7_1_1|bool tags: - level1 - banner - patch - rule_1.7.1.1 - name: "NOTSCORED | | PATCH | Ensure local login warning banner is configured properly" template: src: etc/issue.j2 dest: /etc/issue when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_7_1_2|bool tags: - level1 - patch - rule_1.7.1.2 - name: "NOTSCORED | | PATCH | Ensure remote login warning banner is configured properly" template: src: etc/issue.net.j2 dest: /etc/issue.net when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_7_1_3|bool tags: - level1 - banner - patch - rule_1.7.1.3 - name: "NOTSCORED | | PATCH | Ensure permissions on /etc/motd are configured" file: dest: /etc/motd state: file owner: root group: root mode: 0644 when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_7_1_4|bool tags: - level1 - perms - patch - rule_1.7.1.4 - name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure permissions on /etc/issue are configured" file: dest: /etc/issue state: file owner: root group: root mode: 0644 when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_7_1_5|bool tags: - level1 - perms - patch - rule_1.7.1.5 - name: "NOTSCORED | | PATCH | Ensure permissions on /etc/issue.net are configured" file: dest: /etc/issue.net state: file owner: root group: root mode: 0644 when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_7_1_6|bool tags: - level1 - perms - patch - rule_1.7.1.6 - name: "SCORED | 1.7.2 | PATCH | Ensure GDM login banner is configured" lineinfile: dest: "{{ item.file }}" regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}" line: "{{ item.line }}" state: present create: yes owner: root group: root mode: 0644 with_items: - { file: '/etc/dconf/profile/gdm', regexp: 'user-db', line: 'user-db:user' } - { file: '/etc/dconf/profile/gdm', regexp: 'system-db', line: 'system-db:gdm' } - { file: '/etc/dconf/profile/gdm', regexp: 'file-db', line: 'file-db:/usr/share/gdm/greeter-dconf-defaults' } - { file: '/etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/01-banner-message', regexp: '\[org\/gnome\/login-screen\]', line: '[org/gnome/login-screen]' } - { file: '/etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/01-banner-message', regexp: 'banner-message-enable', line: 'banner-message-enable=true' } - { file: '/etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/01-banner-message', regexp: 'banner-message-text', line: "banner-message-text='{{ rhel7cis_warning_banner }}' " } when: - rhel7cis_gui|bool - rhel7cis_rule_1_7_2|bool tags: - level1 - level2 - patch - rule_1.7.2 - name: "NOTSCORED | 1.8 | PATCH | Ensure updates, patches, and additional security software are installed" yum: name: "*" state: latest when: - rhel7cis_rule_1_8|bool tags: - level1 - level2 - patch - rule_1.8 - skip_ansible_lint