# Default configuration for pre-requisites to get you started # Copy this file and update to the configuration of choice elasticsearch: enabled: false # set this to false, if you want to provide your own ES instance. replicas: 3 minimumMasterNodes: 1 # Set replicas to 1 and uncomment this to allow the instance to be scheduled on # a master node when deploying on a single node Minikube / Kind / etc cluster. # antiAffinity: "soft" # # If your running a single replica cluster add the following helm value # clusterHealthCheckParams: "wait_for_status=yellow&timeout=1s" # # Shrink default JVM heap. # esJavaOpts: "-Xmx128m -Xms128m" # # Allocate smaller chunks of memory per pod. # resources: # requests: # cpu: "100m" # memory: "512M" # limits: # cpu: "1000m" # memory: "512M" # # Request smaller persistent volumes. # volumeClaimTemplate: # accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] # storageClassName: "standard" # resources: # requests: # storage: 100M # Official neo4j chart uses the Neo4j Enterprise Edition which requires a license neo4j: enabled: false # set this to true, if you have a license for the enterprise edition acceptLicenseAgreement: "yes" defaultDatabase: "graph.db" neo4jPassword: "datahub" # For better security, add password to neo4j-secrets k8s secret and uncomment below # existingPasswordSecret: neo4j-secrets core: standalone: true # Deploys neo4j community version. Only supports single node neo4j-community: enabled: false # set this to false, if you have a license for the enterprise edition acceptLicenseAgreement: "yes" defaultDatabase: "graph.db" # For better security, add password to neo4j-secrets k8s secret and uncomment below existingPasswordSecret: neo4j-secrets mysql: enabled: false auth: # For better security, add mysql-secrets k8s secret with mysql-root-password, mysql-replication-password and mysql-password existingSecret: mysql-secrets cp-helm-charts: # Schema registry is under the community license cp-schema-registry: enabled: true kafka: bootstrapServers: "MSK_BROKER" # <>-kafka:9092 cp-kafka: enabled: false cp-zookeeper: enabled: false cp-kafka-rest: enabled: false cp-kafka-connect: enabled: false cp-ksql-server: enabled: false cp-control-center: enabled: false # Bitnami version of Kafka that deploys open source Kafka https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/bitnami/kafka kafka: enabled: false