jobs: - job: "Build" displayName: "Build: Docker Image & Helm -> ECR" continueOnError: false steps: - task: HelmInstaller@1 displayName: 'Install Helm' inputs: helmVersionToInstall: ${{ parameters.helmVersion }} - task: AWSShellScript@1 displayName: 'ECR login' name: ecr inputs: awsCredentials: ${{ parameters.serviceConnectionName }} regionName: ${{ parameters.awsRegion }} failOnStandardError: true scriptType: 'inline' inlineScript: | echo 'Using identity' aws sts get-caller-identity ## ECR Login export HELM_EXPERIMENTAL_OCI=1 repository_uri=$(aws ecr describe-repositories\ --repository-names ${{ parameters.projectName }} \ --region $(awsECRRegion) \ --registry-id $(awsECRAccountId) \ --query "repositories[].repositoryUri" \ --output text) # Set output variables for Repository_URI echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=REPOSITORY_URI;isOutput=true]$repository_uri" # Login with Docker echo 'Docker Login to ECR...' aws ecr get-login-password \ --region $(awsECRRegion) | docker login \ --username AWS \ --password-stdin $repository_uri 2>&1 # Login with Helm echo 'HELM Login to ECR...' aws ecr get-login-password \ --region $(awsECRRegion) | helm registry login \ --username AWS \ --password-stdin $(awsECRAccountId).dkr.ecr.$(awsECRRegion) - bash: | echo 'Building and tagging Docker Image...' echo 'Branch is: $(build.sourceBranch)' docker_ctx=$(dirname $(dockerfilePath)) docker build -t $(ecr.REPOSITORY_URI):$(imageTag) -f $(dockerfilePath) $docker_ctx failOnStderr: true displayName: 'Docker Build' - bash: | docker push $(ecr.REPOSITORY_URI):$(imageTag) failOnStderr: true displayName: 'Docker Push' - bash: | helm package \ --version $(helmChartVersion) \ --app-version $(imageTag) \ $(helmChartDirPath) failOnStderr: true displayName: 'Helm Package' - task: AWSShellScript@1 name: helmPush displayName: 'Helm Push' inputs: awsCredentials: ${{ parameters.serviceConnectionName }} regionName: ${{ parameters.awsRegion }} failOnStandardError: true scriptType: 'inline' inlineScript: | chartPackage=$(ls ${{ parameters.projectName }}-$(helmChartVersion).tgz) # HELM Push ## The name of your repository should match the name you use in the Helm chart. ### helm push $chartPackage oci://$(awsECRAccountId).dkr.ecr.$(awsECRRegion) # Output aws ecr describe-images \ --repository-name ${{ parameters.projectName }} \ --region $(awsECRRegion) \ --registry-id $(awsECRAccountId) \ --query 'sort_by(imageDetails,& imagePushedAt)[*]' - publish: $(build.artifactStagingDirectory) artifact: build-artifact condition: succeeded()