0,John needed.
1,Jim was happily chopping logs.
1,That Goldstein appointed Heydrich and the implications thereof frightened many observers.
0,Any of the citizens hardly ever say anything.
0,I have six of them more.
1,At most three boys didn't see anything.
0,Fruit hit the roof against the ground.
1,Maxwell isn't half the doctor that people around here believe that his father was.
1,They are kind to her.
0,We believed to be the headmaster
1,John left his wife.
0,On whom does Dana believe Chris knows Sandy trusts?
0,Kim fond of Lee.
1,I went to the store and have bought some excellent whisky.
0,Her will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow.
1,Paula swatted the fly.
0,The mixture funnels.
0,the branch dropped bare of its apple.
1,"Maxine read the children Goodnight Moon, but they fell asleep before she got to the end."
1,You may pick absolutely any flower.
1,Here's the whiskey which I went to the store and bought.
0,I said this he left
0,John believed Kim to do not leave here.
0,John seems to rain.
0,Maxwell isn't half the doctor that his sister is a psychologist and his father was.
1,How happy has John been?
0,Sally's sick and what did you bring me?
0,Susan bought her birthday some flowers.
1,Gabrielle's mother is an axe murderer.
0,Every reading Shakespeare satisfied me
1,Ron yawned himself awake.
1,a The butcher cuts the meat.
0,Traci gave a lollipop.
1,No one knows how to tell from a good beer to a bad one.
0,The fish scrubbed.
0,"The more that pictures of himself appear in the news, the more likely John is to get arrested."
1,John expected to win.
1,To improve myself is a goal for next year.
1,The twig and the branch broke apart.
1,"Every philosopher is sometimes wrong, but he usually doesn't admit it."
1,The oak developed out of a maple.
0,It is this hat that I know the boy who is wearing.
1,"Tonight, what Bob cooked yesterday still tastes good."
1,I might be leaving soon.
1,I ate some popcorn and drank some soda.
1,This knife doesn't cut.
1,The bartender gave John some good beers.
1,Kim and Sandy met in Seoul in the lobby of the Lotte Hotel in March.
1,This arch supports the weight of the tower.
0,The boy whose we elected guardian's guardian's employer president betrayed us.
1,The kennel which Mary made and Fido sleeps in has been stolen.
0,Carol carved the tree on the branch.
0,It's high time Fiona gets a job.
1,Erika made her mother an omelet and the kitchen a mess.
1,That Jason arrived infuriated Medea.
1,Anson demonized David at the club.
1,Alison poked the cloth.
1,Absolutely any owl hunts mice.
0,Megan loves.
1,Calvin will strike himself and Otto will too.
0,They are readable of the paper.
0,The bread cut.
0,I want to should eat plums.
0,I gave Jack Ed's picture of myself.
1,Mira blamed Terry for the accident.
1,I hit the ball.
1,They intensified.
1,John thinks Mary left.
1,You must not simply not work.
1,for John to hurt his friends is stupid.
1,He treats John very badly.
0,The letter got written by a poet.
1,The sinking of the ship was very devious.
0,"It is important for the more you to eat, the more careful to be."
0,It is before tomorrow that this girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow.
1,Ideas are put into children's heads by TV.
1,Bill reading Shakespeare satisfied me
1,John talked to anybody who came up to him at the party.
0,Mary talked to any angry student.
0,Susan did so the baker.
1,He treats John very.
1,"Joe might wish he had, but this isn't a country he has visited."
0,That Jean left is reluctant.
1,It would be inconvenience for you to leave so soon.
1,Nobody told them anything.
0,There tried to be riots in Seoul.
1,"John gave Mary, and Joan presented to Fred, books which looked."
0,The umpire called off it.
1,Fanny loved talking to Mary.
1,We asked him never to try to call us again.
1,I made it my objective to settle the matter.
1,Nora pushed through the crowd.
0,The door hit.
0,few equipment is available.
0,It is put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow that this girl in the red coat will.
1,It hung on the wall.
1,Wanda taught French to the students.
1,Louis begged Kate that he be allowed to shave himself.
1,Mary considers John proud of himself.
1,John heard that I criticized myself.
1,Advantage will be taken of his offer.
1,"The ice melts, breaks."
1,"The more people that you give beer to, the more people that get sick."
1,"Jason became invisible, so that he could escape"
1,I asked which king invaded which city.
1,Gilgamesh misses Aphrodite
1,Little did I know that more trouble was just around the corner.
0,Heidi investigated to eat the cauliflower.
1,Wash me!
1,Who knew Mickey would overthrow home plate by that much?
0,Every student answered any question.
1,The twig broke off of the branch.
1,Won't John go to school?
0,Sincerity examined a book.
1,How brave everybody must think you expect me to believe he is!
1,The monkey was tagged in the forest by John.
1,I wonder what Fiona bought.
1,John suddenly put off the customers.
1,A pregnant woman hit a girl.
1,This should be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
1,I gave myself the bucket of ice cream.
0,John tried for Bill to play checkers.
1,The umpire fell off the deck.
0,I heard that John criticized myself.
1,John did not write books.
1,John gave Bill the book.
1,The therapist's analysis of Lucy
1,The stick hit the fence.
1,"I'm not shocked by the idea that the more you eat, the less you want."
1,I've never seen you eat asparagus.
1,I was sitting not under the tree but under the bush
1,Lydia eloped with Wickham when she went to Brighton.
1,Maisie drove her car on Wednesday from Morningside to Leith.
1,The thief stole the painting for Mr. Smith.
1,Nora sent the book to London.
0,Loren was relied on by Pavarotti and Hepburn on by Bond.
0,Celia braided.
1,I expect to soon see the results.
1,Kevin urged Anne to be loyal to her.
0,The constantly reading Shakespeare satisfied me
0,"I remember John being discussed, but you recall Sally being."
1,Martha climbed up the mountain.
1,The process changed the substance from solid to liquid to gas to energy.
1,"Because the bus drivers were on strike, the commuters travelled by army lorry."
0,"They can't do it, can he?"
1,Pauline smiled her thanks.
1,Why she told him is unclear.
1,Which Greek authors does he have books by?
0,There hopes to bother Kim that they resigned.
0,Faith was had in all kinds of people.
0,John bought any picture of Queen Elizabeth.
1,They elected him America's 31st President.
1,John convinced Bill to cook the rice.
1,I danced a dance.
0,The king banished the general from the palace to a mountain fortress.
1,Not speaking English is a disadvantage.
1,The roof is leaking.
1,Sylvia squirmed.
1,The teacher ordered the two boys both to pay close attention.
1,This Government has been more transparent in the way they have dealt with public finances than any previous government.
1,I have as many marbles too many as you.
1,Lucy seems to have been mugged.
0,letter is on the table
1,I believe it to be her father who was primarily responsible.
0,Shannon kissed quietly the kitten.
1,Jim will go if he feels good.
1,Tamara poured water onto the plants.
0,John believed Kim to leaving here.
1,"John might pass the exam, and as might Bill."
1,What John told us is that he wants to quit school.
0,I'm sure that I ever met him.
0,John isn't an any more reliable fellow than Bill.
0,"If did Emma leave Hartfield, Mr Woodhouse would be unhappy."
1,I put the book on the table.
0,Bill not destroyed the world.
0,Marianne left not.
1,Bill gave me $40.
0,Frances hid Sally of the presents.
1,Kim is easy to please.
1,Tom drives the way that that man drives.
1,I read a statement which was about that man.
1,The gardener must trim the rose bushes today.
0,The yolk and the white separated apart.
0,We abandoned from the area.
1,I know how intelligent a dog you bought.
0,It was John's that I stole bike.
1,John hit the stone against the wall.
0,We rummaged the drawer for important documents.
1,Maggie hurried through the museum.
0,The doctor arrived a new actor.
1,Mary likes herself.
0,I inquired John to like his beer.
1,I mixed the soap into the water.
1,The cup emptied of water onto the ground.
1,Gilgamesh has not read the cuneiform tablets.
0,Cat ate the spider.
1,Stacy hit a baseball to Julia.
1,Cotton clothes dry easily.
0,He kicked yourself
0,Tuesday was slept on by George Washington.
1,Six students got shot accidentally.
0,Peter will decide that we should review the book.
0,The senators be certain that the president is telling a lie.
1,"To improve herself, Jane went to a health spa."
1,Would more accountants make any difference to my tax bill?
1,John tapped some wine from a barrel.
1,They read the new book.
1,None of his customary excuses suffices Edgar now.
1,They have left.
1,Nora brought the book from horne.
0,John gave Tom a book a record.
1,Nathan showed Benjamin himself in the mirror.
1,John mentioned the issue to me.
0,The scene of the movie and that I wrote was in Chicago.
1,Bill floated into the cave.
1,Crystal vases break easily.
0,You are not fitted by the coat.
1,Anne met with Cathy.
1,Jack may be and Tony certainly is a werewolf.
1,Margaret cut the string.
1,Avoid double negatives.
0,The owl hated the and loved the bat.
0,Pat handed a book.
1,Grandma is coming to Mr Chalky's school tomorrow.
1,This wood carves beautiful toys.
1,"I know which book Max read, and which book Oscar didn't."
1,I sent a surprise present to John.
0,Who did Kim work for and Sandy rely?
0,The cup filled of water.
1,John has been taken to the library.
1,Cheryl stood the books on the table.
0,John seems that it is likely to win.
1,The monkey seems despondent that it is in a cage.
1,Susan wanted Jane to study German.
1,It is likely that Patrick left.
0,The general banished from the army.
0,"I like beer, I."
1,"John coughed awake, rubbing his nose and cursing under his breath."
1,We felled the murder with this chainsaw.
0,I blew up it.
1,Fred must have been both singing songs and drinking beer.
1,Paula swatted Deirdre's back.
1,We spent yesterday cooking.
1,Paula swatted the fly with the cloth.
0,He's the bit of a gossip.
1,I like but Tom doesn't like to visit new places.
0,I owe that the jury acquitted me to you.
1,I found to be delicious some fruit which I picked up on the way home.
1,The students met to discuss the project.
0,The cat was having eaten.
1,The plan was rejected out of hand that traffic should be banned.
0,The builders destroyed at the warehouse.
1,Snow is white and snow is not white.
0,This drug's testing on oneself is too risky.
0,You shouldn't play with rifles because to is dangerous.
1,Gilgamesh may seek Ishtar
1,That we invaded Iraq really freaks me out.
0,It mattered with a telescope.
0,Not reading of Shakespeare satisfied me
1,We got our car radio stolen twice on holiday.
0,Fabio asked had if Claus run a marathon.
1,To which city and which conference did Bill go?
1,My uncle visited today.
1,Leslie staffed the store with employees.
1,Stephen tried to be intelligent.
0,"Hank plays the guitar and finds arrangements for, and Ernie writes down, all the old folk songs which are still sung in these hills."
1,Kim regrets never having seen the movie.
1,John told the rumor to his friend.
0,He believed there to be likely that he won the game.
0,Bill will put a picture of she her on your desk before tomorrow.
1,They dismissed as too costly the proposal for the State to build a sidewalk from Dartmouth to Smith.
1,Tom intends for Sam to review that book.
1,Mary swam as many more laps than Joan as Linda.
0,There arrived by Medea.
0,We wanted to ate cake
1,Mary will soon play the violin.
1,No one wanted any cake.
1,Heidi said that pictures of herself were embarrassing.
1,The joggers ran their Nikes threadbare.
0,Steve tossed at the ball.
0,Jessica stuffed boxes at the truck.
1,Perhaps Gilgamesh should be leaving
1,Because of the strike the commuters travelled by army lorry.
1,John wants to study linguistics in near future.
1,John eats more than he sleeps.
0,This building is than that one.
1,Can anyone pledge $1000?
0,"This your, this girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow."
1,Pelé visited his uncle.
1,He is the kind of person with whom to consult.
1,Terry touched the cat.
1,"If he sees a hot dog, he'll bring me one."
1,"Leslie is rather foolish, and Lou a complete idiot."
1,My friends wanted to quickly leave the party.
0,Aphrodite stinks to be omnipotent.
1,Benjamin gave the cloak to Nathan
0,"They, they can't stand each other."
0,Monica covered a blanket over the baby.
1,The Canadian bought himself a barbecue.
1,She gets upset if I exclude her from anything.
0,"Mary questioned Joe's desire to eat cabbage, but only after I had questioned Sally's desire to."
1,John is prouder of having gone than I expected you to believe he would be of not having fallen asleep.
1,John hasn't been singing a song.
1,John tapped the bottle of some water.
1,Heidi wants to kiss herself.
1,Marlene dressed the baby.
1,Gilgamesh hasn't kissed Ishtar.
0,I lifted onto the table.
1,I've got to try and I've got to find that screw.
0,it convinced Bill that Mary should sleep.
1,This hammer won't break the window.
0,What the hell do you wonder how to say?
0,Steve tossed Anna with the ball.
0,I gave a book to John's mother and a magazine to him.
1,I don't have any sympathy for urban guerillas.
1,In preparation for the return fixture this team has trained more efficiently than they had in recent months.
1,John is tough to persuade.
0,"I'm going out, wherever that hurricane."
1,Fiona hoped to meet the Prime Minister.
0,To please John is ready.
1,David broke the window with a hammer.
1,The convict escaped from the police.
0,It is deadly afraid of flying that John became.
1,It was Anne Elliott who loved Captain Wentworth but who rejected his first proposal.
1,David constructed the house.
0,It seemed to be intelligent.
0,Gerry became a republican and awarded a prize.
1,Jessica squirted water at me.
1,He used to go there very often.
1,How brave he is!
1,That John was ill was widely believed.
0,Headway was unmade.
0,"Always, any lion is majestic."
1,"Sally might be pregnant, and everyone believes Sheila definitely is pregnant."
0,Bill reading of Shakespeare satisfied me
0,Americans have paying income tax ever since 1913.
1,John kept him busy.
1,The sofa was longer than the desk was.
0,The boy's guardian's we elected employer president.
1,The door has a fresh coat of paint.
1,Which book are you reading?
1,work out an analysis that is typical of this view of understood subjects.
1,Anson believed the report.
1,Sylvia jumped the horse over the fence.
1,Paula trimmed the bush.
1,They haven't decided which attorney will give the closing argument.
1,Aunt Hattie wants you to be nice and kiss your granny.
1,"Every senator seems to become more corrupt, if he talks to more lobbyists."
0,John can kicked the ball.
1,"The more I talk to Joe, the less about linguistics I am inclined to think Sally has taught him to appreciate."
1,You may pick any five flowers.
0,"If my father, he comes home late, my mother always grills him."
1,I do not love peanut butter.
1,Some of the fruit be going bad.
1,Reading about herself in the tabloids always annoys Sandra.
0,"Mary claimed that intelligent, I consider Holly not."
1,This window just opens itself.
0,We elected the man who he had brought with him president.
0,Ellen warned to Helen.
0,Ron captured quickly a phoenix
1,Wanda taught the students.
0,The problem is easy to solve the question.
0,It's probable in general that he understands what's going on.
1,Mary dates exactly two of the men who know a producer I like.
0,I praised.
1,The book is astonishingly boring.
1,It's the second Monday that we get back from Easter holiday.
1,Sam didn't pick those packages up which are to be mailed tomorrow until it had stopped raining.
1,Emily showed Benjamin himself in the mirror.
0,"Immediately, John probably will clearly learn French perfectly."
1,The moon glows.
1,Here's the whisky which I went to the store and Mike bought.
1,He kicked you.
1,What did she eat?
1,"The more people arrive, the louder that it gets."
1,On his finger there sparkled a magnificent diamond.
1,The chicken has eaten.
1,The dentist is eager to examine Pat.
1,Robert knew that it was necessary to behave himself.
1,The president that Fred voted for dislikes his opponents.
0,Bill likes herself.
1,We believed Aphrodite to be omnipotent.
1,Sally went to the party with Andrew.
1,Sandy sang a song for me.
1,Harry collapsed.
1,Carol cut her thumb.
1,Mr Yates left because never had Sir Thomas been so offended.
1,Mary swam five more laps than Joan swam.
1,The dragons simply all died out.
0,the person stand on my foot is heavy.
1,Agamemnon forced Aphrodite to leave the school.
1,John heard their criticism of themselves.
1,Hilda is such a scholar as you were speaking of just now.
1,Celia braided her hair.
0,My nephew could write letters the postcards to his parents.
1,Who remembers where we bought what?
1,The oil separated from the vinegar.
1,They have no TV.
0,In the corner lay a dog.
1,a. Madeleine planned to catch the sardines and she did.
1,Marilyn Monroe is Norma Jeane Baker.
1,I ordered John drink his beer.
1,Who did Kim work for and Sandy rely on?
1,He is John.
1,The power of your mind and the power of your body have a tight connection.
1,Tess knocks at the door.
1,The moral destruction of the president was certainly not helpful.
1,There might be a unicorn in the garden.
1,Never have I stolen from any members of your family.
1,The river froze solid.
1,Water filled the pail.
1,"So quickly did the vampire move, that we barely saw him."
1,I had eaten the deep fried muffins.
0,"Mary claimed that eat cabbage, Holly made me."
1,John talked to any woman at the party.
1,John bit the apple.
1,Sasha lingered in the museum.
1,John is ready to please.
1,Who was it obvious that Plato loved?
1,I didn't read a single book the whole time I was in the library.
1,The clue that John got was more helpful than the one that Smith got.
1,The cake was eaten.
0,Kim to beat his dog and alienated cats.
1,This project is manageable.
0,it is the tall man coming from England that Mary saw the tall man coming from England.
0,Maxwell isn't half the doctor that was here.
0,I can well imagine with a hatchet Mary destroying the Jeep.
1,There are seven pine trees behind that barn.
1,the assassination of the president.
1,It is easy to slay the Gorgon.
1,I doubt if you can help me in understanding this.
0,I read that Bill had seen myself.
1,None of these men wants to be president.
1,My uncle doesn't have a spouse but your aunt does and he is lying on the floor.
1,Carmen bought a dress from Diana.
1,Sally believes that she is brilliant.
0,"He seems to become more corrupt, as every senator talks to more lobbyists."
0,Seoul was slept in by the businessman last night.
1,With what did the baby eat the food?
0,John in the doorway waved to his father.
1,He was talkative.
1,I wonder has Mary worked for Microsoft.
1,"I could find no solution, but Holly might."
1,They believed that everybody would pass the test.
1,Both will wear carnations.
1,It is not true that it was obvious that it would confuse the guards for Herschel to throw a fit.
1,"He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone."
1,Frank has drunk too much.
1,We made the claim that Perseus killed the Gorgon.
0,"Fluffy is sick, which I slapped a boy who wouldn't acknowledge."
0,Any lion is usually majestic.
1,Melissa searched for a clue in the papers.
1,I am afraid of tigers.
1,For whose rights do you expect me to speak up?
1,There is eager to be fifty students in this class.
0,That cat touches easily.
1,The gardener watered the flowers flat.
1,Fred knows which politician to support.
1,How fond of Esther is Agamemnon?
1,I gave money.
1,The driver of the car thinks that Mary should leave Dallas for Boise tomorrow.
1,He will not endorse the treaty; and indeed.
1,Maxwell isn't half the doctor that feared Marge would realize Tom had confessed that he knew Bill expected him to be.
0,She tried to do go.
0,"Who is Ann going to send a picture to her teacher of, as soon as she gets home?"
1,John scratched his arm and the boy who Mary knew did so too.
0,In the box put John the book.
0,The pitchfork loaded the truck.
1,That dog bites people.
1,Anson shot the dinosaur with his rifle in the jungle
1,John has a hole in the upper right-hand corner of his quilt.
1,Paula hit the fence.
1,John believes it to be raining.
0,Gilgamesh seek may Ishtar
1,Romeo conceded that he and Juliet were going steady.
1,Bill has been dancing.
0,The fence hits easily.
1,John seems to be honest.
0,This building is taller and taller.
0,I might ate deep fried muffins.
1,He left.
0,At 4 p.m. I saw John lecturing to anyone who was near him.
1,little information was provided.
1,No candidate can predict how many people will vote for him.
1,I ate a mango and Gillian did too.
1,David ate mangoes and Raffi should too.
1,Eleanor blamed Willoughby for Marianne's unhappiness.
0,Children poison easily.
1,Bill saw him.
0,The collaborators escaped the convict.
1,I want to kiss pigs
1,John stayed behind the counter.
0,Medea tried Medea to poison her children.
1,Mary taught John linguistics.
1,"When Bill smokes, all the more does Susan hate him."
1,Be very clever.
1,Paula hit Deirdre on the back.
0,Paula hit the stick into the fence.
1,She goes and buys some whiskey.
1,Sharon fainted at the sight of the accident.
1,Everyone hopes that everyone will sleep.
1,That monkey is eating the banana.
1,Car sales have surprised the stockbrokers.
0,John believes that Mary saw himself.
1,There lived a man with his grandson.
1,On which table and under which flower pot did John put the keys?
0,John was wondering to whom he was referring to.
0,Who do you regret that saw you?
1,Robert knows that it is essential to be well behaved.
1,I want to peruse that contract before filing it away.
1,The hanging gardens are a sight to behold.
1,Nora pushed on the chair.
1,"You may pick any flower, but leave a few for Mary."
1,John sounded happy.
1,Captain Wentworth recovered the property for Mrs Smith.
1,The brave are not afraid to die.
1,"Mary won't have been eating cake, but John will."
0,That him won the race could surprise them.
1,He was hoping for too much.
0,Who did you wonder if came?
1,The gardener watered the tulips flat.
0,The monkeys kept forgotten their lines.
1,Susan begged Bill to let her sing in the concert.
0,Quickly walks went to the store.
1,"How much harder has it rained, when you see a faster flow in the river?"
0,much tool is needed.
1,Caviar is eaten by Jack more than mush.
0,Bill understands himself and Mary.
1,Where did you put the book?
0,The librarians likes books.
1,Mary gets depressed if she listens to the Grateful Dead.
1,She asked a man who was near the window whether it looked like rain.
0,"You get angrier, the more we eat, don't we."
1,Neither of the cars has air conditioning.
1,He's a reliable enough man.
1,"You can do it, but you better not."
0,Julie maintained if the barman was sober.
1,I said for Mary to run.
1,is out since the following is finite.
0,Which boy works in a skyscraper and the girl in a quonset hut?
1,Mary is such a wit that people are afraid of her.
0,Here's a pole for you to kiss the girl who tied the string around.
1,John saw Fred.
1,"A policeman walked in at 11, and at 12, a fireman."
1,John deposited some money in the checking account and Mary did the same thing.
1,Adam asked if Hyacinth likes pineapples.
1,The students felt comfortable in the class.
0,The authorities charged the students of the cheating.
0,"After reading the pamphlet, Judy threw them into the garbage can."
1,It is a picture of Bill that this girl in the red coat will put on your desk before tomorrow.
0,John offers little suggestion.
0,This building got than that one.
1,The fans were deliberately provoked by a rival group.
0,He does may leave here.
1,What this arch does is support the weight of the tower.
0,The store staffed with employees.
0,John wagered a stranger to have been in that haunted house.
1,Eleanor and Marianne travelled from Shropshire.
1,The ice melted.
1,"I'm going out, whatever the weather."
1,It rained.
0,John perfectly shot the ball.
1,You should unload rifles because not to s is dangerous.
1,Sylvia could be slapping Jeff upside the head in martial arts class.
0,Dante accused
1,The socks are ready for you to go about beginning to put them on.
0,Tabs try to be kept on Bob by the FBI.
1,We're dancing the night away.
0,She liked Moya's football.
1,"John left his office at 11 and at 12, the library."
1,John seems to have left.
0,She did with her father away.
0,The man a ball kicked.
1,This scratch will cost Kim $500 to fix.
0,There were twenty students at the lecture and any student who was there said it was inspiring.
1,Did Calvin eat the beef waffles?
1,"This is the book of which Bill approves, and this is the one of which he doesn't."
1,You can rely on Edward's help.
1,I bought the parrot in the store.
1,The sky cleared.
0,This girl in the red coat one will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow.
1,"Enrico, who is the smartest of us all, got the answer in seven seconds."
1,I am more angry today than I was yesterday.
1,Paula spanked the naughty child's back.
1,There's anything Mary could desire in this store.
0,Here's a knife for you to say was on the table.
0,They have no went.
1,Some professor admires every student.
0,John met in the park a student.
1,John studied hard to pass the exam.
0,"Clearly, John immediately will probably learn French perfectly."
1,Imogen took the vase to her mother's.
1,Rub the baby with the cloth torn.
1,There seemed to be three men in the garden.
1,Did the wealthy young man buy that piano for his secret fiancée?
1,Carla hit Bill on the back.
0,I wanted he should leave.
1,Which chemical did you mix the hydrogen peroxide and?
1,He is afraid of foxes.
0,"While Holly didn't discuss a report about every boy, she did every girl."
1,An old woman lodged at Mrs. Parker's.
1,The piano which I disliked the boy's playing loudly was badly out of tune.
1,The pillow remained stuffed with feathers.
1,"There arrived a tall, red haired and incredibly well dressed man."
0,Paul yawned on Mary.
1,The book of poems with the bright red cover stinks.
0,"My uncle didn't buy anything for Christmas, but my aunt did it for him and it was bright red."
0,The naughty child spanked.
1,He kept writing poems.
1,Bill had an accident.
1,Which pictures of Earl did he see?
0,John has a hole in his quilt's upper right-hand corner.
1,The boys will all be there.
1,The judge presented the winner with a prize.
1,Each student speaks two languages.
1,Mary wrote a letter to him last year.
1,Zeke cooked and ate the chili.
1,I incorporated the new results into the paper.
0,I know a man who John is taller than is.
1,Calvin did not do a back flip.
1,"For Jenny, I intended to be present."
1,What Gilgamesh may do is seek Ishtar
0,How brave Mike is cowardly and Sam is!
1,Jake kicked the ball all the way to Bill.
1,That picture of Jenny in a rubber dress doesn't flatter her.
1,John included her name in the list.
1,Bill dried the clothes.
1,I will try and buy some whiskey.
1,You and I are as little alike as a horse and a cow.
1,The policeman met several young students in the park last night.
0,Smith threw the first base the ball.
0,Sue put.
1,"The more geniuses John meets, the angrier he gets."
1,Everyone who had been worrying himself stiff said that he was relieved.
1,These fields were marched over by all the armies of Europe.
1,I wonder who Jim kissed.
1,Bill squeezed himself through the hole.
1,Teresa bottle fed soy milk to the baby.
1,The judge offered a prize to the winner.
1,He cannot have been working.
1,John deposited some money in the bank on Friday.
1,"I did, as Bill had thought, go to the store."
1,Mary reported John to have loved her.
1,Fifteen dollars in a week is much.
1,We put a book on the table.
1,We wanted to eat cake
1,Agamemnon expected Esther to seem to be happy.
1,Fond of some boy every girl is.
1,The electrode was struck by ions.
1,I want to can do it
1,They read the paper.
0,Everyone rumored that he was on his way out.
1,She was sent a review copy of the book.
1,Mary was visited by Bill.
1,Every student attended more than three seminars.
1,Give the bottle to the baby full.
1,She writes more clearly than she speaks.
1,We yelled ourselves hoarse.
1,Burn letters to Peter!
1,He who laughs last laughs best.
1,He rode out the storm.
1,"Kim was dancing, and Sandy was, too."
1,Anne and Cathy met.
1,much evidence is needed.
0,The person who in came at that moment was Aunt Norris.
0,the book with a red cover of poems from Blackwell by Robert Burns takes a very long time to read.
1,Shaving myself is difficult for me.
1,I shipped the package all the way around the world.
1,Bill visited Mary.
0,They read the under book.
1,Pat promised Leslie to be aggressive.
1,Steve tossed the ball into the garden.
0,Bill would be easy for it to become expensive for you to chat with in Moscow.
0,San Francisco has been lived in by my brother.
1,The mouse nibbled the cheese.
1,Sally will stand near every woman that you will.
1,Most dragons have been neutered.
1,The dog chased the cat for days.
0,Joe hoped for Beth to find a solution.
1,The piano kicked a student.
1,Has Jenny eaten a cake?
1,They depend on Mary.
0,Sally enough eats caviar.
1,The publisher sent a review copy of the book to her.
0,I wonder if on which shelve John will put the book.
1,A tangerine isn't as different from an orange as I'd thought.
1,The jury seemed ready to leave.
1,"The man, a ball kicked."
0,Mary has more than just Bill and Pete friends.
1,I need to have that report on our web page by tomorrow.
1,Bill sang himself to sleep.
0,Chris will become talking to colleagues.
0,Cynthia devoured .
1,The students drank too much beer last night.
1,The latest research on dieting always warns people about the dangers of too much cholesterol.
1,"It is obvious that the more you eat, the less you want."
0,Joe is taller than I think Mary.
1,The dog that the rat bit chased the cat.
1,Stephen believed the cat to be out of the bag.
1,Wilma completed the assignment.
1,The hair dryer dried the clothes.
1,That Captain Wentworth married Anne astonished her father.
1,The school board leader asked a question of the students.
0,The squirrel ran right quickly.
1,Fifty pounds seem like a lot of weight to lose in one year.
0,John placed him busy.
1,Ethel was sitting at her desk.
1,Where did he tell you that he met Mary?
1,A flowering plant is on the windowsill.
1,Alison poked the cloth with a needle.
1,Jeff was dancing with Sylvia while Amy sat angrily at their table.
1,Jake kicked the ball halfway to Bill.
0,John said Heidi to eat the broccoli.
1,The committee have all now resigned.
1,The children were undisciplined.
0,"Kim wanted to go and Sandy wanted, too."
0,Megan loves Jason.
1,Jasper wonders which book he should attempt to persuade his students to buy.
0,"The sooner you call, the more carefully I know a man that will word the letter."
1,Carla was shoveling the walk.
1,"The tall, handsome man kicked the ball."
0,The chickens seem fond with the farmer.
1,My bother's friend learned dancing.
0,Mary thinks whether Bill will come.
1,John has been chosen for the position.
0,The crew has both agreed to change sponsor.
0,How difficult to study for the exam was it?
1,We will invite volunteers on whom to work.
1,We persuaded them to examine themselves.
1,The bird devours the worm.
1,Chocolate cakes and pies are my favorite desserts.
1,Chew the biscuit!
1,Martha carved a toy out of the piece of wood.
1,Sharon flinched at the sight of the accident.
1,I made the settlement of the matter my objective.
1,The box contains the ball.
1,The horse kicked Penny's shin.
1,John received a book.
0,I lent the book all the way to Tony.
1,John laughed.
1,"He told Peter that I know a taller man than John, but Peter didn't believe it."
1,The train reached the station.
1,Cornelia lodged at Mrs. Parker's.
1,Julie and Jenny arrived first
0,Lilly recounted a story to be remembered because Holly had recounted a story to be.
1,John gave a book to the students.
0,You can rely on that he will help you.
0,I don't know the boy who the flowers Mary gave to.
1,"Elmer finished the cake and John did too, finish the cake."
0,Chris said that himself was sad.
0,What Jason asked whether was the potion was ready
1,He began writing poems.
1,Bruce loved and Kelly hated phonology class.
1,she will win the race.
0,for John to hurt oneself is stupid.
1,The Shah slept in a bed.
1,I broke the twig off of the branch.
0,"Fluffy is sick, as nobody knows."
0,We were glad what to do.
1,Reports the height of the lettering on the covers of which the government prescribes should be abolished.
1,I put the book on the shelf.
0,The plumber who the nurse polished her trombone and computed my tax was a hefty fellow.
0,Like the ice cream.
1,the girls likes them.
0,Either Professor Swansong or the graduate students is going to proctor the exam.
1,Some of the soup needs more salt.
1,Who is clever?
1,The fact that John is snoring is informative.
1,A is similar to B.
1,Who did you say my talking to would bother?
1,Kim sang and Sandy danced.
1,All the dragons have been slain.
0,John's I stole bike.
1,What does Calvin like.
1,Jack is more tall than thin.
0,We yelled Harry hoarse.
1,For Mary to leave on time is important.
1,Carrie touched the cat.
0,I funneled into the bottle.
1,Who poisoned who?
1,Sam cut himself free.
1,"That guy, who I think might be drunk, just hit me!"
1,"Before you make any plans, consult the secretary."
1,She ran the car on propane from Reno to Vegas.
1,Tom keeps asking Karen's sister to buy the car.
0,It is on Kim on whom Sandy relies.
1,It bit me on the leg.
1,Anson will come to the party.
1,The truck spread salt.
0,We proved conclusively Smith to be the thief.
0,Tony bent at the rod.
0,A book was sent Louis.
1,This violin is easy to play sonatas on.
1,We persuaded the dentist to examine us.
1,The kids have arrived safely.
1,The monkey scratched a boy on Monday.
1,The President thanked any soldier who had fought in the Gulf.
1,I saw only the student.
1,The Paris I used to know is no more
1,Pauline hammered the metal flat.
1,Which attorney will give the closing argument hasn't been decided.
1,Around midnight I promised that he would be there.
1,The hardest that it is believed that it has ever snowed here was last January 12th.
0,John spoke intimately French to Mary.
0,Himself should decide soon.
0,Tom kicked not a ball.
1,There were several hundred people yelling for me to put down gently.
1,The teapot was broken by the child by accident.
0,He always might eats deep fried muffins.
1,The characters in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night live in a world that has been turned upside-down.
1,John coughed.
1,It bothers me for her to wear that old fedora.
1,Catherine did not eat.
1,Jasmine pushed the door open.
1,"I wrote a letter to Blair, but I tore it up before I sent it."
0,"The harder it has rained, how much faster a flow that appears in the river?"
1,The boy pushed his way through the crowd.
1,Cynthia ate the peach with a fork.
1,The room contains few armchairs.
1,Pat was neither recommended for promotion nor under any illusions about what that meant.
1,The director praised the volunteers.
1,I didn't see him ever.
1,Either Dana or Lee is going to lead the parade.
1,"Yes, she did."
1,Two miles is as far as they can walk.
1,The monkey seems despondent.
0,Whose tax did the nurse polish her trombone and the plumber compute?
1,I knew the man with the brown hair.
1,There is a riot in the park.
1,You may pick any flower.
1,"During the early evening, Saturn can be found in the north, while Jupiter rises in the east."
0,John loves Mary's pictures of himself.
1,I know several people who she kissed.
1,So elegant a solution as you have presented us with can elicit only admiration.
1,The terrorist escaped the prison cell.
1,I know.
0,"Sally is tall, and may be, and Sheila is short, and definitely is, blond."
0,Cora coiled around the post.
1,This rock is light enough for Marcia to pick up.
1,Heidi thinks that Andy will eat salmon flavored candy bars.
1,To whom did you throw the ball?
0,Jack disappeared in a mysterious manner and Marion disappeared in one too.
0,"The more people everyone who likes pays attention to, the happier we all are."
1,I put the book on the desk on Sunday.
1,It's quarter past four.
0,I am not certain about if he will go or not.
1,Who do you think it is that Mary met?
0,few information was provided.
1,The men surrounded the fort.
1,Pictures of himself always disturb Milo.
1,The only offer of which I plan to take advantage will give me an eleven month paid vacation.
0,John wanted to leave the room happy and leave the room he did happy.
1,Rosie loves magazine ads.
1,Kim regrets not having seen the movie.
1,Sue was the most likely not to say anything.
1,Every man who said he would buy some salmon did buy some salmon.
1,Have you anything to share with the group?
1,That dogs bark annoys people.
1,How did he eat the food?
1,The hiker will reach the top of the mountain within an hour.
1,He blew out the candle.
1,Bill squeezed the puppet through the hole.
1,It snowed
1,The oil and vinegar separated.
1,"The more people you give beer to, the more people that get sick."
0,"He seems to become more corrupt, if any senator talks to more lobbyists."
1,This sonata is easy to play on this piano.
1,Two drops sanitize anything in your house.
1,The cat shot into the kitchen on Sunday morning carrying a dead mouse.
1,It was to Boston that they decided to take the patient.
0,Anson kissed him
0,The bears sniffs
1,Susan whispered.
1,The old pigs love truffles
1,Steve pelted the squirrels with acorns.
1,Sam got free by cutting his finger.
1,What we are using is their teaching material.
1,The car was being driven.
1,We talked about the issues we had worked on as students and that our perspectives had changed over the years.
1,Jeff must have eaten the deep fried muffin.
1,He fed the children.
1,Calvin has eaten a peanut.
1,Nurse Rooke suspected that Mrs Clay planned to run away with.
1,I read him two statements about himself.
1,Fanny stopped talking because in came Aunt Norris.
1,Gregory appears to have wanted to be loyal to the company.
0,I read every his book.
1,"Mickey and Roger have signed, and Whitey will tomorrow."
0,That John coughs loves Bill.
1,I've never seen a man who is taller than my mother.
0,Who was that Plato loved obvious?
1,I got phoned by a woman friend.
1,John often kisses Mary.
1,The video which I thought John told us you recommended was really terrific.
0,We think if Bill left.
1,There was an error in the proof Johns presented.
0,To whom is she trying to make up now?
1,How quickly did you eat the cake?
0,"The more you eat, you want the more."
0,the bottle drained the liquid free.
1,Palmer is a guy who for for him to stay in school would be stupid.
0,A variety of styles have been in vogue for the last year.
1,Cornelia lodged with the Smiths.
1,You might not believe me but you will Bob.
0,"Handsome though I know several boys who are, I'm still going to marry Herman."
0,Who did you wonder saw Kim?
1,John can have danced.
0,John convinced it to be obvious that Bill left.
0,Ron asked that the potion was ready
1,He was talkative and a bully.
0,Who did Robin visit and?
1,The men mined the gold.
1,John left very early.
1,Mercedes gave a test to the students in the lecture hall.
1,I heard that Mary hired someone.
0,"The knife, that he threw into the sea had a gold handle."
0,The president declared Smith to press secretary.
1,This needs investigating.
0,How many people do you wonder whether I consider intelligent?
1,What all did you get for Christmas?
0,Who did you like and John?
1,They shopped their way around New York.
1,She may have and should have thawed the roast.
1,I might have eaten some seaweed.
1,That that for Herschel to throw a fit would confuse the guards was obvious is not true.
0,What did you eat some popcorn and drink?
1,That meeting I'd like to sit in on.
1,Mary knows that John was elected.
1,The man kicked the ball.
1,Harriet talked to Emma for hours.
0,Mary will complete her exam for an hour.
1,"Tom washed, and Dick waxed, and Harry polished the car."
0,Which cake did you see the man who baked?
1,Seven more soldiers came in after ten had left.
1,Would they have been walking for hours?
1,She kicked her
1,The commuters travelled by army lorry because of the strike.
1,It appears to be true that Harry likes girls.
1,Willy is taller than Bill by as much as Joe is taller than the Dan.
1,Sandy is either a lunatic or under the influence of drugs.
0,The book sent to Peter.
1,Hei is easy to please i.
1,I both went to the store and bought some whiskey.
1,He's fool enough to try it.
1,Lydia eloped with Wickham yesterday.
1,I run on the beach.
0,Mary prefers that Bill will come.
0,He are the only person that I can rely on.
1,She does not see him.
1,Is Mary running the marathon?
0,She yelled hoarse.
0,John studied carefully Russian.
1,John seems to sleep all day.
1,Have social problems made police work difficult?
1,John knows that she left.
1,A gun which I had cleaned went off.
1,Emma made Harriet her friend.
1,Every essay that she's written and which I've read is on that pile.
1,I think you need to show yourself more than you do anyone else.
1,They drank the pub dry.
1,That John sold the ostrich surprised Bill.
1,Benjamin gave the cloak to Lee.
1,Near Strasbourg my brother lives.
1,Two or three books take a very long time to read.
0,The people in who we placed our trust left.
1,Mickey pointed out that Gary had left.
1,I'm glad a linguist likes me.
1,And it was this matter on which I consulted with the chairman of the Select Committee.
1,Carol cut at the bread.
1,Bob Dylan is Robert Zimmerman.
1,I know several people she kissed.
1,I considered Fred crazy.
1,They wondered what she did yesterday.
0,Carmen bought Diana of a dress.
1,You British or you Americans will get yourselves in trouble.
1,Terry touched Bill's shoulder.
0,Heather cabled the news at Sara.
1,All of the plant virus web sites have been conveniently collected in one central location.
1,"Calvin will fire someone today, but I don't know who."
1,The force of the wind broke the window.
1,Do you think that he ever went there alone?
1,The hardest that it ever snowed was last January 12th.
0,Who did Plato listen to DP Demosthenes' oration about?
1,Heather cabled Sara.
1,Gilgamesh can seek Ishtar
0,There melted a lot of snow on the streets of Chicago.
1,"I am confident of, and my boss depends on, a successful outing at the track."
1,He put in the washing machine.
0,Would not the men enjoy that?
1,I lifted the book onto the out of the box.
1,Bill married Kathy.
1,Several people are sick.
1,I gave a picture of a covered bridge and a hundred hikers from Hoboken to my sister.
1,It was as awful a picture as it first seemed.
1,Philippa cried her eyes dry.
1,It is with long hair.
0,I said.
1,Benjamin gave the cloak and sent the book to Lee
1,He coughed his handkerchief completely soggy.
0,few evidence was provided.
1,Louis was forgiven.
1,A loud cry echoed through the hall.
1,The children were uneducated.
1,Margaret cut Bill's arm.
1,"I threw the ball to Julian, but it fell short of him."
0,What happened was they knew his parents.
1,Nina got Bill elected to the committee.
0,There is arriving three men at that station.
1,And then all the owls go on a mice hunt.
0,He seems enough intelligent for you.
1,Carla shoveled the snow from the walk.
1,This needs mending.
0,Who did you see and a picture of?
1,Gilgamesh has not been reading the cuneiform tablets
0,We contributed her our paycheck.
1,The army destroyed the palace.
0,"They said that Tom would pay up, and pay up that he did is well-known."
1,To whom did John send a book?
0,I put the book from Edna to Sally.
1,"Every student in Mary's class, by virtue of being in her class, is working on polarity items."
1,Ellen conferred with Helen about the problem.
1,A lot of clothes are drying on the line.
1,Betsy loves herself in blue leather.
1,Martha often thinks Kim hates phonology.
1,The teacher handed the student a book.
1,Rome's destruction of Carthage was horrific.
1,"Raffi makes pesto pasta, and David does too"
1,Calvin had eaten.
0,"They want to hire someone who speaks a Balkan language, but I don't know which language."
1,"Tom picked these grapes, and I washed these grapes, and Suzie will prepare these grapes."
1,Ayala sent the diamond necklace back.
1,Mike will sing if you will sing.
0,"Usually, any lion is majestic."
1,He hated himself and his friends.
1,"Any senator seems to become more corrupt, as he talks to more lobbyists."
0,It is ready to please John.
0,Whom left Bill.
1,I broke twigs off of those branches.
0,"I can well imagine the more him eating, the fatter him getting."
1,The close brush with the law put the fear of god in him.
0,Myself shaved me.
0,The student met the senator John met Bill.
1,He looks so formidable.
0,"They let him go yesterday, he."
1,You have not enough money.
0,The assignment completed.
1,whether she left is most unclear.
0,Cynthia lunched peaches.
1,Have they left?
1,I worded the telegram tersely.
1,"Stories about him seem to show up more on the evening news, the more that John gets upset by them."
1,I love her so much.
0,It has raining every day for the last week.
0,"It is the folks up at corporate headquarters who the sooner you solve this problem, the more easily you'll satisfy."
1,Would the men not enjoy that?
1,Aloe may have an analgesic effect on inflammation and minor skin irritations.
0,Which city and which conference did Bill go to to?
1,This hat Tom said Al thought you wanted me to make Jack put on.
1,Steve pelted Anna.
1,Cynthia munched on peaches.
1,I think that the trolls will take the shepherd tomorrow.
1,To go abroad would be nice.
1,Any student must work hard.
1,May she live forever!
1,The kettle bubbled water.
0,I separated the milk of the cream.
1,We talked about the fact that he was sick for days.
1,The road zigzagged down the hill.
0,I believe that the problem is not easy to be obvious.
1,Which poem about Achilles did Homer recite?
1,John wanted to improve his lot in life.
1,Benjamin gave Lee the cloak.
1,She's gone and ruined her dress now.
1,Bill went on Monday to London.
1,Alison poked the needle through the denim.
1,Do you know the boy who Mary saw?
1,This girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill in the mailbox before tomorrow.
0,little clue could be found.
1,"Mary's happy about her work, and John's happy about his children."
1,They pushed through the crowd.
1,Eat dirt!
1,"The money which I will make a proposal that we squander amounts to $400,000."
1,John considers several people sick.
1,The cat was sleeping in the kitchen.
1,Rome destroyed Carthage.
1,A philosopher is sometimes wrong.
1,The day when Jim got fired was a sad day for everyone.
0,John is prouder of having gone than John didn't expect me to believe he would be.
1,A little boy darted into the room.
1,Bill left when it is certain that no one else was awake.
1,I had the strangest feeling that I knew you.
1,How much of the fresco did the flood damage?
0,They have no old.
1,This girl will buy bread and so will that one buy bread.
1,They saw Bill leave.
1,Benjamin said he would give the cloak to Lee and give the cloak to Lee he did.
1,John tries to often meet Mary.
1,Willy is taller than Bill by that much.
1,We believed there to be a fountain in the park.
1,Through the hall echoed a loud cry.
0,The gun and a description of itself lay on the bureau.
0,Among the guests were sitting my friend Louise.
1,little equipment is available.
1,"The handsome, tall man kicked the ball."
1,I ate sugar.
1,Cakes were given to Margaret every Friday by the pupils in this maths class.
1,They talked to Kim and to each other.
1,Accountants audit our finances every year.
1,When can we register for graduation?
0,Gilgamesh might loved Ishtar
0,That Sam didn't pick those packages which are to be mailed tomorrow up is possible.
1,It is likely that Bill likes chocolate.
1,"Mary's happy with her work, and John's with his children."
1,I said that Bonny should do some dances from the Middle East.
1,A fragrant stew bubbled over the fire.
1,John is easy to please.
1,He refuted the proof that you cannot square it.
1,John believes Sally to be polite.
0,Bob is too thin for me to be able to squeeze into jacket.
1,Kick me!
1,The car will be driven.
1,I expect soon to see the results.
0,Andy promised us to go.
1,"The money which I will have a chance to squander amounts to $400,000."
0,John perfectly rolled the ball down the hill.
1,This theorem will take only five minutes to prove.
1,No one expected Agamemnon to to win
1,He let the cats out which were whining.
1,I asked Mike if he had seen the Yeti.
0,I detest him taking a bath.
1,she is the mother.
1,Which picture of himself does Mary think that John said that Susan likes?
1,Frank Churchill crosses the street.
0,Jill offered the ball at Bob.
0,The problem's perception is quite thorough.
1,You're going to hurt yourself one of these days.
0,Ellen talked Helen.
1,Smith was scribbling.
1,Water poured onto the plants.
0,Mary thinks for Bill to come.
1,John continues to avoid the conflict.
1,They praised the volunteers for their dedication.
1,That was a rude remark and in very bad taste.
1,Gilgamesh never flies dragons.
0,Few writers and any playwrights meet in Vienna.
1,To please John is tough.
1,They seemed all to like John.
1,I gave the package to Maria.
1,John is afraid of dogs.
0,I put the book from Edna.
1,Christina is ready to leave.
0,Any zebras can't fly.
1,They wouldn't leave soon.
1,Nora brought the book to the meeting.
1,The garden is certain to be planted with roses by the gardener.
1,The biggest man in the room said that John danced an Irish jig from County Kerry to County Tipperary on Thursday.
1,For Anna to tickle him drives Frank crazy.
0,To whom do you think it is the book that Mary gave?
1,Andy promised that we would go.
1,The computer will calculate the value of the variable.
1,The cat had been eating.
1,Many soldiers have claimed bottled water satisfies thirst best.
0,I only eat fish drunk raw.
0,I gave her so.
1,I'm glad he bought a car.
0,The persons on whom we kept tabs all proved to be innocent.
1,They elected Graham chairman.
1,The hare outran the tortoise by so much that he forgot the latter was even in the race any more.
0,John studies carefully Russian.
1,John a decidedly taller man than Bill.
0,The student known the answers.
0,You must pick any flower.
0,There run many people.
1,John whined that he was hungry.
1,I wanted him to leave.
0,Who did you arrange for to come?
1,Only to the best students would he give this book.
1,I want to go.
1,In the woods lives an old woman.
1,I leave for Paris next week.
1,the book of poems and of fiction from Blackwell takes a very long time to read.
1,John was bitten by an advertising executive.
1,Beans I don't think you'll be able to convince me Harry has ever tasted in his life.
1,What did Calvin eat?
0,Here's a razor for it to be announced that you will be shaved with.
1,Every vampire slept.
1,Henry cleared the table of dishes.
1,The shield that saved Achilles life.
1,She has enough problems as it is.
1,"Sandy will read your reports, but Harold will not."
0,Tom denied which book he had been reading.
1,The door slid shut.
1,The critique of Plato's Republic was written from a contemporary point of view.
1,We proclaimed John sincerely to the public to be a hero.
0,They want to are kind to her.
0,They heard John's criticism of themselves.
1,I asked who Medea gave what?
0,a pencil with that to write broke.
1,Last year I saw this film several times.
1,John asked if his essay would be published in the paper.
1,Lee will never leave.
1,A lot of snow melted on the streets of Chicago.
1,That he is coming is clear.
1,It was Tom who spilled beer on this couch.
1,Tom seems eager for her brother to catch a cold.
1,"I kicked him the ball, but the wind blew it astray."
0,They read the sing book.
1,A lot of attention was paid to the matter.
1,"Rodney was eating some squid, wasn't he?"
1,A fire raged over the fields.
1,It was for Jenny that I intended to be present.
1,Ida hunted for deer in the woods.
1,A soldier should be prepared to die for her country.
1,The three sunbathers went swimming.
1,Mary has more friends than two.
1,That is what you should see.
1,Did Medea poison Jason?
1,"While José won't talk about Mag, he might about Holly."
1,"Tom washed the car, and Dick waxed the car."
1,Why don't you pick some review up of this article?
1,That joke never fails to amuse little children.
0,"Danced extremely, Anson frantically at Trade"
1,I am being whipped
1,They believe it to be easy to annoy Ben.
0,No one's mother saw himself.
1,The TA who graded him says that John did really well.
0,Could you turn off the fire and on the light?
0,"Clearly, John perfectly will immediately learn French probably."
1,Jane has more nearly as many too many than Mary.
1,I saw people playing there on the beach.
1,Mickey slips up all the time.
1,He bought a refrigerator in which to put the beer.
0,The his jobs are in jeopardy.
1,He planted the garden with roses last November.
1,Anne astonished her father.
1,Pick any of these flowers.
1,Some of the water from melted snow also goes into the ground for plants.
0,The men were promised to leave.
1,Shirley seems to have Fred promoted.
1,"John hummed, and Mary sang, the same tune."
0,There dances a man with an umbrella.
1,Jessica loaded boxes onto the wagon.
0,We all thought he to be unhappy
0,The man who I read a statement which was about is sick.
1,The screw which I've got to try and find holds the door to the frame.
1,Mary sent a book to Bill.
0,They kicked himself
1,Mary appreciates only John and herself.
1,David constructed a house out of bricks.
1,I put a book on it.
1,Is this teacher a genius?
0,I consider to be a fool the senator who made the opening speech.
1,Zeke ate and cooked the chili.
1,He's something of a gossip.
1,The boy's guardians' employer we elected president.
0,Mike talked to about politics yesterday my friends.
1,She buys for Harrods.
0,many evidence was provided.
1,Tom played it under the table.
1,Every politician is worried when the press starts attacking him.
1,The builders made the wall with concrete blocks.
0,I read some book.
1,Fred hired Sharon to change the oil.
0,What Henry found is Bill sad.
0,A book was handed.
0,Mary talked to any man or any woman.
0,"If he is a rich man, he'd buy a diamond ring."
1,The horse broke Penny's shin.
1,"John is more embarrassed, the more pictures of him that appear in the news."
0,John is prouder of having gone than nobody expected me to believe he would be.
1,I borrowed and my sister stole large sums of money from the bank.
0,The fact that no candidate was elected shows that he was inadequate.
1,I shipped the package halfway to the Antarctic.
1,The problem disappeared.
1,Our love they.
1,Sue put the books on the table and the records on the chair.
0,The room contains little armchair.
0,I ordered if John drink his beer.
0,The kennel in which Mary made and Fido sleeps has been stolen.
0,I gave a picture of a covered bridge and to my sister a hundred hikers from Hoboken.
0,John gave Bill of the book.
0,Who did Athena introduce who to?
1,The cats ate the spider.
1,The kids have all eaten the chocolate.
1,John believes himself to be the best at baseball.
1,The child was never running to the car.
1,Anson appeared
1,Harry coughed himself into a fit.
0,He might do leave.
0,Rub the baby with the cloth asleep.
1,I ate an apple.
1,The party lasted till midnight.
0,John thinks that left.
1,The proof that this set is recursive is difficult.
0,I've seen as much of a coward as Frank.
1,"The cops spoke to the janitor about it yesterday, that robbery."
1,Nora pushed the chair against the wall.
1,The building's roof is leaking.
1,That Patrick left is likely.
1,Doug blew it up.
1,"When you book something such as a hotel room, you arrange to have it."
0,Brown equipped a camera near Jones.
1,The piano was bought for Jane by Frank.
1,"Louise likes not being happy, doesn't she?"
0,"They can't do it, can't they?"
1,The phone company billed me $10 for that phone call.
0,Susan hopes her to sleep.
1,Did John wonder who would win the game?
1,down the hill rolled John.
1,Dry the baby with the cloth asleep.
1,It is believed to be obvious by everyone that Fred is crazy.
1,There was a dragon in the cave.
1,Students who fail the final exam or who do not do the reading will be executed.
0,John wonders where him to go.
1,She turned down his offer.
1,Pat is healthy and of sound mind.
1,We consider the men all totally crazy.
0,the man standing over there's the hat impressed me greatly.
0,The teacher is proud with his students.
1,Heather cabled the news.
0,Gilgamesh has been not reading the cuneiform tablets.
1,Everyone should be able to defend himself.
1,Frances has had her clean the drapes.
1,Would John hate that?
1,"They melted, broke the ice."
1,What did he look up?
1,John suddenly put the customers off.
1,To please John would be difficult.
1,"The dumplings which Sasha is gobbling down faster than I can reheat them are extremely tasty, if I do say so."
0,John may rain.
0,John hurt John with John's umbrella when John tried to open it.
1,It would be possible for the president not to approve the bill.
1,I think John likes his beer.
1,No John Smiths attended the meeting.
0,Fred offered the ball over Molly.
0,Dorothy needs that dress a costume.
1,I saw the Mona Lisa.
1,Bill is sick.
1,each of the girls likes herself.
1,Bill alleged that Fred signed the check.
1,"Yes, she will."
1,The man who ordered it said the pudding would be tasty.
1,John spoke French intimately to Mary.
0,She always clad in black.
1,The hotel where Gloria stays is being remodelled.
1,I was not reading a book when you came in.
0,He figured out Ann.
0,Which man did you talk?
1,Ellen told Helen about the situation.
1,I mixed the eggs and cream.
1,What Harriet did was marry Mr Martin.
1,It is not true that that for Herschel to throw a fit would confuse the guards was obvious.
1,Fred talked about everything before Rusty did.
0,I'm hungry and did you play chess?
1,I have gone and bought some whiskey.
0,"Red picture desk, this girl in the red coat will put a picture of."
0,The foxes seem compatible for the chickens.
1,"The more articles he reads, the fewer people he thinks will go into linguistics."
1,Ida hunted the woods for deer.
1,You married no one.
1,"Mary will believe Susan, and you will Bob."
1,Susan ate yesterday at the restaurant.
1,Who do you think that you saw?
1,It is to Ireland that he is going.
1,Lorenzo saw the eclipse.
1,Press the stamp against the pad completely.
1,Cynthia ate.
1,The men lifted the table together.
0,Connie has become of the opinion that we should get out.
1,John believes that Bill saw him.
0,This hammer won't break.
1,Jessica splashed water at me.
1,"With their teacher, the kids have arrived safely, haven't they?"
1,I saw the brilliant one with long hair.
1,Jack sprayed paint on the wall.
0,Constant reading Shakespeare satisfied me
1,Buffy couldn't do 100 push ups and somebody laughed.
0,John tries him to win.
1,The hardest that I think I remember him ever telling me that he had heard of it snowing around here was last January 12th.
0,"He seems to become more corrupt, if every senator talks to more lobbyists."
1,It would be difficult to please John.
1,I know a taller man than John.
1,Show me the folder in which you stored the documents.
1,I've never known as strong a person as Louise.
1,"Mary claimed that eating cabbage, Holly's not."
1,Paula hit the sticks together.
1,Vera is knitting in the lounge.
1,Michelle kept the papers over the desk.
0,She kicked itself
0,We made them are rude.
0,To whom the book did you give.
0,Paul yawned at Mary.
1,"Fluffy is sick, which few people realize."
1,What she thought was that the poison was neutralised
0,The horizon was appeared on by a pirate ship.
0,We investigated for bombs in the area.
1,The curtain which Fred tore in rolling the wallpaper up was the kind gift of my maternal Aunt Priscilla.
1,The bread was chewed by Martha.
0,The Ferrari which Pietro bought from me and Sofia adores him cost him a bundle.
1,Mary did not avoid Bill.
1,He has been happy
1,Mary saw the tall man come from the back.
1,"I threw the ball to Mary, but she was looking at the birds flying overhead and didn't even notice."
1,Paul yawned.
0,She speaks too much clearly.
1,Jean wants Robert.
0,They alleged many strangers to have been in that garden.
0,They will do come.
0,My red is refrigerator.
1,Who do you think borrowed my book?
0,The coat which a girl came in who had worn was torn.
1,There will be a hole in Jack's pocket.
1,You and I may incriminate ourselves.
0,It tried to rain.
1,Bill was hit by the baseball.
1,"Him, they let him go yesterday."
0,He turned from a prince.
1,How intelligent do you consider John?
1,He stopped writing poems.
1,Every poodle gives live birth.
1,I must eat macaroni.
1,The man I think chased Fido returned.
1,Whole wheat bread cuts easily.
1,Isn't Bill sick?
0,The thief chased.
1,Martha carved beautiful toys out of this wood.
1,Any man didn't eat dinner.
1,The video which you recommended was really terrific.
0,John did not leaving here.
1,Doug removed the scratches from the tabletop.
0,The cup knocked the stone apart.
1,This very heavy parcel was delivered yesterday.
0,It tries to be warm in September.
1,That I should evaporate is my fondest dream
1,I was hunting.
1,Mary didn't pick any of the flowers.
0,The judge saddled a prize to the winner.
1,His friend learned dancing.
1,John and the man went to the store.
1,Which book by his father did he read?
1,Why don't we make some French fries?
1,That Jean left is likely.
0,the girls likes yourselves.
0,Carrie touched the stick against the cat.
1,He saw the man with the stick.
1,Where do we go to register for graduation?
1,Yeltsin saw Stalin holding the bag.
0,I heard John's criticism of myself.
1,Fred tore the curtain in rolling up the wallpaper.
0,He figured out that.
1,Ellen said something to Helen.
1,"Fred can well imagine Joe getting fatter, the more he eats."
0,I differed this flyer from that flyer.
0,Truman told the story Bob.
1,John's quilt has a hole in its upper right-hand corner.
1,John's mother sent a letter to Mary.
0,The professor found some strong evidences of water on Mars.
1,The scenes to which the censors took objection had to do with the mixed marriage of a woman and a giant panda.
1,Who do you think Ciaran will question first?
1,Where did John put the books?
0,Mary noticed that John excessively appreciates herself.
1,Beavers build dams.
1,Mary wonders whether Bill will come.
1,Dan gave his life.
1,only the student left.
1,Barbara handed the intriguing results of the latest examination to Alan on Tuesday.
1,Who did he expect to show up who I was acquainted with?
1,John included his name in the list.
1,which books about cooking does Henri want to buy?
0,Jennifer craned her arm.
1,Racial inequality engenders conflict.
1,I saw the student.
1,Alyssa kept her syntax book.
1,Heidi thinks that the salmon flavored candy bars were eaten.
0,They said him to be rich.
0,You should attempt answering every question.
1,Ayala sent back the diamond necklace.
1,Dorothy needs her skills.
0,Bunnies carrots eat.
1,The man holding the bottle disappeared.
0,Harry got to be as much of the celebrity as his father.
1,Peter has been asked to resign.
1,Aphrodite quickly freed the animals
1,"Ron failed biology, unfortunately"
0,I lent Tony the book halfway.
1,She mumbled her adoration.
1,We drove all the way to Buenos Aires.
0,John spoke to Mary French.
1,It is John that I met last night in the park.
1,Anna's tickling him drove Frank crazy.
1,The consul's gift of the gladiator to himself.
1,Big bowls of beans are what I like.
1,What you should do is order one first.
1,I don't remember what I said all?
1,Stephen believed Ben to be careful.
1,The cat devoured the rat.
0,Owners of a pig loves to eat truffles
1,"Mary claimed that eat cabbage, Holly wants to."
1,Robert thinks that student should eat asparagus.
1,I gave a birthday present to my brother.
1,Jennifer swatted Steve.
1,"I rolled up a newspaper, and Lynn did a magazine?"
0,The girl who the by works in a skyscraper and in a quonset but has a dimple on her nose.
0,John is easy to please and to love Mary.
0,The hot sun was played under by the children.
1,I broke those twigs and branches apart.
0,"This is the problem that you'll beat the competition more easily, the sooner you solve."
1,His yearbook picture gives Tom the creeps.
1,The onions reeked.
1,Dracula thought him to be the Prince of Darkness.
1,Bill pounded the metal.
1,I wonder in which pocket it was that Kim had hidden the jewels.
1,Ellen warned against skating on thin ice.
1,The worm wriggled onto the carpet.
0,The student is belonged to by this item.
0,"Mary won't have been eating cake, but John."
1,He talked to a girl about swimming.
1,We believed John to try to leave the country.
1,John is the kind of a fool that I told you about.
1,What John wants to look at now is your notes.
0,The student met the senator that John met Bill.
1,Did his having played the piano surprise you?
1,"Flo desperately wants, though she doesn't really expect, the Miami Dolphins to be in the play-offs."
1,He looked the number up
0,They drank the pub.
1,A piano was given to Jane Fairfax by Frank Churchill.
1,I wonder whether Mary has worked for Microsoft.
1,Michael asked a question.
0,I wonder whether has Mary worked for Microsoft.
0,John died to heart disease.
0,"Of Bill on, this girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow."
0,This is a problem that you'll be able to tell the folks up at corporate headquarters to buzz off if you solve.
0,I ate apple.
1,Which picture that John took at the party did he decide to display in his house?
1,John enjoyed drawing trees for his syntax homework.
1,The weights kept the rope stretched over the pulley.
0,I'm going to write to the Game Warden if more than one deer my neighbor brings back.
1,The boys should all could go
1,Nora pushed at the chair.
0,The city destroyed.
1,How was the plot discovered by the authorities?
0,They eager to leave the meeting.
1,the box we put the books in is sealed.
1,Miss Bates can chatter on for hours.
1,Tony broke her arm.
1,He might could go
0,Sam gave the ball off the shelf.
1,That annoying faucet was dripping constantly for months.
1,I wonder whether you'd be kind enough to give us information.
0,Hold has been gotten of some rare old manuscripts.
1,Perhaps some dry socks would help?
1,John promised Bill to leave tomorrow morning.
1,John is the kind of fool that I told you about.
1,Pat was believed to have been examined by the dentist.
1,John is tough to please.
1,To which man did you talk?
1,Either we Americans or I myself will get ourselves in trouble.
1,His second book came out earlier this year and became an instant best-seller.
1,The baby dressed.
0,Is likely to Jean dance.
1,The bears sniff
0,Kim alienated cats and beaten his dog.
1,Dana was quite competent.
1,John saw the man in the room.
1,Why can't the man who usually cuts the grass do so today?
1,How did Julie say that Jenny left?
0,A job offered to her.
1,Bake for 30 minutes.
1,Seldom is any lion majestic.
1,In the garden stands a statue.
1,The noise gave Terry a headache.
1,John liked anything that was placed before him.
1,This girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow.
1,I blew the building up.
0,John made Mary cooking Korean food.
1,They rowed the canals of Venice.
1,Paul exhaled.
1,John deposited some money in the checking account on Friday and Mary did the same thing.
0,Paula's right hand spanked the naughty child.
1,I am fond of him.
0,I know a man who hates myself.
1,"With him sick, the team is in trouble."
1,Look at all these books. Which book would you like?
1,Interviewing Richard Nixon gave Norman Mailer a book.
1,That the golden thread would show Jason his path through the labyrinth was
1,Can't you see I'm reading?
1,They parted the best of friends.
1,"Tom ordered bacon, and Dick ordered lettuce, and I think that Harry ordered tomatoes."
1,I did not have a red cent.
0,The cat that the dog that the rat bit chased died.
1,I bled him.
1,Mary convinced me that the argument was sound.
1,"Although Doc might tell it to you, he won't to me."
1,Too much salt damages vehicles.
0,Peter is some happy pigs which can fly.
1,Phineas knows a girl who is working with Maxime.
1,Jessica sprayed paint onto the table.
1,Bill is always complaining about the guys who work near him.
0,Kim depends at Sandy.
0,John likes not Mary.
0,The men doctors of medicine.
0,Kim lives in the house Lee sold it to her.
1,Jenny has eaten a cake.
0,Dracula thought that himself was the Prince of Darkness.
0,Sketch by his students appeared in the magazine.
1,The girls played in the water and swam under the bridge.
0,The deed which I want to peruse that contract before filing away is probably a forgery.
1,That a review came out yesterday of this article is catastrophic.
1,The clever snake disappeared into a hole in the ground.
0,I expect to double my profits more than.
1,"You should always lock your door, no matter how fancy the hotel."
1,Many fish are in the sea.
0,"Every student in Mary's class, whoever they were, happened to vote Republican."
1,What did Bill claim that he read?
1,I prefer for the girl to win.
0,John leftn't the party early.
0,Ellen and Helen conferred together.
1,Felicia kicked the ball out the window.
0,Cynthia devoured on the pizza .
1,An oak tree will grow from that acorn.
1,She writes clearly enough.
1,What John became was deadly afraid of flying.
1,I gave the book to Harvey because he asked me to.
1,Susan bought some flowers for her mother.
1,Kim depends on Sandy.
1,The cottage which Mrs Dashwood accepted was rather small.
0,The sing loved peanut butter cookies.
1,Most of the children are here.
1,The kid picked up the apple that fell down on the ground.
1,She said that into the room came Aunt Norris.
0,Gillian has made pasta and David is too.
0,I went out with a girl who that John showed up pleased.
0,Peter is owners.
1,John drink beer last night.
1,Heather cabled for Sara to come.
1,No one's mother had baked anything.
1,Owners of a pig love to eat truffles.
1,This is the dog that chased the cat that caught the rat that ate the cheese.
1,"After ten had left, seven more soldiers came in."
0,"It's we go to the meeting, that Sally will tell us when."
0,I know the truth and that you are innocent.
1,That Anne was in conversation with Mr Elliott dismayed Captain.
1,I inquired if we could leave early.
0,The kids were failed as a father.
1,John tried.
1,"That they spoke to the janitor about that robbery yesterday, the cops, is terrible."
0,Louis begged Kate that she leave her job.
0,The senators certain that the president is telling a lie.
0,where place are you living.
0,I put the book.
1,I hunted the secret out of him.
1,The car will have been being driven.
1,Tom is insistent that the defendants be truthful.
0,I spoke to about the war yesterday that guy who's always following us.
0,So much of a scholar is here.
1,You give any senator enough opportunity and he will succumb to corruption.
1,Jessica loaded boxes into the wagon.
1,Steve tossed the ball from the tree to the gate.
0,Emily showed himself to Benjamin in the mirror.
0,One people was dying of thirst.
0,On that meeting I'd like to sit in.
1,They believe that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is just a scientific theory.
1,The men were able to mine more gold.
1,They made him into a monster.
1,What John did to the wall was paint it.
1,King Kong is a movie which you'll laugh yourself sick if you see it.
1,He told me how many employees Karen introduced to the visitors.
0,Ellen warned for Helen to come.
0,I weighed the package ten pounds.
1,That barn has seven pine trees behind it.
1,They rowed.
0,He hit the ball.
0,The king of Rock and Roll is more popular than the one of country music.
0,I have might be flying helicopters.
1,I am hoping to get an invitation and optimistic about my chances.
1,The teacher meant well.
1,"It's obvious that Mary, he can't stand."
0,Does John have gone to the library?
1,Bill went to London on Monday.
1,I think that learning English is not all that easy.
1,"I'm as much of a man as you are, my dear."
1,Hilda is such a scholar.
0,"When into the room came Aunt Norris, Fanny stopped talking."
1,John eats so much.
1,Rarely is any lion majestic.
0,Medea tried her to leave.
0,The politician perjured his aide.
1,We believed Aphrodite to be omnipotent
1,We asked him not to try to call us again.
0,A friend of mine and a girl who was from his home town met in Vienna who was working in Europe.
0,John sang beautifully and a carol.
1,Sue knows the answer.
1,The bright green filing cabinet was filled to the brim with the most boring articles from a prestigious journal of linguistics with a moderately large readership.
0,They believe Stephen to be easy to annoy Ben.
0,"When it rains harder, how much faster a flow that appears in the river?"
1,I stalked game in the woods.
0,We proclaimed sincerely to the public John to be a hero.
1,"Raffi slept well, and Gillian will too"
0,The thief stole the museum of the painting.
1,John knew any language that we encountered on our trip.
1,It's under the bed that's the best place to hide
1,Emma slighted Miss Bates.
1,I gave Mary a book.
1,John can go to the market on his bike.
1,The book was donated to the hospital.
0,That he is clever is eager to be obvious.
1,"Raffi has made pasta, and David has too."
1,Mary has never kissed a Man taller than John.
1,Medea saw who?
1,The president looked weary.
1,This bed was slept in by George Washington.
1,Vera is knitting there.
1,Jorge was the one.
1,Tom will not force you to marry any student.
1,Louise broke the cup.
1,Do you have dry socks? claim.
1,Kim has wondered in which room Gary stayed.
1,"If I can work on it, I will."
1,A violent demonstration took place in the main square.
1,"No writer, and no playwright, speaks clearly."
1,Carmen purchased a dress at Bloomingdale's for $50.
1,Evidence will be presented that he was drunk.
1,"Tom will force you to marry no student, and neither will I."
1,Mary really appreciates and constantly praises herself and Sue knows it.
1,"Edward's help, you can rely on."
1,A poodle gives live birth.
0,the boy likes herself.
1,That that it would confuse the guards for Herschel to throw a fit was obvious is not true.
1,What did he get the impression that the problem really was?
1,The people in whose house we stayed left.
0,Reports on the covers of which the government prescribes the height of the lettering almost always put me to sleep.
1,John went to the store.
1,This map is what he wants.
0,There is strangers in that garden.
1,He took his umbrella.
0,Lee solved the puzzle how Kim solved it.
0,Book is available in most countries.
1,The woman who was here believed that the man was ill.
1,Price quotes on selected categories will be sent out upon request.
0,That Sam didn't pick those packages up is possible which are to be mailed tomorrow.
1,Any professional dancer would be able to do it.
1,No one expected Agamemnon to win.
0,There was he in the garden.
0,John had an error in the proof Sarah presented.
1,I took a snooze.
1,I saw the brilliant student.
1,"His expectations are lower, the higher the stakes."
1,Jean is likely to dance.
0,I lent the book most of the way to Tony.
0,"Handsome though they told me that Tom is, I still won't date him."
1,It was such an awful picture that I tore it up.
1,Mike quipped that she never wore this hat.
1,I didn't find any bugs in my bed.
1,This doll is hard to see.
0,I want Bradley that left.
0,Paul exhaled at Mary.
1,"Sally might be pregnant, and I believe that Sheila definitely is pregnant."
1,I wonder if you will come back tomorrow.
1,I've got to both try and find that screw.
1,Type A: It is on Bill that John relies.
1,Gilgamesh has been fighting the dragon.
1,The jeweller decorated the ring with the name.
1,I am delighted at the idea they might demolish the Appleton Tower.
1,The students all worked that summer.
1,Jean is likely to leave.
1,John seemed a fool.
0,Peter is owners of pigs.
0,He figured out it.
1,Springfield would have built a police station with the federal grant.
0,She held at the rail.
1,John put carrots from his garden in the salad.
0,Which celebrity did he mention the fact that he had run into?
1,Amanda carried the package to New York.
1,I like Anson
1,I gave.
0,The stick touched the fence.
1,Fanny pulled the blanket over herself.
1,I think that person we met last week is insane.
0,Mary thinks that John said that Susan likes pictures of himself?
1,I shaved.
1,Perseus saw the Gorgon in his shield.
1,The writers of none of the reports.
1,It was the man I saw that you wanted to meet.
0,John saw anything.
0,the logs piled the barge high.
0,The hospital was donated the book to.
0,They expected us to do leave him.
0,Pictures of whom appeared in the newspaper?
1,Sasha is gobbling down dumplings faster than I can reheat the meatballs.
1,Sharon sprayed the plants with water.
0,"When Dr Jones died of apoplexy didn't he, Mary Crawford went to live with his wife."
1,You or Kerry have perjured yourselves.
0,Would each the men have been working?
0,Maxwell isn't half the doctor that I know an African chief who is.
1,"When Lydia went to Brighton, she eloped with Wickham."
0,Calvin ate not his dinner.
0,On the table jumped a cat.
1,Calvin will not eat the beef waffles.
1,He has a rail pass that's right for you.
1,The plucky platypus kicked a can of soup from New York to Tucson.
0,I brought a razor to shave himself with.
1,The potion boiled over
1,"The more that pictures of him appear in the news, the more embarrassed John becomes."
1,Stephen believed there to be a fountain in the park.
1,"In the classroom, the teacher praised John, whom I also respect."
1,A hundred men lifted the table together.
1,It was to the student that the teacher gave the best advice.
1,Some gifts get used a dozen or so times a year.
0,Harry says that Sally dislikes himself.
0,What table will he put the chair between and some sofa?
0,She was kissed him.
1,Margaret cut the bread.
1,"The knife, which he threw into the sea had a gold handle."
1,The spunky girl has a black eye.
1,John took Bill to be a fool.
1,Couldn't you get any tickets better than this?
1,The beans were grown by the gardener.
0,"When Bill smokes, much more does Susan hate him."
0,They heard that John criticized each other.
1,Medea might have given Jason a poisoned robe (just treat a poisoned robe as an NP
1,Anson became the Mayor
0,I funneled the mixture from Edna to Rina.
1,That I believed that the sun was out is obvious.
1,Medea tended to appear to be evil.
0,Tom got understood to have asked for a refund.
0,There's anything Mary had asked for in this store.
1,My brother lives near Strasbourg.
1,The cat chased the long string.
1,I doubt his sincerity.
1,What happened is they caught her without a license.
1,Carmen bought a dress at Bloomingdale's.
0,The handle detached from the box.
0,The boy's we elected guardian's employer president.
1,There exist few solutions which are cost-effective.
1,The roses bloomed.
1,Caesar put a gushing fountain by his palace.
1,It really bites that we invaded Iraq.
1,Maxwell isn't much of a doctor.
0,"The more people you say that will buy tickets, the happier I'll be."
1,Everyone likes himself.
1,He might have left.
0,I put the table with the books.
0,"The more contented we pretended to be better fed and, the more angry we grew at the doctors."
0,John expect to must leave.
1,Who did you meet all when you were in Derry?
1,Did you believe him ever to have made an effort to talk to the student?
1,Which pictures of him did Earl see?
1,A choir sang in the church.
1,Martha carved a toy out of wood for the baby.
1,The baby is heavy.
1,That the king or queen be present is a requirement on all Royal weddings.
0,Lee not left.
0,There was known to everyone.
1,I have always loved peanut butter.
0,Carla poured the pitcher with lemonade.
1,To train his horse would be desirable.
1,Carla slid Dale the book.
1,Anson's hen nibbled his ear.
0,Tom claimed how much money she had spent.
1,Ellen talked with Helen.
1,Donna fixed a sandwich.
1,It might have cracked open
1,It wasn't such an awful picture as it first seemed.
0,The boys swim.
1,The men chuckle
1,The tree changed into an oak.
1,Every student has to come up with three arguments that show that some condition proposed by Bill is wrong.
0,"Lilly decided eating cabbage, to be."
1,John considers him a nice guy.
1,Which textbook did the teacher use in the class last summer?
0,"Will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow, this girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow."
0,You should avoid to travel in the rush hour.
1,The water melted to ice.
0,Fred is counting on for Tom to make an announcement.
1,Several people seem sick.
0,"Near everyone Angleton did, Dulles stood."
0,Who did he believe the claim that he had never met?
1,Gilgamesh did not fly the dragon.
0,An echoing voice rang out.
1,Mary will complete her exam within an hour.
0,"That piano, which the boy's playing loudly drove everyone crazy, was badly out of tune."
1,the barge piled high with logs.
1,The soft bread cuts easily.
1,I've never seen a taller man than my mother.
0,The cup emptied with water.
1,What do you think he is doing now?
0,John criticized.
0,The writer is that gets you so involved.
1,Bill floated down the river for hours.
0,Left Tom the party already?
0,Almost an owl hunts mice.
1,That I believed that the sun is out is obvious.
1,John was driving the car.
1,John has been captured by the cops and I'm afraid he'll talk.
1,Did Frank buy Jane the piano?
0,Steve pelted at Anna.
1,Milena will make pasta.
1,Paula hit Deirdre's back.
1,"Every senator becomes more corrupt, the more lobbyists he talks to."
0,I'm sadder than I'm angry.
1,A wonderful opportunity presented itself yesterday.
1,The men would not all have been working.
1,Nixon's behavior gave an idea for a book to every journalist living in New York.
0,Monica moved at the cat.
1,"Handsome though everyone expects me to try to force Bill to make Mom agree that Dick is, I'm still going to Marry Herman."
0,Him book
1,Ron definitely has bought a dog.
1,A squeaking door announced John's presence.
1,Paul had three affairs . . .
1,Believing that the world is flat gives one some solace.
1,I read a book during the vacation which was written by Chomsky.
1,I put the milk in the fridge.
0,The room was left angry.
1,The man went to the store.
0,Susan hopes Susan to sleep.
0,David constructed the bricks into a house.
1,Fred kicked the ball under the porch.
1,Paul had two affairs
1,A man who saw the fly in the food didn't eat dinner.
0,The monkeys kept forgot their lines.
1,Steve tossed the ball.
1,Dracula thought himself to be the Prince of Darkness.
1,The man that chased Fido returned.
1,I am to eat macaroni.
0,The king banished at the general from the army.
1,This oven cooks well.
0,The capital was gathered near by a crowd of people.
0,Which book he read the book was that one.
1,What this girl in the red coat will do is put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow.
1,He blew up the building.
0,Each other's houses proved to the women that they had bad taste.
1,They may grow as much as six feet high.
0,Aphrodite said he freed the animals and freed the animals he
1,We walked slowly and with great care.
1,In the hallway there ticked a grandfather clock.
0,Mary sent.
1,John believes that he is sick.
0,I didn't eat any ice cream or Mary's cake.
1,The baby was chewing the biscuit.
0,"The harder it rains, how much faster a flow that do you see in the river?"
1,Paula hit the stick on the fence.
1,They praised the volunteers' dedication.
1,It was believed to have disturbed him that people didn't like Fred.
1,Kim put the book in the box.
1,The belief that syntactic theory reveals the inner structure of sentences emboldened the already much too cocky professor.
1,It was John and Bill that were waiting at the restaurant.
0,To him presented itself a wonderful opportunity.
1,No doubt that he was forced to leave his family against his will.
1,I saw all the students.
1,Susan kissed the clown's nose.
0,Fred knows which politician for Karen to vote for.
0,Any woman contributed to the fund.
1,Bill rolled out of the room.
0,Is putting the book in the box.
1,The question of whether John met Mary worries the people who support.
1,The tigers hunt prey at night.
1,"The harder that it rains, how much faster a flow do you see in the river?"
0,Mary has more friends that two.
1,Enough is going on to keep them confused.
1,John likes himself.
1,The fact that I like strawberry flavored milk shakes is none of your business.
0,"He's a man to whom as for liberty, we could never grant it."
1,What John did to the wall was hit it.
1,They can cry.
1,I have never put the book.
0,On the line there are drying a lot of clothes.
1,I didn't help him because I have any sympathy for urban guerillas.
1,The yolk separated from the white.
0,I shaped a loaf from the dough.
0,The fatter he goes to a doctor when he gets the more he eats.
1,I wonder if she used paints.
0,Only Glasgow would he travel by train.
0,Julius Caesar murdered.
1,They didn't leave any food.
1,The contract is subject to approval by my committee.
1,"The contestant who won the first prize, who is the judge's brother-in-law, sang dreadfully."
1,He replied that he was happy.
1,The tree trembled.
1,I know you like the back of my hand.
1,He mended the shoe.
1,The boy works in a skyscraper and the girl in a quonset hut.
1,"If Fiona is here by 5 o'clock, we can go to the party."
1,I should not eat plums.
1,"Sorry, I gave last week."
0,"Kim likes Lee, and to Ronnie."
1,For Aphrodite to appear to be happy would be impossible.
0,"What dl,d John fall asleep and Bill wear?"
0,Mary picked any of the flowers.
1,Real play Valencia next Sunday.
1,Steve tossed the ball over the fence.
1,"The more people arrive, the louder it gets."
1,Jennifer baked Idaho potatoes.
1,It was then when we all went to bed.
1,John deposited some money in the checking account on Friday and Mary did the same thing on Monday.
1,Being honest is not an easy task.
1,Mary is more than six feet tall.
0,Our neighbor take his children to school in his car.
1,Jason intended for him to learn magic.
0,He is the happiest that that he has ever been is believed.
1,The child broke the teapot by accident.
1,I dried the clothes in the sun.
1,I assumed him to be innocent
1,I suspect that the contract which I want to peruse before filing away the deed may some loopholes.
1,On the windowsill is a flowering plant.
1,I worked on Sunday in the city on that project without a break.
1,David constructed a house out of.
0,What she did was be very cold.
1,I have six marbles too many.
0,A medal was been given to the mayor by the sewer commissioner.
1,It wasn't as awful a picture as it first seemed.
1,It appears that Poseidon owns a dragon
0,Kim is eager to recommend.
1,"Mary sent Bill a book,…."
1,It is beans that I don't like.
1,"They failed to tell me which problem the sooner I solve, the quicker the folks up at corporate headquarters."
0,"It is important the more you eat, the more careful to be."
1,The woman believed that the man was ill who was here.
1,Briana showed Justin himself.
1,That anybody ever left at all is not certain.
1,That the sun was out was obvious.
1,"I'm sad, more than I'm angry."
0,The fear shivered Sharon.
0,Rub the cloth on the baby asleep.
1,Martina is deathly afraid of spiders.
0,The owl hated the evil and the wise eagle.
1,"When I am awake and Susan is asleep, Bill will leave."
1,The rod bent.
1,I am anxious for you to study English grammar hard.
1,Belinda walked the soles off her shoes.
0,Jennie smiled the microwave.
1,Herman hammered the metal flat.
1,"Because she's so pleasant, Mary I really like."
1,Do you believe that somebody was looking for something?
1,John talked to any woman who came up to him.
0,The fly swatted.
0,Sees he I often Mary?
1,He's bound to could do it
0,I read him Judy's statement about himself.
1,She disappeared when the main party arrived.
1,June covered the baby with a blanket.
1,John's bike got fixed or got stolen.
1,I believe the problem to be obvious.
1,I lifted the books to him.
1,A book was handed to Chris by Pat.
0,Mary managed John to go abroad.
1,The writers could so believe the boy.
1,I wonder to how many people Bill talks.
1,Brenda and Molly agreed.
1,"The angrier Sue gets, the more Fred admires her."
1,What is likely to have been bought at the supermarket?
1,The muffins were eaten.
1,Could it be more detrimental?
1,Mary desired to go abroad.
1,The king kept putting his gold under the bathtub.
1,Where did you send the bicycle? To Rome.
1,Phyllis dyed the dress.
1,John and Mary met in Vienna.
1,John has forgotten which player his son shouted at.
1,The truck rumbled.
1,The boy whose guardian's employee we elected president betrayed us.
0,The evidence that John found was more helpful than the one that Smith found.
1,Her efficient looking up of the answer pleased the boss.
1,Water filled the cup.
1,John was wondering whether to leave or not.
1,He dared not argue against his parents.
0,He washed ourselves.
1,I am ashamed that I neglected you.
0,"Will, after John comes home, Sally take a shower?"
0,The door has seven holes in it and the window.
1,"They spoke to the janitor about that robbery yesterday, the cops."
1,It is unclear why she told him.
1,The man who I gave John a picture of was bald.
1,"Sam picked those packages up which are to be mailed tomorrow rest might, but he didn't want to do so until it had stopped raining."
0,That piece of ice is too big for for him to be able to pick up with a teaspoon to be likely.
1,The president who Fred voted for has resigned.
0,Gilgamesh never has flown a dragon.
1,These ones are to be smuggled from Hungary.
1,The witch went into the forest and thereby vanished.
1,To whom did you give the ball?
0,Is likely Jean to leave.
0,Jason thinks who Medea had poisoned.
0,I'm going to call somebody who is.
1,The train reached the station fully.
1,"The more pictures of himself that appear in the news, the more embarrassed John becomes."
1,John hit the ball with a bat.
0,The director sparkled the lights.
1,Bill told me something awful: that ice won't sink.
1,They came running over the hill and through the woods
1,It is obvious that John is a fool.
1,That we invaded Iraq really creeps me out.
1,John had carefully studied Russian.
1,These documents Elizabeth is checking at this very moment.
1,The ball was kicked by him.
0,My mother bore me in 1970.
1,The DA proved Jones guilty and the Assistant DA will prove Smith.
1,Anson demonized David every day.
0,John locked Fido in the garage and Mary did so in the room.
1,it mattered on Sunday.
1,"I will eat a mango, and Gillian will too."
1,I asked the question.
0,Look after herself!
1,"Whenever Bill smokes, Susan hates him much more."
1,Constantly reading Shakespeare satisfied me
1,Sam gave the cloak to Lee and gave the magic chalice to Matthew.
1,Mary should buy some flowers for her mother to arrange.
1,The books slid across the table.
1,The convict escaped the police.
1,Will George indeed not endorse the treaty?
1,"The more that John gets upset by them, the more that stories about him seem to show up in the news."
1,"Smith loaned a valuable collection of manuscripts to the library, and his widow later donated a valuable collection of manuscripts to the library."
1,Pat was annoyed by the children's noise and that their parents did nothing to stop it.
0,The professor talked us.
1,"I think that the more you eat, the less you want."
0,I was trying and buying some whiskey.
0,The cloth swatted the fly.
1,No vampire slept.
1,Frank will eat an apple and Morgan will eat an apple too.
1,Tom placed it under the table.
1,The mouse was out the cheese box.
1,The child is impossible to teach.
1,Tessa cut herself.
0,Who does Phineas know a girl working with?
0,"The more he reads, the more books I wonder to whom he will give."
1,"They said that Tom wouldn't pay up, but he did go to the bank, and he did pay up."
0,Jack eats more caviar than he sleeps.
1,John wonders whether Mary will win.
0,The therapist's analysis of Lucy's
0,What time did you arrive at?
1,He intended to will the large amount of money to Frank.
0,Lee is believed to like not Kim.
1,Who did he believe that he would one day meet?
0,Doug cleared at the table.
1,The new tax laws will benefit the middle class.
0,John seems know about the bananas.
1,"That the fuzz wanted him worried John, but that the fuzz wanted John didn't worry Mary."
0,Mary desired John to go abroad.
1,The students and Professor Swansong are meeting in the park.
1,The fence straddles the sidewalk.