jobs: - job: "Deploy" displayName: "Release: Pull Helm -> Deploy to EKS" continueOnError: false steps: - task: HelmInstaller@1 displayName: 'Install Helm' inputs: helmVersionToInstall: ${{ parameters.helmVersion }} - task: AWSShellScript@1 displayName: 'ECR login' inputs: awsCredentials: ${{ parameters.serviceConnectionName }} regionName: ${{ parameters.awsRegion }} failOnStandardError: true scriptType: 'inline' inlineScript: | echo 'Using identity' aws sts get-caller-identity ## ECR Login export HELM_EXPERIMENTAL_OCI=1 # Login with Helm echo 'HELM Login to ECR...' aws ecr get-login-password \ --region $(awsECRRegion) | helm registry login \ --username AWS \ --password-stdin $(repositoryURI) - task: AWSShellScript@1 displayName: 'Pull and deploy Helm Chart' inputs: awsCredentials: ${{ parameters.serviceConnectionName }} regionName: ${{ parameters.awsRegion }} failOnStandardError: true scriptType: 'inline' inlineScript: | # # Confirm caller identity # echo 'Using identity' # aws sts get-caller-identity # Pull Helm Chart echo "Pulling helm chart from $(repositoryURI)" helm pull oci://$(repositoryURI) --version $(helmChartVersion) # Get Kubeconfig echo 'Connect to Amazon EKS cluster' aws eks update-kubeconfig --region $(awsEKSRegion) --name ${{ parameters.awsEKSClusterName }} # Deploy Helm Chart echo 'Deploy Helm chart to EKS...' chartPackage=${{ parameters.projectName }}-$(helmChartVersion).tgz echo $(pwd) echo "chart package to be installed - $chartPackage" helm upgrade \ --namespace $(K8sNamespace) \ --create-namespace \ --install \ --wait \ --version $(helmChartVersion) \ --set${{ parameters.projectName }} \ --set image.repository=$(repositoryURI) \ --set appversion="$(Build.BuildNumber)" \ ${{ parameters.projectName }} \ $chartPackage \ - task: AWSShellScript@1 displayName: 'Display Kubectl & Helm Outputs' inputs: awsCredentials: ${{ parameters.serviceConnectionName }} regionName: ${{ parameters.awsRegion }} scriptType: 'inline' inlineScript: | echo "##[section]kubectl get all -n $(K8sNamespace)" kubectl get all -n $(K8sNamespace) echo "##[section]kubectl get deploy -n $(K8sNamespace)" kubectl get deploy -n $(K8sNamespace) echo "##[section]kubectl get services -n $(K8sNamespace)" kubectl get services -n $(K8sNamespace) echo "##[section]kubectl get pods -n $(K8sNamespace)" kubectl get pods -n $(K8sNamespace) echo "##[section]kubectl describe service webapp -n $(K8sNamespace)" kubectl describe service webapp -n $(K8sNamespace) echo "##[section]kubectl kubectl get secrets -n $(K8sNamespace)" kubectl get secrets -n $(K8sNamespace) echo "##[section]helm list -n $(K8sNamespace)" helm list -n $(K8sNamespace) echo "##[section]helm status ${{ parameters.projectName }} -n $(K8sNamespace)" helm status ${{ parameters.projectName }} -n $(K8sNamespace)