gj04 1 our friends wo n't buy this analysis , let alone the next one we propose . gj04 1 one more pseudo generalization and i 'm giving up . gj04 1 one more pseudo generalization or i 'm giving up . gj04 1 the more we study verbs , the crazier they get . gj04 1 day by day the facts are getting murkier . gj04 1 i 'll fix you a drink . gj04 1 fred watered the plants flat . gj04 1 bill coughed his way out of the restaurant . gj04 1 we 're dancing the night away . gj04 1 herman hammered the metal flat . gj04 1 the critics laughed the play off the stage . gj04 1 the pond froze solid . gj04 1 bill rolled out of the room . gj04 1 the gardener watered the flowers flat . gj04 1 the gardener watered the flowers . gj04 1 bill broke the bathtub into pieces . gj04 1 bill broke the bathtub . gj04 1 they drank the pub dry . gj04 0 * they drank the pub . gj04 1 the professor talked us into a stupor . gj04 0 * the professor talked us . gj04 1 we yelled ourselves hoarse . gj04 0 * we yelled ourselves . gj04 0 * we yelled harry hoarse . gj04 1 harry coughed himself into a fit . gj04 0 * harry coughed himself . gj04 0 * harry coughed us into a fit . gj04 1 bill followed the road into the forest . gj04 1 we drove highway 5 from sd to sf . gj04 1 fred tracked the leak to its source . gj04 1 john danced waltzes across the room . gj04 1 bill urinated out the window . gj04 1 bill coughed out the window . gj04 1 bill bled on the floor . gj04 1 the toilet leaked through the floor into the kitchen below . gj04 1 bill ate off the floor . gj04 1 bill drank from the hose . gj04 1 this metal hammers flat easily . gj04 1 they made him president . gj04 1 they made him angry . gj04 0 * they caused him to become angry by making him . gj04 0 * they caused him to become president by making him . gj04 0 * they made him to exhaustion . gj04 1 they made him into a monster . gj04 1 the trolley rumbled through the tunnel . gj04 1 the wagon rumbled down the road . gj04 1 the bullets whistled past the house . gj04 1 the knee replacement candidate groaned up the stairs . gj04 0 * the car honked down the road . gj04 0 * the dog barked out of the room . gj04 1 the dog barked its way out of the room . gj04 1 bill whistled his way past the house . gj04 1 the witch vanished into the forest . gj04 1 bill disappeared down the road . gj04 0 * the witch went into the forest by vanishing . gj04 1 the witch went into the forest and thereby vanished . gj04 1 the building is tall and wide . gj04 0 * the building is tall and tall . gj04 1 this building is taller and wider than that one . gj04 1 this building got taller and wider than that one . gj04 1 this building got taller and taller . gj04 0 * this building is taller and taller . gj04 0 * this building got than that one . gj04 0 * this building is than that one . gj04 1 bill floated into the cave . gj04 0 *? bill floated into the cave for hours . gj04 0 *? bill pushed harry off the sofa for hours . gj04 1 bill floated down the river for hours . gj04 1 bill floated down the river . gj04 1 bill pushed harry along the trail for hours . gj04 1 bill pushed harry along the trail . gj04 1 the road zigzagged down the hill . gj04 1 the rope stretched over the pulley . gj04 1 the weights stretched the rope over the pulley . gj04 1 the weights kept the rope stretched over the pulley . gj04 1 sam cut himself free . gj04 1 sam got free by cutting his finger . gj04 1 bill cried himself to sleep . gj04 0 * bill cried sue to sleep . gj04 1 bill squeezed himself through the hole . gj04 1 bill sang himself to sleep . gj04 1 bill squeezed the puppet through the hole . gj04 1 bill sang sue to sleep . gj04 0 * the elevator rumbled itself to the ground . gj04 1 if the telephone rang , it could ring itself silly . gj04 0 * she yelled hoarse . gj04 0 * ted cried to sleep . gj04 1 the tiger bled to death . gj04 1 he coughed awake and we were all overjoyed , especially sierra . gj04 1 john coughed awake , rubbing his nose and cursing under his breath . gj04 1 john coughed himself awake on the bank of the lake where he and bill had their play . gj04 1 ron yawned himself awake . gj04 1 she coughed herself awake as the leaf landed on her nose . gj04 1 the worm wriggled onto the carpet . gj04 1 the chocolate melted onto the carpet . gj04 0 * the ball wriggled itself loose . gj04 1 bill wriggled himself loose . gj04 1 aliza wriggled her tooth loose . gj04 1 the off center spinning flywheel shook itself loose . cj99 1 the more you eat , the less you want . cj99 1 if you eat more , you want correspondingly less . cj99 1 when you eat more , you want correspondingly less . cj99 1 as you eat more , you want correspondingly less . cj99 0 * the most you want , the least you eat . cj99 1 the angrier sue gets , the more fred admires her . cj99 1 the more that you eat , the less that you want . cj99 1 the angrier that sue gets , the more that fred admires her . cj99 1 i think that the more you eat , the less you want . cj99 1 i 'm not shocked by the idea that the more you eat , the less you want . cj99 1 it is obvious that the more you eat , the less you want . cj99 1 it is not entirely clear if the more you eat , the less you want . cj99 1 i want to explain exactly why the more you eat , the less you want . cj99 1 i demand that the more john eats , the more he pays . cj99 0 * i demand that the more john eat , the more he pay . cj99 1 i demand that john pay more , the more he eats . cj99 0 * i demand that john pays more , the more he eat . cj99 1 you get angrier , the more we eat , do n't you . cj99 0 * you get angrier , the more we eat , do n't we . cj99 0 * the harder it has rained , how much faster a flow that appears in the river ? cj99 1 the harder it has rained , how much faster a flow appears in the river ? cj99 0 * the harder it rains , how much faster that do you run ? cj99 1 the harder it rains , how much faster do you run ? cj99 1 the harder it rains , how much faster a flow do you see in the river ? cj99 0 * the harder it rains , how much faster a flow that do you see in the river ? cj99 1 when it rains harder , how much faster a flow appears in the river ? cj99 1 as it rains harder , how much faster a flow appears in the river ? cj99 0 * as it rains harder , how much faster a flow that appears in the river ? cj99 0 * when it rains harder , how much faster a flow that appears in the river ? cj99 1 how much harder has it rained , the faster a flow you see in the river ? cj99 1 how much harder has it rained , when you see a faster flow in the river ? cj99 0 * the more john eats , the tighter keep your mouth shut about it . cj99 0 * the more everyone eat , the more john keeps his big mouth shut about it , ok ? cj99 1 when john eats more , keep your mouth shut tighter , ok ? cj99 1 as john eats more , keep your mouth shut tighter , ok ? cj99 1 keep your mouth shut tighter , the more john eats , ok ? cj99 1 everyone keep your mouth shut tighter , the more john eats , ok ? cj99 0 ?? i can well imagine the more him eating , the fatter him getting . cj99 1 bill can well imagine getting fat . cj99 0 * bill can well imagine the more he eats , the fatter getting . cj99 1 fred can well imagine joe getting fatter , the more he eats . cj99 0 * it is important the more you eat , the more careful to be . cj99 0 * it is important for the more you eat , the more careful to be . cj99 0 * it is important the more you to eat , the more careful to be . cj99 0 * it is important the more you eat , the more careful you to be . cj99 0 * it is important the more you eat , the more careful for you to be . cj99 0 * it is important for the more you to eat , the more careful to be . cj99 0 * it is important for the more you to eat , the more careful for you to be . cj99 0 * it is important the more you to eat , the more careful for you to be . cj99 0 * it is important for the more you eat , the more careful you to be . cj99 1 it is important for you to be more careful , the more you eat . cj99 1 it is important to be more careful , the more you eat . cj99 0 * i can well imagine quickly mary answering the question . cj99 0 ?* i can well imagine with a hatchet mary destroying the jeep . cj99 0 ?* i can well imagine if he eats more , him getting fat . cj99 0 * it is not entirely obvious if , mary listens to the grateful dead , she gets depressed . cj99 0 * it is not entirely obvious whether , mary listens to the grateful dead , she gets depressed . cj99 1 mary listens to the grateful dead and she gets depressed . cj99 1 if mary listens to the grateful dead , she gets depressed . cj99 1 when mary listens to the grateful dead , she gets depressed . cj99 1 mary gets depressed if she listens to the grateful dead . cj99 1 mary gets depressed when she listens to the grateful dead . cj99 1 the more she looked at pictures , the angrier mary got . cj99 0 * the more pictures mary looked at , she got angrier and angrier . cj99 1 mary gets depressed and she listens to the grateful dead . cj99 1 the higher the stakes are , the lower his expectations are . cj99 1 the higher the stakes , the lower his expectations . cj99 1 his expectations are lower , the higher the stakes . cj99 1 his expectations are lower , the higher the stakes are . cj99 0 * his expectations lower , the higher the stakes . cj99 0 * his expectations lower , the higher the stakes are . cj99 1 the more obnoxious fred is , the less attention you should pay to him . cj99 0 * the more obnoxious fred , the less attention you should pay to him . cj99 1 the more fred is obnoxious , the less you should pay attention to him . cj99 0 * the more obnoxious fred , the less you should pay attention to him . cj99 1 his expectations are always lower than mine . cj99 1 john was lots more obnoxious than fred was . cj99 1 you should always lock your door , no matter how fancy the hotel might be . cj99 1 you should always lock your door , no matter how fancy the hotel . cj99 1 i do n't plan to lock the door , no matter how fancy this hotel is . cj99 0 * i do n't plan to lock the door , no matter how fancy this hotel . cj99 1 i 'm going out , whatever the weather . cj99 1 i 'm going out , wherever that hurricane might be . cj99 0 * i 'm going out , wherever that hurricane . cj99 1 the more examples mary says that bill has helped fred to discover the less i believe her . cj99 0 * the more food mary knows a man that eats the poorer she gets . cj99 0 * the fatter he goes to a doctor when he gets the more he eats . cj99 0 * the fatter that that he gets bothers him , the more he eats . cj99 0 * the more books i ask to whom he will give , the more he reads . cj99 0 * the more people i ask what he will give to the more he reads . cj99 1 the more carefully he words the letter the safer he 'll be . cj99 0 * the more carefully he knows a man that worded the letter the safer he 'll be . cj99 1 the more geniuses john meets , the angrier he gets . cj99 0 * the more john meets geniuses , the angrier he gets . cj99 1 the more people you say will buy tickets , the happier i 'll be . cj99 0 * the more people you say that will buy tickets , the happier i 'll be . cj99 1 the more people you say that right after the show opens will buy tickets , the happier i 'll be . cj99 1 the more i talk to joe , the less about linguistics i am inclined to think sally has taught him to appreciate . cj99 0 * the more he eats , the poorer he knows a woman that gets . cj99 0 * the more he eats , the fatter he goes to a doctor when he gets . cj99 0 * the more he eats , the fatter that that he gets really bothers me . cj99 0 * the more he reads , the more books i wonder to whom he will give . cj99 0 * the more he reads , the more people i wonder what he will give to . cj99 0 * the sooner you call , the more carefully i know a man that will word the letter . cj99 1 the richer john gets , the more geniuses john meets . cj99 0 * the richer he gets , the more john meets geniuses . cj99 1 the more articles he reads , the fewer people he thinks will go into linguistics . cj99 0 * the more articles he reads , the fewer people he thinks that will go into linguistics . cj99 1 the more articles he reads , the fewer people he thinks that under the current circumstances will go into linguistics . cj99 1 the more articles he reads , the fewer people he thinks under the current circumstances will go into linguistics . cj99 1 the more people that arrive , the louder that it gets . cj99 1 the more people that arrive , the louder it gets . cj99 1 the more people you give beer to , the more people that get sick . cj99 1 the more people that you give beer to , the more people that get sick . cj99 1 the more people arrive , the louder that it gets . cj99 1 the more people arrive , the louder it gets . cj99 1 the more people that you give beer to , the more people get sick . cj99 0 * the more pictures of john that he buys the more arrogant he becomes . cj99 1 the more pictures of himself that john buys the more arrogant he becomes . cj99 1 the man that arrived on the train was my brother . cj99 0 * the man arrived on the train was my brother . cj99 0 * the more people everyone who likes pays attention to , the happier we all are . cj99 0 * the later it gets , the more people everyone who likes pays attention to . cj99 1 whenever bill smokes , susan hates him all the more . cj99 1 whenever bill smokes , susan hates him much more . cj99 1 whenever bill smokes , susan hates him far more . cj99 1 whenever bill smokes , susan hates him a lot more . cj99 1 once janet left , fred became all the crazier . cj99 1 once janet left , fred became much crazier . cj99 1 once janet left , fred became far crazier . cj99 1 fred became all the crazier , the more often janet left . cj99 1 when bill smokes , all the more does susan hate him . cj99 0 * when bill smokes , much more does susan hate him . cj99 0 * when bill smokes , all the more susan hates him . cj99 1 so much did you eat that everyone gasped . cj99 1 so fast did you run that everyone gasped . cj99 1 so intelligent a dog did you buy that everyone gasped . cj99 1 i know how much you ate . cj99 1 i know how fast you ran . cj99 1 i know how intelligent a dog you bought . cj99 1 he ate so much that he got sick . cj99 1 so much did he eat that he got sick . cj99 1 the more you eat , the more you want . cj99 0 * you eat the more , the more you want . cj99 0 * the more you eat , you want the more . cj99 0 * i wonder you ate how much . cj99 1 i wonder to how many people bill talks . cj99 1 the longer he has to wait , the angrier john gets . cj99 1 if he has to wait , john gets angry . cj99 0 * he gets angry , the longer john has to wait . cj99 0 * he gets angry if john has to wait . cj99 1 the more that pictures of him appear in the news , the more embarrassed john becomes . cj99 1 the more pictures of himself that appear in the news , the more embarrassed john becomes . cj99 1 the more that pictures of himself appear in the news , the more embarrassed john becomes . cj99 1 the more pictures of him appear in the news , the more likely john is to get arrested . cj99 0 * the more pictures of himself appear in the news , the more likely john is to get arrested . cj99 1 the more that pictures of him appear in the news , the more likely john is to get arrested . cj99 0 * the more that pictures of himself appear in the news , the more likely john is to get arrested . cj99 1 the more that john gets upset by them , the more that stories about him seem to show up in the news . cj99 0 * the more that john gets upset by them , the more that stories about himself seem to show up in the news . cj99 1 john is more embarrassed , the more pictures of him appear in the news . cj99 1 john is more embarrassed , the more pictures of him that appear in the news . cj99 1 john is more embarrassed , the more pictures of himself appear in the news . cj99 1 john is more embarrassed , the more pictures of himself that appear in the news . cj99 1 stories about him seem to show up more on the evening news , the more that john gets upset by them . cj99 0 * stories about himself seem to show up more on the evening news , the more that john gets upset by them . cj99 1 if you give him enough opportunity , every senator will succumb to corruption . cj99 1 you give him enough opportunity and every senator will succumb to corruption . cj99 0 * we gave him enough opportunity and , sure enough , every senator succumbed to corruption . cj99 1 if you give any senator enough opportunity , he will succumb to corruption . cj99 1 you give any senator enough opportunity and he will succumb to corruption . cj99 0 * you give every senator enough opportunity and he will succumb to corruption . cj99 0 * we gave any senator enough opportunity and , sure enough , he succumbed to corruption . cj99 0 * we gave every senator enough opportunity and , sure enough , he succumbed to corruption . cj99 1 the more lobbyists he talks to , the more corrupt every senator seems to become . cj99 1 the more lobbyists wine and dine him , the more every senator is susceptible to corruption . cj99 0 * the more time that every senator spends with lobbyists , the more likely he succumbs to corruption . cj99 1 every senator becomes more corrupt , the more lobbyists he talks to . cj99 1 any senator becomes more corrupt , the more lobbyists he talks to . cj99 0 * he seems to become more corrupt , the more lobbyists any senator talks to . cj99 0 * he seems to become more corrupt , the more lobbyists every senator talks to . cj99 1 every senator seems to become more corrupt , if he talks to more lobbyists . cj99 1 any senator seems to become more corrupt , if he talks to more lobbyists . cj99 1 any senator seems to become more corrupt , as he talks to more lobbyists . cj99 0 * he seems to become more corrupt , if any senator talks to more lobbyists . cj99 0 * he seems to become more corrupt , if every senator talks to more lobbyists . cj99 0 * he seems to become more corrupt , as every senator talks to more lobbyists . cj99 0 * he seems to become more corrupt , as any senator talks to more lobbyists . cj99 1 the sooner you solve this problem , the more easily you 'll satisfy the folks up at corporate headquarters . cj99 1 this is the sort of problem which the sooner you solve the more easily you 'll satisfy the folks up at corporate headquarters . cj99 1 the folks up at corporate headquarters are the sort of people who the sooner you solve this problem , the more easily you 'll satisfy . cj99 1 this problem , the sooner you solve the more easily you 'll satisfy the folks up at corporate headquarters . cj99 1 who did you give pictures of to friends of ? cj99 1 it is this problem that the sooner you solve the more easily you 'll satisfy the folks up at corporate headquarters . cj99 0 ?* it is the folks up at corporate headquarters who the sooner you solve this problem , the more easily you 'll satisfy . cj99 0 * which problem the sooner you solve , will the more easily you satisfy the folks up at corporate headquarters ? cj99 0 * which problem does the sooner that you solve , the more easily you 'll satisfy the folks up at corporate headquarters ? cj99 0 * which problem the sooner that you solve , will the more easily you satisfy the folks up at corporate headquarters ? cj99 0 * the harder it rains , the faster who runs ? cj99 0 * the louder who talks , the angrier you get ? cj99 1 the harder that it rains , how much faster a flow do you see in the river ? cj99 1 they failed to tell me which problem the sooner i solve , the quicker the folks up at corporate headquarters . cj99 0 ?? i finally worked up enough courage to ask which people up at corporate headquarters the sooner i solve this problem , the quicker i 'll get free of . cj99 0 ?? which folks up at corporate headquarters do you think that the sooner you solve this problem , the quicker you 'll be able to tell t to buzz off ? cj99 0 ?? this is a problem that you 'll be able to tell the folks up at corporate headquarters to buzz off if you solve . cj99 1 this is a problem that you 'll be able to tell the folks up at corporate headquarters to buzz off if you solve it . cj99 0 ?? this is a problem that you solve it and you 'll be able to tell the folks up at corporate headquarters to buzz off . cj99 0 ?? those are the folks that you just solve this problem and you 'll be able to put them on ice . cj99 0 ?? they failed to tell me which problem i 'll beat the competition more easily , the sooner i solve . cj99 0 ?? this is the problem that you 'll beat the competition more easily , the sooner you solve . bc01 1 john saw the man in the room . bc01 1 which room did john see the man in ? bc01 1 who did john think that bill claimed that mary suspected that everybody liked ? bc01 1 john could not visit sally . bc01 1 what john could do is not visit sally . bc01 1 john could n't visit sally . bc01 1 why did john leave ? bc01 1 i hit the ball . bc01 1 you hit the ball . bc01 0 * he hit the ball . bc01 0 * she hit the ball . bc01 1 they hit the ball . bc01 0 * am not i going ? bc01 1 i am not going . bc01 1 are n't i going ? bc01 0 * i are n't going . bc01 1 louise is unhappy , is n't she ? bc01 1 louise likes not being happy , does n't she ? bc01 1 not many books survived the fire , did they ? bc01 1 no books survived the fire , did they ? bc01 1 he has n't often paid taxes , has he ? bc01 1 he ca n't pay taxes , can he ? bc01 1 she does not see him . bc01 1 she kept not seeing him . bc01 1 she could not have been working . bc01 0 * marianne not left . bc01 0 * marianne left not . bc01 1 he could not have been working . bc01 1 he can not have been working . bc01 1 he can simply not have been working . bc01 1 you must not simply not work . bc01 1 he may not just not have been working . bc01 1 he ca n't have been working . bc01 1 ca n't he have been working ? bc01 1 can he not have been working ? bc01 0 * can he not have been working ? bc01 1 john wrote books . bc01 0 * john write books . bc01 0 * john wrote books . bc01 1 john did not write books . bc01 0 * john seems that is nice . bc01 1 `` i am so happy '' , thought john . bc01 1 down the hill rolled john . bc01 0 * john kisses often mary . bc01 1 john often kisses mary . bc01 1 who do you think mary said john likes ? bc01 0 ?* who did you ask whether mary knows why john likes ? bc01 1 who do you think that mary said that john likes ? bc01 0 * how do you wonder whether mary solved the problem ? bc01 1 how do you think that mary solved the problem ? bc01 0 * how do you wonder whether john said that mary solved the problem ? bc01 0 * how do you wonder whether john said mary solved the problem ? bc01 0 ?? which problem do you wonder whether john said that mary solved ? bc01 1 how did you think that mary solved the problem ? bc01 1 mary hired someone . bc01 1 i heard that mary hired someone . bc01 1 i resigned because mary hired someone . bc01 1 mary wondered which picture of himself bill saw ? bc01 1 which picture of himself does mary think that john said that susan likes ? bc01 0 * mary thinks that john said that susan likes pictures of himself ? bc01 1 mary thinks that john said that pictures of himself , susan likes ? bc01 1 if you do n't believe me , you will the weatherman ? bc01 1 i rolled up a newspaper , and lynn did a magazine ? bc01 1 kathy likes astronomy , but she does n't meteorology ? bc01 1 the da proved jones guilty and the assistant da will prove smith . bc01 1 mary will believe susan , and you will bob . bc01 1 you might not believe me but you will bob . bc01 0 * you will bob believe . bc01 1 how did you solve the problem ? bc01 1 i wonder who could solve the problem in this way . bc01 0 * how do you wonder who could solve this problem . bc01 1 no candidate can predict how many people will vote for him . bc01 1 every politician is worried when the press starts attacking him . bc01 1 which politician appointed the journalist who supported him ? bc01 0 * the fact that no candidate was elected shows that he was inadequate . bc01 1 john sells books , mary buys records and bill v newspapers . bc01 1 the question of whether john met mary worries the people who support . bc01 1 they have left . bc01 1 have they left ? bc01 1 could they have left ? bc01 1 he has often seen mary . bc01 1 he i often sees mary . bc01 0 * he sees often mary . bc01 0 * sees he i often mary ? bc01 1 it seems that it is likely that john will win . bc01 1 it seems that john is likely to win . bc01 1 john seems to be likely to win . bc01 0 * john seems that it is likely to win . bc01 0 * john seems will win . bc01 0 * how do you wonder which problem to solve ? bc01 1 how intelligent do you consider john ? bc01 0 ?? how many people do you wonder whether i consider intelligent ? bc01 0 * how intelligent do you wonder whether i consider john ? bc01 0 * what the hell do you wonder how to say ? bc01 1 he has left . bc01 1 his book is nice . bc01 1 bill saw him . bc01 1 bill works with him . bc01 1 john believes him to be a nice guy . bc01 1 john considers him a nice guy . bc01 1 for him to do that would be a mistake . bc01 1 with him sick , the team is in trouble . bc01 0 * a man to be in the garden is unlikely . bc01 0 * a man to come is unlikely . bc01 0 * john to call would be unlikely . bc01 0 * this conclusion to be arrived at is surprising . bc01 1 john believes that he is sick . bc01 0 * john believes that him is sick . bc01 0 * john tries him to win . bc01 0 * john wonders where him to go . bc01 1 who do you think that bill likes ? bc01 1 who do you think that bill believes to be innocent ? bc01 0 * who do you think that believes john to be innocent ? bc01 0 * who would you prefer for to win the race ? bc01 1 someone stole my car . bc01 1 my car was stolen . bc01 0 * the children eat all chocolate . bc01 1 john has often kissed mary . bc01 1 the kids have all eaten the chocolate . bc01 1 in general , he understands what 's going on . bc01 1 it 's probable that in general he understands what 's going on . bc01 0 * it 's probable in general that he understands what 's going on . bc01 0 * in general that he understands what 's going on is surprising . bc01 1 i explained how to fix the sink . bc01 1 i explained how we should fix the sink . bc01 1 i explained that we should fix the sink . bc01 0 * i explained to fix the sink . bc01 1 mickey looked up the reference . bc01 1 mickey looked the reference up . bc01 1 mickey looked up them . bc01 1 mickey teamed up with the women . bc01 0 * mickey teamed with the women up . bc01 1 mickey pointed out that gary had left . bc01 0 * mickey pointed that gary had left out . bc01 1 mickey slips up all the time . bc01 0 * mickey slips all the time up . bc01 1 what does john think mary bought ? bc01 0 * john thinks what mary bought . bc01 1 john wonders what mary bought . bc01 0 * what does john wonder mary bought ? bc01 0 ?? who is he reading a book that criticizes ? bc01 0 ?? what do you remember where we bought ? bc01 1 who bought what ? bc01 1 who is reading a book that criticizes who ? bc01 1 who remembers where we bought what ? bc01 0 * i wonder who what bought ? bc01 0 * i wonder what who bought ? bc01 1 there are n't many linguistics students here . bc01 1 i have n't met many linguistics students . bc01 1 what does every student buy ? bc01 1 i need sally to be there . bc01 0 * the boat sank to collect the insurance . bc01 1 the boat was sunk to collect the insurance . bc01 1 john wants to win . bc01 1 the bed was unmade . bc01 0 * headway was unmade . bc01 1 john was unknown . bc01 0 * john was unknown to be the murderer . bc01 1 we knew john to be the murderer . bc01 1 he fed the children . bc01 1 the children were uneducated . bc01 1 the children were undisciplined . bc01 1 i believed these students all to like john . bc01 1 they tried to all like john . bc01 1 i believed these students to all like john . bc01 0 ?* did he try ever to talk to the student ? bc01 1 did you believe him ever to have made an effort to talk to the student ? bc01 1 did he try to ever be attentive to the needs of students ? bc01 1 did you believe him to ever have made an effort to talk to the student ? bc01 1 work out an analysis that is typical of this view of understood subjects . bc01 1 they were believed all to be quite diligent . bc01 1 was he believed ever to fail students ? bc01 1 there is tending to be more and more discussion of these issues . bc01 1 john seemed to be a great linguist . bc01 1 there promises to be a storm tonight . bc01 1 john strived to be successful . bc01 1 john wanted to improve his lot in life . bc01 1 john expected to win . bc01 1 this book is too dense to be read in one sitting . bc01 0 * there is too likely to be a riot to be a serious discussion of the issues . bc01 1 john tried . bc01 1 john remembered . bc01 1 john is refused . bc01 1 john forgot . bc01 0 * bill seems to be obnoxious , but i do n't think that sam happens . bc01 0 * bill seems to be obnoxious , but i do n't think that sam turns out . bc01 0 * bill seems to be obnoxious , but i do n't think that sam tends . bc01 0 * they tried all to like john . bc01 1 they seemed all to like john . bc01 1 john believes sally to be polite . bc01 1 i believe john with all my heart to be a fine person . bc01 0 * john is wanted to win . bc01 0 * john would be liked to win . bc01 1 we would like john to win . bc01 0 * john would be hated to win . bc01 0 * john would be preferred to be the candidate . bc01 1 we would prefer john to be the candidate . bc01 1 i would like for john to win . bc01 1 i would hate for john to win . bc01 1 i would prefer for john to be the candidate . bc01 1 john destroyed the house . bc01 1 the electrode emitted ions into the medium . bc01 1 ions struck the electrode . bc01 1 the medium contains ions . bc01 0 * the house destroyed john . bc01 1 ions left the electrode . bc01 0 * the electrode was left by ions . bc01 1 the electrode was struck by ions . bc01 1 the ball lies in the box . bc01 1 the ball rolled from the bush to the tree . bc01 1 the box contains the ball . bc01 1 the tree dropped fruit to the ground . bc01 1 fruit hit the ground from the tree . bc01 1 the stone knocked against the pole into the road . bc01 1 the stone knocked the pole into the road . bc01 1 the box contained the ball . bc01 0 * the box gradually contained the ball . bc01 0 * the box at once contained the ball . bc01 0 * the box contained the ball to the ground . bc01 1 the tree gradually dropped its fruit to the ground . bc01 1 the tree dropped its fruit to the ground . bc01 1 fruit hit the roof . bc01 1 fruit hit the roof from the tree . bc01 1 fruit at once hit the roof from the tree . bc01 0 * fruit hit the roof against the ground . bc01 0 * fruit at once hit the roof against the ground . bc01 1 fruit dropped from the tree . bc01 0 * fruit dropped from the tree from the clouds . bc01 0 * fruit fell against the house . bc01 0 * fruit fell against the house against the ground . bc01 1 the tree changed into an oak . bc01 1 the tree changed from a maple into an oak . bc01 0 * the maple changed into an oak from a cedar . bc01 1 the maple changed into an oak from a cedar . bc01 1 the maple changed into an oak . bc01 1 the oak developed out of a maple . bc01 1 the train reached the station . bc01 1 the branches knocked against the wall . bc01 1 the child became a man . bc01 1 the party lasted till midnight . bc01 1 the dog went crazy . bc01 1 it struck john that it was so . bc01 1 it came to john that it was so . bc01 1 the snake saw into the nest . bc01 1 hard work resulted in high grades . bc01 1 the farm passed to john . bc01 1 john is touching the wall . bc01 1 the wall is being touched by john . bc01 1 a bear occupies the cave . bc01 1 a bear inhabits the cave . bc01 1 water fills the tub . bc01 1 the electric main joins the house circuit in the basement . bc01 1 the house circuit is joined by the electric main in the basement . bc01 1 the fence straddles the sidewalk . bc01 1 the sidewalk is straddled by the fence . bc01 1 the man with a book . bc01 1 gas escaped the tube . bc01 1 the terrorist escaped the prison cell . bc01 1 the prison cell was escaped by the terrorist . bc01 1 the rolling stone avoided the river . bc01 1 the river was avoided by the rolling stone . bc01 1 the agents caught the terrorist . bc01 1 the sponge soaked up the water . bc01 1 the tub filled with water . bc01 1 john received a book . bc01 1 john learned a lesson . bc01 1 the parcel reached john . bc01 1 john received the parcel . bc01 1 the farm finally got to john after much litigation . bc01 0 * the farm finally reached john after much litigation . bc01 1 water filled the cup high . bc01 1 water filled the cup . bc01 0 * water emptied the cup . bc01 0 * the cup filled the water high . bc01 0 * the cup filled of water . bc01 1 the cup filled with water . bc01 0 * the cup emptied with water . bc01 1 the barge piled high with logs . bc01 0 * the road blocked with a stone . bc01 0 * the branch dropped bare of its apple . bc01 0 * the logs piled the barge high . bc01 1 a stone blocked the road . bc01 0 * the bottle drained the liquid free . bc01 1 the branch dropped its apple free . bc01 1 some branches broke off of the tree . bc01 0 * the tree broke off some branches . bc01 1 the tree dropped some branches . bc01 1 the tree lost some branches . bc01 1 water bubbled out of the kettle . bc01 0 * the kettle bubbled water up . bc01 1 the kettle bubbled water . bc01 0 * the cup filled water . bc01 0 * the stone knocked the pole into the road . bc01 1 the tub leaked empty of water . bc01 0 * the stone knocked against the pole into the road . bc01 1 hail stones broke the window . bc01 1 the force of the wind broke the window . bc01 0 * the window broke from hail stones . bc01 1 the window broke from the force of the wind . bc01 1 what the force of the wind did to the window was break it . bc01 1 john hit the stone against the wall . bc01 1 john hit the wall with the stone . bc01 1 john tapped some wine from a barrel . bc01 1 john tapped a barrel of some wine . bc01 1 john laid the book on the table . bc01 1 john included his name in the list . bc01 1 john loaded the bricks onto the truck . bc01 1 john loaded the truck with bricks . bc01 1 john fed rice to the baby . bc01 1 john fed the baby rice . bc01 1 john fed the baby up with rice . bc01 0 * john fed the baby rice up . bc01 1 the ball lies completely in the box . bc01 1 the box completely contains the ball . bc01 1 the train got to the station fully . bc01 1 the train reached the station fully . bc01 1 press the stamp against the pad completely . bc01 1 press the pad with the stamp completely . bc01 1 spray the paint onto the wall completely . bc01 1 spray all the paint onto the wall completely . bc01 0 * spray the wall with all the paint . bc01 1 spray the whole wall with the paint . bc01 1 what john did to the wall was paint it . bc01 1 what john did to the whole wall was paint it . bc01 1 what john did to the wall was hit it . bc01 0 * what the stone did to the wall was hit it . bc01 0 * what the stone did to the whole wall was hit it . bc01 1 john took bill to be a fool . bc01 0 * john concluded bill to be a fool . bc01 1 give the bottle to the baby full . bc01 0 * give the bottle to the baby awake . bc01 1 give the baby the bottle full . bc01 0 * give the baby the bottle awake . bc01 1 rub the cloth on the baby torn . bc01 0 * rub the cloth on the baby asleep . bc01 1 rub the baby with the cloth torn . bc01 0 * rub the baby with the cloth asleep . bc01 1 dry the baby with the cloth asleep . bc01 0 * dry the baby with the cloth torn . bc01 0 * the cup knocked the stone apart . bc01 1 the stone knocked the cup apart . bc01 1 the cup smashed apart against the stone . bc01 1 the stone smashed the cup apart . bc01 1 the tank filled with petrol out of the pump . bc01 1 the cup emptied of water onto the ground . bc01 1 john included her name in the list . bc01 1 john rolled the ball from the tree to the bush . bc01 1 john tapped the bottle of some water . bc01 1 john gave bill the book . bc01 1 john got the book from bill . bc01 0 * john gave bill of the book . bc01 1 we have someone in the living room . bc01 1 john is very fond of mary . bc01 1 mary laughed at john . bc01 1 the ship sank beneath the waves . bc01 1 mary considers john a fool and bill a wimp . bc01 1 john regards professors as strange and politicians as creepy . bc01 1 sue put the books on the table and the records on the chair . bc01 1 harriet gave a mug to john and a scarf to vivien . bc01 1 i expect john to win and harry to lose . bc01 1 you eat the fish raw and the beef cooked . bc01 1 they told sue who to talk to and virginia when to leave . bc01 1 smith loaned , and his widow later donated , a valuable collection of manuscripts to the library . bc01 1 sue moved , and mary also transferred , her business to a different location . bc01 1 i succeeded in convincing , even though john had failed to persuade , mary not to leave . bc01 1 we did n't particularly like , but nevertheless ate , the fish raw . bc01 1 flo desperately wants , though she does n't really expect , the miami dolphins to be in the play-offs . bc01 1 john learned french perfectly . bc01 1 bill recited his lines poorly . bc01 1 mary plays the violin beautifully . bc01 0 * john perfectly learned french . bc01 0 * bill poorly recited his lines . bc01 1 john learned french immediately . bc01 1 bill recited his lines slowly . bc01 1 mary will play the violin soon . bc01 1 john immediately learned french . bc01 1 bill slowly recited his lines . bc01 1 mary will soon play the violin . bc01 1 john immediately learned french perfectly . bc01 1 john learned french perfectly almost immediately . bc01 1 john learned french perfectly immediately . bc01 0 * john perfectly learned french immediately . bc01 0 * john learned french immediately perfectly . bc01 0 * clearly , john immediately will probably learn french perfectly . bc01 0 * immediately , john probably will clearly learn french perfectly . bc01 0 * clearly , john perfectly will immediately learn french probably . bc01 0 * john perfectly rolled the ball down the hill . bc01 1 john rolled the ball perfectly down the hill . bc01 1 john rolled the ball down the hill perfectly . bc01 0 * john perfectly shot the ball . bc01 1 john shot the ball perfectly . bc01 0 * john intimately spoke to mary . bc01 1 john spoke intimately to mary . bc01 1 john spoke to mary intimately . bc01 1 john spoke french intimately to mary . bc01 1 john spoke french to mary intimately . bc01 1 mary jumped the horse perfectly over the last fence . bc01 1 mary jumped the horse over the last fence perfectly . bc01 0 * john spoke intimately french to mary . bc01 0 * john spoke to mary french . bc01 0 * mary persuaded to leave john . bc01 0 * the lions ate raw the meat . bc01 0 * mary persuaded that he should rest bill . bc01 1 we consider the men all fools . bc01 1 we consider the men all totally crazy . bc01 0 * i saw the men all . bc01 0 * the men were arrested all . bc01 0 * the men arrived all . bc01 1 the teacher ordered the two boys both to pay close attention . bc01 1 they returned the books all to their owners . bc01 1 we painted the chairs all red . bc01 1 the trainer fed the steaks all to the lions . bc01 0 * bill proud of himself john does n't consider . bc01 0 * home was gone by john . bc01 1 mary left the room angry . bc01 0 * the room was left angry by mary . bc01 0 * the room was left angry . bc01 1 john resembles bill . bc01 0 * bill is resembled by john . bc01 1 the package weighed 10 lb . bc01 0 * 10 lb was weighed by the package . bc01 1 this book cost $ 10 . bc01 0 * $ 10 was cost by this book . bc01 1 the book cost john $ 10 . bc01 0 * john was cost $ 10 by the book . bc01 0 * john is impressed by bill as pompous . bc01 0 * the boys were made a good mother . bc01 0 * the boys were made a good mother by aunt mary . bc01 0 * the kids were failed by max as a father . bc01 0 * the kids were failed as a father . bc01 0 * the men were struck by the idea as nonsense . bc01 0 * the men were promised to leave . bc01 0 * he impresses his friends all as pompous . bc01 0 * aunt mary made the boys all a good mother . bc01 0 * max failed the kids all as a father . bc01 0 * frank promised the men all to leave . bc01 0 * we proclaimed to the public john to be a hero . bc01 1 we proclaimed john to the public to be a hero . bc01 0 * we proclaimed sincerely john to be a hero . bc01 1 we proclaimed john sincerely to be a hero . bc01 0 * we proclaimed sincerely to the public john to be a hero . bc01 1 we proclaimed john sincerely to the public to be a hero . bc01 0 * they represented to the dean mary as a genuine linguist . bc01 1 they represented mary to the dean as a genuine linguist . bc01 0 * they represented seriously mary as a genuine linguist . bc01 1 they represented mary seriously as a genuine linguist . bc01 1 they represented mary seriously to the dean as a genuine linguist . bc01 0 * we proved to the authorities smith to be the thief . bc01 0 * we proved conclusively smith to be the thief . bc01 1 we proved smith conclusively to be the thief . bc01 0 * we proved conclusively to the authorities smith to be the thief . bc01 1 we proved smith conclusively to the authorities to be the thief . bc01 1 the gardener watered the tulips flat . bc01 1 the grocer ground the coffee beans to a fine powder . bc01 1 they painted their house a hideous shade of green . bc01 1 the joggers ran their nikes threadbare . bc01 1 the kids laughed themselves into a frenzy . bc01 1 he coughed his handkerchief completely soggy . bc01 1 they fed the meat to the lions raw . bc01 0 * the lions ate at the meat raw . bc01 1 we love them . bc01 0 * we love they . bc01 0 * we love their . bc01 0 * us love their . bc01 1 our love they . bc01 1 our love them . bc01 1 our love their . bc01 0 * he belief that mary kissed bill is mistaken . bc01 0 * him belief that mary kissed bill is mistaken . bc01 1 his belief that mary kissed bill is mistaken . bc01 1 mary loves him . bc01 1 mary is fond of him . bc01 0 * mary is fond him . bc01 1 mary criticized him . bc01 0 * mary 's criticism him was cruel . bc01 1 mary 's criticism of him was cruel . bc01 1 that john loves mary is doubtful . bc01 0 * john to love mary would be doubtful . bc01 1 for john to love mary would be doubtful . bc01 1 to go abroad would be nice . bc01 1 john 's plan to go abroad is nice . bc01 1 mary believed john to have loved her . bc01 1 mary considered john to have loved her . bc01 1 mary reported john to have loved her . bc01 0 * mary considered to have loved her . bc01 1 mary tried to go abroad . bc01 1 mary intended to go abroad . bc01 1 mary managed to go abroad . bc01 1 mary desired to go abroad . bc01 0 * mary tried john to go abroad . bc01 0 * mary managed john to go abroad . bc01 0 * mary desired john to go abroad . bc01 1 mary believed him to have loved her . bc01 1 mary considered him to have loved her . bc01 0 * mary believed he to have loved her . bc01 0 * mary considered he to have loved her . bc01 0 * mary reported he to have loved her . bc01 0 * mary believed his to have loved her . bc01 0 * mary considered his to have loved her . bc01 0 * mary reported his to have loved her . bc01 1 it is certain that john has loved mary . bc01 1 it is likely that john has loved mary . bc01 1 there are strangers in that garden . bc01 0 * there is strangers in that garden . bc01 0 * there is arriving three men at that station . bc01 1 there are arriving three men at that station . bc01 1 i consider there to be a man in that garden . bc01 0 * i consider there a man in that garden . bc01 1 they alleged there to have been many strangers in that garden . bc01 0 * they alleged many strangers to have been in that garden . bc01 1 john wagered there to have been a stranger in that haunted house . bc01 0 * john wagered a stranger to have been in that haunted house . bc01 1 john tried to kiss mary . bc01 1 john persuaded mary to kiss him . bc01 1 john told mary to kiss him . bc01 1 it is illegal to park here . bc01 1 i remembered him having kissed mary . bc01 1 i reported him having kissed mary . bc01 1 i reported having kissed mary . bc01 1 i enjoy taking a bath . bc01 1 i detest taking a bath . bc01 0 * i enjoy him taking a bath . bc01 0 * i detest him taking a bath . bc01 1 i saw him kissing mary . bc01 1 i noticed him kissing mary . bc01 0 * i noticed kissing mary . bc01 0 * there was known to everyone . bc01 1 john 's refusing the offer is shocking . bc01 1 the enemy 's destroying the city was horrific . bc01 1 john 's refusal of the offer was shocking . bc01 1 the enemy 's destruction of the city was horrific . bc01 0 * john wanted to leave the room happy and leave the room he did happy . bc01 1 i often send mary home drunk , and she gets there just fine . bc01 0 * i raw eat fish drunk . bc01 0 * i only eat fish drunk raw . bc01 1 i do n't think fred will , either . bc01 1 josé likes cabbage , and holly does too . bc01 1 josé ate cabbage , and holly has too . bc01 1 josé is eating cabbage , and holly is too . bc01 1 john is leaving but mary 's not . bc01 1 i consider bill intelligent and i consider sally not . bc01 0 * sally started running down the street , but only after josé started . bc01 0 * sally made bill laugh , and then josé made . bc01 0 * mary came to read fred 's story , and i also came to . bc01 1 john wants to go on vacation , but he does n't know when to . bc01 0 * mary was told to bring something to the party , so she asked sue what to . bc01 0 * we might go on vacation if we can ever figure out when to . bc01 0 * ron wanted to wear a tuxedo to the party , but caspar could n't decide whether to . bc01 0 * you should n't play with rifles because to is dangerous . bc01 0 * john is being discussed and sally is being too . bc01 0 * i remember john being discussed , but you recall sally being . bc01 1 sally might have eaten cabbage , but holly should n't . bc01 1 josé asks that we go to the meeting , and sally will tell us when . bc01 0 * it 's we go to the meeting , that sally will tell us when . bc01 1 it 's to mary that joe said holly can talk . bc01 1 mary claimed that eaten cabbage , holly has n't . bc01 1 mary claimed that eating cabbage , holly 's not . bc01 1 mary claimed that eat cabbage , holly wants to . bc01 0 * mary claimed that would eat cabbage , holly . bc01 0 * mary claimed that has n't eaten cabbage , holly . bc01 0 * mary claimed that eating cabbage , holly started . bc01 0 * mary claimed that eat cabbage , holly made me . bc01 0 * mary claimed that have eaten cabbage , holly should . bc01 0 * mary claimed that intelligent , i consider holly not . bc01 0 * lilly recounted a story to remember because holly had also recounted a story to . bc01 0 *? i reviewed joe 's attempt to find holly while you reviewed josé 's attempt to . bc01 0 *? mary questioned joe 's desire to eat cabbage , but only after i had questioned sally 's desire to . bc01 0 *? sally explained the attempt to arrest holly , but only after i had denied the decision to . bc01 1 john did n't hit a home run , but i know a woman who did . bc01 1 that betsy won the batting crown is not surprising , but that peter did n't know she did is surprising . bc01 0 * you should n't have played with rifles because to have is dangerous . bc01 0 ?? ron wanted to be wearing a tuxedo to the party , but caspar did n't know whether to be . bc01 0 * lilly recounted a story to be remembered because holly had recounted a story to be . bc01 1 lilly decided that eating cabbage , she should be . bc01 0 * lilly decided eating cabbage , to be . bc01 1 read fred 's story , i also want to . bc01 0 * you should n't play with rifles because play with rifles to is dangerous . bc01 0 ?? ron wanted to wear a tuxedo to the party , but wear a tuxedo to the party caspar could n't decide whether to . bc01 0 * lucy barnes recounted a story to remember because remember holly had recounted a story to . bc01 1 mag wildwood came to introduce the bartender but i came not to . bc01 1 mag wildwood came to introduce the bartender but i came precisely not to . bc01 1 you should unload rifles because not to s is dangerous . bc01 1 if ron knows whether to wear a tuxedo , and caspar knows whether not to , do they know different things ? bc01 1 lucy recounted a story to remember because holly had recounted as story not to . bc01 0 * i will , if i can work on it . bc01 1 did harry leave ? bc01 1 does joe sing ? bc01 0 * a proof that god exist does . bc01 0 * a proof that god does exists . bc01 0 * i visited every town in every country i had to . bc01 1 every man who said he would buy some salmon did . bc01 1 i visited every town i had to . bc01 1 every town in every country i had to i visited . bc01 1 every man who said he would buy some salmon did buy some salmon . bc01 1 lilly should buy salmon and mary should too . bc01 1 lilly should buy salmon and mary should buy salmon too . bc01 1 joe 's neuroses bother his patrons , and sally 's neuroses do too . bc01 1 joe likes his bar , and sally 's patrons do too . bc01 1 every picture of itself arrived . bc01 1 my uncle does n't have a spouse but your aunt does and he is lying on the floor . bc01 0 * my uncle did n't buy anything for christmas , but my aunt did it for him and it was bright red . bc01 1 i know which book max read , and which book oscar did n't . bc01 1 this is the book of which bill approves , and this is the one of which he does n't . bc01 0 ?* i know which book mag read , and which book bob asked why you had n't . bc01 0 ?* i know which book mag read , and which book bob discussed after i had . bc01 1 dulles suspected everyone who angleton did . bc01 1 while bob read fred , he did n't dickens . bc01 1 sally suspected joe , but he did n't holly . bc01 0 * although mag does n't eggplants , sally eats cabbage . bc01 0 ?* although i do n't know which book sam did , i do know which book sally read . bc01 0 ?* near everyone angleton did , dulles stood . bc01 0 * sally will stand near mag , but he wo n't holly . bc01 0 * while holly did n't discuss a report about every boy , she did every girl . bc01 1 sally will stand near every woman that you will . bc01 1 i know which woman holly will discuss a report about , but i do n't know which woman you will . bc01 0 * sam stood near yesterday every one of the women we 'd been discussing . bc01 0 * truman visited yesterday you . bc01 0 * truman told the story bob . bc01 1 while truman did n't visit me , he did you . bc01 1 while truman did n't tell me a story , he did rusty . bc01 1 while josé wo n't talk about mag , he might about holly . bc01 1 although doc might tell it to you , he wo n't to me . bc01 1 i think you need to show yourself more than you do anyone else . bc01 1 while truman does n't want to visit every city , he does barcelona . bc01 0 * while rusty might leave in order to please mag , he wo n't his father . bc01 0 * while doc might claim that bob had read his book , he wo n't the paper . bc01 0 * i 'll turn the radio down , but i wo n't up . bc01 1 fred likes eggplants , although he likes cabbage too . bc01 1 although he likes cabbage too , fred likes eggplants . bc01 1 fred gave flowers to his sweetie because frank had . bc01 1 china is a country that joe wants to visit , and he will too , if he gets enough money . bc01 1 jerry would n't read a book by babel , but meryl has done so and it was pretty good . bc01 0 * i know which book max read , and which book oscar has n't done so . bc01 1 joe might wish he had , but this is n't a country he has visited . bc01 1 while i might want to , this is the kind of thing that harris has already suggested . bc01 1 we like our friends and they do too . bc01 1 we like our friends and they like our friends too . bc01 1 we like our friends and they like their friends , too . bc01 1 rusty talked about himself only after holly did . bc01 0 * rusty talked about himself only after mary did talk about himself . bc01 1 i could find no solution , but holly might . bc01 1 fred talked about everything before rusty did . bc01 1 joe will go to the store , even though fred already has . bc01 1 today there is little or no official harassment of lesbians and gays by the national government , although autonomous governments might . bc01 1 the candidate was dogged by charges of infidelity and avoiding the draft , or at least trying to . bc01 0 * david is a great artist , and when he does , his eyes squint at you . bc01 0 * the candidate was dogged by charges of infidelity , or at least trying to . bc01 1 this information could have been released by gorbachev , but he chose not to . bc01 1 a lot of this material can be presented in a fairly informal and accessible fashion , and often i do . bc01 0 * john likes not mary . bc01 1 john does not like mary . bc01 0 * john meets often mary . bc01 1 john tries to often meet mary . bc01 0 * john tries to meet often mary . bc01 1 john tries not to meet mary . bc01 0 * john tries to meet not mary . bc01 1 is mary running the marathon ? bc01 0 * runs mary the marathon ? bc01 1 mary is often running the marathon . bc01 0 * mary runs often the marathon . bc01 1 mary is not running the marathon . bc01 1 i did n't , as bill had thought , go to the store . bc01 1 i did , as bill had thought , go to the store . bc01 0 * i did not , as bill had thought , go to the store . bc01 1 the writers could so believe the boy . bc01 0 * the writers so believed the boy . bc01 1 the writers did so believe the boy . bc01 0 * the writers did n't so believe the boy . bc01 1 rome destroyed carthage . bc01 1 rome 's destruction of carthage was horrific . bc01 1 john bought the picture of himself that bill saw . bc01 1 the perception of the problem is quite thorough . bc01 1 the knowledge of the problem is quite thorough . bc01 0 * the problem 's perception is quite thorough . bc01 0 * the problem 's knowledge is quite thorough . bc01 0 * the problem knows easily . bc01 0 * the ship sank to collect the insurance . bc01 1 the sinking of the ship was very devious . bc01 1 the sinking of the ship to collect the insurance was very devious . bc01 1 the ship 's sinking was very devious . bc01 0 * the ship 's sinking to collect the insurance was very devious . bc01 1 the testing of such drugs on oneself is too risky . bc01 0 * this drug 's testing on oneself is too risky . bc01 1 the ship was sunk to collect the insurance . bc01 1 this drug must first be tested on oneself . bc01 1 the president 's moral destruction is complete . bc01 1 the moral destruction of the president was certainly not helpful . bc01 1 mary wants to wear nice blue german dress . bc01 1 tomatoes were introduced in europe after 1492 . bc01 1 we rich have impeccable taste . bc01 0 * rich we have impeccable taste . bc01 0 * i read three his books . bc01 0 * i read every his book . bc01 1 i read his every book . bc01 1 every boy named a planet . bc01 1 i showed every boy a planet . bc01 1 few boys read any of the books . bc01 1 i showed few boys any of the books . bc01 0 * that few boys came upset any of the teachers . bc01 1 i was not reading a book when you came in . bc01 1 a boy did not laugh . bc01 1 most boys did not laugh . bc01 1 every boy named mercury and venus . bc01 1 every boy named every planet . bc01 1 each student speaks two languages . bc01 1 two students speak each language . bc01 1 some tourists visited all the museums . bc01 1 fond of some boy every girl is . bc01 0 * guinevere has a single bone that is in every corner of the house . bc01 1 a critic thinks that every book is readable . bc01 1 who does he admire ? bc01 1 he admires every man . bc01 0 * what does who admire ? bc01 1 who admires what ? bc01 1 someone from every city hates it . bc01 1 some professor admires every student . bc01 1 some professor admires every student and hates the dean . bc01 0 * you filed every paper without inspecting . bc01 1 everyone reported that max and some lady disappeared . bc01 1 most guests will be offended if we do n't invite some philosopher . bc01 1 all students believe anything that many teachers say . bc01 1 who will be offended if we do n't invite which philosopher ? bc01 1 who believes anything that who says ? bc01 1 exactly two boys kissed some girl . bc01 1 mary dates exactly two of the men who know a producer i like . bc01 1 every student has to come up with three arguments that show that some condition proposed by bill is wrong . bc01 1 if we invite some philosopher , max will be offended . bc01 1 three relatives of mine inherited a house . bc01 1 if three relatives of mine die , i will inherit a house . bc01 1 everyone attended some seminar . bc01 1 exactly half of the students attended some seminar . bc01 1 more than three students attended every seminar . bc01 1 every student attended more than three seminars . bc01 0 * every man surrounded the fort . bc01 1 every man lifted the table . bc01 0 * every man lifted the table together . bc01 1 the men surrounded the fort . bc01 1 all the men surrounded the fort . bc01 1 the men lifted the table together . bc01 1 a hundred men lifted the table together . bc01 1 all the men lifted the table together . bc01 1 every man lifted a table . bc01 1 each man lifted a table . bc01 1 someone attended every seminar . bc01 1 more than two students attended every seminar . bc01 1 you married no one . bc01 1 i will force you to marry no one . bc01 0 * we voted for me . bc01 1 everyone had been worrying himself stiff . bc01 1 everyone who had been worrying himself stiff said that he was relieved . bc01 1 there were five tourists in the room apart from myself . bc01 1 physicists like yourself are a godsend . bc01 1 max boasted that the queen invited lucie and himself for a drink . bc01 1 which pictures of him did earl see ? bc01 1 which pictures of earl did he see ? bc01 1 bill seems to himself to be handsome . bc01 1 bill seems to him to be handsome . bc01 1 john will see which picture of himself ? bc01 1 each other 's houses seem to the women to be garish . bc01 1 each other 's houses appear to the women to be garish . bc01 0 * old pictures of themselves convinced the children to pretend to be adults . bc01 0 * each other 's houses proved to the women that they had bad taste . bc01 1 these stories about himself worry john more than anything else . bc01 0 * these stories about himself describe john better than any official biography . bc01 1 which picture that john took at the party did he decide to display in his house ? bc01 1 which report that john revised did he submit ? bc01 1 mary always prefers lemons to limes . bc01 1 mary always has preferred lemons to limes . bc01 1 the dog that the rat bit chased the cat . bc01 0 * the cat that the dog that the rat bit chased died . bc01 1 jean never reads this newspaper . bc01 0 * jean reads never this newspaper . r-67 1 a gun which i had cleaned went off . r-67 1 i gave a gun which i had cleaned to my brother . r-67 1 i gave a gun to my brother which i had cleaned . r-67 1 he let the cats out which were whining . r-67 0 * what did bill buy potatoes and ? r-67 0 * what dl , d john fall asleep and bill wear ? r-67 1 who did mary see walking toward the railroad station ? r-67 1 whom did mary see walking toward the railroad station ? r-67 1 do you know the boy who mary saw ? r-67 1 do you know the boy whom mary saw ? r-67 1 the government prescribes the height of the lettering on the covers of the reports . r-67 0 * here is the snowball which i chased the boy who threw at our teacher . r-67 0 * where 's the bikini which tom mentioned the fact that sue had worn ? r-67 0 * who did he expect who i was acquainted with to show up ? r-67 1 who did he expect to show up who i was acquainted with ? r-67 1 whose book did you find ? r-67 1 he will put the chair between some table and some sofa . r-67 0 * what table will he put the chair between some table and ? r-67 0 * what table will he put the chair between and some sofa ? r-67 1 i know who is mad at john . r-67 1 i know a boy mad at john . r-67 1 john is taller than dill . r-67 1 john is taller than bill is . r-67 1 i want to go . r-67 1 shaving myself is difficult for me . r-67 1 the shock touched off the explosion . r-67 1 the shock touched the explosion off . r-67 1 i called almost all of the men from boston up . r-67 0 * i ran a man who was old down . r-67 1 i ran an old man down . r-67 0 * i 'm going to call somebody who is . r-67 0 * i polished the vase which was from india up . r-67 1 he attributed the fire to a short circuit . r-67 0 * he attributed to a short circuit the fire . r-67 1 he attributed to a short circuit the fire which . r-67 1 he threw the letter into the wastebasket . r-67 0 * he threw into the wastebasket the letter . r-67 1 they dismissed the proposal as too costly . r-67 0 * they dismissed as to costly the proposal . r-67 1 they dismissed as too costly the proposal for the state to build a sidewalk from dartmouth to smith . r-67 1 i found to be delicious some fruit which i picked up on the way home . r-67 1 i found delicious some fruit which i picked up on my way home . r-67 0 * i consider to be a fool the senator who made the opening speech . r-67 0 * did that john showed up please you ? r-67 1 did the fact that john showed up please you ? r-67 0 ?* that that john showed up pleased her was obvious . r-67 1 i want the fact that bill left to remain a secret . r-67 1 i want it to remain a secret that bill left . r-67 0 * what what i ate cost almost broke me . r-67 1 what the thing which i ate cost almost broke me . r-67 1 what the thing cost which i ate almost broke me . r-67 0 * i went out with a girl who that john showed up pleased . r-67 1 i went out with a girl who it pleased that john showed up . r-67 1 i loaned a man who was watching the race my binoculars . r-67 0 * i loaned my binoculars a man who was watching the race . r-67 1 she asked a man who was near the window whether it looked like rain . r-67 0 * we called my father , who had just turned 60 , up . r-67 0 ?* we elected my father , who had just turned 60 , president . r-67 0 * they gave my father , who had just turned 60 , it . r-67 1 he figured it out . r-67 0 * he figured out it . r-67 0 * he figured out that . r-67 1 he figured ann out . r-67 0 ?* he figured out ann . r-67 1 he figured something out . r-67 1 he figured the answer out . r-67 1 he figured out the answer . r-67 0 * i sent him it . r-67 1 i sent him that . r-67 1 i sent him something . r-67 0 ?* we elected the man who he had brought with him president . r-67 1 they gave the reports which he had brought with him to me . r-67 0 * he kept company some girls who had been injured in the wreck . r-67 0 ?* he kept some girls who had been injured in the wreck company . r-67 0 * i insist on seeing through all the students who had started out the term in my class . r-67 0 ?* i insist in seeing all the students who started out the term in my class through . r-67 1 i insist on seeing all the student ' through who started out the term in my class . r-67 0 * the doctor brought to the passengers who had passed cut from the fumes . r-67 0 * he tries to put on everyone who he does n't like . r-67 0 ?* he tries to put everyone who he does n't like on . r-67 0 * i watched the indians who the man who had been my advisor in my freshman year had advised me to study when i got to utah talk . r-67 1 tom drives as that man does . r-67 1 tom drives like that man . r-67 0 * i know a man who tom drives as does . r-67 1 i know a man who tom drives like . r-67 1 tom drives the way that that man drives . r-67 1 toms drives the way that that man does . r-67 1 john is taller than that man is . r-67 1 is taller than that man . r-67 0 * i know a man who john is taller than is . r-67 1 john is as tall as that man . r-67 0 * i know a man who john is as tall as is . r-67 1 i know a man who john is as tall as . r-67 1 mary has never kissed a man who is taller than john is . r-67 1 mary has never kissed a man who is taller than john . r-67 1 mary has never kissed a man taller than john . r-67 0 * mary has never kissed a man taller than john is . r-67 0 ?* mary has never kissed as tall a man as john is . r-67 1 mary has never kissed as tall a man as john . r-67 1 the brave are not afraid to die . r-67 1 drowning cats are hard to rescue . r-67 1 drowning cats is against the law . r-67 1 i know a taller man than john . r-67 1 the shooting of the prisoners shocked me . r-67 1 he told peter that i know a taller man than john , but peter did n't believe it . r-67 1 i divulged when bill promised to call me , but i did so reluctantly . r-67 1 i 'll talk to john on friday about the report that the shooting of the prisoners shocked me , and to his wife on saturday . r-67 1 i read a statement which was about that man . r-67 1 i read a statement about that man . r-67 0 * the man who i read a statement which was about is sick . r-67 1 the man who i read a statement about is sick . r-67 1 i read that bill had seen me . r-67 0 * i read that bill had seen myself . r-67 1 evidence that he was drunk will be presented . r-67 1 evidence will be presented that he was drunk . r-67 1 that the defendant had been rude was stoutly denied by his lawyer . r-67 1 bill told me something awful : that ice wo n't sink . r-67 1 this is a hat which i 'm going to see to it that my wife buys . r-67 1 this is a hat which i 'm going to see that my wife buys . r-67 1 phineas knows a girl who is jealous of maxime . r-67 1 phineas knows a girl who is behind maxime . r-67 1 phineas knows a girl who is working with maxime . r-67 0 * who does phineas know a girl who is jealous of ? . r-67 0 * who does phineas know a girl who is behind ? r-67 0 * who does phineas know a girl who is working with ? r-67 0 * who does phineas know a girl jealous of ? r-67 0 * who does phineas know a girl behind ? r-67 0 * who does phineas know a girl working with ? r-67 1 i believed the claim that otto was wearing this hat . r-67 1 i believed that otto was wearing this hat . r-67 0 * the hat which i believed the claim that otto was wearing is red . r-67 1 the hat which i believed that otto was wearing is red . r-67 1 rutherford understands himself . r-67 0 * rutherford is understood . by himself . r-67 1 the man who ordered ice cream said the pudding would be tasty . r-67 1 the pudding which the man who ordered ice cream said would be tasty was a horror show . r-67 1 the man who ordered it said the pudding would be tasty . r-67 0 * the pudding which the man who ordered it said would be tasty was a horror show . r-67 1 the sheriff denied that gangsters had bribed him . r-67 1 that gangsters had bribed him was denied by the sheriff . r-67 0 * the money which i am discussing the claim that the company squandered amounts to $ 400,000 . r-67 0 * the money which i am discussing sarah 's claim that the company squandered amounts to $ 400,000 . r-67 1 the money which i have hopes that the company will squander amounts to $ 400,000 . r-67 1 the money which i will have a chance to squander amounts to $ 400,000 . r-67 1 the money which i will make a proposal for us to squander amounts to $ 400,000 . r-67 1 the money which i will make a proposal that we squander amounts to $ 400,000 . r-67 1 i yawned . r-67 1 sam progressed . r-67 1 bill gave me $ 40 . r-67 1 i took a snooze . r-67 1 sam made progress . r-67 1 bill made a gift to me of $ 40 . r-67 1 max gave the car a shove . r-67 1 i have a feeling that arch will show up . r-67 1 bob proved that this set is recursive . r-67 1 bob proved this set is recursive . r-67 1 the proof that this set is recursive is difficult . r-67 1 i have hopes the company will squander the money . r-67 1 i have a feeling the company will squander the money . r-67 0 * i made a proposal we squander the money . r-67 1 dick 's claim that semantics is generative is preposterous . r-67 1 we are discussing their claim that flying saucers are real . r-67 0 * myron is making suzie 's claim that dead is better than red . r-67 1 myron is making the claim that dead is better than red . r-67 0 * i have tom 's feeling that the company will squander the money . r-67 0 * myra took betty 's snooze . r-67 0 * bill made sarah 's gal to me of $ 40 . r-67 0 * max gave the car levi 's shove . r-67 1 the man who was arrested by officer bob went mad . r-67 1 jack is claiming that you wo n't need it . r-67 1 jack is claiming you wo n't need it . r-67 0 * the claim you wo n't need it is being made by jack . r-67 1 you 're going to hurt yourself one of these days . r-67 1 i spoke to bill about himself . r-67 0 * he said that himself was hungry . r-67 1 i know a man who hates me . r-67 0 * i know a man who hates myself . r-67 1 i read him two statements about himself . r-67 0 * i read him judy 's statement about himself . r-67 1 i know two men who are behind me . r-67 1 i know two men behind me . r-67 0 * i know two men behind myself . r-67 1 you are too flip with people who are jealous of you . r-67 1 i screamed at some children who were watching me . r-67 1 i screamed at some children watching me . r-67 0 * what sofa will he put the chair between some table and ? r-67 0 * what table will he put the chair between and some sofa . r-67 0 * the lute which henry plays and sings madrigals is warped . r-67 0 * the nurse who polished her trombone and the plumber computed my tax was a blond . r-67 0 * which trombone did the nurse polish and ? r-67 0 * the plumber who the nurse polished her trombone and computed my tax was a hefty fellow . r-67 0 * whose tax did the nurse polish her trombone and the plumber compute ? r-67 1 irma washed the dishes , and sally dried , and floyd idled . r-67 1 i went to the store and bought some whisky . r-67 1 i went to the store and nike bought some whisky . r-67 1 here 's the whisky which i went to the store and bought . r-67 1 here 's the whisky which i went to the store and mike bought . r-67 1 tony has a fiat and yearns for a tall nurse . r-67 0 * the tall nurse who tony has a fiat and yearns for is cruel to him . r-67 0 * the shirts which i went to the movies and did n't pick up will cost us a lot of money . r-67 1 i went to the store and have bought some excellent whisky . r-67 0 * the excellent whisky which i went to the store and have bought was very costly . r-67 1 i went to the store to buy some whisky . r-67 0 * tony has a fiat to yearn for a tall nurse . r-67 0 * i went to the movies not to pick the shirts up . r-67 0 * i went to the movies to not pick the shirts up . r-67 0 * i went to the store to have bought some whisky . r-67 1 she 's gone and ruined her dress now . r-67 1 i 've got to try and find that screw . r-67 1 aunt hattie wants you to be nice and kiss your granny . r-67 1 the screw which i 've got to try and find holds the door to the frame . r-67 1 which granny does aunt hattie want me to be nice and kiss ? r-67 1 the boy works in a skyscraper and the girl in a quonset hut . r-67 0 * which boy works in a skyscraper and the girl in a quonset hut ? r-67 0 * the skyscraper which the boy works in and the girl in a quonset hut belongs to uncle sam . r-67 0 * the girl who the by works in a skyscraper and in a quonset but has a dimple on her nose . r-67 0 * which quonset hut does the boy work in a skyscraper and the girl in ? r-67 1 the luscious chick who billy went to the movies with will wed me ere the morn . r-67 0 * the luscious chick who billy and went to the movies will wed me ere the morn . r-67 0 * the ferrari which pietro bought from me and sofia adores him cost him a bundle . r-67 1 the ferrari which pietro , who sofia adores , bought from me cost him a bundle . r-67 1 sally might be pregnant , and everyone believes sheila definitely is pregnant . r-67 1 sally might be , and everyone believes sheila definitely is , pregnant . r-67 1 tom picked these grapes , and i washed these grapes , and suzie will prepare these grapes . r-67 1 tom picked , and i washed , and suzie will prepare , these grapes . r-67 0 * tom picked , and i washed some turnips , and suzie will prepare , these grapes . r-67 1 students who fail the final exam or who do not do the reading will be executed . r-67 1 students who fail the final exam will be executed or students who do not do the reading will be executed . r-67 1 john has been captured by the cops and i 'm afraid he 'll talk . r-67 1 i heated up the coffee and sally wiped the table off . r-67 1 although bob may not be a nut , many people have claimed it and i think so too . r-67 0 * although bob may not be a nut , many people have claimed and i think so too . r-67 1 when did you get back and what did you bring me ? r-67 1 make yourself comfortable . r-67 1 did merv show up and did you play chess ? r-67 0 * sally 's sick and what did you bring me ? r-67 0 * make yourself comfortable and i got sick . r-67 0 * what are you eating or did you play chess ? r-67 0 * which boy and the girl embraced ? r-67 0 * i 'm hungry and did you play chess ? r-67 1 who ate what ? r-67 1 what exploded when ? r-67 1 who gave what to whom ? r-67 1 how long did this fit of generosity last and who gave what to whom ? r-67 0 * i saw you there and who ate what ? r-67 0 * what exploded when and i warned you it would ? r-67 1 please make yourself comfortable and i 'll wash the dishes . r-67 1 you please make yourself comfortable and i 'll wash the dishes . r-67 1 harry will be in the marines next year and herman was drafted last night . r-67 1 sasha is gobbling down dumplings faster than i can reheat them . r-67 1 i want to peruse that contract before filing it away . r-67 1 fred tore the curtain in roiling it up . r-67 0 ?? the dumplings which sasha is gobbling down faster than i can reheat are extremely tasty , if i do say so . r-67 1 the curtain which fred tore in rolling up was the kind gift of my maternal aunt priscilla . r-67 1 i want to peruse that contract before damaging it while filing it away . r-67 1 sasha is gobbling down dumplings faster than i can reheat the meatballs . r-67 1 i want to peruse that contract before filing away the deed . r-67 1 fred tore the curtain in rolling up the wallpaper . r-67 0 * i think anita may have poisoned the meatballs which sasha is gobbling down dumplings faster than i can reheat . r-67 0 * the deed which i want to peruse that contract before filing away is probably a forgery . r-67 1 the dumplings which sasha is gobbling down faster than i can reheat the meatballs are extremely tasty , if i do say so . r-67 1 i suspect that the contract which i want to peruse before filing away the deed may some loopholes . r-67 1 the curtain which fred tore in rolling the wallpaper up was the kind gift of my maternal aunt priscilla . r-67 1 the dumplings which sasha is gobbling down faster than i can reheat them are extremely tasty , if i do say so . r-67 1 reports which the government prescribes the height of the lettering on the covers of are invariably boring . r-67 1 reports the covers of which the government prescribes the height of the lettering on almost always put me to sleep . r-67 1 reports the lettering on the covers of which the government prescribes the height of are a shocking waste of public funds . r-67 1 reports the height of the lettering on the covers of which the government prescribes should be abolished . r-67 0 * reports of which the government prescribes the height of the lettering on the covers are invariably boring . r-67 0 * reports on the covers of which the government prescribes the height of the lettering almost always put me to sleep . r-67 0 * reports of the lettering on the covers of which the government prescribes the height are shocking waste of public funds . r-67 1 he has books by several greek authors . r-67 1 which greek authors does he have books by ? r-67 0 ?* by which greek authors does he have books ? r-67 0 * the boy who i watched bill and was vain . r-67 0 * the boy bill and who i watched was vain . r-67 1 they will give me a hat which i know that i wo n't like . r-67 0 * they will give me a hat that i wo n't like which i know . r-67 1 the boy whose guardian 's employee we elected president betrayed us . r-67 0 * the boy whose guardian 's we elected employer president betrayed us . r-67 0 * the boy whose we elected guardian 's guardian 's employer president betrayed us . r-67 1 i 'm going to ask bill to make the old geezer take up these points later . r-67 1 these points i 'm going to ask bill to make the old geezer take up later . r-67 1 the boy 's guardians ' employer we elected president . r-67 0 * the boy 's guardian 's we elected employer president . r-67 0 * the boy 's we elected guardian 's employer president . r-67 1 we elected president the boy 's guardian 's employer . r-67 0 * we elected employer president the boy 's guardian 's . r-67 0 * we elected guardian 's employer president the boy . r-67 1 which boy 's guardian 's employer did we elect president ? . r-67 0 * which boy 's guardian 's did we elect employer president ? r-67 0 * how have you picked up tnt carelessly ? r-67 1 how carelessly have you picked up tnt ? r-67 1 sheila married that tall a man . r-67 1 how tall a man did sheila marry ? r-67 0 * how tall did sheila marry a man ? r-67 0 * how did sheila marry tall a man ? r-67 1 on which bed does tom sleep ? r-67 1 the bed on which tom slept was hard . r-67 1 which bed did tom sleep on ? r-67 1 the bed which tom slept on was hard . r-67 1 my sister arrived at a time when no buses were running , and my brother arrived at a time when no buses were running too . r-67 1 jack disappeared in a mysterious manner and the hudson disappeared in a mysterious manner too . r-67 0 * jack disappeared in a mysterious manner and marion disappeared in one too . r-67 0 * what time did you arrive at ? r-67 0 * the manner which jack disappeared in was creepy . r-67 0 * the place which i live at is the place where route 150 crosses the hudson river . r-67 1 the only relatives who i 'd like to do away with are my aunts . r-67 1 that meeting i 'd like to sit in on . r-67 0 * the only relatives with whom i 'd like to do away are my aunts . r-67 0 * to whom is she trying to make up now ? r-67 0 * on that meeting i 'd like to sit in . r-67 1 for whose rights do you expect me to speak up ? r-67 1 one plan which i got wind of was calculated to keep us in suspense . r-67 1 did you notice which difficulties she made . r-67 1 who are you trying to get hold of ? r-67 0 * one plan of which i got wind was calculated to keep us in suspense . r-67 0 ?* did you notice of which difficulties she made light ? r-67 0 * of whom are you trying to get hold ? r-67 1 the only offer of which i plan to take advantage will give me an eleven month paid vacation . r-67 1 the scenes to which the censors took objection had to do with the mixed marriage of a woman and a giant panda . r-67 1 advantage will be taken of his offer . r-67 1 his offer will be taken advantage of . r-67 1 in this experiment , fourteen variables must be kept track of simultaneously . r-67 1 objection was taken to the length of our skirts . r-67 1 a plan to negotiate an honorable end to the war in vietnam was gotten wind of . r-67 0 * light was made of her indiscretions . r-67 1 her indiscretions were made light of . r-67 0 * hold has been gotten of some rare old manuscripts . r-67 1 some rare old manuscripts have been gotten hold of . r-67 1 use was made of gauss 's polynomial lemma . r-67 1 tabs were kept on all persons entering the station . r-67 0 ?? the persons on whom we kept tabs all proved to be innocent . r-67 0 * faith was had in all kinds of people . r-67 1 my friends mike talked to about politics yesterday . r-67 1 to my friends mike talked about politics yesterday . r-67 0 * mike talked to about politics yesterday my friends . r-67 0 ?? she made light , not too surprisingly , of the difficulties we might have at the border . r-67 1 i gave to the officer in charge the blackjack . which i had found in the cookie jar . r-67 1 i am confident of , and my boss depends on , a successful outing at the track . r-67 0 * the university 's students are intelligent and faculty is committed to freedom . r-67 1 the boy 's uncle and aunt were kissing . r-67 0 * the boy whose uncle and tom 's aunt 's grandmother were kissing was furious . r-67 1 who are you gawking at ? r-67 1 which hat do you believe that she never wore ? r-67 1 the reporters expected that the principal would fire some teacher . r-67 1 that the principal would fire some teacher was expected by the reporters . r-67 1 the teacher who the reporters expected that the principal would fire is a crusty old jerk . r-67 0 * the teacher who that the principal would fire was expected by the reporters is a crusty old jerk . r-67 1 the teacher who it was expected by the reporters that the principal would fire is a crusty old jerk . r-67 0 * the hat which that i brought seemed strange to the nurse was a fedora . r-67 1 i disliked the boy 's playing the piano loudly . r-67 1 the boy whose loud playing of the piano i disliked was a student . r-67 1 the piano which i disliked the boy 's playing loudly was badly out of tune . r-67 1 the boy 's loud playing of the piano drove everyone crazy . r-67 1 the boy 's playing the piano loudly drove everyone crazy . r-67 1 that piano , the boy 's loud playing of which drove everyone crazy , was badly out of tune . r-67 0 * that piano , the boy 's playing which loudly drove everyone crazy , was badly out of tune . r-67 0 * that piano , which the boy 's playing loudly drove everyone crazy , was badly out of tune . r-67 0 * did that he played the piano surprise you ? r-67 0 * would for him to have played the piano have surprised you ? r-67 0 * is whether he played the piano known ? r-67 1 did his having played the piano surprise you ? r-67 1 mike quipped that she never wore this hat . r-67 0 * mike quipped she never wore this hat . r-67 0 * i dislike it for him to tickle myself . r-67 0 * i dislike his tickling myself . r-67 1 for anna to tickle him drives frank crazy . r-67 1 anna 's tickling him drove frank crazy . r-67 1 they are investigating all people owning parakeets . r-67 0 * the cages which we donated wire for the convicts to build with are strong . r-67 0 * what kind cf parakeets are they investigating all people owning ? r-67 1 it appears to be true that harry likes girls . r-67 1 this is the dog that chased the cat that caught the rat that ate the cheese . r-67 0 * her efficient looking of the answer up pleased the boss . r-67 1 her efficient looking up of the answer pleased the boss . r-67 1 she did away with her father . r-67 0 * she did with her father away . r-67 1 it is not true that that bob was lying was obvious . r-67 1 a proof was given that the claim that john had lied had been made . r-67 0 * a proof that the claim had been made was given that john had lied . r-67 0 * that sam did n't pick those packages up is possible which are to be mailed tomorrow . r-67 0 ?* that sam did n't pick those packages which are to be mailed tomorrow up is possible . r-67 0 * it is possible that sam did n't pick those packages which are to be mailed tomorrow up . r-67 1 that sam did n't pick those packages up which are to be mailed tomorrow is possible . r-67 1 which packages is it possible that sam did n't pick up which are to be mailed tomorrow ? r-67 1 sam did n't pick those packages up which are to be mailed tomorrow until it had stopped raining . r-67 1 sam picked those packages up which are to be mailed tomorrow rest might , but he did n't want to do so until it had stopped raining . r-67 0 ?* sam did n't pick those packages up until it had stopped raining which are to be mailed tomorrow . r-67 1 which packages which are to be mailed tomorrow is it possible that sam did n't pick up until it had stopped raining ? r-67 0 * which packages is it possible that sam did n't pick up which are to be mailed tomorrow until it had stopped raining ? r-67 0 * which packages did n't sam pick up which are to be mailed tomorrow until it had stopped raining ? r-67 1 a girl came in who had worn this coat . r-67 0 * the coat which a girl came in who had worn was torn . r-67 1 that that for herschel to throw a fit would confuse the guards was obvious is not true . r-67 1 it is not true that that for herschel to throw a fit would confuse the guards was obvious . r-67 1 it is not true that it was obvious that for herschel to throw a fit would confuse the guards . r-67 1 that that it would confuse the guards for herschel to throw a fit was obvious is not true . r-67 1 it is not true that that it would confuse the guards for herschel to throw a fit was obvious . r-67 1 that it was obvious that it would confuse the guards for herschel to throw a fit is not true . r-67 1 it is not true that it was obvious that it would confuse the guards for herschel to throw a fit . r-67 1 a review of this article came out yesterday . r-67 1 a review came out yesterday of this article . r-67 1 a review seems to have come out yesterday of this article . r-67 1 why do n't you pick some review up of this article ? r-67 1 ann is going to send a picture of chairman mao to her teacher , as soon as she gets home . r-67 1 ann is going to send a picture to her teacher of chairman mao , as soon as she gets home . r-67 0 * which picture is ann going to send to her teacher of chairman mao as soon as she gets home ? r-67 0 * who is ann going to send a picture to her teacher of , as soon as she gets home ? r-67 1 that a review came out yesterday of this article is catastrophic . r-67 0 * that a review came out yesterday is catastrophic of this article . r-67 1 i 'll give some to my good friend from akron . r-67 0 * i 'll give to my good friend from akron some . r-67 1 around midnight i promised that he would be there . r-67 1 i promised that he would be there tomorrow . r-67 1 tomorrow i promised chat he would be there . r-67 1 i promised that tomorrow he would be there . r-67 1 i promised that around midnight he would be there . r-67 1 beans i do n't like . r-67 1 proud of him i 've never been . r-67 1 beans i do n't think you 'll be able to convince me harry has ever tasted in his life . r-67 1 it was tomorrow that i promised that he would be there . r-67 1 it is beans that i do n't like . r-67 1 do you think that he sometimes went there alone ? r-67 1 i wo n't ask you to believe that he tried to force me to give her some money . r-67 1 that he sometimes went there alone is certain . r-67 1 do you believe that somebody was looking for something ? r-67 1 i never met that man who somebody tried to kill . r-67 1 i wo n't have any money . r-67 0 * i will ask you to believe that he tried to force me to give her any money . r-67 1 do you think that he ever went there alone ? r-67 1 that he ever went there alone is odd . r-67 0 that he ever went there alone is certain . r-67 0 * i never met that man who anybody tried to kill . r-67 1 tom told somebody that he was n't sick . r-67 1 buffy could n't do 100 push ups and somebody laughed . r-67 0 * tom told anybody that he was n't sick . r-67 0 * buffy could n't do 100 push ups and anybody laughed . r-67 1 i believe that the sun was out . r-67 1 i believed that the sun was out . r-67 1 i believed that the sun is out . r-67 0 * that the sun is out was obvious . r-67 1 that i believed that the sun was out is obvious . r-67 1 that i believed that the sun is out is obvious . r-67 1 that jack sometimes slept is impossible . r-67 1 that jack ever slept is impossible . r-67 0 * that jack ever slept is possible . r-67 0 * i talked to winston about winston . r-67 0 * i talked to winston about him . r-67 1 that the sun was out was obvious . r-67 1 john scratched his arm and mary did too . r-67 1 mary scratched her arm too . r-67 1 mary scratched john 's arm too . r-67 1 john scratched his arm and the boy who knew mary scratched her arm . r-67 1 john scratched his arm and the boy who mary knew did so too . r-67 1 that the fuzz wanted him worried john but it did n't worry mary . r-67 1 that the fuzz wanted him worried john , but that the fuzz wanted john did n't worry mary . r-67 1 that the police wanted him worried johns but it did n't worry the boy who mary knew . r-67 0 * john is prouder of having gone than nobody expected me to believe he would be . r-67 0 * john is prouder of having gone than john did n't expect me to believe he would be . r-67 0 * john is prouder of having gone than john expected nobody to believe he would be . r-67 0 * john is prouder of having gone than john expected me not to believe he would be . r-67 0 * john is prouder of having gone than than john expected me to believe not all . r-67 0 * john is prouder of having gone than john expected me to believe that he was n't . r-67 1 john is prouder of having gone than people who do n't know him would expect me to believe he would be . r-67 1 john is prouder of having gone than sally expected joan to believe that the man who did n't shave would be . r-67 1 john is prouder of having gone than i expected you to believe he would be of not having fallen asleep . r-67 1 tom knows it and dick knows it and harry knows it . r-67 1 tom washed the car , and dick waxed the car . r-67 1 tom ordered bacon , and dick ordered lettuce , and harry ordered tomatoes . r-67 1 tom , dick , and harry know it . r-67 1 tom washed , and dick waxed , and harry polished the car . r-67 1 tom , dick , and harry ate , drank , and sang . r-67 1 tom ordered bacon , and dick lettuce , and harry tomatoes . r-67 1 tom ordered bacon , and dick ordered lettuce , and i think that harry ordered tomatoes . r-67 0 * tom ordered bacon , and dick lettuce , and i think that harry tomatoes . r-67 1 joe is taller than mary is . r-67 1 joe is taller than mary . r-67 1 joe is taller than i think mary is . r-67 0 * joe is taller than i think mary . r-67 1 mike will sing if you will sing . r-67 1 mike will sing if you will . r-67 1 jim will go if he feels good . r-67 1 if jim feels good , he will go . r-67 1 i gave the book to harvey because he asked me to . r-67 1 it never occurred to harvey that i might want to leave because he is insensitive to other people 's desires . r-67 0 * it never occurred to harvey because he is insensitive to other people 's desires that , i might want to leave . r-67 1 . i figured it out that she was lying . r-67 1 i explained it to bill that she was lying . r-67 1 i took it for granted that she was lying . r-67 1 i regret it exceedingly that she was lying . r-67 1 he 'll bring me a hot dog if he sees one . r-67 0 * he 'll bring me one if he sees a hot dog . r-67 1 if he sees a hot dog , he 'll bring me one . r-67 1 if he sees one ; he 'll bring me a hot dog . r-67 0 * seven more soldiers came in after ten ones had left . r-67 0 * seven more ones came in after ten soldiers had left . r-67 0 * after ten soldiers had left , seven more ones came in . r-67 0 * after ten ones had left , seven more soldiers came in . r-67 1 seven more soldiers came in after ten had left . r-67 0 * seven more came in after ten soldiers had left . r-67 1 after ten had left , seven more soldiers came in . r-67 1 harry believes that sally is innocent , although no one else believes it . r-67 1 although no one else believes that sally is innocent , harry believes it . r-67 1 although no one else believes it , harry believes that sally is innocent . r-67 1 webster touched a sword after henry had done it . r-67 1 after henry had touched a sword , webster did it . r-67 1 after henry had done it , webster touched a sword . r-67 1 if so , i 've lost $ 500 . r-67 0 * if it , i 've lost $ 500 . r-67 1 harry thinks that sally is innocent , although no one else thinks so . r-67 0 * harry thinks so , although no one else thinks sally is innocent . r-67 1 although no one else thinks that sally is innocent , harry thinks so . r-67 1 although no one else thinks so , harry thinks that sally is innocent . r-67 1 webster touched a sword after henry had done so . r-67 1 after henry had touched a sword , webster did so . r-67 1 after henry had done so , webster touched a sword . r-67 1 i 'll work on it if i can work on it . r-67 1 i 'll work on it if no one else has worked on it . r-67 1 i 'll work on it if you do . r-67 1 i 'll work on it if no one else had . r-67 1 i 'll work on it if same will be too . r-67 0 * i will if i can work on it . r-67 1 if i can work on it , i will . r-67 1 if i can , i will work on it . r-67 1 the boy who mary loves hates her . r-67 1 the man who ordered a hot dog got one . r-67 1 tom says that it 's going to rain but i do n't believe it . r-67 1 he said he would leave and now he 's done it . r-67 1 i think that mort 's a swell guy , and lenny thinks so too . r-67 1 why ca n't the man who usually cuts the grass do so today ? r-67 1 mickey and roger have signed , and whitey will tomorrow . r-67 1 ronald scoffs at the belief that he would run if nominated . r-67 1 romeo conceded that he and juliet were going steady . r-67 1 i lost a japanese slide rule , and the fact that peter now has one i regard with suspicion . r-67 1 the earth is flat , but will all those who do n't believe it please raise their hands ? r-67 1 pilots who can fly barrel rolls say that for me to try to do it in a glider would be hazardous . r-67 1 the passengers who had known that the train was not on fire said that those who had thought so had barricaded themselves in the bathrooms . r-67 1 playing with matches is ; lots of fun , but doing , so and emptying gasoline from one can to another at the same time is a sport best reserved for arsons . r-67 1 swimming is fun , and i believe that people who ca n't should be taught to . r-67 1 how brave he is ! r-67 1 how surprisingly well he dances ! r-67 0 * whether he left ! r-67 0 * why he knows the answer ! r-67 0 * which boy is tall ! r-67 1 how brave everybody must think you expect me to believe he is ! r-67 0 * how brave they must believe the claim that you are ! r-67 1 how brave they must believe that you are ! r-67 0 * how brave he is tall and ! r-67 0 * how brave mike is cowardly and sam is ! r-67 1 how he is brave ! r-67 1 bill left when everyone will believe that the police have forced me to confess that i shot sandra . r-67 0 * bill left when i am looking at a girl who vomited . r-67 1 bill left when i believe the bomb had just exploded . r-67 0 * bill left when i believe the claim that the bomb had just exploded . r-67 1 when i am awake and susan is asleep , bill will leave . r-67 0 * when i am awake at that time and susan is asleep , bill will leave . r-67 0 * bill left when that no one else was awake is certain . r-67 1 bill left when it is certain that no one else was awake . r-67 1 here 's a knife for you to cut up the onions with . r-67 0 * i brought a razor to shave himself with . r-67 0 * i brought a razor to shave myself with . r-67 1 i brought a razor with which to shave myself . r-67 0 * i brought a razor with which to shave himself . r-67 1 i brought john a razor to shave himself with . r-67 0 * i brought john a razor to shave myself with . r-67 1 i brought john a razor with which to shave himself . r-67 0 * i brought john a razor with which to shave myself . r-67 0 * here 's a knife which for you to cut up the onions with . r-67 1 here 's a plate for you to make bob try to begin to force his sister to leave the cookies on . r-67 0 * here 's a knife for you to say was on the table . r-67 0 * here 's a pole for you to kiss the girl who tied the string around . r-67 0 * here 's a razor for you to chop up these nuts with this cleaver and . r-67 0 * here 's a razor for that you will be shaved with to be announced . r-67 0 ?? here 's a razor for it to be announced that you will be shaved with . r-67 0 * i loaned maggie a swiss army knife whose to open the padlock with corkscrew . r-67 1 fluffy is sick , which few people realize . r-67 1 fluffy is sick , which i 'm not sure you know sarah expects me to believe joan realizes . r-67 0 * fluffy is sick , which i slapped a boy who would n't acknowledge . r-67 1 fluffy is sick , which i believe that few people realize . r-67 0 * fluffy is sick , which i fell asleep and tom suddenly realized . r-67 0 * fluffy is sick , which that no one here realizes is certain . r-67 1 fluffy is sick , which it is certain that no one here realizes . r-67 1 fluffy is sick , which nobody knows . r-67 0 * fluffy is sick , as nobody knows . r-67 1 fluffy is sick , as not everybody knows . r-67 0 * fluffy is sick , as surprises me . r-67 1 it was this hat that tom said al thought you wanted me to make jack put on . r-67 1 what tom said al thought you wanted me to make jack put on was this hat . r-67 1 this hat tom said al thought you wanted me to make jack put on . r-67 0 * it is this hat that i know the boy who is wearing . r-67 1 it is this hat that i believe that he was wearing . r-67 0 * what i know the boy who was wearing is this hat . r-67 1 what i believe that he was wearing is this hat . r-67 0 * this hat i know the boy who was wearing . r-67 1 this hat i believe that he was wearing . r-67 0 * what the gloves and were on the table was this hat . r-67 0 * this hat the gloves and were on the table . r-67 0 * it is this hat that that he was wearing is certain . r-67 1 it is this hat that it is certain that he was wearing . r-67 0 * what that he was wearing is certain is this hat . r-67 1 what it is certain that he was wearing is this hat . r-67 1 this hat it is certain that he was wearing . r-67 0 * it was john 's that i stole bike . r-67 0 * the one whose i stole bike was john 's . r-67 0 * john 's i stole bike . r-67 1 maxwell is n't the doctor that his father was . r-67 1 maxwell is n't half the doctor that his father was . r-67 1 maxwell is the man who won the nobel prize for astrology . r-67 0 * maxwell is n't half the doctor . r-67 1 maxwell is quite the doctor . r-67 1 maxwell is n't much of a doctor . r-67 1 maxwell is more of a doctor than his son is . r-67 0 * maxwell is n't half the doctor that was here . r-67 0 * maxwell is n't half the doctor that polished off the vodka . r-67 0 * half the doctor that maxwell 's father was sat down . r-67 1 maxwell is n't half the doctor that feared marge would realize tom had confessed that he knew bill expected him to be . r-67 0 * maxwell is n't half the doctor that i know an african chief who is . r-67 1 maxwell is n't half the doctor that people around here believe that his father was . r-67 0 * maxwell is n't half the doctor that his sister is a psychologist and his father was . r-67 0 * maxwell is n't half the doctor that that he would be if he studied is certain . r-67 1 maxwell is n't half the doctor that i 'm certain that he would be if he studied . r-67 1 he 's the happiest that i 've ever seen him . r-67 1 the hardest that it ever snowed was last january 12th . r-67 1 the hardest that i think i remember him ever telling me that he had heard of it snowing around here was last january 12th . r-67 0 * he 's the happiest that we ever talked to the boy who had seen him . r-67 1 he 's the happiest that i believe that he 's ever been . r-67 0 * the hardest that i ever knew a man who said that it had snowed was last january 12th . r-67 1 the hardest that i believe that it ever snowed was last january 12th . r-67 0 * he 's the happiest that i 've ever seen him drunk and . r-67 0 * the hardest that all the power lines were down and it snowed was last january 12th . r-67 0 * he is the happiest that that he has ever been is believed . r-67 1 he is the happiest that it is believed that he has ever been . r-67 0 * the hardest that that it has snowed here is believed was last january 12th . r-67 1 the hardest that it is believed that it has ever snowed here was last january 12th . r-67 0 * a friend of mine and a girl who was from his home town met in vienna who was working in europe . r-67 0 * a friend of mine who was working in europe and a girl met in vienna who was from his home town . r-67 0 * it and that he loved another was painfully evident that she loved him . r-67 0 * that she loved him and it was painfully evident that he loved another . r-67 1 mary and an old friend who comes from miami kissed . r-67 0 * mary and kissed an old friend who comes from miami . r-67 1 i gave a picture of a covered bridge and a hundred hikers from hoboken to my sister . r-67 0 * i gave a picture of a covered bridge and to my sister a hundred hikers from hoboken . r-67 0 * joan plays and sings folk songs a wonderful old guitar from spain . r-67 1 sally might be pregnant , and i know a girl who definitely is pregnant . r-67 0 ?* sally might be , and i know a girl who definitely is pregnant . r-67 1 sally might be pregnant , and i believe the claim that sheila definitely is pregnant . r-67 1 sally might be pregnant , and i believe that sheila definitely is pregnant . r-67 0 ?* sally is tall , and may be , and sheila is short , and definitely is , blond . r-67 1 hank plays the guitar and finds arrangements for all the old folk songs which are still sung in these hills , and ernie writes down all the old folk songs which are still sung in these hills . r-67 0 ?? hank plays the guitar and finds arrangements for , and ernie writes down , all the old folk songs which are still sung in these hills . r-67 1 they said that tom would pay up and he will pay up . r-67 1 they said that tom was working , and he is working . r-67 1 they said that tom would pay up , and pay up he did . r-67 1 they said that tom would pay up , and pay up he will . r-67 1 they said that tom was working , and working he is . r-67 1 they said tom would pay up , and pay up i 'm sure everybody will tell you that his lawyers expect me to believe he did . r-67 1 they said nobody would pay up , but i know a boy who did pay up . r-67 0 * they said nobody would pay up , but pay up i know a boy who did . r-67 1 they said that tom would pay up , and pay up i believe that he did . r-67 1 they said that tom would n't pay up , but he did go to the bank , and he did pay up . r-67 1 they said that tom would n't pay up , but pay up he did go to the bank and he did . r-67 0 * they said that tom would pay up , and pay up that he did is well-known . r-67 1 they said that tom would pay up , and pay up it is well-known that he did . r-67 1 although dick is handsome , i 'm still going marry herman . r-67 1 handsome though dick is , i 'm still going to marry herman . r-67 1 handsome though everyone expects me to try to force bill to make mom agree that dick is , i 'm still going to marry herman . r-67 0 * handsome though i know several boys who are , i 'm still going to marry herman . r-67 1 handsome though i believe that dick is , i 'm still going to marry herman . r-67 0 * handsome though dick is fair , nordic , strong and , i 'm still going to marry herman . r-67 0 * handsome though that dick will be is likely , i 'm still going to marry herman . r-67 1 the more contented we pretended to be , the more we grew angry at the doctors . r-67 0 * the more contented i laughed at the nurse who thought that we were becoming , the more angry we grew at the doctors . r-67 0 ?? the more contented the nurses began to believe that we were going to pretend to be , the more angry we grew at the doctors . r-67 0 * the more contented we pretended to be better fed and , the more angry we grew at the doctors . r-67 0 * the more contented for us to pretend to be became possible , the more angry we grew at the doctors . r-67 1 i have some papers to grade . r-67 0 ?* i have some papers to announce that i 've got to grade . r-67 1 i have some papers to try to finish grading . r-67 1 i have getting into college to consider . r-67 0 * i have some papers to grade these exams and . r-67 0 * i have some voice exercises to play the guitar and sing . r-67 0 * i have john 's to grade paper . r-67 1 wilt is taller than i imagine anybody would ever guess that people had begun expecting red to announce that he was . r-67 1 the sofa was longer than the desk was . r-67 1 the sofa was longer than the desk was long . r-67 0 * willy is taller than i know a boy who is . r-67 1 wilt is taller than i believe that bill is . r-67 0 * willy is taller than bill is strong and . r-67 0 * dean drank more booze than frank ate wheaties and sammy drank . r-67 0 * willy is taller than that bill is is generally believed . r-67 1 wilt is taller than it is generally believed that bill is . r-67 1 willy is taller than bill by 7 millimeters . r-67 1 the raise which scrooge generously gave tom 's father increased his yearly salary by five cents . r-67 1 the hare outran the tortoise by so much that he forgot the latter was even in the race any more . r-67 1 who knew mickey would overthrow home plate by that much ? r-67 1 willy is taller than bill by that much . r-67 1 john is taller than bill by that much . r-67 1 willy is taller than bill by as much as joe is taller than the dan . r-67 1 willy is taller than bill by more than joe is taller than dan . r-67 1 willy is taller than bill by as much as everybody seems to expect me to admit to having publicly proclaimed that i believed . r-67 0 * willy is taller than bill by as much as i know a boy who thinks that bill is taller than dan . r-67 1 willy is taller than bill by as much a peter believes that billy is taller than dan . r-67 0 * willy is taller than bill by as much as i watch all the games and i know billy is taller than dan . r-67 0 * willy is taller than bill by as much as that bill is taller than dan is believed . r-67 1 willy is taller than bill by as much as it is believed that joe is taller than dan . r-67 1 the rock was too heavy for me to pick up . r-67 1 this rock is too heavy for me to begin to decide about helping bob to try to pick it up . r-67 0 ?? this rock is too heavy for me to begin to decide about helping bob to try to pick up . r-67 0 * this rock is too heavy for us to try to claim that we picked up . r-67 1 sodium is a little too peppy for me to want to try mixing it and water in a teacup . r-67 0 * sodium is a little too peppy for me to want to try mixing and water in a teacup . r-67 0 * that piece of ice is too big for for him to be able to pick up with a teaspoon to be likely . r-67 0 ?? that piece of ice is too big for it to be likely for him to be able to pick up with a teaspoon . r-67 1 bob is too thin for me to be able to squeeze into his jacket . r-67 0 * bob is too thin for me to be able to squeeze into jacket . r-67 1 this rock is light enough for marcia to pick it up . r-67 1 this rock is light enough for marcia to pick up . r-67 1 the socks are ready for you to put on . r-67 1 the socks are ready for you to go about beginning to put them on . r-67 1 the socks are ready for you to announce that you will put them on . r-67 0 * the socks are ready for you to announce that you will put on . r-67 1 the socks are ready for you to try them and the shoes on . r-67 0 * the socks are ready for you to try and the shoes on . r-67 1 john is ready for you to inspect his bunk . r-67 0 * john is ready for you to inspect bunk . r-67 0 * the socks are ready for it to be planned for you to put on . r-67 1 it is tough to play sonatas on this violin . r-67 1 sonatas are difficult to play on this violin . r-67 1 sonatas are easy to play on this violin . r-67 1 sonatas are tough to play on this violin . r-67 1 this violin is easy to play sonatas on . r-67 1 this violin is tough to play sonatas on . r-67 1 i made john easy to get along with . r-67 1 i made it easy to get along with john . r-67 1 john tries to be easy to get along with . r-67 0 * john tried bill to play checkers . r-67 0 * john tried for bill to play checkers . r-67 0 * bill would be easy for for you to chat with in moscow to become expensive . r-67 0 * bill would be easy for it to become expensive for you to chat with in moscow . r-67 1 my father , he 's armenian , and my mother , she 's greek . r-67 0 * if my father , he comes home late , my mother always grills him . r-67 0 * it started to rain after jackie and me , we had finally gotten to our seats . r-67 0 ?* i acknowledged that my father , he was tight as an owl . r-67 1 i said that my father , he was tight as an owl . r-67 0 * that beans he likes is now obvious . r-67 0 * i 'm going to write to the game warden if more than one deer my neighbor brings back . r-67 0 * i do n't know the boy who the flowers mary gave to . r-67 0 * i do n't know the boy the flowers who mary gave to . r-67 0 * that informers they never use is claimed by the cia . r-67 1 my father , i hardly ever see him and my mother when they 're not glaring at each other . r-67 1 this guitar , i 've sung folk songs and accompanied myself on it all my life . r-67 1 my father , that he 's lived here all his life is well-known to the cops . r-67 1 my wife , somebody stole her handbag last night . r-67 1 they spoke to the janitor about that robbery yesterday , the cops . r-67 1 the cops spoke to him about that robbery yesterday , the janitor . r-67 1 the cops spoke to the janitor about it yesterday , that robbery . r-67 1 that they spoke to the janitor about that robbery yesterday , the cops , is terrible . r-67 1 that the cops spoke to the janitor about it yesterday , that robbery , is terrible . r-67 0 ?* that they spoke to the janitor about that robbery yesterday is terrible , the cops . r-67 0 * they let him go yesterday , he . r-67 0 * they let him go yesterday , him . r-67 0 * i like beer , i . r-67 0 ?* i like beer , me . r-67 0 * we 'll go together , us . r-67 0 * they ca n't stand each other , they . r-67 0 * they ca n't stand each other , them . r-67 1 we 'll do it together , you and i . r-67 1 we 'll do it together , you and me . r-67 1 they ca n't stand each other , he and she . r-67 1 they ca n't stand each other , him and her . r-67 0 * he , they let him go yesterday . r-67 1 him , they let him go yesterday . r-67 0 * i , i like beer . r-67 1 me , i like beer . r-67 0 * we , we 'll go together . r-67 1 us , we 'll go together . r-67 0 * they , they ca n't stand each other . r-67 1 them , they ca n't stand each other . r-67 0 * i saw mary and downtown yesterday your friend from boston . r-67 1 i saw mary and him downtown yesterday , your friend from boston . r-67 0 * i noticed car in the driveway last night your friend from boston . r-67 1 i noticed his car in the driveway last night , your friend from boston . r-67 0 * i spoke to about the war yesterday that guy who 's always following us . r-67 1 i spoke to him about the war yesterday , that guy who 's always following us . r-67 1 i just saw that girl who long john 's claim that he was a martian made all the headlines . r-67 1 all the students who the papers which they submitted were lousy i 'm not going to allow to register next term . r-67 1 did n't that guy who the game warden and him had seen a flying saucer crack up ? r-67 1 palmer is a guy who for for him to stay in school would be stupid . r-67 1 king kong is a movie which you 'll laugh yourself sick if you see it . r-67 1 enrico , who is the smartest of us all , got the answer in seven seconds . r-67 1 enrico , and he is the smartest of us all , got the answer in seven seconds . r-67 0 * any student , who wears socks , is a swinger . r-67 0 * no student , who wears socks , is a swinger . r-67 0 * every student , who wears socks , is a swinger . r-67 0 * any student , and he wears socks , is a swinger . r-67 0 * no student , and he wears socks , is a swinger . r-67 1 is even clarence , who is wearing mauve socks , a swinger ? r-67 1 seven pine trees are behind that barn . r-67 1 there are seven pine trees behind that barn . r-67 1 that barn has seven pine trees behind it . r-67 1 there will be a hole in jack 's pocket . r-67 0 * there will be the hole in jack 's pocket . r-67 1 jack will have a hole in his pocket . r-67 0 * that barn has seven pine trees behind itself . r-67 0 * that barn has seven pine trees behind the cow . r-67 1 jack 's pocket will have a hole in it . r-67 0 ?? there is a hole in john 's quilt 's upper right-hand corner . r-67 0 ?? john 's quilt 's upper right-hand corner has a hole . r-67 1 john 's quilt has a hole in its upper right-hand corner . r-67 0 ?? john has a hole in his quilt 's upper right-hand corner . r-67 1 john has a hole in the upper right-hand corner of his quilt . r-67 1 there are seven holes in the door and window . r-67 0 * the door has seven holes in it and the window . r-67 1 there is a blemish on the end of jerry 's sister 's nose . r-67 0 * jerry has a blemish on the end of his sister 's nose . r-67 1 jerry 's sister has a blemish on the end of her nose . r-67 1 there is a hole in the rug which toby bought in boston . r-67 1 there was an error in the proof johns presented . r-67 1 there was a snake behind the car fred was sitting in . r-67 1 john had an error in the proof he presented . r-67 0 * john had an error in the proof sarah presented . r-67 1 fred had a snake behind the car joe was sitting in . r-67 1 fred had a snake behind the car he was sitting in . r-67 1 there was a yellow collar on the dog which the car injured . r-67 1 there was a snake behind the car the time bomb was sitting in . r-67 0 * the car had a yellow collar on the dog which it injured . r-67 0 * that stone has a hole in the tarpaulin which it is holding down . r-67 0 * the time bomb had a snake behind the car which it was sitting in . r-67 1 there were several hundred people yelling for me to put down gently . r-67 1 the hot potato which there were several hundred people yelling for me to put down gently turned out to have been filled with tnt . r-67 0 * the hot potato had several hundred people yelling for me to put it down gently . r-67 1 bartlett and toni danced . r-67 1 bartlett danced with toni . r-67 0 * bartlett and danced toni . r-67 0 * and toni danced bartlett . r-67 1 it bothers me for her to wear that old fedora . r-67 0 * the only girl for whom it bothers me to wear that old fedora is annabelle . r-67 0 * the only girl who it bothers me to wear that old fedora is annabelle . r-67 1 i would prefer it for there to be no talking . r-67 1 he gave my binoculars to that girl . r-67 1 he gave that girl my binoculars . r-67 1 which girl did he give my binoculars to ? r-67 0 * which girl did he give my binoculars ? r-67 1 my binoculars were given to that girl by him . r-67 1 bill confirmed that roger has eaten the cake . r-67 1 bill alleged that roger had eaten the cake . r-67 1 bill alleged that roger has eaten the cake . r-67 0 ?? what did bill confirm that roger had eaten ? r-67 1 what did bill allege that roger had eaten ? r-67 0 ?* bill did n't confirm that roger had eaten anything . r-67 0 * waldo did n't report the possibility that anyone had left . r-67 1 waldo did n't report that anyone had left . r-67 1 anybody who ever swears at me better watch his step . r-67 1 i want all the students who have ever tried to pat fido to show me their scars . r-67 0 * only the travelers who anybody has ever robbed do n't carry machetes . r-67 1 the only travelers who anybody has ever robbed do n't carry machetes . r-67 0 * i ca n't remember the name of somebody who had any misgivings . r-67 1 i ca n't remember the name of anybody who had any misgivings . r-67 1 everybody who has ever , worked in any office which contained any typewriter which had ever been used to type any letters which had to be signed by any administrator who ever worked in any department like mine will know what i mean . r-67 1 no student who ever goes to europe ever has enough money . r-67 0 * every student who ever goes to europe ever has enough money . r-67 0 * i did n't eat the ice cream and any cake . r-67 1 i realized that it had rained and some crops had been destroyed . r-67 1 i did n't realize that it had rained and some crops had been destroyed . r-67 1 i did n't eat any ice cream or any cake . r-67 0 * i did n't eat any ice cream and any cake . r-67 0 ?* i did n't eat the cake or any ice cream . r-67 0 * i did n't eat any ice cream or mary 's cake . r-67 0 * i did n't eat any ice cream or the cake . r-67 1 john and mary met in vienna . r-67 1 john met mary in vienna . r-67 0 * few writers and any playwrights meet in vienna . r-67 1 few writers meet any playwrights in vienna . r-67 0 * my brother and few americans meet in vienna . r-67 1 my brother meets few americans in vienna . r-67 1 no writer , and no playwright , speaks clearly . r-67 1 no writer , nor any playwright , speaks clearly . r-67 0 * bill understands mary and himself . r-67 0 ?* bill understands himself and mary . r-67 0 * bill and mary washed himself . r-67 0 * andy pinched sarah and tickled herself . r-67 0 * the gun and a description of itself lay on the bureau . r-67 1 bill believes that anna and he are similar . r-67 1 bill believes anna and him to be similar . r-67 0 * bill believes anna and himself to be similar . r-67 0 * i deny that that bob has any money is certain . r-67 1 i deny that it is certain that bob has any money . r-67 0 ?? i deny that that bob has some money is certain . r-67 1 tom will not force you to marry any student . r-67 1 tom will force you to marry no student . r-67 0 * the writers of any of the reports did n't know the answer . r-67 1 the writers of none of the reports . r-67 1 tom will force you to marry no student , and neither will i . r-67 1 it is not certain that you 'll marry any student . r-67 1 it is not certain that you 'll marry any particular student . r-67 1 it is certain that you 'll marry no student . r-67 1 that you will marry any particular student is not certain . r-67 1 the man who i gave john a picture of was bald . r-67 0 ?? the man who i gave john this picture of was bald . r-67 0 * the man who i gave john ed 's picture of was bald . r-67 1 i gave jack a picture of myself . r-67 0 * i gave jack ed 's picture of myself . r-67 1 i did n't give jack a picture of anybody . r-67 0 * i did n't give jack this picture of anybody . r-67 1 i hope i 'm not treading on anyone 's toes . r-67 1 abernathy admitted that the poison pen letter had been written by my sister and him . r-67 1 abernathy admitted that the poison pen letter had been written by my sister and himself . r-67 1 that the sun was out is obvious . r-67 1 that anybody ever left at all is not known . r-67 1 that anybody ever left at all is not certain . r-67 1 that anybody ever left at all is impossible . r-67 1 that anybody ever left at all is surprises me . r-67 1 tonight , what bob cooked yesterday still tastes good . r-67 1 tonight , what bob cooked yesterday still tastes good , so tonight , what bob cooked yesterday will be eaten up . r-67 1 tonight , what bob cooked yesterday still tastes good , so tonight it will be eaten up . rhl07 1 martha gave myrna an apple . rhl07 1 leigh threw the ball to lane . rhl07 1 leigh threw lane the ball . rhl07 1 the noise gave terry a headache . rhl07 0 * the noise gave a headache to terry . rhl07 1 jill threw the ball from home plate to third base . rhl07 1 jill kicked the ball from home plate to third base . rhl07 1 i sent the bicycle from my house at the beach to my house in the mountains . rhl07 1 i shipped the bicycle from my house at the beach to my house in the mountains . rhl07 1 fred threw the ball under the porch . rhl07 1 fred threw the ball behind the tree . rhl07 1 fred threw the ball over the fence . rhl07 1 fred kicked the ball under the porch . rhl07 1 fred kicked the ball behind the tree . rhl07 1 fred kicked the ball over the fence . rhl07 1 felicia threw the ball off the bench . rhl07 1 felicia threw the ball out the window . rhl07 1 felicia kicked the ball out the window . rhl07 0 * felicia sent the box off the shelf . rhl07 0 * felicia sent the box out of the storeroom . rhl07 0 * felicia shipped the box off the shelf . rhl07 0 * felicia shipped the box out of the storeroom . rhl07 0 * jake sent the box at carson . rhl07 0 * jake sent the box towards carson . rhl07 0 * jake shipped the box at carson . rhl07 0 * jake shipped the box towards carson . rhl07 1 anne is curious as to why her father sent her a telegram to america to return home at once . rhl07 0 * where did you give the ball ? rhl07 1 where did you throw the ball ? to third base . rhl07 1 where did you send the bicycle ? to rome . rhl07 1 i gave the package to maria . rhl07 0 * i gave the package to london . rhl07 1 i sent the package to london . rhl07 1 i threw the ball to maria . rhl07 1 i threw the ball to the other side of the field . rhl07 0 * susan gave the ball halfway to bill . rhl07 0 * susan gave the ball all the way to bill . rhl07 1 jake threw the ball all the way to bill . rhl07 1 jake threw the ball halfway to bill . rhl07 1 jake kicked the ball all the way to bill . rhl07 1 jake kicked the ball halfway to bill . rhl07 1 i sent the package all the way around the world . rhl07 1 i sent the package to the antarctic . rhl07 1 i shipped the package halfway around the world . rhl07 1 i shipped the package all the way around the world . rhl07 1 i shipped the package halfway to the antarctic . rhl07 0 * fred gave the ball under molly . rhl07 0 * fred gave the ball behind molly . rhl07 0 * fred gave the ball over molly . rhl07 0 * fred offered the ball under molly . rhl07 0 * fred offered the ball over molly . rhl07 0 * sam gave the ball off the shelf . rhl07 0 * sam offered the ball off the shelf . rhl07 0 * jill gave the ball at bob . rhl07 0 * jill gave the ball towards bob . rhl07 0 * jill offered the ball at bob . rhl07 0 * jill offered the ball towards bob . rhl07 1 give a fresh coat of paint to the front door . rhl07 1 one of the jewish children is a spunky girl , who gave a black eye to the kid with the german roots before the start of the war . rhl07 1 the door has a fresh coat of paint . rhl07 1 the spunky girl has a black eye . rhl07 1 i promise a good time to all who come . rhl07 1 all who come will have a good time . rhl07 1 he died from exhaustion . rhl07 1 the water melted into ice . rhl07 1 the water melted to ice . rhl07 1 a hefty sum of money came to him from his grandfather . rhl07 1 the close brush with the law put the fear of god in him . rhl07 1 she fell in love . rhl07 1 she fell into a sulk . rhl07 1 she fell into a funk . rhl07 1 to whom did you give the ball ? rhl07 1 to whom did you throw the ball ? rhl07 1 where did you throw the ball ? rhl07 1 to whom did you send the package ? rhl07 1 where did you send the package ? rhl07 1 smith threw the ball to the first baseman . rhl07 1 smith threw the first baseman the ball . rhl07 0 * smith threw the first base the ball . rhl07 1 smith envied jones his good fortune . rhl07 0 * smith envied his good fortune to jones . rhl07 1 no one can forgive you that comment . rhl07 1 the recession cost my grandfather a raise . rhl07 1 mary taught john linguistics . rhl07 1 mary taught linguistics to john . rhl07 1 i threw the ball to julian , but it fell short of him . rhl07 1 max offered the victims help , but they refused his offer . rhl07 1 max offered help to the victims , but they refused his offer . rhl07 1 sarah promised her old car to catherine , but then gave it to her son instead . rhl07 1 i taught them english for an entire year , but they do n't seem to have learned . rhl07 1 i read him the figures , but when i looked up , he was gone . rhl07 1 i throw you a lifeline and you giggle . rhl07 1 i kicked him the ball , but the wind blew it astray . rhl07 1 i threw mary the ball , but she was looking at the birds flying overhead and did n't even notice . rhl07 1 i threw the ball to mary , but she was looking at the birds flying overhead and did n't even notice . rhl07 1 lewis shipped sam a bicycle , but it never arrived . rhl07 1 lewis sent sam a bicycle , but it never arrived . rhl07 1 the police read the detainees ' rights to them , but not a single one was paying attention . rhl07 1 i wrote a letter to blair , but i tore it up before i sent it . rhl07 1 the police read the detainees their rights , but not a single one was paying attention . rhl07 1 i wrote blair a letter , but i tore it up before i sent it . rhl07 1 ann copied the manuscript , but she did n't finish it . rhl07 1 alex read the newspaper for an hour . rhl07 1 alex read the newspaper in an hour . rhl07 0 * i lent the book halfway to tony . rhl07 0 * i lent the book all the way to tony . rhl07 0 * i lent the book most of the way to tony . rhl07 0 * i lent tony the book partway . rhl07 0 * i lent tony the book halfway . rhl07 0 * i lent tony the book all the way . rhl07 0 * i lent tony the book most of the way . rhl07 0 * robin arrived partway at the station . rhl07 0 * robin arrived all the way at the station . rhl07 0 * robin arrived most of the way at the station . rhl07 0 * the old dog died partway . rhl07 0 * the old dog died halfway . rhl07 0 * the old dog died all the way . rhl07 1 sandy taught the children the alphabet , but only got as far as the letter `` r '' . rhl07 1 maxine read the children goodnight moon , but they fell asleep before she got to the end . rhl07 1 interviewing richard nixon gave norman mailer a book . rhl07 1 nixon 's behavior gave mailer an idea for a book . rhl07 1 nixon 's behavior gave an idea for a book to every journalist living in new york city in the 1970s . rhl07 1 we gave a fresh coat of paint to the house . rhl07 1 the five `` soundscape '' pieces gave a festive air to park square . rhl07 1 gordie gillespie still can give a piece of his mind to the umps . rhl07 1 i sent the salesman to the devil . rhl07 0 * i sent the devil the salesman . rhl07 1 nixon 's behavior gave an idea for a book to every journalist living in new york . rhl07 1 the music lent a festive air to the party . rhl07 1 it is very difficult to get an idea for a book simply from an interview . rhl07 1 it is unreadable , guaranteed to give a headache to anyone who looks hard at the small print . rhl07 1 `` doing my taxes '' gives a headache to 22 percent of americans surveyed for pfizer , which makes tylenol pain relief medicine . rhl07 1 lopez says that he has done more than simply give a fresh coat of paint to the site . rhl07 1 i think it 's time you give your lovely illness to someone else ! l-93 1 sharon sprayed the plants with water . l-93 1 the farmer loaded apples into the cart . l-93 0 * monica covered a blanket over the baby . l-93 1 monica covered the baby with a blanket . l-93 1 carla poured lemonade into the pitcher . l-93 0 * carla poured the pitcher with lemonade . l-93 1 the farmer dumped apples into the cart . l-93 1 the window broke . l-93 1 the little boy broke the window . l-93 1 a rabbit appeared out of the magician 's hat . l-93 0 * the magician appeared a rabbit out of his hat . l-93 1 martha carved a toy out of wood for the baby . l-93 1 martha carved some wood into a toy for the baby . l-93 0 * martha carved the baby some wood into a toy . l-93 1 margaret cut the bread . l-93 1 janet broke the vase . l-93 1 terry touched the cat . l-93 1 carla hit the door . l-93 1 crystal vases break easily . l-93 0 * cats touch easily . l-93 0 * door frames hit easily . l-93 1 margaret cut at the bread . l-93 0 * janet broke at the vase . l-93 0 * terry touched at the cat . l-93 1 carla hit at the door . l-93 1 margaret cut bill 's arm . l-93 1 margaret cut bill on the arm . l-93 1 janet broke bill 's finger . l-93 1 terry touched bill 's shoulder . l-93 1 terry touched bill on the shoulder . l-93 1 carla hit bill 's back . l-93 1 carla hit bill on the back . l-93 1 jean moved the table . l-93 0 * jean moved at the table . l-93 1 margaret cut the string . l-93 0 * the string cut . l-93 0 * the cat touched . l-93 0 * the door hit . l-93 1 a the butcher cuts the meat . l-93 1 the meat cuts easily . l-93 1 janet broke the crystal . l-93 1 crystal breaks at the slightest touch . l-93 1 kelly adores french fabrics . l-93 0 * french fabrics adore easily . l-93 1 joan knew the answer . l-93 0 * the answer knows easily . l-93 1 bill pounded the metal . l-93 1 bill pounded the metal fiat . l-93 1 this metal wo n't pound flat . l-93 1 the cup broke . l-93 1 they gave the bicycle to me . l-93 0 * the bicycle gave to me . l-93 0 * the bread cut . l-93 0 * the magician appeared a dove from his sleeve . l-93 1 sylvia jumped the horse over the fence . l-93 1 the horse jumped over the fence . l-93 1 the scientist ran the rats through the maze . l-93 1 the rats ran through the maze . l-93 1 the bell rang . l-93 1 they stood the statue on the pedestal . l-93 1 the statue stood on the pedestal . l-93 1 the army lodged the soldiers in the schoolhouse . l-93 1 heat radiates from the sun . l-93 1 the sun radiates heat . l-93 1 the departing passenger waved at the crowd . l-93 0 * jennifer craned . l-93 1 i shaved my face . l-93 1 i shaved . l-93 1 celia braided her hair . l-93 0 * celia braided . l-93 0 * tessa sprained . l-93 1 jill dressed hurriedly . l-93 0 * i shaved myself . l-93 0 * celia brushed . l-93 1 tessa cut herself . l-93 0 * tessa cut . l-93 1 we loaded ourselves onto the bus . l-93 1 we loaded onto the bus . l-93 1 we pulled ourselves free . l-93 1 anne met cathy . l-93 1 anne and cathy met . l-93 0 * brenda chatted molly . l-93 1 brenda and molly chatted . l-93 1 the drunk hugged the lamppost . l-93 0 * the drunk and the lamppost hugged . l-93 1 italy touches france . l-93 1 italy and france touch . l-93 0 * ellen argued helen . l-93 1 ellen and helen argued . l-93 1 the sign warned us against skating on the pond . l-93 1 the sign warned against skating on the pond . l-93 1 for discussion of the same phenomenon in russian . l-93 1 that dog bites people . l-93 1 that dog bites . l-93 1 i cut the bread with this knife . l-93 1 this knife cut the bread . l-93 1 this knife does n't cut . l-93 1 these shears clip well . l-93 1 this machine records well . l-93 1 this oven cooks well . l-93 1 this lotion softens , soothes , and protects . l-93 1 this polish cleans , protects , and shines . l-93 0 * this key wo n't open . l-93 1 this key wo n't open the jock . l-93 0 * this hammer wo n't break . l-93 1 this hammer wo n't break the window . l-93 1 they pushed their way through the crowd . l-93 1 they pushed through the crowd . l-93 1 bake for 30 minutes . l-93 0 * like the ice cream . l-93 0 * like after tasting . l-93 1 paula hit the fence . l-93 1 paula hit at the fence . l-93 1 faustina sprayed the lilies . l-93 0 * janet broke at the bread . l-93 1 i pushed the table . l-93 1 i pushed at the table . l-93 1 i pushed on the table . l-93 1 i pushed against the table . l-93 1 the mouse nibbled the cheese . l-93 1 the mouse nibbled at the cheese . l-93 1 the mouse nibbled on the cheese . l-93 0 * monica moved at the cat . l-93 1 martha climbed up the mountain . l-93 1 martha climbed the mountain . l-93 1 they skated along the canals . l-93 1 they skated the canals . l-93 1 the spaceship revolves around the earth . l-93 0 * the spaceship revolves the earth . l-93 1 martha slowly descended the stairs . l-93 1 jill met sarah . l-93 1 jill embraced sarah . l-93 1 bill sold tom a car . l-93 1 bill sent a package london . l-93 1 bill sent tom a package . l-93 0 * bill sent london a package . l-93 1 martha carved a toy for the baby . l-93 1 martha carved the baby a toy . l-93 1 the architect selected a house for the couple . l-93 1 jack sprayed paint on the wall . l-93 1 jack sprayed the wall with paint . l-93 0 * june covered the blanket over the baby . l-93 1 june covered the baby with a blanket . l-93 0 * tamara poured the bowl with water . l-93 1 henry cleared dishes from the table . l-93 1 henry cleared the table of dishes . l-93 1 the thief stole the painting from the museum . l-93 0 * the thief stole the museum of the painting . l-93 1 the doctor cured pat of pneumonia . l-93 1 helen wiped the wall . l-93 0 * helen wiped the wall of fingerprints . l-93 1 bees are swarming in the garden . l-93 1 the garden is swarming with bees . l-93 0 * people are seething in the square . l-93 0 * the pasture is herding with cattle . l-93 1 clouds cleared from the sky . l-93 1 the sky cleared . l-93 1 martha carved the piece of wood into a toy . l-93 1 david constructed a house out of . l-93 1 david constructed a house from bricks . l-93 0 * david constructed the bricks into a house . l-93 1 i whipped the eggs into a froth . l-93 1 the witch turned him into a frog . l-93 0 * the witch turned him from a prince . l-93 1 an oak tree will grow from that acorn . l-93 1 the witch turned him from a prince into a frog . l-93 0 * martha carved the piece of wood from a branch into a toy . l-93 0 * i whipped the eggs from a puddle into a froth . l-93 1 he turned from a prince into a frog . l-93 0 * that acorn will grow from a seed into an oak tree . l-93 1 the car collided with the fence . l-93 1 i separated the yolk from the white . l-93 1 i separated the yolk and the white . l-93 1 i mixed the sugar and the butter . l-93 1 i confused maria with anna . l-93 1 i confused maria and anna . l-93 1 linda taped the label to the cover . l-93 0 * linda taped the label and the cover . l-93 1 harriet alternated folk songs with pop songs . l-93 0 * harriet alternated folk songs and pop songs together . l-93 1 i broke the twig and the branch apart . l-93 0 * i detached the handle and the box apart . l-93 1 brenda agreed with molly . l-93 1 brenda and molly agreed . l-93 1 the oil separated from the vinegar . l-93 1 the oil and vinegar separated . l-93 0 * bill married with kathy . l-93 1 bill and kathy married . l-93 1 the twig broke off of the branch . l-93 0 * the twig and the branch broke . l-93 1 the eggs and the cream mixed together . l-93 0 * plays and ballets alternate together . l-93 1 the twig and the branch broke apart . l-93 0 * the yolk and the white separated apart . l-93 1 the judge presented the winner with a prize . l-93 1 the judge offered a prize to the winner . l-93 0 * the judge offered the winner with a prize . l-93 0 * the judge saddled a prize to the winner . l-93 1 the judge saddled the winner with a prize . l-93 1 the jeweller inscribed the name on the ring . l-93 1 the jeweller inscribed the ring with the name . l-93 1 the jeweller copied the name on the ring . l-93 0 * the jeweller copied the ring with the name . l-93 0 * the jeweller decorated the name on the ring . l-93 1 the jeweller decorated the ring with the name . l-93 1 brian hit the fence with the stick . l-93 1 don swatted the mosquito with the newspaper . l-93 1 alison pierced the cloth with a needle . l-93 1 paula hit the fence with the stick . l-93 1 mira blamed the accident on terry . l-93 1 mira blamed terry for the accident . l-93 0 * mira condemned the accident on terry . l-93 1 ida hunted the woods for deer . l-93 1 ida hunted for deer in the woods . l-93 1 ida hunted deer in the woods . l-93 1 melissa searched the papers for a clue . l-93 1 melissa searched for a clue in the papers . l-93 0 * melissa searched a clue in the papers . l-93 1 i stalked the woods for game . l-93 0 * i stalked for game in the woods . l-93 1 i stalked game in the woods . l-93 0 * we investigated for bombs in the area . l-93 0 * we investigated bombs in the area . l-93 0 * we rummaged the desk for papers . l-93 1 we rummaged through the desk for papers . l-93 0 * we rummaged papers through the desk . l-93 0 * i sought the woods for game . l-93 0 * i sought for game in the woods . l-93 1 selina touched the horse on the back . l-93 1 selina touched the horse 's back . l-93 1 the horse kicked penny in the shin . l-93 1 the horse kicked penny 's shin . l-93 1 alison poked daisy in the ribs . l-93 1 alison poked daisy 's ribs . l-93 0 * the horse broke penny in the shin . l-93 1 the horse broke penny 's shin . l-93 0 * the glass cut rachel in the toe . l-93 1 the glass cut rachel 's toe . l-93 1 they praised the volunteers ' dedication . l-93 1 they praised the volunteers for their dedication . l-93 1 i admired him for his courage . l-93 1 the inspector analyzed the building 's soundness . l-93 1 the inspector analyzed the building for its soundness . l-93 0 * i sensed him for his eagerness . l-93 1 i admired his honesty . l-93 1 i admired the honesty in him . l-93 1 i admired him for his honesty . l-93 1 i sensed the eagerness in him . l-93 0 * they praise the dedication in the volunteers . l-93 1 mark terrified me with his single mindedness . l-93 1 mark 's single mindedness terrified me . l-93 1 the clown amused the children with his antics . l-93 1 the clown 's antics amused the children . l-93 1 meat fell in price . l-93 1 the price of meat fell . l-93 1 the president appointed smith press secretary . l-93 1 the president appointed smith as press secretary . l-93 0 * angela characterized shelly a lifesaver . l-93 1 angela characterized shelly as a lifesaver . l-93 0 * the captain named the ship as seafarer . l-93 1 the world saw the beginning of a new era in 1492 . l-93 1 1492 saw the beginning of a new era . l-93 1 i dried the clothes in the sun . l-93 1 the sun dried the clothes . l-93 1 david broke the window with a hammer . l-93 0 * the spoon ate the ice cream . l-93 1 the crane loaded the truck . l-93 0 * the pitchfork loaded the truck . l-93 1 he established his innocence with the letter . l-93 1 the letter established his innocence . l-93 1 i filled the pail with water . l-93 1 water filled the pail . l-93 1 we sleep five people in each room . l-93 1 each room sleeps five people . l-93 1 i incorporated the new results into the paper . l-93 1 the paper incorporates the new results . l-93 1 that whole wheat flour bakes wonderful bread . l-93 0 * those new bricks constructed a house . l-93 1 i bought you a ticket for $ 5 . l-93 1 $ 5 will buy a ticket . l-93 1 $ 5 will buy you a ticket . l-93 1 the contractor will build a house for $ 100,000 . l-93 1 the contractor will build you a house for $ 100,000 . l-93 1 $ 100,000 will build you a house . l-93 1 $ 100,000 will build a house . l-93 1 the middle class will benefit from the new tax laws . l-93 1 the new tax laws will benefit the middle class . l-93 1 the middle class will gain from the new tax laws . l-93 0 * the new tax jaws will gain the middle class . l-93 1 the butcher cuts the meat . l-93 1 the butler polished the silver . l-93 1 this silver polishes itself . l-93 1 the audience watched the movie . l-93 0 * this movie just watches itself . l-93 1 this window just opens itself . l-93 1 the heat melted the ice cream . l-93 0 * this ice cream just melts itself . l-93 1 this book just sells itself . l-93 1 i presented a solution to the problem yesterday . l-93 1 a solution to the problem presented itself yesterday . l-93 1 the cook sliced the mushrooms . l-93 1 the mushrooms were sliced by the cook . l-93 1 columbus believed the earth to be round . l-93 1 columbus believed that the earth was round . l-93 1 it was believed that the earth was round . l-93 1 the police kept tabs on the suspect . l-93 1 tabs were kept on the suspect . l-93 1 the lax supervision was taken advantage of . l-93 1 this bed was slept in by george washington . l-93 0 * tuesday was slept on by george washington . l-93 0 * the horizon was appeared on by a pirate ship . l-93 1 the pillow remained stuffed with feathers . l-93 1 a flowering plant is on the windowsill . l-93 1 there is a flowering plant on the windowsill . l-93 1 a problem developed . l-93 1 there developed a problem . l-93 1 a ship appeared on the horizon . l-93 1 there appeared a ship on the horizon . l-93 0 * there appeared the ship on the horizon . l-93 1 a little boy darted into the room . l-93 1 there darted into the room a little boy . l-93 1 a little boy ran in the yard . l-93 0 * there ran a little boy in the yard . l-93 1 an ancient treasure trove was found in this cave . l-93 1 there was found in this cave an ancient treasure trove . l-93 1 suddenly an ugly old man entered the hall . l-93 1 suddenly there entered the hall an ugly old man . l-93 1 a lot of snow melted on the streets of chicago . l-93 0 * there melted a lot of snow on the streets of chicago . l-93 1 on the windowsill is a flowering plant . l-93 1 in the woods lives an old woman . l-93 1 a cat jumped onto the table . l-93 1 a cat jumped on the table . l-93 0 * on the table jumped a cat . l-93 1 a choir sang in the church . l-93 1 in the church sang a choir . l-93 1 in this cave was found an ancient treasure trove . l-93 1 a violent demonstration took place in the main square . l-93 0 * on the streets of chicago melted a lot of snow . l-93 1 sarah smiled . l-93 1 sarah sang . l-93 1 sarah sang a song . l-93 1 sarah sang a ballad . l-93 1 sarah sang an aria . l-93 1 sarah sang a hymn . l-93 1 sarah sang the anthem . l-93 1 heather snorted . l-93 1 kelly buttered the bread . l-93 0 * kelly buttered the bread with butter . l-93 1 kelly buttered the bread with unsalted butter . l-93 1 linda taped the box with two-sided tape . l-93 1 the men were able to mine more gold . l-93 0 * lydia pocketed the change in her pocket . l-93 0 * the cook boned the fish of bones . l-93 0 * the cook boned the fish of its backbone . l-93 1 pauline smiled her thanks . l-93 1 sandra beamed . l-93 0 * a cheerful welcome was beamed by sandra . l-93 1 she mumbled . l-93 1 she mumbled her adoration . l-93 1 they shopped their way around new york . l-93 1 he worked his way through the book . l-93 1 she stipulated her way out of the problem . l-93 1 the boy pushed his way through the crowd . l-93 1 the explorers cut their way through the jungle . l-93 0 * the children came their way to the party . l-93 0 * the flower bloomed its way to a prize . l-93 0 * they disappeared their way off the stage . l-93 1 the silversmith pounded the metal flat . l-93 0 * the silversmith pounded on the metal flat . l-93 1 pauline hammered the metal flat . l-93 1 jasmine pushed the door open . l-93 1 the guests drank the teapot dry . l-93 1 amanda burned the stove black . l-93 1 belinda walked the soles off her shoes . l-93 1 philippa cried herself to sleep . l-93 1 the river froze solid . l-93 1 the door slid shut . l-93 1 the metal was hammered flat . l-93 1 the door was pushed open . l-93 1 philippa cried her eyes dry . l-93 0 * the dog smelled the flower bed bare . l-93 0 * the teacher hated the pupils angry . l-93 0 * willa arrived breathless . l-93 0 * sharon brought willa breathless . l-93 0 * this list includes my name on itself . l-93 1 fanny pulled the blanket over herself . l-93 1 fanny pulled the blanket over her . l-93 1 the truck rumbled . l-93 1 the truck rumbled into the driveway . l-93 1 audrey tiptoed to the door . l-93 1 the couple waltzed to the window . l-93 1 the clown wobbled down the hall . l-93 1 leona pushed the cart to the market . l-93 1 it is rumored that he left town . l-93 0 * they rumor that he left town . l-93 0 * the politician perjured his aide . l-93 1 jennifer craned her neck . l-93 0 * jennifer craned his neck . l-93 0 ?* jennifer craned her arm . l-93 1 they 've got it made . l-93 1 the teacher meant well . l-93 0 * the teacher meant . l-93 1 the horse would n't budge . l-93 1 would the horse budge if you pushed ? l-93 0 * the horse budged . l-93 0 * i put the book to sally . l-93 0 * i put the book from edna . l-93 0 * i put the book from edna to sally . l-93 1 i put books on the table . l-93 0 * i put the table with the books . l-93 0 * i put the table with books . l-93 1 i put the books on the table . l-93 0 * the books put on the table easily . l-93 0 * the books put on the table . l-93 0 * i put on the table . l-93 1 cheryl stood the books next to the magazines . l-93 1 cheryl stood the books on the shelf . l-93 0 * cheryl stood the books from edna . l-93 0 * cheryl stood the books from edna to sarah . l-93 0 * cheryl stood the shelf with books . l-93 0 * cheryl stood the shelf with the books . l-93 1 cheryl stood the tall books on the table . l-93 0 * tall books stand on tables easily . l-93 1 cheryl stood the books on the table . l-93 1 the books stood on the table . l-93 0 * cheryl stood on the table . l-93 1 i funneled the mixture into the bottle . l-93 0 * i funneled the mixture to rina . l-93 0 * i funneled the mixture from edna to rina . l-93 0 * i funneled the bottle with the mixture . l-93 0 * the mixture funnels easily . l-93 0 * the mixture funnels . l-93 0 * i funneled the mixture . l-93 0 * i funneled into the bottle . l-93 1 i lifted the books . l-93 1 i lifted the book onto the table . l-93 1 i lifted the book onto the out of the box . l-93 1 i lifted the books from the floor to the table . l-93 1 i lifted the books onto the table . l-93 0 * i lifted the table with the books . l-93 1 i lifted the books to him . l-93 1 i lifted the books up to him . l-93 0 * i lifted him up the books . l-93 0 * i lifted onto the table . l-93 1 tamara poured water into the bowl . l-93 1 tamara poured water over the flowers . l-93 1 tamara poured water out of the pitcher . l-93 0 * tamara poured at water into the bowl . l-93 1 tamara poured water onto the plants . l-93 0 * water pours easily onto the plants . l-93 1 water poured onto the plants . l-93 1 cora coiled the rope around the post . l-93 0 * cora coiled the post with the rope . l-93 0 * cora coiled at the rope around the post . l-93 1 the rope coiled around the post . l-93 1 that kind of rope coils easily around the post . l-93 0 * cora coiled around the post . l-93 1 jessica loaded boxes onto the wagon . l-93 1 jessica loaded boxes into the wagon . l-93 1 jessica sprayed paint onto the table . l-93 1 jessica sprayed paint under the table . l-93 1 jessica sprayed paint over the table . l-93 1 jessica sprayed paint on the wall . l-93 1 paint sprayed on the wall . l-93 1 jessica sprayed the wall with paint . l-93 0 * the wall sprayed with paint . l-93 1 jessica squirted water at me . l-93 1 jessica sprayed water at me . l-93 1 jessica splashed water at me . l-93 0 * jessica loaded boxes at the truck . l-93 0 * jessica stuffed boxes at the truck . l-93 1 leslie staffed the store with employees . l-93 0 * leslie staffed employees in the store . l-93 0 * the store staffed with employees . l-93 1 the employees staffed the store . l-93 1 leigh swaddled the baby with blankets . l-93 1 lora buttered the toast . l-93 0 * lora buttered unsalted butter on the toast . l-93 1 lora buttered the toast with unsalted butter . l-93 0 * lora buttered at the toast with unsalted butter . l-93 0 * the toast buttered with unsalted butter . l-93 0 * the toast buttered . l-93 1 lydia pocketed the change . l-93 0 * lydia pocketed her pocket with the change . l-93 0 * the change pocketed . l-93 1 doug removed the scratches from the tabletop . l-93 1 doug removed the scratches from around the sink . l-93 0 * doug removed the scratches out of the drawer . l-93 0 * doug removed the scratches to nowhere . l-93 0 * doug removed the tabletop of scratches . l-93 0 * doug removed at the scratches from the tabletop . l-93 0 * the scratches removed from the tabletop . l-93 1 the king banished the general from the army . l-93 1 the king banished the general to a mountain fortress . l-93 0 * the king banished the general from the palace to a mountain fortress . l-93 0 * the king banished at the general from the army . l-93 0 * the general banished from the army . l-93 1 doug cleared the dishes from under the rack . l-93 1 doug cleared the table . l-93 0 * doug cleared at the table of dishes . l-93 0 * doug cleared at the table . l-93 1 the strong winds cleared the skies . l-93 1 the strong winds slowly cleared the clouds from the sky . l-93 1 brian wiped the fingerprints from the counter . l-93 1 brian wiped the fingerprints from inside the cupboard . l-93 1 brian wiped the fingerprints from under the cupboard . l-93 1 brian wiped the fingerprints from outside the cupboard . l-93 0 * brian wiped the counter of fingerprints . l-93 1 brian wiped the counter . l-93 1 paula trimmed the bush . l-93 1 brian was wiping the counter . l-93 1 brian was wiping . l-93 1 brian was wiping the wall behind the stove . l-93 1 carla shoveled the snow from the walk . l-93 1 carla shoveled the snow from under the bushes . l-93 1 carla shoveled the snow from among the bushes . l-93 1 carla shoveled the snow from near the bushes . l-93 0 * carla shoveled the walk of snow . l-93 0 * carla shoveled at the walk . l-93 1 carla was shoveling the walk . l-93 1 carla was shoveling . l-93 1 carla mopped the floor under the furniture . l-93 1 carla mopped under the furniture . l-93 1 the thief stole the painting for mr. smith . l-93 0 * the thief stole mr. smith the painting . l-93 0 * the thief stole at the painting from the museum . l-93 0 * the painting stole from the museum . l-93 0 * the doctor cured pneumonia from pat . l-93 0 * pat cured of pneumonia . l-93 1 the swindler cheated pat of her fortune . l-93 1 the cook boned the fish . l-93 0 * the fish boned . l-93 0 * the fish scrubbed . l-93 1 the men mined the gold . l-93 0 * the gold mined . l-93 1 nora sent the book from paris . l-93 1 nora sent the book to london . l-93 1 nora sent the book from paris to london . l-93 1 nora sent the book to peter . l-93 0 * nora sent at the book to peter . l-93 0 * the book sent to peter . l-93 1 nora sent books to children . l-93 0 * books send easily to children . l-93 1 carla slid the books across the table . l-93 1 carla slid the book to dale . l-93 1 carla slid dale the book . l-93 0 * carla slid at the book to dale . l-93 1 the books slid across the table . l-93 1 carla slid those books across the table . l-93 1 those books slide across the table easily . l-93 1 nora brought the book to the meeting . l-93 1 nora brought the book to pamela . l-93 1 nora brought the book from horne . l-93 1 nora brought pamela the book . l-93 0 * nora brought at the book to the meeting . l-93 0 * the book brought to the meeting . l-93 0 * the book brings easily to the meeting . l-93 1 amanda carried the package . l-93 1 amanda carried the package from boston . l-93 1 amanda carried the package to new york . l-93 1 amanda carried the package from boston to new york . l-93 0 * amanda carried at the package to new york . l-93 0 * the package carried to new york . l-93 0 * the package carried . l-93 1 amanda carried packages to new york . l-93 1 amanda carried packages . l-93 0 * packages carry easily to new york . l-93 1 amanda drove the package from boston to new york . l-93 1 amanda drove the package to new york . l-93 1 amanda drove the package from boston . l-93 1 amanda drove the package . l-93 1 amanda drove the package to pamela . l-93 0 * amanda drove at the package to new york . l-93 0 * amanda drove at the package . l-93 0 * the package drove to new york . l-93 0 * the package drove . l-93 1 amanda drove packages to new york . l-93 1 amanda drove packages . l-93 0 * packages drive easily . l-93 1 nora pushed the chair . l-93 1 nora pushed at the chair . l-93 1 nora pushed on the chair . l-93 1 nora pushed against the chair . l-93 1 nora pushed through the crowd . l-93 1 nora pushed her way through the crowd . l-93 1 nora pushed the chair against the wall . l-93 1 they lent a bicycle to me . l-93 1 they lent me a bicycle . l-93 0 * they lent me with a bicycle . l-93 0 * a bicycle lent . l-93 0 * a bicycle lent to me . l-93 1 we contributed our paycheck to her . l-93 0 * we contributed her our paycheck . l-93 0 * we contributed her with our paycheck . l-93 0 * our paycheck contributed . l-93 0 * we offered a job behind her . l-93 1 we offered her a job . l-93 0 * we offered her with a job . l-93 0 * a job offered to her . l-93 1 brown presented jones with a plaque . l-93 1 the presentation of a plaque was a proud moment . l-93 1 brown equipped jones with a camera . l-93 0 * brown equipped a camera near jones . l-93 0 * brown equipped a camera next to jones . l-93 0 * brown equipped a camera at jones . l-93 0 * brown equipped a camera to jones . l-93 0 * brown equipped jones a camera . l-93 1 carmen bought a dress . l-93 1 carmen bought a dress at bloomingdale 's . l-93 1 carmen bought a dress for mary . l-93 0 * carmen bought a dress to mary . l-93 1 carmen bought a dress from diana . l-93 0 * carmen bought diana of a dress . l-93 1 carmen bought a dress at bloomingdale 's for $ 50 . l-93 1 $ 50 wo n't even buy a dress at bloomingdale 's . l-93 1 carmen obtained the spare part . l-93 0 * carmen obtained mary a spare part . l-93 0 * carmen obtained a spare part to mary . l-93 1 carmen obtained a spare part from diana . l-93 0 * carmen obtained diana of a spare part . l-93 1 carmen purchased a dress at bloomingdale 's for $ 50 . l-93 1 $ 50 wo n't even purchase a dress at bloomingdale 's . l-93 1 gwen exchanged the dress for a shirt . l-93 0 * gwen exchanged the dress to mary . l-93 0 * gwen exchanged mary the dress . l-93 1 gwen exchanged the dress for mary . l-93 1 the children like to berry in the summer . l-93 0 * she held at the rail . l-93 0 * the rail holds easily . l-93 1 she held his arm . l-93 1 she held him by the arm . l-93 0 * she held the paper from him . l-93 1 michelle kept the papers in the desk . l-93 1 michelle kept the papers behind the desk . l-93 1 michelle kept the papers over the desk . l-93 1 michelle kept the papers under the desk . l-93 1 frances hid the presents from sally . l-93 1 frances hid the presents behind the books . l-93 0 * frances hid sally of the presents . l-93 1 steve tossed the ball . l-93 1 steve tossed the ball into the garden . l-93 1 steve tossed the ball over the fence . l-93 1 steve tossed the ball from the tree to the gate . l-93 1 steve tossed the ball at anna . l-93 0 * steve tossed anna with the ball . l-93 1 steve tossed the ball to anna . l-93 1 steve tossed the ball against the wall . l-93 0 * steve tossed the wall with the ball . l-93 0 * steve tossed at the ball . l-93 0 * the ball tossed . l-93 1 steve tossed the softball . l-93 0 * baseballs toss easily . l-93 1 steve pelted anna with acorns . l-93 0 * steve pelted acorns at anna . l-93 1 steve pelted anna . l-93 0 * steve pelted at anna . l-93 0 * steve pelted at anna with acorns . l-93 0 * steve pelted acorns against anna . l-93 0 * steve pelted acorns to anna . l-93 0 * steve pelted anna acorns . l-93 1 steve pelted the squirrels with acorns . l-93 0 * squirrels pelt easily with acorns . l-93 1 paula hit the stick on the fence . l-93 1 paula hit the stick against the fence . l-93 0 * paula hit the stick into the fence . l-93 1 paula hit at the fence with the stick . l-93 1 paula hit deirdre on the back . l-93 1 paula hit deirdre 's back . l-93 1 paula hit the sticks together . l-93 0 * paula hit the sticks . l-93 0 * the fence hit with a stick . l-93 0 * the fence hit . l-93 0 * the fence hits easily . l-93 1 the stick hit the fence . l-93 0 * paula swatted the cloth on the fly . l-93 0 * paula swatted the cloth against the fly . l-93 1 paula swatted the fly with the cloth . l-93 0 * paula swatted the cloth through the fly . l-93 0 * paula swatted the cloth into the fly . l-93 1 paula swatted the fly . l-93 1 paula swatted at the fly . l-93 1 paula swatted deirdre on the back . l-93 1 paula swatted deirdre 's back . l-93 0 * the fly swatted . l-93 1 paula swatted flies . l-93 0 * flies swat easily . l-93 1 paula swatted the fly with a cloth . l-93 0 * the cloth swatted the fly . l-93 0 * paula spanked her right hand against the naughty child . l-93 1 paula spanked the naughty child with her right hand . l-93 0 * paula spanked her right hand into the naughty child . l-93 0 * paula spanked her right hand through the naughty child . l-93 1 paula spanked the naughty child on the back . l-93 1 paula spanked the naughty child 's back . l-93 1 paula spanked the naughty child . l-93 0 * the naughty child spanked . l-93 0 * naughty children spank easily . l-93 0 * paula 's right hand spanked the naughty child . l-93 0 * the wall banged with the grocery cart . l-93 1 the old cart banged against the new cart . l-93 0 * the old and new carts banged . l-93 1 the old and new carts banged together . l-93 1 alison poked the needle through the cloth . l-93 1 alison poked the needle into the cloth . l-93 1 alison poked the cloth with a needle . l-93 1 alison poked the cloth . l-93 1 alison poked the needle through the denim . l-93 1 carrie touched the cat . l-93 0 * carrie touched the stick against the cat . l-93 1 carrie touched the cat with the stick . l-93 0 * carrie touched the stick into the cat . l-93 0 * carrie touched the stick through . l-93 0 * carrie touched at the cat . l-93 1 carrie touched him on the shoulder . l-93 0 * that cat touches easily . l-93 1 carrie touched the fence with a stick . l-93 0 * the stick touched the fence . l-93 1 carol cut the bread with a knife . l-93 1 carol cut the bread . l-93 1 carol cut at the bread . l-93 1 carol cut herself on the thumb . l-93 1 carol cut her thumb . l-93 1 carol cut the whole wheat bread . l-93 1 whole wheat bread cuts easily . l-93 1 the knife cut the bread . l-93 1 this knife cuts well . l-93 1 carol carved the stone with a chisel . l-93 1 carol carved the stone . l-93 0 * carol carved at the stone . l-93 0 * carol carved the tree on the branch . l-93 1 carol carved the tree 's branch . l-93 0 * the stone carved . l-93 1 carol carved the marble . l-93 1 marble carves easily . l-93 1 carol carved the marble with a chisel . l-93 1 the chisel carved the marble . l-93 1 that chisel carved the statue . l-93 1 that chisel carves well . l-93 1 herman mixed the eggs with the cream . l-93 1 herman mixed the eggs and the cream . l-93 1 the eggs mixed with the cream . l-93 1 the eggs and the cream mixed . l-93 1 herman mixed the eggs and the cream together . l-93 1 i mixed the soap into the water . l-93 1 i mixed the soap and the water . l-93 1 i mixed the eggs with cream . l-93 1 i mixed the eggs and cream . l-93 1 i mixed the eggs and cream together . l-93 1 harriet alternated folk songs and pop songs . l-93 1 plays alternate with ballets . l-93 1 plays and ballets alternate . l-93 1 harriet interconnected the pieces . l-93 1 herman whipped the cream . l-93 0 * linda taped the wall with the picture . l-93 1 linda taped the label and the cover together . l-93 1 the child clung to her mother . l-93 0 * the child and her mother clung . l-93 0 * the war clung the child to her mother . l-93 1 the yolk separated from the white . l-93 1 the yolk and the white separated . l-93 1 i separated the cream from the milk . l-93 1 i separated the egg yolk and the egg white . l-93 1 i separated the egg yolks and the egg whites . l-93 0 * i separated the milk of the cream . l-93 1 i broke the twig off the branch . l-93 1 i broke the twig off of the branch . l-93 0 * i broke the twig and the branch . l-93 1 i broke twigs off those branches . l-93 1 i broke twigs off of those branches . l-93 1 i broke those twigs and branches apart . l-93 1 i detached the handle . l-93 1 i detached the handle from the box . l-93 0 * i detached the handle and the box . l-93 0 * the handle detached from the box . l-93 1 i detached that new handle . l-93 1 i detached that new handle from the box . l-93 1 that new handle detaches easily . l-93 0 * that new handle detaches from the box easily . l-93 1 the winter schedule differed from the spring schedule . l-93 1 this flyer differs from that flyer . l-93 0 * i differed this flyer from that flyer . l-93 1 phyllis dyed the dress . l-93 1 smith inscribed his name over the door . l-93 1 smith inscribed his name under the picture . l-93 1 smith inscribed the ring with his name . l-93 1 smith was annealing the rings . l-93 1 smith was annealing . l-93 1 the jeweller printed the name on the ring . l-93 1 the jeweller printed the name over the door . l-93 1 the jeweller printed the name under the picture . l-93 1 the jeweller printed the name onto the cup . l-93 1 the jeweller scribbled his name on the contract . l-93 1 smith was scribbling his notes . l-93 1 smith was scribbling . l-93 1 the jeweller decorated the ring . l-93 1 the secretary transcribed the speech . l-93 1 the secretary transcribed the speech into the record . l-93 0 * the secretary transcribed the record with the speech . l-93 1 martha carved a toy out of the piece of wood . l-93 1 martha carves . l-93 1 martha carved a toy out of a piece of wood for the baby . l-93 1 martha carved a piece of wood for the baby . l-93 1 martha carved a piece of wood into a toy for the baby . l-93 1 martha carved beautiful toys out of this wood . l-93 1 this wood carves beautiful toys . l-93 1 $ 100,000 will build you a house . l-93 1 $ 100,000 will build a house . l-93 1 the gardener grew an oak tree from that acorn . l-93 1 donna fixed a sandwich . l-93 0 * donna fixed last night 's leftovers into a sandwich . l-93 1 donna fixed a sandwich for me . l-93 1 donna fixed me a sandwich . l-93 1 david constructed a house . l-93 1 david constructed a house out of bricks . l-93 0 * david constructed me a house . l-93 1 david constructed the house . l-93 0 * the house constructed . l-93 0 * david constructed the mansion from bricks into a house . l-93 1 i shaped the dough into a loaf . l-93 1 i shaped the dough . l-93 0 * i shaped a loaf from the dough . l-93 1 i twirled the dough into a pretzel . l-93 0 * i shaped a good loaf from this dough . l-93 0 * this dough shapes a good loaf . l-93 0 * i shaped the dough from a lump into a loaf . l-93 0 * he turned from a prince . l-93 1 sandy sang a song to me . l-93 1 sandy sang me a song . l-93 1 sandy sang a song for me . l-93 1 sandy sang a song . l-93 1 sandy sang . l-93 0 * the song sang . l-93 1 racial inequality engenders conflict . l-93 0 * conflict engenders . l-93 0 * the president appointed press secretary to smith . l-93 1 the captain named the ship seafarer . l-93 0 * the captain named seafarer to the ship . l-93 1 the president declared smith press secretary . l-93 0 * the president declared smith as press secretary . l-93 0 * the president declared smith to press secretary . l-93 0 * the press conjectured smith the appointee . l-93 1 the press conjectured that smith would be the appointee . l-93 1 dina posed as a lawyer . l-93 0 * dina posed a lawyer . l-93 1 miriam tutored her brother . l-93 1 her cousin clerked for judge davis . l-93 1 i see someone running down the street . l-93 1 i saw jane run down the street . l-93 1 i saw the mona lisa . l-93 0 * the mona lisa sees easily . l-93 0 * we spotted that they were running . l-93 0 * we spotted them run . l-93 0 * runaway cats spot easily . l-93 1 we peered at the baby . l-93 1 we peered around the room . l-93 1 we peered through the screen . l-93 1 we peered into the closet . l-93 1 that pea soup tasted delicious to me . l-93 1 the clown amused the children . l-93 0 * the children amused at the clown . l-93 1 the clown amused the little children . l-93 1 little children amuse easily . l-93 1 that joke never fails to amuse little children . l-93 1 that joke never fails to amuse . l-93 1 that the clown had a red nose amused the children . l-93 1 to win the prize : would thrill me . l-93 1 the clown was amusing to the children . l-93 1 tourists admire paintings . l-93 0 * paintings admire easily . l-93 1 i admired him as a teacher . l-93 0 * i admired him a teacher . l-93 1 megan marveled at the beauty of the grand canyon . l-93 1 dorothy needs new shoes . l-93 0 * dorothy is needing new shoes . l-93 1 dorothy needs her skills . l-93 1 dorothy needs her for her skills . l-93 0 * dorothy needs the skills in her . l-93 1 dorothy needs that dress as a costume . l-93 0 * dorothy needs that dress a costume . l-93 1 dana longs for a sunny day . l-93 1 dana is longing for a sunny day . l-93 1 they praised the volunteers . l-93 1 the director praised the volunteers . l-93 0 * volunteers praise easily . l-93 1 they praised them as volunteers . l-93 0 * the inspector analyzed the soundness in the building . l-93 1 i hunted game in the woods . l-93 1 i was hunting game . l-93 1 i was hunting game in the woods . l-93 1 i was hunting in the woods . l-93 1 i was hunting . l-93 1 i searched for treasure in the cave . l-93 0 * i searched treasure in the cave . l-93 0 * we rummaged the drawer for important documents . l-93 1 we rummaged in the drawer for important documents . l-93 0 * we rummaged important documents in the drawer . l-93 0 * i hunted the woods for game . l-93 0 * i hunted for game in the woods . l-93 1 i hunted the secret out of him . l-93 1 brenda haggled with molly . l-93 1 brenda and molly haggled . l-93 0 * brenda haggled molly . l-93 1 brenda and molly haggled about the party . l-93 1 bill married kathy . l-93 0 * brenda met . l-93 1 brenda and molly met . l-93 1 anne met with cathy . l-93 1 wanda taught the students . l-93 1 wanda taught french to the students . l-93 1 wanda taught the students french . l-93 1 wanda taught the students that the earth was round . l-93 1 ellen told a story . l-93 1 ellen told a story to helen . l-93 1 ellen told helen a story . l-93 1 ellen told helen . l-93 1 ellen told helen about the situation . l-93 0 * ellen told a story at helen . l-93 0 * ellen told for helen to come . l-93 1 susan whispered . l-93 1 susan whispered to rachel . l-93 1 susan whispered a few words . l-93 1 susan whispered the news to rachel . l-93 0 * susan whispered rachel the news . l-93 1 susan whispered for me to come . l-93 1 susan whispered `` shut up '' . l-93 1 susan whispered `` shut up '' at them . l-93 1 they whispered that the winner would be announced tonight . l-93 1 heather cabled the news . l-93 1 heather cabled sara . l-93 1 heather cabled the news to sara . l-93 1 heather cabled sara the news . l-93 0 * heather cabled the news at sara . l-93 1 heather cabled sara about the situation . l-93 1 heather cabled for sara to come . l-93 1 ellen talked . l-93 0 * ellen talked for helen to come . l-93 1 ellen talked with helen about the problem . l-93 1 ellen talked with helen . l-93 1 ellen and helen talked . l-93 1 ellen and helen talked together . l-93 0 * ellen talked helen . l-93 1 ellen was conferring . l-93 1 ellen conferred with helen . l-93 1 ellen conferred with helen about the problem . l-93 0 * ellen conferred to helen . l-93 0 * ellen conferred for helen to come . l-93 1 ellen and helen conferred . l-93 0 * ellen and helen conferred together . l-93 0 * ellen conferred helen . l-93 1 ellen said to helen that melons were selling well . l-93 1 ellen said something . l-93 1 ellen said something to helen . l-93 0 * ellen said to helen . l-93 1 ellen complained to helen . l-93 1 ellen complained about the situation . l-93 1 ellen complained about the situation to helen . l-93 1 ellen warned helen . l-93 0 * ellen warned to helen . l-93 1 ellen warned against skating on thin ice . l-93 1 ellen warned helen that melons were selling . l-93 1 ellen warned that melons were selling . l-93 0 * ellen warned for helen to come . l-93 1 ellen warned helen about the traffic jam . l-93 1 the dog barked . l-93 1 the dog barked at the cat . l-93 1 cynthia ate the peach . l-93 1 cynthia ate . l-93 1 cynthia ate at the peach . l-93 0 * cynthia ate on the peach . l-93 1 cynthia ate the peach with a fork . l-93 1 cynthia nibbled the carrot . l-93 1 cynthia nibbled . l-93 1 cynthia nibbled at the carrot . l-93 1 cynthia gobbled the pizza . l-93 1 cynthia gobbled the pizza down . l-93 0 * cynthia gobbled . l-93 0 * cynthia gobbled at the pizza . l-93 0 * cynthia gobbled on the pizza . l-93 1 cynthia devoured the pizza . l-93 0 * cynthia devoured . l-93 0 * cynthia devoured at the pizza . l-93 0 * cynthia devoured on the pizza . l-93 1 cynthia lunched . l-93 1 cynthia lunched on peaches . l-93 0 * cynthia lunched peaches . l-93 0 * cynthia lunched at peaches . l-93 0 * cynthia munched . l-93 1 cynthia munched on peaches . l-93 0 * cynthia munched peaches . l-93 0 * cynthia munched at peaches . l-93 1 teresa bottle fed the baby . l-93 1 teresa bottle fed soy milk to the baby . l-93 1 teresa bottle fed the baby soy milk . l-93 0 * teresa bottle fed soy milk . l-93 1 paul yawned . l-93 0 * paul yawned on mary . l-93 0 * paul yawned at mary . l-93 1 paul breathed . l-93 0 * paul breathed at mary . l-93 1 paul exhaled . l-93 0 * paul exhaled at mary . l-93 0 * paul exhaled on mary . l-93 1 paul laughed . l-93 1 she laughed from embarrassment . l-93 1 linda winked her eye . l-93 0 * linda winked her nose . l-93 0 * linda winked his eye . l-93 1 linda winked . l-93 1 linda winked at the audience . l-93 1 linda winked in agreement . l-93 0 * jennifer craned her arm . l-93 1 jennifer shook her finger at the naughty child . l-93 1 the princess bowed . l-93 1 the princess bowed to the queen . l-93 0 * the heavy meal dozed gloria . l-93 1 gloria dozed . l-93 1 sharon flinched . l-93 1 sharon flinched at the sight of the accident . l-93 0 * the shock flinched sharon . l-93 1 sharon shivered . l-93 1 sharon shivered from fear . l-93 1 sharon shivered at the thought of the cold sea . l-93 0 * the fear shivered sharon . l-93 1 the pirates drowned the sailor . l-93 1 the sailor drowned . l-93 1 the sea monster drowned the sailors . l-93 1 my eyes are itching . l-93 1 my eyes are itching me . l-93 0 * my eyes are itching my brother . l-93 1 my eyes are itching from the smoke . l-93 1 my heart is pounding . l-93 0 * my heart is pounding my brother . l-93 1 my heart is pounding from fear . l-93 1 tessa sprained her ankle . l-93 0 * tessa sprained mary 's ankle . l-93 1 sharon fainted . l-93 1 sharon fainted at the sight of the accident . l-93 0 * hunger fainted sharon . l-93 1 the baby dressed . l-93 1 marlene dressed the baby . l-93 1 marlene dressed herself . l-93 0 * marlene dressed her body . l-93 0 * the horse groomed itself . l-93 1 the barber shaved my chin . l-93 1 i shaved my chin . l-93 1 celia brushed the baby 's hair . l-93 1 celia brushed her hair . l-93 0 * celia brushed herself . l-93 1 she always wore purple dresses . l-93 0 * she always wore herself . l-93 0 * she always wore herself in purple . l-93 0 * she always wore . l-93 1 she spruced herself up before the job interview . l-93 1 she spruced up before the job interview . l-93 1 she was always clad in black . l-93 0 * her stepmother always clad her in black . l-93 0 * she always clad herself in black . l-93 0 * she always clad in black . l-93 1 brutus murdered julius caesar . l-93 0 * julius caesar murdered . l-93 1 the bandits murdered innocent victims . l-93 0 * innocent victims murder easily . l-93 1 brutus murdered julius caesar with a dagger . l-93 1 the exterminator killed the insects with ddt . l-93 1 the witch poisoned snow white . l-93 0 * children poison easily . l-93 1 the jewel sparkled . l-93 1 jewels sparkled on the crown . l-93 1 the crown sparkled with jewels . l-93 1 a magnificent diamond sparkled on his finger . l-93 1 on his finger sparkled a magnificent diamond . l-93 1 on his finger there sparkled a magnificent diamond . l-93 0 * the director sparkled the lights . l-93 1 the door hinges squeaked . l-93 1 birds sang in the trees . l-93 1 the trees sang with birds . l-93 1 in the hallway ticked a grandfather clock . l-93 1 in the hallway there ticked a grandfather clock . l-93 1 i buzzed the bell . l-93 1 the bell chimed the hour . l-93 1 a squeaking door announced john 's presence . l-93 1 the onions reeked . l-93 1 the room reeked of onions . l-93 1 the room reeked . l-93 0 * kelly reeked the onions . l-93 1 the well gushed oil . l-93 0 * i gushed the fountain . l-93 1 i bled him . l-93 1 oil gushed from the well . l-93 1 the streets gushed with water . l-93 1 a fragrant stew bubbled over the fire . l-93 1 caesar put a gushing fountain by his palace . l-93 1 the romans destroyed the city . l-93 0 * the city destroyed . l-93 0 * cities destroy easily . l-93 0 * the romans destroyed the city into ruins . l-93 0 * the romans destroyed ruins from the city . l-93 0 * the romans destroyed the city into a ruin . l-93 0 * the romans destroyed the city from a capital into a ruin . l-93 1 the builders destroyed the warehouse with explosives . l-93 1 the explosives destroyed the warehouse . l-93 1 the builders destroyed the warehouse . l-93 0 * the builders destroyed at the warehouse . l-93 1 tony broke the window . l-93 1 tony broke the crystal vase . l-93 1 tony broke the window with a hammer . l-93 1 tony broke the cup against the wall . l-93 0 * tony broke the wall with the cup . l-93 0 * tony broke at the window . l-93 0 * tony broke herself on the ann . l-93 1 tony broke her arm . l-93 1 tony bent the rod with pliers . l-93 1 the rod bent . l-93 1 tony bent the copper rod . l-93 1 copper rods bend easily . l-93 1 the pliers bent the rod . l-93 1 tony bent the rod against the table . l-93 0 * tony bent the table with the rod . l-93 0 * tony bent at the rod . l-93 0 * tony bent mary in the arm . l-93 1 tony bent mary 's arm . l-93 1 the potatoes baked . l-93 1 jennifer baked idaho potatoes . l-93 1 idaho potatoes bake beautifully . l-93 1 jennifer baked the potatoes in the oven . l-93 1 this oven bakes potatoes well . l-93 0 * jennifer baked at the potatoes . l-93 1 bill dried the clothes . l-93 1 the clothes dried . l-93 1 bill dried the cotton clothes . l-93 1 cotton clothes dry easily . l-93 1 bill dried the clothes with a hair dryer . l-93 1 the hair dryer dried the clothes . l-93 0 * bill dried at the clothes . l-93 1 a lot of clothes are drying on the line . l-93 0 * the line is drying with a lot of clothes . l-93 1 bill is drying a lot of clothes on the line . l-93 0 * bill is drying the line with a lot of clothes . l-93 0 * on the line are drying a lot of clothes . l-93 0 * on the line there are drying a lot of clothes . l-93 1 the roses bloomed . l-93 0 * the sun bloomed the roses . l-93 1 the temperature soared . l-93 0 * the heat soared the temperature . l-93 0 * there soared oil in price . l-93 0 * in price soared oil . l-93 1 cornelia lodged with the smiths . l-93 1 cornelia lodged at mrs. parker 's . l-93 1 an old woman lodged at mrs. parker 's . l-93 0 * there lodged an old woman at mrs. parker 's . l-93 0 * at mrs. parker 's lodged an old woman . l-93 1 squatters lodged in these abandoned buildings . l-93 0 * these abandoned buildings lodged with squatters . l-93 1 the soldiers lodged in the schoolhouse . l-93 1 an old woman lived in the forest . l-93 1 unicorns do n't exist . l-93 1 there exists a solution to this problem . l-93 1 in the forest languished an old woman . l-93 1 a crowd of people remained in the square . l-93 0 * the square remained with a crowd of people . l-93 0 * the famous mathematician existed a solution to the problem . l-93 1 the beer bubbled . l-93 1 a fire raged in the mountains . l-93 1 in the mountains there raged a fire . l-93 1 a fire raged all through the mountains . l-93 1 all through the mountains raged a fire . l-93 1 roses flowered in the garden . l-93 1 the garden flowered with roses . l-93 1 a fire raged over the fields . l-93 0 * the farmers raged a fire over the fields . l-93 1 a large flag fluttered . l-93 1 a large flag fluttered over the fort . l-93 1 many flags fluttered over the fort . l-93 1 over the fort there fluttered a large flag . l-93 1 over the fort fluttered a large flag . l-93 1 the tree trembled . l-93 1 the flag waved . l-93 1 the hall is echoing with voices . l-93 1 a loud cry echoed through the hall . l-93 1 through the hall there echoed a loud cry . l-93 1 through the hall echoed a loud cry . l-93 1 the music echoed . l-93 0 * the magician echoed the music . l-93 0 * an echoing voice rang out . l-93 1 a striped fish swam in the aquarium . l-93 1 in the aquarium swam a striped fish . l-93 1 in the aquarium there swam a striped fish . l-93 1 the cattle are herding in the pasture . l-93 1 the cattle herded . l-93 1 i herded the cattle . l-93 1 the bag is bulging with groceries . l-93 0 * groceries are bulging in the bag . l-93 1 the bag is bulging . l-93 0 * i had to bulge the bag with groceries . l-93 1 a statue of jefferson stood on the comer . l-93 1 there stood on the comer a statue of jefferson . l-93 1 a statue of jefferson stood on the comer of the two boulevards . l-93 1 on the comer of the two boulevards stood a statue of jefferson . l-93 1 the hanging gardens are a sight to behold . l-93 1 the river runs from the lake to the sea . l-93 1 the stream winds through the valley . l-93 1 the stream crawls through the valley . l-93 1 through the valley ran a rushing stream . l-93 1 there ran through the valley a rushing stream . l-93 1 italy borders france . l-93 1 snow caps the mountain . l-93 1 a ship appeared . l-93 1 a large ship appeared on the horizon . l-93 1 on the horizon appeared a large ship . l-93 1 a solution immediately presented itself . l-93 0 * a solution immediately presented . l-93 1 a solution immediately presented itself to him . l-93 1 a wonderful opportunity presented itself yesterday . l-93 0 * to him presented itself a wonderful opportunity . l-93 1 i presented a solution yesterday . l-93 1 a solution presented itself yesterday . l-93 1 the crowd vanished . l-93 1 a valuable 13th-century manuscript recently vanished from the library . l-93 1 the rabbit vanished into thin air . l-93 0 * the magician vanished a rabbit into thin air . l-93 1 a serious accident happened yesterday . l-93 1 there happened a serious accident yesterday . l-93 1 a serious accident happened in front of them . l-93 1 in front of them happen . l-93 1 the accident happened . l-93 0 * the motorist happened the accident . l-93 1 sylvia squirmed . l-93 0 * the lecture squirmed sylvia . l-93 1 the dog flopped onto the bed . l-93 1 the dog flopped in the comer . l-93 1 a dog lay in the comer . l-93 0 * there lay a dog in the comer . l-93 1 a dog lay in the corner . l-93 0 * in the corner lay a dog . l-93 1 the convict escaped . l-93 1 the convict escaped from the police . l-93 1 the convict escaped the police . l-93 0 * the collaborators escaped the convict . l-93 1 we abandoned the area . l-93 0 * we abandoned from the area . l-93 1 the ball rolled . l-93 1 the ball rolled down the hill . l-93 1 the ball rolled over the hill . l-93 1 the ball rolled into the gutter . l-93 1 bill rolled the ball down the hill . l-93 0 * the ball rolled the hill . l-93 1 the horse jumped over the stream . l-93 1 the horse jumped across the stream . l-93 1 the horse jumped into the stream . l-93 1 the horse jumped out of the stream . l-93 1 the lions jumped through the hoop . l-93 1 the horse jumped the stream . l-93 1 a little white rabbit jumped out of the box . l-93 1 there jumped out of the box a little white rabbit . l-93 1 we walked ourselves into a state of exhaustion . l-93 1 tom ran the soles off his shoes . l-93 1 he skated penny around the rink . l-93 1 they rowed . l-93 1 he rowed penny across the lake . l-93 1 penny rowed across the lake . l-93 1 they rowed along the canals of venice . l-93 1 they rowed the canals of venice . l-93 1 they waltzed . l-93 1 she waltzed across the floor . l-93 1 he waltzed her across the floor . l-93 1 jackie chased after the thief . l-93 1 jackie chased the thief down the street . l-93 1 jackie chased the thief . l-93 0 * the thief chased down the street . l-93 0 * the thief chased . l-93 0 * rose accompanied . l-93 1 sasha lingered in the museum . l-93 1 sasha lingered over lunch . l-93 0 * phyllis lingered sasha over lunch . l-93 1 maggie hurried through the museum . l-93 1 her sister hurried . l-93 1 maggie hurried her sister . l-93 1 the package weighed ten pounds . l-93 0 * ten pounds was weighed by the package . l-93 0 * i weighed the package ten pounds . l-93 1 i weighed the package . l-93 1 the book costs $ 10 . l-93 0 * the book valued at $ 200 . l-93 0 * the book valued $ 200 . l-93 1 the phone company billed me $ 10 for that phone call . l-93 0 * the phone company billed $ 10 to me . l-93 1 the phone company billed me $ 10 . l-93 0 * the phone company billed $ 10 as me . l-93 1 the meeting began at 4 p.m . l-93 1 i began the meeting at 4 p.m . l-93 1 wilma completed the assignment . l-93 0 * the assignment completed . l-93 1 my family always summers at the seashore . ks08 1 the man kicked a ball . ks08 1 a man kicked the ball . ks08 1 the ball kicked a man . ks08 1 a ball kicked the man . ks08 1 the ball , a man kicked . ks08 1 the man , a ball kicked . ks08 0 * kicked the man the ball . ks08 0 * man the ball kicked the . ks08 0 * the man a ball kicked . ks08 0 * kim lives in the house lee sold it to her . ks08 0 * kim fond of lee . ks08 1 kim is fond of lee . ks08 1 in january 2002 , a dull star in an obscure constellation suddenly became 600,000 times more luminous than our sun , temporarily making it the brightest star in our galaxy . ks08 1 the man kicked the ball . ks08 1 the tall man kicked the ball . ks08 1 the handsome , tall man kicked the ball . ks08 1 the handsome , tall , nice man kicked the ball . ks08 1 some sentences can go on . ks08 1 some sentences can go on and on . ks08 1 some sentences can go on and on and on . ks08 1 some sentences can go on and on and on and on . ks08 1 all native speakers have a grammatical competence which can generate an infinite set of grammatical sentences from a finite set of resources . ks08 0 * the professor found some strong evidences of water on mars . ks08 1 do not end a sentence with a preposition . ks08 1 avoid double negatives . ks08 0 * the evidence that john found was more helpful than the one that smith found . ks08 0 * we had hoped to get three new equipments every month , but we only had enough money to get an equipment every two weeks . ks08 0 * the equipment we bought last year was more expensive than the one we bought this year . ks08 1 the student was hoping for a good clue . ks08 1 the clue that john got was more helpful than the one that smith got . ks08 1 the student was hoping for a tool . ks08 1 the tool that jones got was more helpful than the one that smith got . ks08 1 much evidence is needed . ks08 1 much equipment is needed . ks08 1 much information is needed . ks08 1 much furniture is needed . ks08 1 much advice is needed . ks08 0 * much clue is needed . ks08 0 * much tool is needed . ks08 0 * much armchair is needed . ks08 0 * much bags is needed . ks08 0 * many evidence was provided . ks08 0 * many equipment is available . ks08 0 * the room contains many furniture . ks08 1 the paper provides many clues . ks08 1 the box contains many tools . ks08 1 john offers many suggestions . ks08 1 little evidence was provided . ks08 1 little equipment is available . ks08 1 john offers little advice . ks08 1 little information was provided . ks08 0 * little clue could be found . ks08 0 * the box contains little tool . ks08 0 * john offers little suggestion . ks08 0 * the room contains little armchair . ks08 0 * few evidence was provided . ks08 0 * few equipment is available . ks08 0 * the room contains few furniture . ks08 0 * john offers few advice . ks08 0 * few information was provided . ks08 1 few clues could be found . ks08 1 john offers few suggestions . ks08 1 the room contains few armchairs . ks08 1 the president was hoping for a good cake . ks08 1 the bartender gave john some good beers . ks08 1 no one knows how to tell from a good beer to a bad one . ks08 1 my pastor says i ate too much cake . ks08 1 the students drank too much beer last night . ks08 1 people now drink less beer . ks08 1 in english , the main verb agrees with the head element of the subject . ks08 0 * the recent strike by pilots have cost the country a great deal of money from tourism and so on . ks08 0 * the average age at which people begin to need eyeglasses vary considerably . ks08 0 * despite of his limited educational opportunities , abraham lincoln became one of the greatest intellectuals in the world . ks08 0 * a pastor was executed , notwithstanding on many applications in favor of him . ks08 1 visiting relatives can be boring . ks08 1 he said that that ` that ' that that man used was wrong . ks08 1 kim and sandy is looking for a new bicycle . ks08 1 i have never put the book . ks08 1 the boat floated down the river sank . ks08 1 chris must liking syntax . ks08 1 there is eager to be fifty students in this class . ks08 1 what is john eager to do ? ks08 1 what is john easy to do ? ks08 1 is the boy who holding the plate can see the girl ? ks08 1 which chemical did you mix the hydrogen peroxide and ? ks08 1 there seem to be a good feeling developing among the students . ks08 1 strings have been pulled many times to get students into that university . ks08 1 he washed himself . ks08 0 * he washed herself . ks08 0 * he washed myself . ks08 0 * he washed ourselves . ks08 1 he washed me . ks08 1 he washed us . ks08 1 wash yourself . ks08 1 wash yourselves . ks08 0 * wash himself . ks08 1 wash me ! ks08 1 the weather is lovely today . ks08 1 i am hoping that the weather is lovely today . ks08 1 the birds are singing because the weather is lovely today . ks08 1 they read the book . ks08 1 he treats john very . ks08 1 he walked right the wall . ks08 1 they have no tv . ks08 1 they have no car . ks08 1 they have no information . ks08 1 they have no friend . ks08 0 * they have no went . ks08 0 * they have no old . ks08 0 * they have no and . ks08 1 they can sing . ks08 1 they can run . ks08 1 they can smile . ks08 1 they can cry . ks08 0 * they can happy . ks08 0 * they can down . ks08 0 * they can door . ks08 0 * they can very . ks08 1 they read the new book . ks08 1 they read the interesting book . ks08 1 they read the scientific book . ks08 0 * they read the sing book . ks08 0 * they read the under book . ks08 0 * they read the every book . ks08 1 he treats john very nicely . ks08 1 he treats john very badly . ks08 1 he treats john very kindly . ks08 0 * he treats john very kind . ks08 0 * he treats john very shame . ks08 1 he walked right into the wall . ks08 0 * he walked right happy . ks08 0 * he walked right the wall . ks08 1 john sang a song , mary played the piano . ks08 1 we found out that very lucrative jobs were in jeopardy . ks08 0 * my these jobs are in jeopardy . ks08 0 * the his jobs are in jeopardy . ks08 1 i think learning english is not easy at all . ks08 1 i doubt you can help me in understanding this . ks08 1 i think that learning english is not all that easy . ks08 1 i doubt if you can help me in understanding this . ks08 1 i am anxious for you to study english grammar hard . ks08 0 * i think that learning english to be not all that easy . ks08 0 * i doubt if you to help me in understanding this . ks08 0 * i am anxious for you should study english grammar hard . ks08 1 john not leave . ks08 1 john drink beer last night . ks08 1 john leave for seoul tomorrow ? ks08 1 john will study syntax , and mary , too . ks08 1 he left . ks08 1 he did not leave . ks08 1 students wanted to write a letter . ks08 1 students intended to surprise the teacher . ks08 1 students objected to the teacher . ks08 1 students sent letters to the teacher . ks08 1 it is crucial for john to show an interest . ks08 1 it is crucial that john should show an interest . ks08 1 i know i should go to the dentist 's , but i just do n't want to . ks08 1 i do n't really want to go to the dentist 's , but i know i should . ks08 0 * she thought it was likely that everyone to fit into the car . ks08 1 she thought it was likely that everyone might fit into the car . ks08 1 she thought it was easy for everyone to fit into the car . ks08 0 * she thought it was easy for everyone would fit into the car . ks08 1 the umpire called off the game . ks08 1 the umpire called the game off . ks08 1 the two boys looked the word up . ks08 1 the umpire fell off the deck . ks08 1 the two boys looked up the high stairs . ks08 1 the two boys looked up the high stairs from the floor . ks08 0 * the umpire fell the deck off . ks08 0 * the students looked the high stairs up from the floor . ks08 0 * the students looked the high stairs up . ks08 1 the umpire called it of . ks08 0 * the umpire called off it . ks08 0 * the umpire fell it off . ks08 1 the umpire fell off it . ks08 1 a tall boy threw the ball . ks08 1 the cat chased the long string . ks08 1 that ball hit a student . ks08 1 the piano played a song . ks08 1 the piano kicked a student . ks08 1 that ball sang a student . ks08 1 the tall , handsome man kicked the ball . ks08 1 the tall , kind , handsome man kicked the ball . ks08 1 the happy , happy , happy , happy , happy , happy man sang a song . ks08 1 the mother of the boy and the girl is arriving soon . ks08 1 the mother of the boy and the girl are arriving soon . ks08 1 john saw the man with a telescope . ks08 1 we need more intelligent leaders . ks08 1 the student enjoyed his english syntax class last semester . ks08 1 the policeman met several young students in the park last night . ks08 1 it was the policeman that met several young students in the park last night . ks08 1 it was several young students that the policeman met in the park last night . ks08 1 it was last night that the policeman met several young students in the park . ks08 0 * it was several young students in that the policeman met the park last night . ks08 0 * it was in the park last night that the policeman met several young students . ks08 1 where did the policeman meet several young students ? ks08 1 what did you put in your box ? ks08 1 where did you put the book ? ks08 1 what did you do ? ks08 1 john looked up the inside of the chimney . ks08 1 john looked up the meaning of ` chanson ' . ks08 1 what did he look up ? ks08 1 where did he look ? ks08 1 up what did he look ? ks08 1 what do you think the man who is standing by the door is doing now ? ks08 1 what do you think he is doing now ? ks08 1 have you been to seoul ? ks08 1 john might go home , so might bill . ks08 1 john might pass the exam , and as might bill . ks08 1 if john can speak french fluently – which we all know he can – we will have no problems . ks08 1 john asked me to put the clothes in the cupboard , and to annoy him i really stuffed them there . ks08 1 john asked me to put the clothes in the cupboard , and to annoy him i stuffed them there . ks08 0 * john asked me to put the clothes in the cupboard , but i did so put the clothes in the suitcase . ks08 1 the girls played in the water and swam under the bridge . ks08 1 the children were neither in their rooms nor on the porch . ks08 1 many people drink beer or wine . ks08 0 * mary waited for the bus and to go home . ks08 0 * lee went to the store and crazy . ks08 1 liked ice cream . ks08 0 * the whistle tune was beautiful . ks08 0 * the easily student finished his homework . ks08 0 * the my dog is a terrier . ks08 1 the monkey wants to leave the meeting . ks08 0 * the monkey eager to leave the meeting . ks08 1 the monkeys approved of their leader . ks08 1 the men practice medicine . ks08 0 * the men doctors of medicine . ks08 1 john read the book loudly . ks08 1 john sounded happy . ks08 1 john felt proud that his son won the game . ks08 0 * john sounded happily . ks08 0 * john sounded the student . ks08 0 * john sounded in the park . ks08 0 * the monkeys seem want to leave the meeting . ks08 1 the monkeys seem eager to leave the meeting . ks08 0 * john seems know about the bananas . ks08 1 john seems certain about the bananas . ks08 1 john came from seoul . ks08 1 they put the book in the box . ks08 1 they stayed in the hotel . ks08 1 the fly fell into the soup . ks08 1 the squirrel ran straight . ks08 1 the squirrel ran right up the tree . ks08 0 * the squirrel is right angry . ks08 0 * the squirrel ran straight quickly . ks08 0 * the squirrel ran right quickly . ks08 1 this handsome man chased a dog . ks08 1 a man kicked that ball . ks08 1 that tall woman chased a cat . ks08 1 his friend kicked a ball . ks08 1 bill claims john believes mary thinks tom is honest . ks08 1 jane imagines bill claims john believes mary thinks tom is honest . ks08 1 the little boy hit the child with a toy . ks08 1 chocolate cakes and pies are my favorite desserts . ks08 0 * the children were in their rooms or happily . ks08 1 john suddenly got off the bus . ks08 1 john suddenly put off the customers . ks08 0 * john suddenly got the bus off . ks08 1 john suddenly put the customers off . ks08 1 his second book came out earlier this year and became an instant best-seller . ks08 1 when you book something such as a hotel room , you arrange to have it . ks08 1 price quotes on selected categories will be sent out upon request . ks08 1 no doubt that he was forced to leave his family against his will . ks08 1 he intended to will the large amount of money to frank . ks08 1 jane stood aside to let her pass . ks08 1 he has a rail pass that 's right for you . ks08 1 it is important for us to spend time with children . ks08 1 he was arrested for being drunk . ks08 1 i think that person we met last week is insane . ks08 1 we believe that he is quite reasonable . ks08 1 i forgot to return the book that i borrowed from the teacher . ks08 1 i am anxious that you should arrive on time . ks08 1 i am anxious for you to arrive on time . ks08 0 * i am anxious for you should arrive on time . ks08 1 i wonder whether you 'd be kind enough to give us information . ks08 1 if students study hard , teachers will be happy . ks08 1 whether they say it or not , most teachers expect their students to study hard . ks08 1 john put a book on the table . ks08 1 she turned down his offer . ks08 1 he looked at a book about swimming . ks08 1 he talked to a girl about swimming . ks08 1 he talked with a girl about swimming . ks08 1 i do n't know the people present . ks08 0 * could you turn off the fire and on the light ? ks08 0 * i know the truth and that you are innocent . ks08 1 john refused the offer proudly . ks08 1 i consider john the best candidate . ks08 1 i saw him leaving the main building . ks08 1 he took john to the school by the park . ks08 1 john sang a song and danced to the music . ks08 1 john wants to study linguistics in near future . ks08 1 they told angelica to arrive early for the award . ks08 1 that louise had abandoned the project surprised everyone . ks08 1 i know you like the back of my hand . ks08 1 time flies like an arrow . ks08 1 i need to have that report on our web page by tomorrow . ks08 1 the monkey scratched a boy on monday . ks08 1 john tagged the monkey in the forest . ks08 1 the monkey was tagged in the forest by john . ks08 1 the cat devoured the rat . ks08 1 the rat devoured the cat . ks08 1 this car stinks . ks08 1 it rains . ks08 1 the committee disliked her proposal . ks08 1 these books disappoint me . ks08 1 our neighbor takes his children to school in his car . ks08 0 * our neighbor take his children to school in his car . ks08 1 the book , including all the chapters in the first section , is very interesting . ks08 0 * the book , including all the chapters in the first section , are very interesting . ks08 1 the effectiveness of teaching and learning depends on several factors . ks08 0 * the effectiveness of teaching and learning depend on several factors . ks08 1 the tornadoes that tear through this county every spring are more than just a nuisance . ks08 0 * the tornadoes that tear through this county every spring is more than just a nuisance . ks08 1 the lady singing with a boy is a genius , is n't he ? ks08 0 * the lady singing with a boy is a genius , is n't she ? ks08 1 with their teacher , the kids have arrived safely , have n't they ? ks08 0 * with their teacher , the kids have arrived safely , has n't he ? ks08 1 the kids have arrived safely . ks08 1 it could be more detrimental . ks08 1 is this teacher a genius ? ks08 1 have the kids arrived safely ? ks08 1 could it be more detrimental ? ks08 1 the kids in our class have arrived safely . ks08 0 * have in our class the kids arrived safely ? ks08 1 his girlfriend bought this computer . ks08 1 thunder frightens the dog . ks08 1 the dog fears thunder . ks08 1 his girlfriend bought this computer for him . ks08 1 the child broke the teapot by accident . ks08 1 this computer was bought for him by his girlfriend . ks08 1 the teapot was broken by the child by accident . ks08 1 this item belongs to the student . ks08 0 * the student is belonged to by this item . ks08 1 he remained a good friend to me . ks08 0 * a good friend is remained to me . ks08 1 john gave the boys the cds . ks08 1 my mother baked me a birthday cake . ks08 1 she was sent a review copy of the book by the publisher . ks08 1 she was sent a review copy of the book . ks08 1 john gave the cds to the boys . ks08 1 the publisher sent a review copy of the book to her . ks08 1 my mother baked a cake for me . ks08 1 the cds were given to the boys by john . ks08 1 a review copy of the book was sent to her by the publisher . ks08 1 this nice cake was baked for me by my mother . ks08 1 this is my ultimate goal . ks08 1 michelle became an architect . ks08 1 they elected graham chairman . ks08 0 * chairman was elected graham . ks08 0 * the best writer was considered andrew . ks08 1 john made kim a great doll . ks08 1 the situation became terrible . ks08 1 this map is what he wants . ks08 1 the message was that you should come on time . ks08 1 i made kim angry . ks08 1 i consider him immoral . ks08 1 i regard andrew as the best writer . ks08 1 they spoil their kids rotten . ks08 1 john put books in the box . ks08 1 john talked to bill about the exam . ks08 1 she reminded him of the last time they met . ks08 1 they would inform mary of any success they have made . ks08 1 john gave a book to the student . ks08 1 john bought a book for the student . ks08 1 the bus stopped suddenly . ks08 1 shakespeare wrote his plays a long time ago . ks08 1 they went to the theater in london . ks08 1 he failed chemistry because he ca n't understand it . ks08 0 * john gave tom a book a record . ks08 1 i saw this film several times last year during the summer . ks08 1 my uncle visited today . ks08 0 * today was visited by my uncle . ks08 1 the termites destroyed the sand castle . ks08 1 being honest is not an easy task . ks08 1 that john passed surprised her . ks08 1 to finish this work on time is almost unexpected . ks08 1 under the bed is a safe place to hide . ks08 1 i sent a surprise present to john . ks08 1 they wondered what she did yesterday . ks08 1 they believed that everybody would pass the test . ks08 1 are you going on holiday before or after easter ? i prefer after easter . ks08 1 that john passed surprised her , did n't it ? ks08 1 that the march should go ahead and that it should be cancelled have been argued by different people at different times . ks08 0 * that the march should go ahead and that it should be cancelled has been argued by different people at different times . ks08 1 to finish it on time made quite a statement , did n't it ? ks08 1 to delay the march and to go ahead with it have been argued by different people at different times . ks08 0 * to delay the march and to go ahead with it has been argued by different people at different times . ks08 1 the little cat devoured a mouse last night . ks08 1 john left very early . ks08 1 john studied hard to pass the exam . ks08 1 she disappeared when the main party arrived . ks08 1 a boy hit the ball . ks08 1 the students felt comfortable in the class . ks08 1 john gave a book to the students . ks08 1 john died last night . ks08 1 john bought a lot of books for his sons . ks08 1 john promised bill to leave tomorrow morning . ks08 1 john deprived his sons of game cards . ks08 1 mary received an award from the department . ks08 1 john told the rumor to his friend . ks08 1 john put his books in the attic . ks08 1 the government kept all the money . ks08 1 john hit the ball with a bat . ks08 1 john wiped the window with a towel . ks08 1 the cat chased pat the mouse . ks08 1 the mouse was chased by the cat . ks08 1 there still remains an issue to be solved . ks08 1 there lived a man with his grandson . ks08 1 there arrived a tall , red haired and incredibly well dressed man . ks08 0 * there sang a man with a pipe . ks08 0 * there dances a man with an umbrella . ks08 1 john resembles his mother . ks08 1 a is similar to b . ks08 1 john runs into the house . ks08 1 mary looked at the sky . ks08 1 the school awarded a few of the girls in miss kim 's class scholarships . ks08 1 she was the nicest teacher in the senior school . ks08 1 they elected him america 's 31st president . ks08 1 the next morning we set out for seoul . ks08 1 doing syntax is not easy . ks08 1 he saw the man with the stick . ks08 1 they parted the best of friends . ks08 1 in the summer we always go to france . ks08 1 last year i saw this film several times . ks08 1 he baked tom the bread last night . ks08 1 that they have completed the course is amazing . ks08 1 the teacher made students happy . ks08 1 we reminded him of the agreement . ks08 1 in the garden stands a statue . ks08 0 * in the garden stand a statue . ks08 1 among the guests was sitting my friend louise . ks08 0 * among the guests were sitting my friend louise . ks08 1 this proved my hypothesis . ks08 1 the students all enjoyed that summer . ks08 1 the students all worked that summer . ks08 1 the scientist made her a robot . ks08 1 the students called me a teacher . ks08 1 a big green insect flew into the soup . ks08 1 john 's mother sent a letter to mary . ks08 1 we placed the cheese in the refrigerator . ks08 1 frank threw himself into the sofa . ks08 1 the ice melted . ks08 1 the vacuum cleaner frightens the child . ks08 1 scientists found that the birds sang well in the evenings , but performed badly in the mornings . ks08 0 * john put his gold . ks08 0 * john put his gold safe . ks08 0 * john put his gold to be under the bathtub . ks08 1 john put his gold under the bathtub . ks08 1 this is the box in which john put his gold . ks08 1 this is the gold that john put under the bathtub . ks08 0 * the king kept put his gold under the bathtub . ks08 1 the king kept putting his gold under the bathtub . ks08 1 the defendant denied the accusation . ks08 0 * the defendant denied . ks08 1 the teacher handed the student a book . ks08 0 * the teacher handed the student . ks08 1 they want to leave the meeting . ks08 0 * they eager to leave the meeting . ks08 1 the senators know that the president is telling a lie . ks08 0 * the senators certain that the president is telling a lie . ks08 1 be eager to leave the meeting . ks08 0 * the senators to be certain that the president is telling a lie . ks08 0 * the senators be certain that the president is telling a lie . ks08 1 tom offered advice to his students in his office . ks08 1 tom offered advice to his students with love . ks08 1 john kept him behind the garage . ks08 0 * john stayed kim behind the garage . ks08 0 * john placed him busy . ks08 1 john kept him busy . ks08 0 * john stayed him busy . ks08 0 * john placed behind the counter . ks08 0 * john kept behind the counter . ks08 1 john stayed behind the counter . ks08 1 john deposited some money in the bank . ks08 1 john deposited some money in the bank on friday . ks08 0 * the un blamed global warming on humans on natural causes . ks08 1 kim and sandy met in seoul in the lobby of the lotte hotel in march . ks08 1 john deposited some money in the checking account and mary did the same thing . ks08 1 john deposited some money in the checking account on friday and mary did the same thing . ks08 1 john deposited some money in the checking account on friday and mary did the same thing on monday . ks08 0 * john deposited some money in the checking account and mary did the same thing in the savings account . ks08 0 * john gave a present to the student and mary did the same thing to the teacher . ks08 0 * john locked fido in the garage and mary did so in the room . ks08 0 * john ate a carrot and mary did so a radish . ks08 1 kim jogs on the hill . ks08 1 kim jogs under the hill . ks08 1 kim jogs over the hill . ks08 1 kim depends . ks08 1 kim relies on sandy . ks08 1 kim depends on sandy . ks08 0 * kim depends at sandy . ks08 1 john met a student in the park . ks08 0 * john met in the park a student . ks08 0 * the problem disappeared the accusation . ks08 1 the problem disappeared . ks08 0 * the boy gave the book . ks08 1 the boy gave the baby the book . ks08 1 the bird devours the worm . ks08 1 the birds devour the worm . ks08 1 every photo of max and sketch by his students appeared in the magazine . ks08 1 no photo of max and sketch by his students appeared in the magazine . ks08 0 * sketch by his students appeared in the magazine . ks08 1 the present king of country music is more popular than the last one . ks08 0 * the king of rock and roll is more popular than the one of country music . ks08 1 which student were you talking about ? ks08 0 * john put in the box . ks08 0 * in the box put john the book . ks08 1 the election results surprised everybody . ks08 1 that he won the election surprised everybody . ks08 1 john disappeared . ks08 0 * john disappeared bill . ks08 1 john coughed . ks08 0 * john coughed the money . ks08 1 the president looked weary . ks08 1 the teacher became tired of the students . ks08 1 the lasagna tasted delicious . ks08 1 john remained somewhat calm . ks08 1 the jury seemed ready to leave . ks08 1 john became a success . ks08 1 john seemed a fool . ks08 1 john remained a student . ks08 1 john saw fred . ks08 1 alice typed the letter . ks08 1 clinton supported the health care bill . ks08 1 raccoons destroyed the garden . ks08 1 the school board leader asked the students a question . ks08 1 john taught new students english syntax . ks08 1 the school board leader asked a question of the students . ks08 1 the sexual revolution makes some people uncomfortable . ks08 1 ad agencies call young people generation x-ers . ks08 1 historians believe fdr to be our most effective president . ks08 0 * john carried to the door . ks08 1 tom locked fido in the garage . ks08 1 tom bathed fido in the garage . ks08 1 tom placed it under the table . ks08 1 tom played it under the table . ks08 1 i wonder if you will come back tomorrow . ks08 1 you would have a reply if you come back tomorrow . ks08 1 tom hid the manuscript in the cupboard . ks08 1 fred hired sharon to change the oil . ks08 1 they pushed the prisoners into the truck . ks08 1 frank hopes to persuade harry to make the cook wash the dishes . ks08 1 george mailed the attorney his photograph of the accident . ks08 1 tom keeps asking karen 's sister to buy the car . ks08 1 jane left the book on the table . ks08 1 we have not confirmed whether the flight had been booked . ks08 1 we saw him beaten by the champion . ks08 1 they confined his remarks to the matter under discussion . ks08 0 * oliver ascribed his longevity there . ks08 0 * oliver mentioned charles the problem . ks08 0 * oliver fined ten pounds to the prisoner . ks08 0 * oliver drove me a lunatic . ks08 0 * oliver addressed the king the letter . ks08 1 the students of english from seoul faced many issues in the process of interpreting , transcribing , and editing the poems . ks08 1 the love of my life and father of my children would never do such a thing . ks08 1 the museum displayed no painting by miro or drawing by klee . ks08 1 by law , every dog and cat in the area has to be neutered . ks08 1 learning to use a language freely and fully is a lengthy and arduous process . ks08 1 kim put the book in the box . ks08 0 * kim put the book . ks08 0 * is putting the book in the box . ks08 0 * talked with bill about the exam . ks08 1 they wrote to her . ks08 1 they are kind to her . ks08 1 they want to write to her . ks08 0 * they want to wrote to her . ks08 1 they want to be kind to her . ks08 0 * they want to are kind to her . ks08 1 the student knows the answers . ks08 1 the student knew the answers . ks08 1 the students know the answers . ks08 0 * the student knowing the answers . ks08 0 * the student known the answers . ks08 1 he is writing another long book about beavers . ks08 1 broadly speaking , the project was successful . ks08 1 he is proud of his son 's passing the bar exam . ks08 1 the chicken has eaten . ks08 1 the chicken was eaten . ks08 1 seen from this perspective , there is no easy solution . ks08 1 the monkeys kept forgetting their lines . ks08 0 * the monkeys kept forgot their lines . ks08 0 * the monkeys kept forgotten their lines . ks08 0 * we caught them ate the bananas . ks08 0 * we caught them eat the bananas . ks08 0 * we caught them eaten the bananas . ks08 1 john made mary cook korean food . ks08 0 * john made mary to cook korean food . ks08 0 * john made mary cooking korean food . ks08 1 the monkey seems despondent that it is in a cage . ks08 1 the monkey seems despondent . ks08 1 he seems intelligent to study medicine . ks08 0 * he seems intelligent to study medicine . ks08 1 monkeys are eager to leave . ks08 0 * monkeys are eager leaving the compound . ks08 0 * the chickens seem fond with the farmer . ks08 1 the foxes seem compatible with the chickens . ks08 0 * the foxes seem compatible for the chickens . ks08 1 these are similar to the bottles . ks08 0 * these are similar with the bottles . ks08 1 the teacher is proud of his students . ks08 0 * the teacher is proud with his students . ks08 1 the contract is subject to approval by my committee . ks08 0 * the contract is subject for approval by my committee . ks08 1 there exists only one truly amphibian mammal . ks08 1 there arose a great storm . ks08 1 there exist few solutions which are cost-effective . ks08 1 there is a riot in the park . ks08 1 there remained just a few problems to be solved . ks08 0 * there runs a man in the park . ks08 0 * there sings a man loudly . ks08 1 they believe that charles darwin 's theory of evolution is just a scientific theory . ks08 1 they believe charles darwin 's theory of evolution is just a scientific theory . ks08 1 john demanded that she stop phoning him . ks08 1 joe warned the class that the exam would be difficult . ks08 1 we told tom that he should consult an accountant . ks08 1 mary convinced me that the argument was sound . ks08 1 tom intends for sam to review that book . ks08 1 john would prefer for the children to finish the oatmeal . ks08 1 for john to either make up such a story or repeat it is outrageous . ks08 1 for john either to make up such a story or to repeat it is outrageous . ks08 1 for john to tell bill such a lie and bill to believe it is outrageous . ks08 1 john intends to review the book . ks08 1 john would prefer to finish the oatmeal . ks08 1 tom tried to ask a question . ks08 0 * tom tried for bill to ask a question . ks08 1 tom tends to avoid confrontations . ks08 0 * tom tends for mary to avoid confrontations . ks08 1 joe hoped to find a solution . ks08 0 * joe hoped for beth to find a solution . ks08 1 john believed it . ks08 1 john believed that he is honest . ks08 1 john mentioned the issue to me . ks08 1 john mentioned to me that the question is an issue . ks08 1 she pinched his arm as hard as she could . ks08 0 * she pinched that he feels pain . ks08 1 we hope that such a vaccine could be available in ten years . ks08 0 * we hope the availability of such a vaccine in ten years . ks08 1 cohen proved the independence of the continuum hypothesis . ks08 1 cohen proved that the continuum hypothesis was independent . ks08 1 john bothers me . ks08 1 that john coughed bothers me . ks08 1 john loves bill . ks08 0 * that john coughs loves bill . ks08 1 that john sold the ostrich surprised bill . ks08 1 for john to train his horse would be desirable . ks08 1 to train his horse would be desirable . ks08 1 that the king or queen be present is a requirement on all royal weddings . ks08 1 which otter you should adopt first is unclear . ks08 0 * that tom missed the lecture was enjoyable . ks08 0 * for john to remove the mother is undeniable . ks08 0 * how much money gordon spent is true . ks08 1 tom is confident that the elephants respect him . ks08 1 tom is insistent that the defendants be truthful . ks08 1 tom seems eager for her brother to catch a cold . ks08 1 tom seems eager to catch a cold . ks08 1 i am ashamed that i neglected you . ks08 1 i am delighted that mary finished his thesis . ks08 1 we were thankful that no one had been hurt . ks08 1 we were glad it was over . ks08 1 bill alleged that fred signed the check . ks08 1 we believe that the directors were present . ks08 1 we convinced him that the operation is safe . ks08 0 * alan is thinking about that his students are eager to learn english . ks08 0 * fred is counting on for tom to make an announcement . ks08 1 the outcome depends on how many candidates participate in the election . ks08 1 fred is thinking about whether he should stay in seoul . ks08 1 the offer made smith admire the administrators . ks08 1 john tried to make sam let george ask bill to keep delivering the mail . ks08 1 john enjoyed drawing trees for his syntax homework . ks08 1 the picture on the wall reminded him of his country . ks08 1 free enterprise is compatible with american values and traditions . ks08 1 we need to be in frequent contact with the clients . ks08 1 acknowledge that everyone has limits . ks08 1 we are aware of the existing problems . ks08 0 * why do n't you leaving me concentrate on my work ? ks08 0 * the general commended that all troops was in dress uniform . ks08 0 * my morning routine features swim free styles slowly for one hour . ks08 0 * you should avoid to travel in the rush hour . ks08 0 * you should attempt answering every question . ks08 0 * the authorities blamed greenpeace with the bombing . ks08 0 * the authorities charged the students of the cheating . ks08 0 * sharon has been eager finishing the book . ks08 0 * we respect mary 's desire for becoming famous . ks08 0 * john referred from the building . ks08 0 * john died to heart disease . ks08 0 * we were glad what to do . ks08 0 * she was busy to make lunch . ks08 1 the constant rain forced the abandonment of the next day 's competitions . ks08 1 aloe may have an analgesic effect on inflammation and minor skin irritations . ks08 1 the public never had faith in his ability to handle the job . ks08 1 he repeated his claim that the people backed his action . ks08 1 we made them take the money . ks08 0 * we made them are rude . ks08 1 do not use these words in the beginning of a sentence . ks08 1 we know the defendants seem eager to testify against the criminal . ks08 1 jane is n't sure whether the students keep the books . ks08 0 * book is available in most countries . ks08 0 * student studies english for 4 hours a day . ks08 1 students study english for 4 hours a day . ks08 1 his friend learned dancing . ks08 1 my bother 's friend learned dancing . ks08 1 the president 's bodyguard learned surveillance . ks08 1 the king of rock and roll 's records led to dancing . ks08 1 president lincoln delivered his gettysburg address in 1863 . ks08 0 * president lincoln delivered her gettysburg address in 1863 . ks08 0 * after reading the pamphlet , judy threw them into the garbage can . ks08 1 after the party , i asked myself why i had faxed invitations to everyone in my office building . ks08 1 edward usually remembered to send a copy of his e-mail to himself . ks08 1 no john smiths attended the meeting . ks08 1 this john smith lives in seoul . ks08 1 there are three davids in my class . ks08 1 it 's nothing like the america i remember . ks08 1 my brother is an einstein at maths . ks08 1 in the book , he talks about his ups and downs at school . ks08 1 if john wants to succeed in corporate life , he has to know the rules of the game . ks08 1 the critique of plato 's republic was written from a contemporary point of view . ks08 1 the characters in shakespeare 's twelfth night live in a world that has been turned upside-down . ks08 0 * the characters in shakespeare 's twelfth night lives in a world that has been turned upside-down . ks08 1 students studying english read conrad 's heart of darkness while at university . ks08 1 you is the only person that i can rely on . ks08 0 * you are the only person that i can rely on . ks08 1 he is the only person that i can rely on . ks08 0 * he are the only person that i can rely on . ks08 1 the boy swims . ks08 0 * the boys swim . ks08 1 king prawns cooked in chili salt and pepper was very much better , a simple dish deliciously executed . ks08 1 four pounds was quite a bit of money in 1950 and it was not easy to come by . ks08 1 five pounds is a lot of money . ks08 0 * five pounds are a lot of money . ks08 1 two drops sanitize anything in your house . ks08 0 * two drops sanitize anything in your house . ks08 1 fifteen dollars in a week is much . ks08 0 * fifteen dollars in a week are not much . ks08 1 fifteen years represents a long period of his life . ks08 0 * fifteen years represent a long period of his life . ks08 1 two miles is as far as they can walk . ks08 0 * two miles are as far as they can walk . ks08 1 this government have been more transparent in the way they have dealt with public finances than any previous government . ks08 1 this government has been more transparent in the way they have dealt with public finances than any previous government . ks08 1 in preparation for the return fixture this team has trained more efficiently than they had in recent months . ks08 1 she does n't believe much of that story . ks08 1 we listened to as little of his speech as possible . ks08 1 how much of the fresco did the flood damage ? ks08 0 * she does n't believe much story . ks08 0 * we listened to as little speech as possible . ks08 0 * how much fresco did the flood damage ? ks08 0 * i read some book . ks08 1 one of the people was dying of thirst . ks08 1 many of the people were dying of thirst . ks08 0 * one people was dying of thirst . ks08 1 many people were dying of thirst . ks08 1 each of the suggestions is acceptable . ks08 1 neither of the cars has air conditioning . ks08 1 none of these men wants to be president . ks08 1 most of the children are here . ks08 1 some of the soup needs more salt . ks08 1 some of the diners need menus . ks08 1 all of the land belongs to the government . ks08 1 all of these cars belong to me . ks08 1 john is in the room . ks08 1 i am fond of him . ks08 1 most of john 's boat has been repainted . ks08 1 some of the record contains evidence of wrongdoing . ks08 1 much of that theory is unfounded . ks08 0 * one of the story has appeared in your newspaper . ks08 1 he is afraid of foxes . ks08 1 it is a wooden desk . ks08 1 it is the main street . ks08 0 * it is an alive fish . ks08 0 * they are afraid people . ks08 0 * this objection is main . ks08 0 * this fact is key . ks08 1 the man eager to start the meeting is john 's sister . ks08 1 the man holding the bottle disappeared . ks08 1 the papers removed from the safe have not been found . ks08 1 the money that you gave me disappeared last night . ks08 0 * john in the doorway waved to his father . ks08 0 * he in the doorway waved to his father . ks08 1 and index values of the subject and the main verb . ks08 1 neither of these men is worthy to lead italy . ks08 1 none of his customary excuses suffices edgar now . ks08 1 one of the problems was the robins . ks08 1 all of the plant virus web sites have been conveniently collected in one central location . ks08 1 some of the water from melted snow also goes into the ground for plants . ks08 1 most of the milk your baby consumes during breastfeeding is produced during nursing . ks08 1 all special rights of voting in the election were abolished . ks08 1 one of major factors affecting the value of diamonds was their weight . ks08 1 each of these stones has to be cut and polished . ks08 1 most of her free time was spent attending concerts and plays or visiting museums and art galleries . ks08 1 the committee was unanimous in their decision . ks08 1 the committee have all now resigned . ks08 0 * the committee has all now resigned . ks08 1 the crew have both agreed to change sponsor . ks08 0 * the crew has both agreed to change sponsor . ks08 1 her family is all avid skiers . ks08 0 * her family are all avid skiers . ks08 0 * a variety of styles have been in vogue for the last year . ks08 1 both of the workers will wear carnations . ks08 1 both the workers will wear carnations . ks08 1 both will wear carnations . ks08 1 few doctors approve of our remedy . ks08 1 few approve of our remedy . ks08 1 an example of these substances be tobacco . ks08 1 the effectiveness of teaching and learning depend on several factors . ks08 1 one of the most serious problems that some students have be lack of motivation . ks08 1 ten years be a long time to spend in prison . ks08 1 everyone of us be given a prize . ks08 1 some of the fruit be going bad . ks08 1 all of his wealth come from real estate investments . ks08 1 do some of your relatives live nearby ? ks08 1 fifty pounds seem like a lot of weight to lose in one year . ks08 1 news of persephone and demeter reach the great gods and goddesses of olympus . ks08 1 half of the year be dark and wintry . ks08 1 some of the promoters of ostrich meat compare its taste to beef tenderloin . ks08 1 the committee has n't yet made up its mind . ks08 0 * the committee has n't yet made up their mind . ks08 1 the committee have n't yet made up their mind . ks08 0 * the committee have n't yet made up its mind . ks08 0 * that dog is so ferocious , it even tried to bite himself . ks08 0 * i washed me . ks08 1 i washed myself . ks08 0 * you washed myself . ks08 1 i washed you . ks08 1 he kicked you . ks08 0 * i washed yourself . ks08 1 you washed yourself . ks08 1 harry says that sally dislikes him . ks08 0 * harry says that sally dislikes himself . ks08 0 * sally wishes that everyone would praise herself . ks08 1 sally believes that she is brilliant . ks08 0 * sally believes that herself is brilliant . ks08 1 the power of your mind and the power of your body have a tight connection . ks08 1 john tries to fix the computer . ks08 1 john seems to fix the computer . ks08 1 mary persuaded john to fix the computer . ks08 1 mary expected john to fix the computer . ks08 0 * john to fix the computer . ks08 0 * seems john to fix the computer . ks08 1 john tries to be honest . ks08 1 john seems to be honest . ks08 1 john makes efforts for himself to be honest . ks08 1 it seems that john is honest . ks08 1 it tends to be warm in september . ks08 1 it seems to bother kim that they resigned . ks08 0 * it tries to be warm in september . ks08 0 * it hopes to bother kim that they resigned . ks08 1 it is easy to please kim . ks08 1 john is eager to please kim . ks08 0 * there tries to be warm in september . ks08 0 * there hopes to bother kim that they resigned . ks08 0 * it is eager to please kim . ks08 1 stephen seemed to be intelligent . ks08 1 it seems to be easy to fool ben . ks08 1 there is likely to be a letter in the mailbox . ks08 1 tabs are likely to be kept on participants . ks08 0 * john seems to be easy to fool ben . ks08 0 * john is likely to be kept on participants . ks08 1 sandy tried to eat oysters . ks08 0 * there tried to be riots in seoul . ks08 0 * it tried to bother me that chris lied . ks08 0 * tabs try to be kept on bob by the fbi . ks08 0 * that he is clever is eager to be obvious . ks08 1 the king thanked the man . ks08 1 the color red seems to be his favorite color . ks08 1 the cat seems to be out of the bag . ks08 1 the dentist is likely to examine pat . ks08 1 pat is likely to be examined by the dentist . ks08 1 the dentist is eager to examine pat . ks08 1 pat is eager to be examined by the dentist . ks08 1 stephen believed ben to be careful . ks08 1 stephen persuaded ben to be careful . ks08 1 stephen believed it to be easy to please kim . ks08 0 * stephen persuaded it to be easy to please kim . ks08 1 stephen believed there to be a fountain in the park . ks08 0 * stephen persuaded there to be a fountain in the park . ks08 1 stephen believed the cat to be out of the bag . ks08 0 * stephen persuaded the cat to be out of the bag . ks08 1 the dentist was believed to have examined pat . ks08 1 pat was believed to have been examined by the dentist . ks08 1 the dentist was persuaded to examine pat . ks08 1 stephen seems to be irritating . ks08 1 tom believes stephen to be irritating . ks08 1 john persuaded stephen to be more careful . ks08 0 * it seemed to be intelligent . ks08 1 it seemed to rain . ks08 1 there seemed to be a fountain in the park . ks08 1 stephen tried to be intelligent . ks08 0 * it tried to be intelligent . ks08 0 * there tried to be intelligent . ks08 0 * it tried to rain . ks08 0 * there tried to be a fountain in the park . ks08 1 someone tried to leave the town . ks08 1 there seems to be a fountain in the park . ks08 0 * it seems to be a fountain in the park . ks08 0 * john seems to be a fountain in the park . ks08 1 we believed there to be a fountain in the park . ks08 0 * we believed it to be a fountain in the park . ks08 0 * there tries to leave the country . ks08 0 * we believed it to try to leave the country . ks08 0 * we believed there to try to leave the country . ks08 1 we believed john to try to leave the country . ks08 1 the cat tries to be out of the bag . ks08 1 they persuaded me to leave . ks08 1 they promised me to leave . ks08 0 * they persuaded it to rain . ks08 0 * they promised it to rain . ks08 1 under the bed is a fun place to hide . ks08 0 * under the bed wants to be a fun place to hide . ks08 1 kim may have admitted to let mary mow the lawn . ks08 1 gregory appears to have wanted to be loyal to the company . ks08 1 jones would prefer for it to be clear to barry that the city plans to sue him . ks08 1 john continues to avoid the conflict . ks08 1 the captain ordered the troops to proceed . ks08 1 he coaxed his brother to give him the candy . ks08 1 john wants it to be clear to ben that the city plans to honor him . ks08 0 * john seems to rain . ks08 0 * john is likely to appear that he will win the game . ks08 0 * beth tried for bill to ask a question . ks08 0 * he believed there to be likely that he won the game . ks08 0 * it is likely to seem to be arrogant . ks08 0 * sandy appears that kim is happy . ks08 0 * dana would be unlikely for pat to be called upon . ks08 0 * robin is nothing in the box . ks08 0 * it said that kim was happy . ks08 0 * there preferred for sandy to get the job . ks08 1 there is only one chemical substance involved in nerve transmission . ks08 0 * there are only one chemical substance involved in nerve transmission . ks08 0 * there is more chemical substances involved in nerve transmission . ks08 1 there are more chemical substances involved in nerve transmission . ks08 1 there is believed to be a sheep in the park . ks08 0 * there is believed to be a sheep in the park . ks08 1 there are believed to be sheep in the park . ks08 1 there seems to be no student absent . ks08 0 * there are likely to be no student absent . ks08 1 there is likely to be no student absent . ks08 1 pat expected leslie to be aggressive . ks08 1 pat persuaded leslie to be aggressive . ks08 1 pat promised leslie to be aggressive . ks08 1 kevin urged anne to be loyal to her . ks08 1 we expect the dentist to examine us . ks08 0 * we expect the dentist to examine ourselves . ks08 1 we expect them to examine themselves . ks08 1 we persuaded the dentist to examine us . ks08 0 * we persuaded the dentist to examine ourselves . ks08 1 we persuaded them to examine themselves . ks08 0 * we persuaded them to examine them . ks08 1 john may drink water , and bill drink beer . ks08 1 tom will not leave . ks08 0 * tom kicked not a ball . ks08 1 will tom leave the party now ? ks08 0 * left tom the party already ? ks08 1 john could n't leave the party . ks08 0 * john left n't the party early . ks08 1 if anybody is spoiling the children , john is . ks08 0 * if anybody keeps spoiling the children , john keeps . ks08 1 you should leave , should n't you ? ks08 0 * you did n't leave , left you ? ks08 1 she would never believe that story . ks08 0 * she believed never his story . ks08 1 the boys will all be there . ks08 0 * our team played all well . ks08 1 the children will have been being entertained . ks08 0 * the house is been remodelling . ks08 0 * margaret has had already left . ks08 0 * he has will seeing his children . ks08 0 * he has been must being interrogated by the police at that very moment . ks08 1 mary solved the problem . ks08 1 mary would solve the problem . ks08 1 mary was solving the problem . ks08 1 mary would easily solve the problem . ks08 0 * mary not avoided bill . ks08 1 mary did not avoid bill . ks08 1 fred must have been singing songs and probably was drinking beer . ks08 1 fred must both have been singing songs and have been drinking beer . ks08 1 fred must have both been singing songs and been drinking beer . ks08 1 fred must have been both singing songs and drinking beer . ks08 1 there might be a unicorn in the garden . ks08 1 it will rain tomorrow . ks08 1 john will leave the party earlier . ks08 0 * there hopes to finish the project . ks08 0 * the bus hopes to be here at five . ks08 0 * i hope to can study in france . ks08 1 i hope to study in france . ks08 0 * john stopped can to sign in tune . ks08 0 * john stopped canning to sign in tune . ks08 0 * john wills leave the party early . ks08 0 * john can kicked the ball . ks08 0 * john can kicking the ball . ks08 0 * john can to kick the ball . ks08 1 john will kick the ball . ks08 0 * john will kicked the ball . ks08 0 * john will to kick the ball . ks08 0 * kim must bakes a cake . ks08 0 * kim must baked a cake . ks08 0 * kim must will bake a cake . ks08 1 there may exist a man in the park . ks08 0 * it may exist a man in the park . ks08 0 * it is vital that we will study everyday . ks08 1 he is a fool . ks08 1 he has a car . ks08 1 john is running to the car . ks08 1 was the child in the school ? ks08 1 was the child running to the car ? ks08 1 was the child found ? ks08 1 the child never became crazy . ks08 1 the child was never crazy . ks08 1 the child was never running to the car . ks08 1 the child was never deceived . ks08 1 john is happy about the outcome . ks08 1 john was seeing his children . ks08 1 the children are seen in the yard . ks08 1 john has not sung a song . ks08 1 has john sung a song ? ks08 1 john has n't been singing a song . ks08 1 john has sung a song and mary has too . ks08 1 john can have danced . ks08 1 john can be dancing . ks08 1 he has seen his children . ks08 1 he will have been seeing his children . ks08 0 * americans have paying income tax ever since 1913 . ks08 0 * george has went to america . ks08 1 is out since the following is finite . ks08 1 you are a student . ks08 1 you have not enough money . ks08 1 have you enough money ? ks08 1 john does not like this town . ks08 1 in no other circumstances does that distinction matter . ks08 1 they did n't leave any food . ks08 0 * they expected us to do leave him . ks08 0 * they expected us to should leave him . ks08 0 * i found myself doing need sleep . ks08 0 * he does be leaving . ks08 0 * he does have been eating . ks08 0 * they will do come . ks08 1 john did leave . ks08 1 did john find the solution ? ks08 1 how long did it last ? ks08 1 john may leave . ks08 1 it may rain . ks08 0 * john may rain . ks08 1 john did not leave . ks08 0 * john did not rain . ks08 1 he might have left . ks08 0 * he might do leave . ks08 0 * he does can leave here . ks08 0 * he does may leave here . ks08 0 * jim does have supported the theory . ks08 0 * the proposal did be endorsed by clinton . ks08 0 * i do not have sung . ks08 0 * i do not be happy . ks08 1 do be honest ! ks08 1 do n't be silly ! ks08 0 * john believed kim to do not leave here . ks08 1 john believes kim not to leave here . ks08 0 * john believed kim to leaving here . ks08 0 * john did not leaving here . ks08 0 * john expect to must leave . ks08 0 * john did not may leave . ks08 1 tom wanted to go home , but peter did n't want to . ks08 1 lee voted for bill because his father told him to . ks08 1 kim regrets not having seen the movie . ks08 1 kim regrets never having seen the movie . ks08 1 we asked him not to try to call us again . ks08 1 we asked him never to try to call us again . ks08 1 duty made them not miss the weekly meetings . ks08 1 duty made them never miss the weekly meetings . ks08 1 not speaking english is a disadvantage . ks08 0 * speaking not english is a disadvantage . ks08 0 * lee likes not kim . ks08 1 lee is believed not to like kim . ks08 1 lee is believed to not like kim . ks08 0 * lee is believed to like not kim . ks08 1 the president could not approve the bill . ks08 1 it would be possible for the president not to approve the bill . ks08 1 it would not be possible for the president to approve the bill . ks08 0 * lee not left . ks08 1 lee will never leave . ks08 1 lee will not leave . ks08 1 john could not leave the town . ks08 0 * john not left the town . ks08 0 * john not could leave the town . ks08 1 mary sang a song , but lee never did . ks08 0 * mary sang a song , but lee did never . ks08 1 mary sang a song , but lee did not . ks08 1 the president could not approve the bill , could n't he ? ks08 0 * the president could not approve the bill , could he ? ks08 1 are you studying english syntax ? ks08 1 what are you studying nowadays ? ks08 1 i shall go downtown . ks08 1 shall i go downtown ? ks08 1 may she live forever ! ks08 1 was i that stupid ? ks08 1 do n't you even touch that ! ks08 1 you better not drink . ks08 1 you can do it , but you better not . ks08 0 * better you not drink . ks08 1 they 'd leave soon . ks08 1 they would n't leave soon . ks08 1 they should n't leave soon . ks08 1 they can do it , ca n't they ? ks08 1 they ca n't do it , can they ? ks08 0 * they ca n't do it , ca n't they ? ks08 0 * they ca n't do it , can he ? ks08 1 kim can dance , and sandy can , too . ks08 1 kim has danced , and sandy has , too . ks08 1 kim was dancing , and sandy was , too . ks08 0 * kim considered joining the navy , but i never considered . ks08 0 * kim wanted to go and sandy wanted , too . ks08 1 kim is happy and sandy is too . ks08 1 when kim was in china , i was too . ks08 1 have you anything to share with the group ? ks08 1 have you brought anything to share with the group ? ks08 1 sandy must have been , too . ks08 1 sandy must have , too . ks08 1 sandy must , too . ks08 1 because john persuaded sally to , he did n't have to talk to the reporters . ks08 0 * mary sang a song , but lee could never . ks08 1 mary sang a song , but lee could not . ks08 1 john got sent to prison . ks08 1 he ought to leave his luggage here . ks08 1 he dared not argue against his parents . ks08 1 he used to go there very often . ks08 1 the gardener must trim the rose bushes today . ks08 1 this should be the beginning of a beautiful friendship . ks08 1 i am removing the shovel from the shed . ks08 1 the travelers have returned from their vacation . ks08 1 springfield would have built a police station with the federal grant . ks08 1 sharks could have been cruising near the beach . ks08 1 she seem to have given financial assistance to an important french art dealer . ks08 0 * ann may spending her vacation in italy . ks08 0 * ann may spends her vacation in italy . ks08 0 * ann may spent her vacation in italy . ks08 1 it has rained every day for the last week . ks08 0 * it has raining every day for the last week . ks08 0 * it has rains every day for the last week . ks08 0 * it has rain every day for the last week . ks08 1 tagalog is spoken in the philippines . ks08 0 * tagalog is speak in the philippines . ks08 0 * tagalog is speaks in the philippines . ks08 0 * tagalog is spoke in the philippines . ks08 1 the roof is leaking . ks08 0 * the roof is leaked . ks08 0 * the roof is leaks . ks08 0 * george is having lived in toledo for thirty years . ks08 0 * the house is been remodeling . ks08 0 * a medal was been given to the mayor by the sewer commissioner . ks08 0 * does john have gone to the library ? ks08 0 * john seems fond of ice cream , and bill seems , too . ks08 1 sam may have been being interrogated by the fbi . ks08 0 * sam may have been being interrogating by the fbi . ks08 0 * sam may be had been interrogating by the fbi . ks08 1 have social problems made police work difficult ? ks08 1 the senator should not have forgotten the concerns of her constituents . ks08 1 tokyo has not loosened trade restrictions . ks08 1 did the doctor prescribe aspirin ? ks08 1 sandy will read your reports , but harold will not . ks08 1 he can hardly believe that it 's already over . ks08 1 i could have little known that more trouble was just around the corner . ks08 1 i have never been spoken to so rudely ! ks08 1 hardly was there any rain falling . ks08 1 little did i know that more trouble was just around the corner . ks08 1 never have i been spoken to so rudely ! ks08 1 he had hardly collected the papers on his desk , had he ? ks08 0 * he had hardly collected the papers on his desk , had n't he ? ks08 1 he never achieved anything , did he ? ks08 0 * he never achieved anything , did n't he ? ks08 1 as a statesman , he scarcely could do anything worth mentioning . ks08 0 * as a statesman , scarcely he could do anything worth mentioning . ks08 0 * any zebras ca n't fly . ks08 0 * anything has n't happened to his optimism . ks08 0 * any of the citizens hardly ever say anything . ks08 1 i did n't find any bugs in my bed . ks08 1 nobody told them anything . ks08 1 never have i stolen from any members of your family . ks08 1 why have n't any books been returned ? ks08 1 hardly any of the citizens ever say anything . ks08 1 these lines were written by one of korea 's most famous poets . ks08 1 the unidentified victim was apparently struck during the early morning hours . ks08 1 targets can be observed at any angle . ks08 1 during the early evening , saturn can be found in the north , while jupiter rises in the east . ks08 1 i poured 20 liters of acid into the beaker . ks08 1 about 20 liters of acid was poured into the beaker . ks08 1 the executive committee approved the new policy . ks08 1 the new policy was approved by the executive committee . ks08 1 john has taken bill to the library . ks08 1 john has chosen bill for the position . ks08 0 * john has taken to the library . ks08 0 * john has chosen for the position . ks08 0 * the guide has been taken john to the library . ks08 0 * the department has been chosen john for the position . ks08 1 john has been taken to the library . ks08 1 john has been chosen for the position . ks08 1 pat handed a book to chris . ks08 0 * pat handed to chris . ks08 0 * pat handed a book . ks08 1 a book was handed to chris by pat . ks08 0 * a book was handed by pat . ks08 1 a book was handed to chris . ks08 0 * a book was handed . ks08 1 they believe it to be easy to annoy ben . ks08 0 * they believe stephen to be easy to annoy ben . ks08 1 they believe there to be a dragon in the wood . ks08 1 it is believed to be easy to annoy ben . ks08 0 * stephen is believed to be easy to annoy ben . ks08 1 there is believed to be a dragon in the wood . ks08 1 no one believes that he is a fool . ks08 1 no one suspects that he is a fool . ks08 1 that he is a fool is suspected by no one . ks08 1 they believe the cat to be out of the bag . ks08 1 the cat is believed to be out of the bag . ks08 1 john drove the car . ks08 1 john was driving the car . ks08 1 the car was being driven . ks08 1 john will drive the car . ks08 1 the car will be driven . ks08 1 john has driven the car . ks08 1 the car has been driven . ks08 1 john has been driving the car . ks08 1 the car has been being driven . ks08 1 the car will have been being driven . ks08 1 pat handed chris a note . ks08 1 chris was handed a note . ks08 1 chris was handed a note by pat . ks08 1 ideas are put into children 's heads by tv . ks08 1 yesterday , the child really kicked a monkey in the street . ks08 1 the model resembles kim in nearly every detail . ks08 0 * kim is resembled by the model in nearly every detail . ks08 0 * you are not fitted by the coat . ks08 1 i was born in 1970 . ks08 1 it is rumored that he is on his way out . ks08 1 john is said to be rich . ks08 1 he is reputed to be a good scholar . ks08 0 * my mother bore me in 1970 . ks08 0 * everyone rumored that he was on his way out . ks08 0 * they said him to be rich . ks08 0 * they reputed him to be a good scholar . ks08 1 he kicked the ball . ks08 1 the ball was kicked by him . ks08 1 john kicked him . ks08 1 he was kicked by john . ks08 1 john sent her to seoul . ks08 1 she was sent to seoul . ks08 1 they widely believed that john was ill . ks08 1 that john was ill was widely believed . ks08 1 they have n't decided which attorney will give the closing argument . ks08 1 which attorney will give the closing argument has n't been decided . ks08 1 which attorney will give the closing argument has n't been decided by them . ks08 1 you can rely on ben . ks08 1 ben can be relied on . ks08 1 they talked about the scandal for days . ks08 1 the scandal was talked about for days . ks08 1 the issue was dealt with promptly . ks08 1 that 's not what 's asked for . ks08 1 this should be attended to immediately . ks08 0 * the capital was gathered near by a crowd of people . ks08 0 * the hot sun was played under by the children . ks08 1 that 's something i would have paid twice for . ks08 1 these are the books that we have gone most thoroughly over . ks08 1 they look generally on john as selfish . ks08 0 * everything was paid twice for . ks08 0 * your books were gone most thoroughly over . ks08 0 * he is looked generally on as selfish . ks08 1 pavarotti relied on loren and bond on hepburn . ks08 0 * pavarotti relied on loren and bond hepburn . ks08 1 loren was relied on by pavarotti and hepburn by bond . ks08 0 * loren was relied on by pavarotti and hepburn on by bond . ks08 1 the lawyer looked into the document . ks08 1 the document was looked into by the lawyer . ks08 1 peter has been asked to resign . ks08 1 i assume the matter to have been filed in the appropriate records . ks08 1 smith wants the picture to be removed from the office . ks08 1 the events have been described well . ks08 1 over 120 different contaminants have been dumped into the river . ks08 1 the balloon is positioned in an area of blockage and is inflated . ks08 1 cancer is now thought to be unlikely to be caused by hot dogs . ks08 1 whether this is feasible has n't yet been determined . ks08 1 paying taxes ca n't be avoided . ks08 1 it has n't yet been determined whether this is feasible . ks08 1 frances has had the drapes cleaned . ks08 1 shirley seems to have fred promoted . ks08 1 nina got bill elected to the committee . ks08 1 we got our car radio stolen twice on holiday . ks08 1 frances has had her clean the drapes . ks08 1 nina got them to elect bill . ks08 1 the news was dealt with carefully . ks08 1 the tree was looked after by kim . ks08 1 we can not put up with the noise anymore . ks08 1 he will keep up with their expectations . ks08 1 this noise can not be put up with . ks08 1 their expectations will be kept up with . ks08 1 they paid a lot of attention to the matter . ks08 1 the son took care of his parents . ks08 1 the matter was paid a lot of attention to . ks08 1 a lot of attention was paid to the matter . ks08 0 * new york was slept in . ks08 0 * the lake was camped beside by my sister . ks08 1 the lake is not to be camped beside by anybody . ks08 0 * six inches were grown by the boy . ks08 0 * a mile to work was run by him . ks08 1 the beans were grown by the gardener . ks08 1 the plums were weighed by the grocer . ks08 0 * san francisco has been lived in by my brother . ks08 1 the house has been lived in by several famous personages . ks08 0 * seoul was slept in by the businessman last night . ks08 1 this bed was surely slept in by a huge guy last night . ks08 1 rosie got struck by lightning . ks08 1 i got phoned by a woman friend . ks08 1 he got hit in the face with the tip of a surfboard . ks08 1 john 's bike got fixed or got stolen . ks08 0 * the lesson got read by a priest . ks08 0 * the letter got written by a poet . ks08 0 * tom got understood to have asked for a refund . ks08 0 * mary got heard to insult her parents . ks08 1 is john clever ? ks08 1 who is clever ? ks08 1 how clever you are ! ks08 1 be very clever . ks08 1 i ask you if this is what you want . ks08 1 would you mind taking out the garbage ? ks08 1 can the child read the book ? ks08 1 what can the child read ? ks08 1 which version did they recommend ? ks08 1 with what did the baby eat the food ? ks08 1 how did he eat the food ? ks08 1 which man did you talk to ? ks08 1 to which man did you talk ? ks08 1 how ill has hobbs been ? ks08 0 * which man did you talk ? ks08 0 * to which man did you talk to ? ks08 1 who do you think hobbs imagined mary said tom saw ? ks08 1 who did kim work for and sandy rely on ? ks08 0 * who did kim work for and sandy rely ? ks08 0 * who did kim work for and sandy rely on mary ? ks08 1 you can rely on edward 's help . ks08 1 edward 's help , you can rely on . ks08 1 we talked about the fact that he was sick for days . ks08 1 the fact that he was sick for days , we talked about . ks08 0 * you can rely on that he will help you . ks08 0 * we talked about that he was sick for days . ks08 1 that he was sick , we talked about for days . ks08 1 that arrows do n't stop in midair is captured by this theory . ks08 0 * who did you see and a picture of ? ks08 1 these qualities recommended him to oliver . ks08 1 the un recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force . ks08 1 this is the book which the teacher recommended . ks08 1 who will they recommend ? ks08 1 john put the books in a box . ks08 1 which books did john put in the box ? ks08 1 where did john put the books ? ks08 1 in which box did john put the book ? ks08 1 how happy has john been ? ks08 1 who put the book in the box ? ks08 1 who did put the book in the box ? ks08 1 who can put the book in the box ? ks08 1 who do you think visited seoul last year ? ks08 1 that 's the un delegate that the government thinks visits seoul last year . ks08 1 who do you believe that sara invited ? ks08 1 who do you believe invited sara ? ks08 0 * who do you believe that invited sara ? ks08 0 * who do you think that would be nominated for the position ? ks08 1 this is the kind of person who i doubt that under normal circumstances would have anything to do with such a scheme . ks08 1 john asks whose book his son likes . ks08 1 john has forgotten which player his son shouted at . ks08 1 he told me how many employees karen introduced to the visitors . ks08 1 he had been reading the article . ks08 0 * tom denied which book he had been reading . ks08 0 * tom claimed how much money she had spent . ks08 0 * john inquired that he should read it . ks08 0 * peter will decide that we should review the book . ks08 1 john inquired which book he should read . ks08 1 peter will decide which book we should review . ks08 1 john told us that we should review the book . ks08 1 john told us which book we should review . ks08 1 in which box did he put the book ? ks08 1 which book by his father did he read ? ks08 1 john asks in which box he put the book . ks08 1 john asks which book by his father he read . ks08 1 kim has wondered in which room gary stayed . ks08 1 lee asked me how fond of chocolates the monkeys are . ks08 0 * kim has wondered that gary stayed in the room . ks08 0 * kim asked me that the monkeys are very fond of chocolates . ks08 1 john knows whose book mary bought and tom borrowed from her . ks08 0 * john knows whose book mary bought and tom talked . ks08 1 i do n't know whether i should agree . ks08 1 she gets upset if i exclude her from anything . ks08 1 she gets upset whether i exclude her from anything . ks08 1 i wonder if you 'd be kind enough to give us information . ks08 1 i am not certain about when he will come . ks08 1 i am not certain about whether he will go or not . ks08 0 * i am not certain about if he will come . ks08 0 * i am not certain about if he will go or not . ks08 1 i do n't know where to go . ks08 1 i do n't know what to do . ks08 1 i do n't know how to do it . ks08 1 i do n't know whether to agree with him or not . ks08 0 * i do n't know if to agree with him . ks08 0 * i do n't know that to agree with him or not . ks08 1 fred knows which politician to support . ks08 1 karen asked where to put the chairs . ks08 1 the student protected him . ks08 1 who protected him ? ks08 1 to protect him is not an easy task . ks08 0 * fred knows which politician for karen to vote for . ks08 0 * fred knows which politician for her to vote for . ks08 0 * karen asked where for jerry to put the chairs . ks08 0 * karen asked where for him to put the chairs . ks08 1 how carefully have you considered your future career ? ks08 1 when can we register for graduation ? ks08 1 where do we go to register for graduation ? ks08 1 why have you borrowed my pencil ? ks08 1 when did he say that he was fired ? ks08 1 where did he tell you that he met mary ? ks08 1 why do you wonder whether she will invite me ? ks08 1 how often did he ask when she will meet at the party ? ks08 1 what causes students to select particular majors ? ks08 1 who will john ask for information about summer courses ? ks08 1 which textbook did the teacher use in the class last summer ? ks08 1 whose car is blocking the entrance to the store ? ks08 1 why do you think he left ? ks08 1 who do you guess will be here ? ks08 1 who do you think borrowed my book ? ks08 1 which city does fred think that you believe that john lives in ? ks08 1 i wonder on which shelf john will put the book ? ks08 1 what proof that he has implicated have you found ? ks08 1 joseph has forgotten how many matches he has won . ks08 1 fred will warn martha that she should claim that her brother is patriotic . ks08 1 that bill tried to discover which drawer alice put the money in made us realize that we should have left him in seoul . ks08 1 jasper wonders which book he should attempt to persuade his students to buy . ks08 0 * i wonder if on which shelve john will put the book . ks08 0 * i wonder what city that romans destroyed . ks08 0 * john was wondering to whom he was referring to . ks08 0 * who do you think that has given the tickets to bill ? ks08 0 * what city will fred say that mary thinks that john lives ? ks08 0 * on whom does dana believe chris knows sandy trusts ? ks08 0 * the politician denied how the opponent was poisoned . ks08 0 * fred knows which book for the children to read during the summer vacation . ks08 1 this needs mending . ks08 0 * this needs mending the shoe . ks08 0 * he mended . ks08 1 he mended the shoe . ks08 1 this needs investigating . ks08 0 * this needs investigating the problem . ks08 0 * they investigated . ks08 1 they investigated the problem . ks08 1 the video which you recommended was really terrific . ks08 1 the video which i thought you recommended was really terrific . ks08 1 the video which i thought john told us you recommended was really terrific . ks08 1 the student who won the prize left . ks08 1 the student who everyone likes left . ks08 1 the person whom john gave the book to left . ks08 1 the day when i met her was sunny . ks08 1 the president who fred voted for has resigned . ks08 1 the president that fred voted for dislikes his opponents . ks08 1 the president fred voted for has resigned . ks08 1 has no relative pronoun at all . ks08 1 he is the kind of person with whom to consult . ks08 1 these are the things for which to be thankful . ks08 1 we will invite volunteers on whom to work . ks08 1 this is the student pictures of whom appeared in the newspaper . ks08 0 * pictures of whom appeared in the newspaper ? ks08 1 the people happy with the proposal left . ks08 1 the person standing on my foot is heavy . ks08 0 * the paper to finish by tomorrow is too long . ks08 0 * the person stand on my foot is heavy . ks08 0 * the person stood on my foot is heavy . ks08 0 * the student met the senator john met bill . ks08 0 * the student met the senator that john met bill . ks08 0 * the student met the senator for john to meet bill . ks08 1 jack is the person whom jenny fell in love with . ks08 1 jack is the person with whom jenny fell in love . ks08 0 * jack is the person whom jenny fell in love . ks08 1 i met the critic whose remarks i wanted to object to . ks08 1 this is the friend for whose mother kim gave a party . ks08 1 the teacher set us a problem the answer to which we can find in the textbook . ks08 1 we called the senators who met fred . ks08 1 the kid picked up the apple that fell down on the ground . ks08 0 * the student met john came . ks08 0 * the problem intrigued us bothered me . ks08 1 he made a statement which everyone thought was really interesting and important . ks08 1 they all agreed to include those matters which everyone believed had been excluded from the treaty . ks08 1 mary knows that john was elected . ks08 1 that john was elected surprised frank . ks08 1 mary told bill that john was elected . ks08 1 this is the book that we had read . ks08 1 the president abandoned the people that voted for him . ks08 1 it is an argument that people think will never end in egypt . ks08 0 * every essay she 's written and which i 've read is on that pile . ks08 0 * every essay she 's written and that i 've read is on that pile . ks08 1 every essay which she 's written and that i 've read is on that pile . ks08 1 every essay that she 's written and which i 've read is on that pile . ks08 1 the student whose turn it was left . ks08 0 * the student that 's turn it was left . ks08 1 the pencil with which he is writing broke . ks08 0 * the pencil with that he is writing broke . ks08 1 a pencil with which to write broke . ks08 0 * a pencil with that to write broke . ks08 0 * the people in who we placed our trust left . ks08 0 * the person with who we were talking left . ks08 1 the company in which they have invested left . ks08 1 the people in whose house we stayed left . ks08 1 the person with whom he felt most comfortable left . ks08 1 he bought a bench on which to sit . ks08 1 he bought a refrigerator in which to put the beer . ks08 1 there is a bench for you to sit on . ks08 0 * karen asked where for washington to put the chairs . ks08 1 the person i met is from boston . ks08 1 the box we put the books in is sealed . ks08 1 he made a statement everyone thought was interesting and important . ks08 1 they all agreed to include those matters everyone believed had been excluded from the treaty . ks08 1 i just know that the big 12 south teams everyone knew would win actually won the game . ks08 1 the person who john asked for help thinks he is foolish . ks08 1 mary , who john asked for help , thinks he is foolish . ks08 1 john has two sisters , who became lawyers . ks08 1 i met the lady from france who grows peaches . ks08 0 * i met john who grows peaches . ks08 0 * i met her who grows peaches . ks08 1 in the classroom , the teacher praised john , whom i also respect . ks08 1 reagan , whom the republicans nominated in 1980 , lived most of his life in california . ks08 1 every student who attended the party had a good time . ks08 0 * every student , who attended the party , had a good time . ks08 1 no student who scored 80 or more in the exam was ever failed . ks08 0 * no student , who scored 80 or more in the exam , was ever failed . ks08 1 the contestant who won the first prize , who is the judge 's brother-in-law , sang dreadfully . ks08 0 * the contestant , who is the judge 's brother-in-law , who won the first prize sang dreadfully . ks08 1 he who laughs last laughs best . ks08 1 he who is without sin among you , let him cast the first stone . ks08 1 who did he believe that he would one day meet ? ks08 1 which celebrity did he mention that he had run into ? ks08 0 * who did he believe the claim that he had never met ? ks08 0 * which celebrity did he mention the fact that he had run into ? ks08 1 the knife which he threw into the sea had a gold handle . ks08 1 the knife that he threw into the sea had a gold handle . ks08 1 the knife , which he threw into the sea had a gold handle . ks08 0 ?? the knife , that he threw into the sea had a gold handle . ks08 1 bill cooked supper and washed the dishes . ks08 0 * what did bill cook and wash the dishes ? ks08 0 * what did bill cook supper and wash ? ks08 1 he refuted the proof that you can not square it . ks08 0 * what did he refute the proof that you can not square ? ks08 1 they met someone who knows the professor . ks08 0 * which professor did they meet someone who knows ? ks08 1 that he has met the professor is extremely unlikely . ks08 0 * who is that he has met extremely unlikely ? ks08 1 she bought john 's book . ks08 1 did john wonder who would win the game ? ks08 0 * what did john wonder who would win ? ks08 1 what did he get the impression that the problem really was ? ks08 1 this is the paper that we really need to find the linguist who understands . ks08 0 * which rebel leader did you hear cheney 's rumor that the cia assassinated ? ks08 1 students enter high-level educational institutions might face many problems relating to study habits . ks08 1 a fellow student saw this felt sorry for miss kim and offered her his own book . ks08 1 experts all agree that dreams cause great anxiety and stress are called nightmares . ks08 1 the victims of the earthquake their property was destroyed in the disaster were given temporary housing by the government . ks08 1 this is the book which i need to read . ks08 1 the person whom they intended to speak with agreed to reimburse us . ks08 1 the motor that martha thinks that joe replaced costs thirty dollars . ks08 1 the official to whom smith loaned the money has been indicted . ks08 1 the man on whose lap the puppet is sitting is ventriloquist . ks08 1 we just finished the final exam the result of which we can find out next week . ks08 0 * what did herb start to play only after he drank ? ks08 0 * who did herb believe the claim that cheated ? ks08 0 * what was that the vikings ate a real surprise to you ? ks08 0 * what did you meet someone who understands ? ks08 1 the fact that scientists have now established all the genes in the human body is still not widely known . ks08 1 the fact that the scientists used the latest technology to verify was reported at the recent conference . ks08 1 they ignored the suggestion that lee made . ks08 1 they ignored the suggestion that lee lied . ks08 1 they denied the claim that we had advanced by ourselves . ks08 1 they denied the claim that they should report only to us . ks08 1 the hotel where gloria stays is being remodelled . ks08 1 the day when jim got fired was a sad day for everyone . ks08 1 john is tough to persuade . ks08 1 john made it clear that he would finish it on time . ks08 1 it is john that i met last night in the park . ks08 1 i wonder whom sandy loves . ks08 1 this is the politician on whom sandy relies . ks08 1 he is hard to love . ks08 1 it is easy to please john . ks08 1 john is easy to please . ks08 0 * to please john is eager . ks08 0 * it is eager to please john . ks08 1 john is eager to please . ks08 1 to please john is tough . ks08 1 it is tough to please john . ks08 1 john is tough to please . ks08 0 * to please john is ready . ks08 0 * it is ready to please john . ks08 1 john is ready to please . ks08 1 kim is easy to please . ks08 1 kim is eager to please . ks08 1 this doll is hard to see . ks08 1 the child is impossible to teach . ks08 1 the problem is easy to solve . ks08 0 * this doll is hard to see it . ks08 0 * the child is impossible to teach him . ks08 0 * the problem is easy to solve the question . ks08 1 john is eager to examine the patient . ks08 1 john is eager to find a new home . ks08 0 * john is eager to examine . ks08 0 * john is eager to find . ks08 1 hei is easy to please i . ks08 1 this theorem will take only five minutes to prove . ks08 1 this theorem will take only five minutes to establish that he proved in 1930 . ks08 1 this scratch will cost kim $ 500 to fix . ks08 1 this $ 500 bribe will cost the government $ 500,000 to prove that senator jones accepted . ks08 0 * kim is eager to recommend . ks08 1 who is kim eager to recommend ? ks08 1 this sonata is easy to play on this piano . ks08 1 which piano is this sonata easy to play on ? ks08 1 that dogs bark annoys people . ks08 1 it annoys people that dogs bark . ks08 1 why she told him is unclear . ks08 1 it is unclear why she told him . ks08 1 to leave so soon would be inconvenience . ks08 1 it would be inconvenience to leave so soon . ks08 1 it would be inconvenience for you to leave so soon . ks08 1 that the dalai lama claims tibet independence disturbs the chinese government . ks08 1 it disturbs the chinese government that the dalai lama claims tibet independence . ks08 1 i believe the problem to be obvious . ks08 0 * i believe that the problem is not easy to be obvious . ks08 1 i believe it to be obvious that the problem is not easy . ks08 1 i do not think it unreasonable to ask for the return of my subscription . ks08 1 he made it clear he would continue to co-operate with the united nations . ks08 1 they 're not finding it a stress being in the same office . ks08 1 that you came early surprised me . ks08 1 it surprised me that you came early . ks08 0 * surprised me that you came early . ks08 1 that chris knew the answer occurred to pat . ks08 1 it occurred to pat that chris knew the answer . ks08 1 it really freaks me out that we invaded iraq . ks08 1 that we invaded iraq really creeps me out . ks08 1 that we invaded iraq really freaks me out . ks08 1 it really bites that we invaded iraq . ks08 1 that fido barks annoys me . ks08 1 a man came into the room that no one knew . ks08 1 a man came into the room with blond hair . ks08 1 i read a book during the vacation which was written by chomsky . ks08 1 ray found the outcome frustrating . ks08 1 ray found it frustrating that his policies made little impact on poverty . ks08 0 * i made to settle the matter my objective . ks08 1 i made it my objective to settle the matter . ks08 1 i made the settlement of the matter my objective . ks08 0 * i owe that the jury acquitted me to you . ks08 1 i owe it to you that the jury acquitted me . ks08 1 i owe my acquittal to you . ks08 1 i believe strongly that the world is round . ks08 0 * i believe that the world is round strongly . ks08 1 it 's their teaching material that we 're using . ks08 1 what we 're using is their teaching material . ks08 1 their teaching material is what we are using . ks08 1 we are using their teaching material . ks08 1 i share your view but i just wonder why you think that 's good . ks08 1 it was the man that bought the articles from him . ks08 1 it was then that he felt a sharp pain . ks08 1 it was to the student that the teacher gave the best advice . ks08 1 it was not until i was perhaps twenty-five or thirty that i read and enjoyed them . ks08 0 * it was to finish the homework that john tried . ks08 0 * it is that bill is honest that john believes . ks08 1 it 's the second monday that we get back from easter holiday . ks08 1 it was the girl who kicked the ball . ks08 1 it 's mainly his attitude which convinced the teacher . ks08 1 what you want is a little greenhouse . ks08 1 what 's actually happening in london at the moment is immensely exciting . ks08 1 what is to come is in this document . ks08 1 what i 've always tended to do is to do my own stretches at home . ks08 1 what i meant was that you have done it really well . ks08 1 what happened is they caught her without a license . ks08 1 what the gentleman seemed to be asking is how policy would have differed . ks08 1 insensitive is how i would describe him . ks08 1 in the early morning is when i do my best research . ks08 0 * wear it like that is what you do . ks08 0 * they caught her without a license is what happened . ks08 0 * that you have done it really well is what i meant . ks08 1 that 's when i read . ks08 1 that was why she looked so nice . ks08 1 that 's how they do it . ks08 1 that 's who i played with over christmas . ks08 1 what you heard was an explosion . ks08 1 it was an explosion that you heard . ks08 1 what you should do is order one first . ks08 0 * it is order one first that you should do first . ks08 0 * order one first is what you should do . ks08 1 it was not until i was perhaps twenty-five or thirty that i read them and enjoyed them . ks08 0 * when i read them and enjoyed them was not until i was perhaps twenty-five . ks08 0 * not until i was perhaps twenty-five was when i read them and enjoyed them . ks08 1 it 's the writer that gets you so involved . ks08 0 * that gets you so involved is the writer . ks08 0 * the writer is that gets you so involved . ks08 1 and it was this matter on which i consulted with the chairman of the select committee . ks08 0 * on which i consulted with the chairman of the select committee was this matter . ks08 0 * this matter was on which i consulted with the chairman of the select committee . ks08 1 what i ate is an apple . ks08 1 what we are using is their teaching material . ks08 1 the student who got a in the class was very happy . ks08 1 the one who broke the window was mr. kim . ks08 1 he got what he wanted . ks08 1 he put the money where lee told him to put it . ks08 1 the concert started when the bell rang . ks08 0 * lee wants to meet who kim hired . ks08 0 * lee solved the puzzle how kim solved it . ks08 0 * which book he read the book was that one . ks08 1 i ate what john ate . ks08 1 i ate an apple . ks08 0 * to whom i gave the cake is john . ks08 0 * that brought the letter is bill . ks08 1 this is how he did it . ks08 1 this is why he came early . ks08 1 type a : it is on bill that john relies . ks08 1 type b : it is bill on whom john relies . ks08 1 it was then when we all went to bed . ks08 0 * john that we are looking for showed up . ks08 1 it 's the second monday that we get back from easter . ks08 1 it was in 1997 when the in introduced the alien registration receipt card . ks08 1 it is uncle john whose address i lost . ks08 0 * it is kim on whom that sandy relies . ks08 0 * it is kim on whom sandy relies on . ks08 0 * it is kim whom sandy relies . ks08 1 it was the director that she wants to meet . ks08 1 it was the director that she said she wants to meet . ks08 1 it was the director that i think she said she wants to meet . ks08 1 i wonder who it was who saw you . ks08 1 i wonder who it was you saw . ks08 1 i wonder in which pocket it was that kim had hidden the jewels . ks08 1 who do you think it is that mary met ? ks08 0 * to whom do you think it is the book that mary gave ? ks08 1 it is difficult for me to concentrate on calculus . ks08 1 for me to concentrate on calculus is difficult . ks08 1 calculus is difficult for me to concentrate on . ks08 1 being lovely to look at has its advantages . ks08 1 letters to grandma are easy to help the children to write . ks08 1 it was to boston that they decided to take the patient . ks08 1 it was with a great deal of regret that i vetoed your proposal . ks08 1 it was tom who spilled beer on this couch . ks08 1 it is martha whose work critics will praise . ks08 1 it was john on whom the sheriff placed the blame . ks08 1 i wondered who it was you saw . ks08 1 i was wondering in which pocket it was that kim had hidden the jewels . ks08 0 * it is on kim on whom sandy relies . ks08 1 was it for this that we suffered and toiled ? ks08 1 who was it who interviewed you ? ks08 1 i believe it to be her father who was primarily responsible . ks08 1 i believe it to be the switch that is defective . ks08 1 tom ate what mary offered to him . ks08 1 i wonder what mary offered to him . ks08 1 what mary offered to him is unclear . kl93 1 i do n't have any potatoes . kl93 0 * i have any potatoes . kl93 1 at most three girls saw anything . kl93 0 * at least three girls saw anything . kl93 1 every girl who saw anything was happy . kl93 0 * some girl who saw anything was happy . kl93 1 any owl hunts mice . kl93 1 any lawyer could tell you that . kl93 1 i would dance with anybody . kl93 1 almost every lawyer could answer that question . kl93 1 almost no lawyer could answer that question . kl93 1 almost any lawyer could answer that question . kl93 0 * i do n't have almost any potatoes . kl93 1 i would dance with mary or sue . kl93 1 mary or sue could tell you that . kl93 1 do you have dry socks ? claim . kl93 1 perhaps some dry socks would help ? kl93 1 an owl hunts mice . kl93 1 generics allow exceptions . kl93 1 a poodle gives live birth . kl93 1 every poodle gives live birth . kl93 1 i do n't have potatoes . kl93 1 every man who has matches is happy . kl93 1 every man who has any matches is happy . kl93 1 could we make some french fries ? kl93 1 why do n't we make some french fries ? kl93 1 are you prepared for school tomorrow ? kl93 1 and then all the owls go on a mice hunt . kl93 1 if you take a dry match and strike it , it lights . kl93 1 at most three teachers assigned homework . kl93 1 at most three teachers assigned any homework . kl93 1 every student who handed in some homework will get a prize . kl93 1 every student who handed in any homework will get a prize . kl93 1 before you make plans , consult the secretary . kl93 1 before you make any plans , consult the secretary . kl93 1 is there anything i can do for you ? kl93 1 a professional dancer would be able to do it . kl93 1 any professional dancer would be able to do it . kl93 1 we do n't have potatoes , or at least not enough . kl93 1 every man who has any matches is happy . happy . kl93 0 * every boy has any potatoes . kl93 0 * it 's not the case that every boy has any potatoes . kl93 1 i 'm surprised we had any potatoes . kl93 1 at most three boys did n't see anything . kl93 0 * even sue said anything . kl93 1 sue was the most likely not to say anything . kl93 1 sue said something although she was the most likely not to say anything . kl93 1 cows fly more often than john visits any relatives . kl93 0 * each candidate who has any interest in semantics will be admit ted to the department . kl93 1 every child should have a daily glass of milk . kl93 1 each child should have a daily glass of milk . kl93 1 i 'm surprised that he ever said anything . kl93 1 i 'm sorry that he ever said anything . kl93 0 * i 'm glad that i ever met him . kl93 0 * i 'm sure that i ever met him . kl93 1 i 'm surprised he bought a car . kl93 1 but these tickets are terrible ! kl93 1 i was surprised that he stole the watch , in as far as that was a daring thing to do . kl93 1 given my high opinion on his moral character , i was surprised that he stole the watch . kl93 1 were you surprised that he stole the watch ? kl93 1 i 'm sorry that anybody hates me . kl93 1 i want for nobody to hate me . kl93 1 i 'm glad he bought a car . kl93 1 i 'm sorry he bought a car . kl93 1 he bought a honda . kl93 0 * i 'm glad i saw anybody . kl93 1 i 'm glad anybody likes me ! kl93 1 could n't you get any tickets better than this ? kl93 1 it 's fine that he paid and apologized , but i do n't really care about his gratitude , or the money , or anything . kl93 0 * i 'm sure we got any tickets ! kl93 1 i 'm sure he speaks to me ! kl93 1 i 'm glad a linguist likes me . kl93 1 i did n't help him because i have any sympathy for urban guerillas . kl93 0 * it is n't because sue said anything bad about me that i 'm angry , although she did say some bad things about me . kl93 1 i do n't have any sympathy for urban guerillas . kl93 0 * almost an owl hunts mice . kl93 0 * absolutely an owl hunts mice . kl93 1 almost any owl hunts mice . kl93 1 absolutely any owl hunts mice . b_82 1 he began writing poems . b_82 1 he kept writing poems . b_82 1 he continued writing poems . b_82 1 he stopped writing poems . b_82 1 the men would have all been working . b_82 1 the men would have been all working . b_82 1 would the men each have been working ? b_82 0 * would each the men have been working ? b_82 1 the men would not enjoy that . b_82 0 * would not the men enjoy that ? b_82 1 would the men not enjoy that ? b_82 0 * the men would all not have been working . b_82 1 the men all would not have been working . b_82 1 the men would not have all been working . b_82 1 the men would not all have been working . b_82 1 the men would not have been all working . b_82 1 that john is a fool is obvious . b_82 1 it is obvious that john is a fool . b_82 0 * john believes that fred likes steak that joe likes pizza . b_82 1 john whined that he was hungry . b_82 0 * that he was hungry was whined by john . b_82 1 john is certain that the mets will win . b_82 1 that he has blood on his hands proves that john is the murderer . b_82 0 * it proves that john is the murderer that he has blood on his hands . b_82 1 to please john would be difficult . b_82 1 it would be difficult to please john . b_82 1 it is believed to be obvious by everyone that fred is crazy . b_82 0 * john is believed to be certain by everyone that fred is crazy . b_82 1 it disturbed him that people did n't like fred . b_82 1 it was believed to have disturbed him that people did n't like fred . b_82 0 * how easy to please john is it ? b_82 0 * how difficult to study for the exam was it ? b_82 0 * how hard to read the book was it ? b_82 0 * how easy to tease john it is ! b_82 0 * how hard to read the book it was ! b_82 1 how certain that the mets will win are you ? b_82 1 how likely to win is he ? b_82 1 this book i enjoyed . b_82 0 * to whom the book did you give . b_82 0 * the book to whom did you give . b_82 1 he 's a man to whom liberty we could never grant . b_82 1 it 's obvious that mary , he ca n't stand . b_82 1 i think that the trolls will take the shepherd tomorrow . b_82 1 as for max , i really like him . b_82 0 * he 's a man to whom as for liberty , we could never grant it . b_82 0 * he 's a man to whom liberty , we could never grant it . b_82 1 john would like that because he 's such a nice guy . b_82 1 john , because he 's such a nice guy , would like that . b_82 1 because he 's such a nice guy , john would like that . b_82 1 john would , because he 's such a nice guy , like that . b_82 1 because he 's such a nice guy , what would john like ? b_82 1 it 's obvious that , although he 's a nice guy , john is n't too bright . b_82 0 * john ate after getting home the steak . b_82 1 i gave mary a book . b_82 1 i considered fred crazy . b_82 1 i put the book on the table . b_82 1 i worded the telegram tersely . b_82 0 * i considered fred after the party crazy . b_82 0 * 1 put the book after the party on the table . b_82 0 * i worded the telegram after the party tersely . b_82 0 * because she 's so pleasant , mary i really like her . b_82 1 because she 's so pleasant , mary i really like . b_82 1 though he may seem intelligent , he does not seem deep . b_82 1 intelligent though he may seem , he does not seem deep . b_82 1 though i may love her , that wo n't affect the grade . b_82 1 love her though i may , that wo n't affect the grade . b_82 0 * handsome though i believe the claim that tom is , i still wo n't date him . b_82 0 * handsome though they told me that tom is , i still wo n't date him . b_82 0 * handsome though my friends suggested that mary thinks that tom is , i still wo n't date him . b_82 1 hate those who criticize carter though he may , it does n't matter . b_82 1 would john hate that ? b_82 1 would john hate that ! b_82 0 * will , after john comes home , sally take a shower ? b_82 1 will sally , after john comes home , take a shower ? b_82 1 after john comes home , will sally take a shower ? b_82 1 i would prefer that he not have finished . b_82 0 * i would prefer that he have not finished . b_82 1 he has not finished . b_82 1 he is not finishing . b_82 1 he would not finish . b_82 1 he does not finish . b_82 0 * those people will , after the party , not come home . b_82 1 those people , after the party , will not come home . b_73 1 i 've never seen a man taller than my father . b_73 1 i 've never seen a taller man than my father . b_73 1 i 've never seen a man taller than my mother . b_73 1 i 've never seen a taller man than my mother . b_73 1 jack eats caviar more than he eats mush . b_73 1 jack eats more caviar than he eats mush . b_73 1 jack eats caviar more than he sleeps . b_73 0 * jack eats more caviar than he sleeps . b_73 1 i am more angry today than i was yesterday . b_73 1 i am more angry than sad . b_73 0 * i am angrier than sad . b_73 1 mary is more than six feet tall . b_73 1 mary is taller than six feet . b_73 0 * mary is more than five feet short . b_73 1 mary is shorter than five feet . b_73 1 they think she has too much independence . b_73 0 * they think she is too much happy . b_73 0 * mary speaks so much gently . b_73 0 * a tangerine is n't as much different from an orange as i 'd thought . b_73 1 a tangerine is n't as different from an orange as i 'd thought . b_73 1 you and i are as much alike as a horse and a cow . b_73 1 you and i are as alike as a horse and a cow . b_73 1 you and i are as little alike as a horse and a cow . b_73 0 * john is as much intelligent as mary . b_73 1 john is as intelligent as mary . b_73 1 john is more than 6 feet tall . b_73 1 john is taller than 6 feet . b_73 1 these plants may grow as much as 6 feet high . b_73 1 these plants may grow as high as 6 feet . b_73 1 more has happened in the last week than will happen in the next year . b_73 1 he offers more than we had hoped for . b_73 1 he was hoping for more than we offered . b_73 1 enough is going on to keep them confused . b_73 1 you 've said enough to convince me . b_73 1 sally eats caviar more than i had expected . b_73 1 susan does n't eat her vegetables enough . b_73 1 sally eats the stuff pretty often . b_73 0 * sally eats pretty often the stuff . b_73 1 sally eats the stuff more . b_73 0 * sally eats more the stuff . b_73 0 * susan does n't eat enough her vegetables . b_73 1 john eats more . b_73 1 john does n't eat enough . b_73 1 john eats more than he sleeps . b_73 1 he gave me more of his marbles than i wanted . b_73 0 * sally enough eats caviar . b_73 0 * enough sally eats caviar . b_73 1 jack is more tall than thin . b_73 1 i did it more in jest than in anger . b_73 1 there is enough of the bread left to have tomorrow . b_73 1 there is enough bread for all of you . b_73 1 there is bread enough for all of you . b_73 1 she has enough of a problem as it is . b_73 0 * she has enough a problem as it is . b_73 0 * she has enough problem as it is . b_73 0 * she has problem enough as it is . b_73 0 * she has enough of problems as it is . b_73 1 she has enough problems as it is . b_73 1 he looks more formidable than he is . b_73 0 * he seems enough intelligent for you . b_73 1 he seems intelligent enough for you . b_73 1 she writes more clearly than she speaks . b_73 0 * she speaks enough clearly to be understood . b_73 1 he 's enough of a fool to try it . b_73 1 he 's fool enough to try it . b_73 1 i saw more of the man than you did . b_73 1 i saw enough of the fool to be convinced . b_73 1 harry got to be more of a celebrity . b_73 1 harry got to be more of the celebrity . b_73 0 * he 's enough of the coward to pull the trigger . b_73 1 what his father wants him to be is more of a man . b_73 0 * more of a man is here . b_73 0 * i 've kicked more of a man than you have . b_73 0 * i 've known more of a man than frank . b_73 1 i 've never known more of a man than frank . b_73 1 he was hoping for too much . b_73 1 sally eats caviar too much for her own good . b_73 1 john eats so much . b_73 1 he gave me many marbles . b_73 1 i have much typing to do . b_73 0 * he looks so much formidable . b_73 1 he looks so formidable . b_73 0 * she speaks too much clearly . b_73 1 she speaks too clearly . b_73 1 i 'm as much of a man as you are , my dear . b_73 1 harry got to be as much of a celebrity as his father . b_73 0 * harry got to be as much of the celebrity as his father . b_73 0 * as much of a man is here . b_73 0 * i 've seen as much of a coward as frank . b_73 1 many are called ; few are chosen . b_73 1 more are called than are ever chosen . b_73 1 we made enough pudding to last for days . b_73 0 * we ate enough a pudding to satisfy us . b_73 1 we made enough puddings to last for days . b_73 0 * we ate enough the puddings to satisfy us . b_73 1 john is the kind of a fool that i told you about . b_73 1 john is the kind of the fool that i told you about . b_73 1 he 's a bit of a gossip . b_73 0 * he 's the bit of a gossip . b_73 1 he 's something of a gossip . b_73 1 john is the kind of fool that i told you about . b_73 0 * he 's fool . b_73 0 * he 's a fool enough to try it . b_73 0 * she 's just enough tall . b_73 0 * she 's enough tall . b_73 0 * she speaks enough clearly . b_73 1 he 's that reliable a man . b_73 0 * he 's a that reliable man . b_73 1 he 's too reliable a man . b_73 0 * he 's a too reliable man . b_73 1 he 's as reliable a man . b_73 0 * he 's an as reliable man . b_73 1 he 's so reliable a man . b_73 0 * he 's a so reliable man . b_73 0 * he 's more reliable a man . b_73 0 * he 's reliable enough a man . b_73 1 he 's a reliable enough man . b_73 1 tom was not more reliable than a grasshopper . b_73 1 tom was no more reliable than a grasshopper . b_73 0 * not more reliable a man could be found . b_73 0 * any more reliable a man could not be found . b_73 1 i do n't want trouble . b_73 0 * john is not more reliable a fellow than bill . b_73 1 john is not a more reliable fellow than bill . b_73 1 john is n't any more reliable a fellow than bill . b_73 0 * john is n't an any more reliable fellow than bill . b_73 1 john is no more reliable a fellow than bill . b_73 0 * john is a no more reliable fellow than bill . b_73 1 i have as many too many marbles as you . b_73 1 i have as many marbles too many as you . b_73 1 i have six too many marbles . b_73 1 i have six marbles too many . b_73 1 i have six more of them . b_73 0 * i have six of them more . b_73 1 i have half a dozen too many of these marbles . b_73 0 * i have half a dozen of these marbles too many . b_73 1 she writes clearly enough . b_73 1 she is as brilliant a woman as her mother . b_73 0 * she is as brilliant the woman as her mother . b_73 1 i 've never known as strong a person as louise . b_73 1 fido is a smarter dog than spot . b_73 0 * fido is the smarter dog than spot . b_73 1 what his father wants him to be is a better pool player . b_73 1 a taller man than bill is here . b_73 1 i 've never known a smarter dog than fido . b_73 1 he 's so tall a man that doors are dangerous to him . b_73 1 he 's such a tall man that doors are dangerous to him . b_73 1 he 's such a tall man . b_73 1 he 's such the tall man . b_73 1 what her mother wants her to be is such a fine surgeon that everyone will respect her . b_73 1 it was as awful a picture as it first seemed . b_73 0 * it was so awful a picture as it first seemed . b_73 1 it was n't as awful a picture as it first seemed . b_73 1 it was n't such an awful picture as it first seemed . b_73 1 it was so awful a picture that i tore it up . b_73 1 it was such an awful picture that i tore it up . b_73 1 mary is such a wit that people are afraid of her . b_73 1 sally is n't such a fool as people think . b_73 0 * sally is such a fool as people think . b_73 1 i love her so much . b_73 1 i gave her so much . b_73 0 * i gave her so . b_73 1 hilda is such a scholar . b_73 1 hilda is such a scholar that all her work is impeccable . b_73 1 hilda is such a scholar as you were speaking of just now . b_73 1 so eminent a scholar as dr. lucille hein was here . b_73 1 such an eminent scholar as dr. lucille hein was here . b_73 1 so elegant a solution as you have presented us with can elicit only admiration . b_73 1 you have presented so elegant a solution that we can only admire it . b_73 1 such a scholar as you were speaking of just now is here . b_73 0 * so much of a scholar is here . b_73 1 her mother wants mary to be such an eminent woman that everyone will respect her . b_73 1 john a decidedly taller man than bill . b_73 0 * john is a decidedly too tall man . b_73 1 that 's an obviously better solution . b_73 0 * that 's an obviously so good solution . b_73 1 she made so much better a reply . b_73 0 * she made such a much better reply . b_73 0 * she made such a better reply . b_73 0 * that 's the most kind answer that i ever heard . b_73 0 * that 's a most kind answer that i ever heard . b_73 0 * that 's a kindest answer that i ever heard . b_73 1 that 's the kindest answer that i ever heard . b_73 1 most helpful advice is unwanted . b_73 1 sally will give me more helpful advice than the advice i got from you . b_73 1 i 've never seen a man who is taller than my mother . b_73 1 i 've never seen the one man taller than my father . b_73 0 * i 've never seen the taller man than my father . b_73 0 * i 've never seen the one taller man than my father . b_73 1 john wants to come up with as good a solution as christine did . b_73 1 john wants to come up with a solution as good as christine . b_73 1 john wants to find a solution better than christine 's . b_73 1 caviar is eaten by jack more than mush . b_73 1 more caviar than mush is eaten by jack . b_73 1 jack ate more of this than he ate of that . b_73 1 the table is longer than the door is wide . b_73 1 mary 's happy about her work , and john 's happy about his children . b_73 0 * mary 's happy about her work , and john 's about his children . b_73 1 mary 's happy about her work , and john is about his children . b_73 1 mary is happy with her work , and john is with his children . b_73 1 mary 's happy with her work , and john 's with his children . b_73 0 * the table is longer than the door 's wide . b_73 1 the table is long , and the door 's wide . b_73 0 * i was happier there than i 'm here . b_73 1 i 'm sad , more than i 'm angry . b_73 0 * i 'm sadder than i 'm angry . b_73 1 i 'm more sad than angry . b_73 1 i 'm worrying , more than thinking . b_73 0 * i 'm more worrying than thinking . b_73 0 * i 'm sadder than angry . b_73 1 i 'm sad , as much as i 'm angry . b_73 1 i 'm as much sad as angry . b_73 0 * i 'm as sad as angry . b_73 1 i am angrier today that i was yesterday . b_73 1 john is taller than six feet . b_73 1 john is taller than bill . b_73 1 mary has more than two friends . b_73 0 * mary has more than just bill and pete friends . b_73 1 mary has more friends than two . b_73 1 mary has more friends than just bill and pete . b_73 1 they may grow as much as six feet high . b_73 0 * they may grow as much as bamboo high . b_73 1 they may grow as high as six feet . b_73 1 some of them made as many as 20 errors . b_73 0 * some of them made as many as joan errors . b_73 1 some of them made as many errors as joan . b_73 0 * john is taller than six feet is . b_73 1 john is taller than pete is . b_73 0 * mary has more friends that two . b_73 0 * mary has more friends than just bill and pete are . b_73 0 * john is more than five feet short . b_73 1 john is shorter than five feet . b_73 1 mary has more enemies than bill has friends . b_73 0 * mary has more than bill has friends enemies . b_73 1 mary does n't have as many too many too many as jane . b_73 1 jane has more nearly as many too many than mary . b_73 1 mary swam five more laps than joan swam . b_73 1 mary swam as many more laps than joan as linda . c_13 1 bill kissed himself . c_13 0 * bill kissed herself . c_13 1 sally kissed herself . c_13 0 * kiss himself . c_13 1 the robot kissed itself . c_13 1 she knocked herself on the head with a zucchini . c_13 0 * she knocked himself on the head with a zucchini . c_13 1 the snake flattened itself against the rock . c_13 1 the joneses think themselves the best family on the block . c_13 0 * the joneses think himself the most wealthy guy on the block . c_13 1 gary and kevin ran themselves into exhaustion . c_13 0 * gary and kevin ran himself into exhaustion . c_13 1 people from tucson think very highly of themselves . c_13 1 i gave myself the bucket of ice cream . c_13 0 * she hit myself with a hammer . c_13 1 she hit herself with a hammer . c_13 1 doug blew the building up . c_13 1 doug blew up the building . c_13 1 doug blew it up . c_13 1 doug blew up it . c_13 0 * who do you wonder what bought ? c_13 1 i wonder what fiona bought . c_13 0 * toothbrush the is blue . c_13 1 cheese mice love stinks . c_13 1 the dancing chorus line of elephants broke my television set . c_13 1 rosie loves magazine ads . c_13 1 i think rosie loves magazine ads . c_13 1 dana doubts that drew believes i think rosie loves magazine ads . c_13 1 dave left . c_13 1 dave and alina left . c_13 1 dave , dan , erin , and alina left . c_13 1 who do you think that ciaran will question first ? c_13 1 who do you think ciaran will question first ? c_13 1 who do you think will question seamus first ? c_13 0 * who do you think that will question seamus first ? c_13 1 i expect soon to see the results . c_13 1 i expect to see the results soon . c_13 1 i expect to soon see the results . c_13 0 * i expect more than to double my profits . c_13 0 * i expect to double more than my profits . c_13 0 * i expect to double my profits more than . c_13 1 i expect to more than double my profits . c_13 1 who did you see in las vegas ? c_13 1 you are taller than me . c_13 0 * my red is refrigerator . c_13 0 * who do you think that saw bill ? c_13 1 my friends wanted to quickly leave the party . c_13 0 * bunnies carrots eat . c_13 1 george sang to himself . c_13 0 * himself sang to george . c_13 1 betsy loves herself in blue leather . c_13 1 everyone should be able to defend himself . c_13 1 everyone should be able to defend herself . c_13 1 i hope nobody will hurt themselves . c_13 1 i hope nobody will hurt himself . c_13 1 do n't hit yourself ! c_13 1 she is dancing . c_13 1 they are dancing . c_13 1 the man is dancing . c_13 1 the men are dancing . c_13 1 the students met to discuss the project . c_13 1 zeke cooked and ate the chili . c_13 1 zeke ate and cooked the chili . c_13 1 he put the clothes . c_13 1 he put in the washing machine . c_13 1 i gave my brother a birthday present . c_13 1 i gave a birthday present to my brother . c_13 1 where do you guys live at ? c_13 1 it is obvious to everybody that tasha likes misha . c_13 1 the man loved peanut butter cookies . c_13 1 the puppy loved peanut butter cookies . c_13 1 the king loved peanut butter cookies . c_13 0 * the green loved peanut butter cookies . c_13 0 * the in loved peanut butter cookies . c_13 0 * the sing loved peanut butter cookies . c_13 1 john went to the store . c_13 1 the man went to the store . c_13 0 * quickly walks went to the store . c_13 0 * to the washroom kissed the blarney stone . c_13 1 the destruction of the city bothered the mongols . c_13 1 sincerity is an important quality . c_13 1 the assassination of the president . c_13 1 tucson is a great place to live . c_13 1 gabrielle 's mother is an axe murderer . c_13 1 hamsters mother attractive offspring . c_13 1 wendy 's mother country is iceland . c_13 1 louis said that parts of speech intrigued her . c_13 0 * cat ate the spider . c_13 1 the cat ate the spider . c_13 1 cats ate the spider . c_13 1 the cats ate the spider . c_13 0 * i ate apple . c_13 1 i ate the apple . c_13 1 i ate sugar . c_13 1 i ate the sugar . c_13 1 he is filled with sincerity . c_13 1 i doubt his sincerity . c_13 1 the dastardly surgeon stole the physician 's lunch . c_13 1 i asked the question . c_13 1 i asked if you knew the answer . c_13 1 i hit the ball . c_13 1 i spared him the trouble . c_13 0 * i put the box the book . c_13 1 i put the book in the box . c_13 1 i gave the box to leah . c_13 1 i gave leah the box . c_13 1 i told daniel the story . c_13 1 i told daniel that the exam was cancelled . c_13 1 i told the story to daniel . c_13 1 the canadian government uses a parliamentary system of democracy . c_13 1 the canadian bought himself a barbecue . c_13 1 the prudish linguist did n't enjoy looking at the internet . c_13 1 we keep those censored copies of the book hidden to protect the sensibilities of the prudish . c_13 1 susan bought some flowers for her mother . c_13 1 susan bought some flowers for her birthday . c_13 0 * susan bought her birthday some flowers . c_13 1 i gave blood . c_13 1 i do n't give a darn . c_13 1 andy gives freely of his time . c_13 1 dan gave his life . c_13 1 dan gives to charity . c_13 1 sorry , i gave last week . c_13 1 the student loved his phonology readings . c_13 1 i saw these dancers and those musicians smoking something . c_13 1 i am drinking lemonade and eating a brownie . c_13 1 we went through the woods and over the bridge . c_13 1 the man whose car i hit last week sued me . c_13 1 the big man from ny has often said that he gave peanuts to elephants . c_13 1 the man killed the king with the knife . c_13 1 we ate at a really fancy restaurant . c_13 0 * we ate at . c_13 1 big bowls of beans are what i like . c_13 1 the big boy was kissed by the drooling dog . c_13 1 the drooling dog kissed the big boy . c_13 1 john and the man went to the store . c_13 0 * john and very blue went to the store . c_13 1 bruce loved and kelly hated phonology class . c_13 0 * the with milk coffee is hot . c_13 1 the kangaroo hopped over the truck . c_13 1 i have n't seen this sentence before . c_13 1 susan will never sing at weddings . c_13 1 the officer carefully inspected the license . c_13 1 every cat always knows the location of her favorite catnip toy . c_13 1 the cat put her catnip toy on the plastic mat . c_13 1 the very young child walked from school to the store . c_13 1 john paid a dollar for a head of lettuce . c_13 1 teenagers drive rather quickly . c_13 1 a clever magician with the right equipment can fool the audience easily . c_13 1 the police might plant the drugs in the apartment . c_13 1 those olympic hopefuls should practice diligently daily . c_13 1 the latest research on dieting always warns people about the dangers of too much cholesterol . c_13 1 that annoying faucet was dripping constantly for months . c_13 1 marian wonders if the package from boston will ever arrive . c_13 1 i said that bonny should do some dances from the middle east . c_13 1 that dan smokes in the office really bothers alina . c_13 1 the belief that syntactic theory reveals the inner structure of sentences emboldened the already much too cocky professor . c_13 1 i bought the parrot in the store . c_13 1 i put the milk in the fridge . c_13 1 i mailed the sweater to mary . c_13 1 i knew the man with the brown hair . c_13 1 john said mary went to the store quickly . c_13 1 i discovered an old english poem . c_13 1 susanne gave the minivan to george . c_13 1 clyde got a passionate love letter from stacy . c_13 1 he blew out the candle . c_13 1 he turned off the light . c_13 1 he blew up the building . c_13 1 he rode out the storm . c_13 0 * shannon kissed quietly the kitten . c_13 1 shannon left quietly every day . c_13 1 juliet says that romeo lies to his parents a lot . c_13 1 the puppy licked the kitten 's face . c_13 1 it is raining . c_13 1 fred feels fine . c_13 1 that bill 's breath smells of onions bothers erin . c_13 1 susan kissed the clown 's nose . c_13 1 cedric danced a jolly jig . c_13 1 dale said that the lawn was overgrown . c_13 1 gilgamesh cut the steak with a knife . c_13 1 we drove all the way to buenos aires . c_13 1 john tagged lewis with a regulation baseball on tuesday . c_13 1 the big man from new york loves bagels with cream cheese . c_13 1 susan rode a bright blue train from new york . c_13 1 the plucky platypus kicked a can of soup from new york to tucson . c_13 1 john said martha sang the aria with gusto . c_13 1 martha said john sang the aria from la bohème . c_13 1 the book of poems with the bright red cover stinks . c_13 1 louis hinted mary stole the purse deftly . c_13 1 the extremely tired students hated syntactic trees with a passion . c_13 1 many soldiers have claimed bottled water satisfies thirst best . c_13 1 networking helps you grow your business . c_13 1 i did n't read a single book the whole time i was in the library . c_13 1 i did not have a red cent . c_13 1 felicia wrote a fine paper on zapotec . c_13 1 heidi hit herself on the head with a zucchini . c_13 0 * herself hit heidi on the head with a zucchini . c_13 1 heidi believes any description of herself . c_13 1 john knew that there would be a picture of himself hanging in the post . c_13 1 although he loves marshmallows , john is not a big fan of chocolate . c_13 1 his yearbook picture gives tom the creeps . c_13 1 marilyn monroe is norma jeane baker . c_13 1 gene simmons was originally named haim goldberg . c_13 1 kevin ate spaghetti with a spoon and geordie did so too . c_13 1 the chef eats beans and serves salads with forks . c_13 1 i am frightened of tigers . c_13 1 i am afraid of tigers . c_13 1 i am fond of circus performers . c_13 1 i fear tigers . c_13 1 i like circus performers . c_13 1 i am afraid of tigers and fond of clowns without exception . c_13 1 i am frightened of tigers and fond of clowns without exception . c_13 1 bob is very serious about mary , but less so than paul . c_13 1 the book of poems with a red cover from blackwell by robert burns takes a very long time to read . c_13 1 the book of poems with a red cover from blackwell by robert burns takes a very long time to read . c_13 1 the book of poems from blackwell with a red cover by robert burns takes a very long time to read . c_13 1 the book of poems from blackwell by robert burns with a red cover takes a very long time to read . c_13 1 the book of poems by robert burns from blackwell with a red cover takes a very long time to read . c_13 1 the book of poems by robert burns with a red cover from blackwell takes a very long time to read . c_13 1 the book of poems with a red cover by robert burns from blackwell takes a very long time to read . c_13 0 * the book with a red cover of poems from blackwell by robert burns takes a very long time to read . c_13 0 * the book with a red cover from blackwell of poems by robert burns takes a very long time to read . c_13 0 * the book with a red cover from blackwell by robert burns of poems takes a very long time to read . c_13 1 the book of poems with a red cover and with a blue spine takes a very long time to read . c_13 1 the book of poems and of fiction from blackwell takes a very long time to read . c_13 0 * the one of poems with a red cover takes a very long time to read . c_13 1 i loved the policeman intensely with all my heart . c_13 0 * i loved intensely the policeman with all my heart . c_13 0 * i loved the policeman the baker intensely with all my heart . c_13 1 mika loved the policeman intensely and susan did so half heartedly . c_13 0 * susan did so the baker . c_13 1 john fears dogs . c_13 1 john is afraid of dogs . c_13 1 two or three books take a very long time to read . c_13 0 * two or boring books take a very long time to read . c_13 1 the red dress with the pink stripes looks good on sandy . c_13 1 the ugly man from brazil found books of poems in the puddle . c_13 1 erin never keeps her pencils in the correct drawer . c_13 1 dan walked to new mexico in the rain last year . c_13 1 george wrote a volume of poems in latin for jane . c_13 1 people with boxes of old clothes lined up behind the door of the building with the leaky roof . c_13 1 that automobile factories abound in michigan worries me greatly . c_13 1 no one understands that phrase structure rules explain the little understood phenomenon of the infinite length of sentences . c_13 1 my favorite language is a language with simple morphology and complicated syntax . c_13 1 ivan got a headache on wednesday from the disgruntled students of phonology from michigan . c_13 1 the collection of syntax articles with the red cover bores students of syntax in tucson . c_13 1 the red volume of obscene verse from italy shocked the puritan soul of the minister with the beard quite thoroughly yesterday . c_13 1 the biggest man in the room said that john danced an irish jig from county kerry to county tipperary on thursday . c_13 1 a burlap sack of potatoes with mealy skins fell on the professor of linguistics with the terrible taste in t-shirts from the twelfth story . c_13 1 the bright green filing cabinet was filled to the brim with the most boring articles from a prestigious journal of linguistics with a moderately large readership . c_13 1 the coat of the panther is dark black . c_13 1 the roof of the building is leaking . c_13 1 the hat of the man standing over there impressed me greatly . c_13 1 the panther 's coat is dark black . c_13 1 the building 's roof is leaking . c_13 1 the man standing over there 's hat impressed me greatly . c_13 0 * the man 's standing over there hat impressed me greatly . c_13 0 * the man standing over there 's the hat impressed me greatly . c_13 1 the boy ran . c_13 1 howard is a linguistics student . c_13 1 peter said that danny danced . c_13 1 bill wants susan to leave . c_13 1 peter thinks that cathy loves him . c_13 1 people selling their stocks caused the crash of 1929 . c_13 1 for mary to love that boor is a travesty . c_13 1 i said that mary signed my yearbook . c_13 1 i want mary to sign my yearbook . c_13 1 i 've never seen you eat asparagus . c_13 1 i know you ate asparagus . c_13 0 * i 've never seen you ate asparagus . c_13 0 * i 've never seen him eats asparagus . c_13 1 i 've never seen him eat asparagus . c_13 1 i think that he eats asparagus . c_13 1 i want to eat asparagus . c_13 1 i want him to eat asparagus . c_13 1 i wonder if he eats asparagus . c_13 1 for him to eat asparagus is a travesty . c_13 1 i asked for him to eat the asparagus . c_13 1 i think he will eat asparagus . c_13 1 fabio asked if claus had run a marathon . c_13 0 * fabio asked if had claus run a marathon . c_13 0 * fabio asked had if claus run a marathon . c_13 1 you can lead a horse to water but will it drink ? c_13 1 he will go . c_13 1 he goes . c_13 1 the peanut butter has got moldy . c_13 1 the swing blasted the golf ball across the green . c_13 1 that harry loves dancing is evidenced by his shiny tap shoes . c_13 1 the brazilians pumped the oil across the river . c_13 1 lenin believes the tsar to be a power hungry dictator . c_13 1 brezhnev had said for andropov to leave . c_13 1 yeltsin saw stalin holding the bag . c_13 1 robert thinks that students should eat asparagus . c_13 1 robert thinks that student should eat asparagus . c_13 1 linguistics students like phonetics tutorials . c_13 1 martha said that bill loved his cheerios in the morning . c_13 1 eloise wants you to study a new language . assume to = t . c_13 1 for maurice to quarrel with joel frightened maggie . c_13 1 no man has ever beaten the centaur . c_13 0 * some man has ever beaten the centaur . c_13 0 * every man has ever beaten the centaur . c_13 1 rosemary hates new york . c_13 0 * rosemary hates . c_13 1 jennie smiled . c_13 0 * jennie smiled the microwave . c_13 1 traci gave the whale a lollipop . c_13 0 * traci gave the whale . c_13 0 * traci gave a lollipop . c_13 1 ryan hit andrew . c_13 1 michael accidentally broke the glass . c_13 1 leah likes cookies . c_13 1 lorenzo saw the eclipse . c_13 1 syntax frightens kenny . c_13 1 alyssa kept her syntax book . c_13 1 the arrow hit ben . c_13 1 the psychologist hates phonology . c_13 1 doug went to chicago . c_13 1 dave was given the margarita mix . c_13 1 george gave jessica the book . c_13 1 daniel received a scolding from hanna . c_13 1 bob gave steve the syntax assignment . c_13 1 stacy came directly from linguistics class . c_13 1 andrew is in tucson 's finest apartment . c_13 1 chris hacked the computer apart with an axe . c_13 1 this key will open the door to the linguistics building . c_13 1 he bought these flowers for aaron . c_13 1 she cooked matt dinner . c_13 0 * john placed the flute . c_13 1 john put the book on the table . c_13 1 john put the book on the table with a pair of tongs . c_13 1 megan loves kevin . c_13 0 * megan loves . c_13 0 * megan loves jason . c_13 1 it rained . c_13 1 it snowed . c_13 1 it hailed . c_13 1 that bill loves chocolate is likely . c_13 1 it is likely that bill likes chocolate . c_13 1 i put a book on it . c_13 1 it bit me on the leg . c_13 1 shannon sent dan an email . c_13 1 stacy hit a baseball to julia . c_13 1 jaime danced a jig . c_13 1 yuko rubbed the pizza with a garlic clove . c_13 1 it is raining in san francisco . c_13 1 the stodgy professor left with his teaching assistant . c_13 1 i played a tune on my ipod . c_13 1 molly gave calvin a kiss . c_13 1 mercedes gave a test to the students in the lecture hall . c_13 1 spot ate a cat treat . c_13 1 susan ate yesterday at the restaurant . c_13 1 gwen looked at a fire truck . c_13 1 michael asked a question . c_13 1 adam asked if hyacinth likes pineapples . c_13 1 i feel it is unfortunate that television is so vulgar these days . c_13 1 that angus hates sushi is mysterious . c_13 0 * jennie smiled the sandwich . c_13 0 * placed the flute on the table . c_13 0 * john placed on the table . c_13 0 * john placed the flute the violin on the table . c_13 0 * the rock placed the sky with the fork . c_13 0 * john placed the flute the table . c_13 1 john bit the apple . c_13 1 susan forgave louis . c_13 1 the jockey rides the horse . c_13 1 phillip gave the soldier the medal . c_13 1 the apple was bitten . c_13 1 louis was forgiven . c_13 1 the horse was ridden . c_13 1 the medal was given to the soldier . c_13 1 the soldier was given the medal . c_13 1 the apple was bitten by john . c_13 1 louis was forgiven by susan . c_13 1 the horse was ridden by the jockey . c_13 1 the medal was given to the soldier by phillip . c_13 1 the soldier was given the medal by phillip . c_13 1 i ate a basket of apples . c_13 1 i ate . c_13 1 i think that john likes his beer . c_13 1 i think john likes his beer . c_13 0 * i think for john to like his beer . c_13 0 * i think if john likes his beer . c_13 1 i ordered that john drink his beer . c_13 1 i ordered john drink his beer . c_13 0 * i ordered for john to drink his beer . c_13 1 i ordered john to drink his beer . c_13 0 * i ordered if john drink his beer . c_13 0 * i inquired that john like his beer . c_13 0 * i inquired john likes his beer . c_13 0 * i inquired for john to like his beer . c_13 0 * i inquired john to like his beer . c_13 1 i inquired if john likes his beer . c_13 1 heidi thinks that andy is eating salmon flavored candy bars . c_13 1 heidi thinks that andy has eaten salmon flavored candy bars . c_13 1 heidi thinks that andy will eat salmon flavored candy bars . c_13 1 heidi thinks that andy eats salmon flavored candy bars . c_13 1 heidi thinks that the salmon flavored candy bars were eaten . c_13 1 he has danced . c_13 1 i had eaten the deep fried muffins . c_13 1 i have eaten the beef waffles . c_13 1 i will have eaten the beef waffles . c_13 1 jeff was dancing with sylvia while amy sat angrily at their table . c_13 1 the soup had been being eaten when it got spilled . c_13 1 jeff must have eaten the deep fried muffin . c_13 0 * jeff has must eaten the deep fried muffin . c_13 1 jeff must not have eaten the deep fried muffin . c_13 0 * jeff not must have eaten the deep fried muffin . c_13 1 calvin has a peanut . c_13 1 susan has a cold . c_13 1 bill had an accident . c_13 1 calvin has eaten a peanut . c_13 1 frank has drunk too much . c_13 1 bill has been dancing . c_13 1 dane is a doctor . c_13 1 jorge was the one . c_13 1 alex was eating the popsicle . c_13 1 megan was sat on by her brother . c_13 1 catherine did her homework . c_13 1 catherine did not eat . c_13 1 calvin did not do a back flip . c_13 1 has bill eaten his tuna ? c_13 1 is bill eating his tuna ? c_13 1 did bill eat his dinner ? c_13 0 * ate bill his dinner ? c_13 0 * has calvin a bowl ? c_13 1 angus is not leaving . c_13 1 calvin has not eaten his dinner . c_13 1 spot did not play with his mouse . c_13 0 * calvin ate not his dinner . c_13 0 * calvin has not any catnip . c_13 0 * angus did not his homework . c_13 1 i should not eat plums . c_13 0 * i have not should eat plums . c_13 0 * i must can eat plums . c_13 0 * i have should eat plums . c_13 0 * i want to should eat plums . c_13 1 calvin will not eat the beef waffles . c_13 0 * calvin not will eat the beef waffles . c_13 0 * calvin could will eat the beef waffles . c_13 0 * calvin will could eat the beef waffles . c_13 1 i ate deep fried muffins . c_13 1 he always eats deep fried muffins . c_13 0 * i might ate deep fried muffins . c_13 0 * he always might eats deep fried muffins . c_13 1 he might eat deep fried muffins . c_13 1 i might eat deep fried muffins . c_13 1 he will eat deep fried muffins . c_13 0 * he will eats deep fried muffins . c_13 1 sylvia will be slapping jeff upside the head in martial arts class . c_13 1 sylvia could be slapping jeff upside the head in martial arts class . c_13 1 sylvia is slapping jeff upside the head in martial arts class . c_13 1 the cat had eaten . c_13 1 the cat had been eating . c_13 1 the tuna had been eaten . c_13 0 * the cat had haven eaten . c_13 1 the cat was leaving . c_13 1 the tuna was being eaten . c_13 0 * the cat was being eating . c_13 0 * the cat was having eaten . c_13 1 the cake was eaten . c_13 0 * the cake was been eating . c_13 0 * the cake was have eaten . c_13 1 reggie did not chase the ball . c_13 1 did calvin eat the beef waffles ? c_13 1 what did calvin eat ? c_13 0 * john must not do have eaten . c_13 0 * john must do not have eaten . c_13 1 the prisoner must have been being interrogated when the supervisor walked into the room and saw what was going on and put a stop to it . c_13 1 fiona must not eat the sauteed candy canes . c_13 1 fiona has not eaten the sauteed candy canes . c_13 1 can fiona eat sauteed candy canes ? c_13 0 * i wanted that he should leave . c_13 0 * i wanted he should leave . c_13 0 * i wanted if he should leave . c_13 1 i wanted him to leave . c_13 1 i wanted to leave . c_13 0 * heidi investigated that john ate the cauliflower . c_13 0 * heidi investigated john ate the cauliflower . c_13 1 heidi investigated whether john ate the cauliflower . c_13 1 heidi investigated if john ate the cauliflower . c_13 0 * heidi investigated john to eat the cauliflower . c_13 0 * heidi investigated to eat the cauliflower . c_13 1 john said heidi was obsessed with broccoli . c_13 0 * john said if heidi was obsessed with broccoli . c_13 0 * john said heidi to eat the broccoli . c_13 1 andy promised that we would go . c_13 1 andy promised we would go . c_13 0 * andy promised if we would go . c_13 0 * andy promised us to go . c_13 1 andy promised to go . c_13 1 if i were a rich man , i 'd buy a diamond ring . c_13 0 * if he is a rich man , he 'd buy a diamond ring . c_13 1 rory eats . c_13 1 rory ate muffins . c_13 1 the muffins were eaten . c_13 1 rory had eaten the muffins . c_13 1 rory has eaten the muffins . c_13 1 rory must have eaten the muffins . c_13 1 rory may be eating the muffins . c_13 1 rory will eat the muffins . c_13 1 rory eats muffins . c_13 1 rory is eating muffins . c_13 1 rory might have been eating the muffins . c_13 1 the muffins might have been being eaten . c_13 1 the tuna had been being eaten . c_13 1 calvin will eat . c_13 1 the tuna will be eaten . c_13 1 calvin will be eating . c_13 1 calvin will have eaten . c_13 1 the tuna will be being eaten . c_13 1 the tuna will have been eaten . c_13 1 calvin will have been eating . c_13 1 calvin was eating . c_13 1 calvin had eaten . c_13 1 calvin had been eating . c_13 1 the tuna must have been eaten . c_13 1 the tuna will have been being eaten . c_13 1 he has not eaten yet today . c_13 1 i have never seen this movie . c_13 1 i never have a pen when i need it . c_13 1 i have always loved peanut butter . c_13 1 i do not love peanut butter . c_13 1 martha often thinks kim hates phonology . c_13 1 do you like peanut butter ? c_13 1 have you always hated peanut butter ? c_13 1 are you always thinking dirty thoughts ? c_13 1 bradley left . c_13 1 stacy left tucson . c_13 1 john left his wife . c_13 0 * i want bradley that left . c_13 0 * john thinks that left . c_13 1 that john will leave is likely . c_13 1 it is likely that john will leave . c_13 1 the policeman kissed the puppy . c_13 1 the puppy was kissed by the policeman . c_13 1 the puppy was kissed . c_13 1 john laughed . c_13 1 the audience laughed . c_13 0 * bill is likely john to hit . c_13 0 * it was kissed the puppy . c_13 1 jennifer swatted steve . c_13 1 steve swatted jennifer . c_13 1 she swatted him . c_13 1 he swatted her . c_13 1 i walk . c_13 1 you walk . c_13 1 it is likely that patrick left . c_13 1 that patrick left is likely . c_13 0 * patrick is likely that left . c_13 0 * it is likely patrick to leave . c_13 0 * patrick to leave is likely . c_13 1 patrick is likely to leave . c_13 1 he kissed her . c_13 1 she was kissed . c_13 0 * she was kissed him . c_13 0 * it was kissed her . c_13 1 stacy danced at the palace . c_13 1 stacy arrived at the palace . c_13 0 * there danced three men at the palace . c_13 0 * there arrived three men at the palace . c_13 0 * it seems sonny to love cher . c_13 0 * bill was bitten the dog . c_13 0 * donny is likely that left . c_13 1 the shah slept in a bed . c_13 1 the bed was slept in by the shah . c_13 1 dust fell on the bed . c_13 0 * the bed was fallen on by the dust . c_13 1 bill was hit by the baseball . c_13 0 * was been hit by bill by the baseball . c_13 1 bill gave sue the book . c_13 1 sue was given the book by bill . c_13 0 * the book was been given by bill by sue . c_13 1 i cut the soft bread . c_13 1 the soft bread cuts easily . c_13 1 the boat sank . c_13 1 the torpedo sank the boat . c_13 1 the captain sank the boat . c_13 1 the captain sank the boat with a torpedo . c_13 0 * was sunk by the boat . c_13 1 the boat was sunk by the captain with a torpedo . c_13 1 i sent a book to louis . c_13 1 i sent louis a book . c_13 1 a book was sent to louis . c_13 0 * louis was sent a book to . c_13 0 * to louis was sent a book . c_13 1 louis was sent a book . c_13 0 * a book was sent louis . c_13 1 john seems to have left . c_13 1 bill wants john to leave . c_13 1 john wants bill to leave . c_13 1 john wants him to leave . c_13 1 john believes him to have been at the game . c_13 1 he is believed by john to have been at the game . c_13 1 he is believed to have been at the game . c_13 1 becky bought the syntax book . c_13 1 what did becky buy ? c_13 1 what did stacy say becky bought ? c_13 1 matt kissed her . c_13 1 whom did matt kiss ? c_13 1 i wonder who jim kissed . c_13 1 the fact that i like strawberry flavored milk shakes is none of your business . c_13 1 she made the outrageous claim that tuna flavored milkshakes are good for you . c_13 1 i asked where you found it . c_13 1 i wo n't reveal the place . c_13 1 i asked who she kissed . c_13 1 i know several people who she kissed . c_13 1 i know several people she kissed . c_13 1 i know several people that she kissed . c_13 1 i know i bought the book you recommended . c_13 1 i know i bought the book that you recommended . c_13 1 the guy who is wearing the red hat just hit me ! c_13 1 that guy , who i think might be drunk , just hit me ! c_13 0 * the man , who i think might be drunk , that is escaping hit me . c_13 1 what did bill claim that he read ? c_13 1 what do you think matt kissed ? c_13 0 * what did bill make the claim that he read in the syntax book ? c_13 0 * which cake did you see the man who baked ? c_13 1 i wonder what john bought . c_13 1 how do you think john bought the sweater ? c_13 0 * how do you wonder what john bought ? c_13 1 how do you think john bought what ? c_13 1 i wonder what john bought how . c_13 1 i wonder what john kissed . c_13 0 * who did you wonder what kissed ? c_13 1 i asked what john kissed . c_13 1 that the police would arrest several rioters was a certainty . c_13 1 i liked mary and john . c_13 0 * who did you like and john ? c_13 1 i ate some popcorn and drank some soda . c_13 0 * what did you eat some popcorn and drink ? c_13 1 who loves who ? c_13 1 who loves whom ? c_13 1 shelly loves who ? c_13 1 fred saw a spaceship in the linguistics lounge ? c_13 1 what is bothering you ? c_13 1 who has seen my snorkel ? c_13 1 how was the plot discovered by the authorities ? c_13 1 which animals appear to have lost their collars ? c_13 1 what did jean think was likely to have been stolen ? c_13 1 car sales have surprised the stockbrokers . c_13 1 can you find the light bulb store ? c_13 1 john was bitten by an advertising executive . c_13 1 it is likely that tami will leave new york . c_13 1 tami is likely to leave new york . c_13 1 lucy seems to have been mugged . c_13 1 what did you buy at the supermarket ? c_13 1 what is it likely for beth to have bought at the supermarket ? c_13 1 what is likely to have been bought at the supermarket ? c_13 1 the trail we walked today was built by slave labor . c_13 1 bill is always complaining about the guys who work near him . c_13 1 the cost of bagels that are imported from iceland surprised the teacher who mike hired last week . c_13 0 * josh gave clay carefully a book . c_13 1 josh gave clay a book carefully . c_13 1 briana showed justin himself . c_13 0 * briana showed himself justin . c_13 1 i blew up the building . c_13 1 i blew the building up . c_13 0 * i blew up it . c_13 1 i blew it up . c_13 1 susan sent the package to heidi . c_13 1 i asked mike if he had seen the yeti . c_13 1 i bought some flowers for manuel . c_13 1 i bought manuel some flowers . c_13 1 jean is likely to leave . c_13 1 jean is reluctant to leave . c_13 0 * jean is likely . c_13 1 jean wants brian to leave . c_13 1 jean persuaded brian to leave . c_13 1 that jean left is likely . c_13 1 it is likely that jean left . c_13 0 * is likely jean to leave . c_13 0 * it is reluctant that jean left . c_13 0 * that jean left is reluctant . c_13 1 jean is likely to dance . c_13 1 the cat is out of the bag . c_13 1 the cat thinks that he is out of the bag . c_13 0 * is likely to jean dance . c_13 1 it is likely that jean will dance . c_13 1 jean wants robert . c_13 1 jean wants him . c_13 0 * i want she to dance . c_13 1 i want jean . c_13 1 i want jean to dance . c_13 1 jean wants herself to dance . c_13 1 jean is reluctant . c_13 1 to find a new mate , go to a dating service . c_13 1 jean tried to behave . c_13 1 robert knows that it is essential to be well behaved . c_13 1 robert knows that it is essential . c_13 1 robert knows it is essential that he is well behaved . c_13 1 louis begged kate to leave . c_13 0 * louis begged kate that she leave her job . c_13 0 * louis begged kate to shave himself . c_13 1 louis begged kate that he be allowed to shave himself . c_13 1 to behave oneself in public is expected . c_13 1 robert knew that it was necessary to behave himself . c_13 1 mike expected greg incorrectly to take out the trash . c_13 1 the boys do n't all want to leave . c_13 1 robert is eager to do his homework . c_13 1 jean seems to be in a good mood . c_13 1 rosemary tried to get a new car . c_13 1 susan begged bill to let her sing in the concert . c_13 1 susan begged to be allowed to sing in the concert . c_13 1 christina is ready to leave . c_13 1 fred was believed to have wanted to try to dance . c_13 1 susan consented to try to seem to have been kissed . c_13 1 alan told me who wanted to seem to be invincible . c_13 1 what did john want to eat ? c_13 1 this book is easy to read . c_13 1 john is easy to please . c_13 1 to improve myself is a goal for next year . c_13 1 to improve yourself would be a good idea . c_13 1 to improve himself , bruce should consider therapy . c_13 1 to improve herself , jane went to a health spa . c_13 1 kathleen really hates her job . c_13 1 my brother likes collecting jazz records . c_13 1 martina is deathly afraid of spiders . c_13 1 that kind of behavior annoys me . c_13 1 the news pleased the students . c_13 1 horror films disturb milo . c_13 1 the exhibition really impressed the critics . c_13 1 kathleen hates those pictures of herself . c_13 1 the children admired photos of each other . c_13 1 sandra hates reading about herself in the tabloids . c_13 1 pictures of himself always disturb milo . c_13 1 to be able to buy myself a ticket to france would be a dream . c_13 1 reading about herself in the tabloids always annoys sandra . c_13 1 brandon has been reading more novels than he has short stories . c_13 1 robin will eat cabbage but she wo n't ice cream . c_13 1 john could bake something , but i 'm not sure what . c_13 1 frank will eat an apple and morgan will too . c_13 1 frank will eat an apple and morgan will eat an apple too . c_13 1 calvin will strike himself . c_13 1 calvin will strike himself and otto will too . c_13 1 calvin will strike himself and otto will strike himself too . c_13 1 calvin has dated every girl who jeff has . c_13 1 calvin has dated every girl who jeff has dated . c_13 1 i know which guys you 've dated , but i do n't know which guys you have n't . c_13 0 * which language do you want to hire someone who speaks ? c_13 0 * they want to hire someone who speaks a balkan language , but i do n't know which language . c_13 1 calvin will fire someone today , but i do n't know who . c_13 1 peter was talking with someone but i do n't know who . c_13 1 brandon read every book that megan did . c_13 1 every book that megan did brandon read too . c_13 1 darin has eaten more squid than john has octopus . c_13 1 what does calvin like . c_13 1 alexandra wants to catch a fish and sylvia does too . c_13 1 calvin admired himself in the mirror . c_13 0 * chris said that himself was sad . c_13 1 chris wants himself to win . c_13 1 which pictures of himself did chris see in the gallery ? c_13 1 chris liked which pictures of himself ? c_13 1 which pictures of himself did chris like ? c_13 0 * heidi believes bill 's description of herself . c_13 1 heidi thinks that she has won . c_13 1 heidi thinks that pictures of herself are beautiful . c_13 1 heidi gave a present to herself . c_13 1 the army 's destruction of the palace was a tragedy . c_13 1 the army destroyed the palace . c_13 1 heidi wants to kiss herself . c_13 0 * heidi believes john 's description of herself . c_13 0 * heidi dislikes the tv 's depiction of herself . c_13 1 heidi said that pictures of herself were embarrassing . c_13 0 * heidi said that bill 's pictures of herself were embarrassing . c_13 0 * chris said that himself was angry . c_13 1 heidi saw peter 's picture of her . c_13 1 heidi saw drawings of her . c_13 1 john loves himself . c_13 1 john loves pictures of himself . c_13 0 * john loves mary 's pictures of himself . c_13 0 * john thinks that mary 's depiction of himself is wrong . c_13 1 john thinks that most depictions of himself are wrong . c_13 1 john seems to like pictures of himself . c_13 1 john believes himself to be the best at baseball . c_13 1 john wants to congratulate himself . c_13 0 * john loves him . c_13 1 john loves his puppy . c_13 1 john asked if the unflattering description of his work would be published in the paper . c_13 1 john asked if his essay would be published in the paper . d_98 1 any owl can hunt mice . d_98 0 * john talked to any woman . d_98 0 * any woman contributed to the fund . d_98 1 john talked to any woman who came up to him . d_98 1 any woman who heard the news contributed to the fund . d_98 1 any man who saw the fly in the food did n't eat dinner . d_98 1 you may pick any flower . d_98 0 * you must pick any flower . d_98 1 any pilot could be flying this plane . d_98 0 * any pilot must be flying this plane . d_98 1 any student must work hard . d_98 1 any doctor will tell you that . d_98 1 any soldier should be prepared to die for her country . d_98 1 john talked to a woman . d_98 1 john did n't talk to a woman . d_98 1 john kissed even the ugliest woman . d_98 1 john kissed even the ugliest woman who came up to him . d_98 1 a lion is usually majestic . d_98 0 * any lion is usually majestic . d_98 1 a philosopher is sometimes wrong . d_98 1 any philosopher is sometimes wrong . d_98 1 you must pick a flower . d_98 1 a pilot must be flying this plane . d_98 1 a student must work hard . d_98 1 a soldier should be prepared to die for her country . d_98 1 rarely is any lion majestic . d_98 1 seldom is any lion majestic . d_98 1 never is any lion majestic . d_98 0 * usually , any lion is majestic . d_98 0 * often , any lion is majestic . d_98 0 * always , any lion is majestic . d_98 1 you may pick absolutely any flower . d_98 1 you may pick almost any flower . d_98 1 almost any pilot could be flying this plane . d_98 1 absolutely any pilot could be flying this plane . d_98 1 you may pick any flower except the rose . d_98 1 any pilot except sue could be flying this plane . d_98 1 john talked to absolutely any woman who came up to him . d_98 1 john talked to almost any woman who came up to him . d_98 1 john talked to any woman who came up to him except sue . d_98 1 john put carrots from his garden in the salad . d_98 1 john put any carrot from his garden in the salad . d_98 1 john talked to a woman who came up to him . d_98 1 a woman who heard the news contributed to the fund . d_98 1 a man who saw the fly in the food did n't eat dinner . d_98 1 john talked to every woman who came up to him . d_98 1 every woman who heard the news contributed to the fund . d_98 1 every man who saw the fly in the food did n't eat dinner . d_98 1 john talked to every woman . d_98 1 mary regretted that she did anything to help him . d_98 0 * mary talked to any man or any woman . d_98 1 every student who is in mary 's class is working on polarity items . d_98 1 it happens to be true of every student in mary 's class that he is working on polarity items . d_98 1 every student in mary 's class , by virtue of being in her class , is working on polarity items . d_98 1 every student in mary 's class happened to vote republican . d_98 1 every woman standing under that tree is mary 's friend . d_98 1 the president thanked every soldier who had fought in the . d_98 1 everybody who attended last week 's huge rally signed the petition . d_98 1 we did n't keep a list of the names , but the president thanked every soldier who had fought in the gulf war . d_98 0 * every student in mary 's class , whoever they were , happened to vote republican . d_98 0 * every woman standing under that tree , whoever she may be , is mary 's friend . d_98 0 * any student in mary 's class happened to vote . d_98 0 * any woman standing under that tree is mary 's friend . d_98 1 the president thanked any soldier who had fought in the gulf . d_98 1 every restaurant that advertises in any of these papers happens to have four stars in the handbook . d_98 1 everybody who is in mary 's semantics seminar is writing a paper on polarity items . d_98 1 john talked to any woman at the party . d_98 1 john talked to any politician who is powerful . d_98 0 * john talked to any powerful politician . d_98 1 mary confidently answered any objections . d_98 1 after the dinner , we threw away any leftovers . d_98 0 * john bought any picture of queen elizabeth . d_98 1 john bought any picture of queen elizabeth that was on sale . d_98 1 every philosopher is sometimes wrong , but he usually does n't admit it . d_98 0 * any lion is generally majestic . d_98 0 * any lion is rare . d_98 1 any female tiger has orange fur , marked with black stripes . d_98 1 birds fly . d_98 1 any bird flies . d_98 1 all fugitives are in jail now . d_98 1 all lizards will die . d_98 0 * yesterday john talked to any woman . d_98 1 yesterday john talked to any woman he saw . d_98 1 snow is white and snow is not white . d_98 1 any man did n't eat dinner . d_98 1 mary talks to any student . d_98 0 * mary talked to any angry student . d_98 1 mary talked to any student who was angry . d_98 0 * mary talked to any actual student . d_98 0 * any pilot on duty today must be flying this plane . d_98 1 any pilot must be out flying planes today . d_98 1 every student read any book on giraffes he found . d_98 0 * you must pick any flower in this bed . d_98 1 you may pick any of the flowers . d_98 0 * you must pick any of the flowers . d_98 0 * mary picked any of the flowers . d_98 1 you may pick every flower . d_98 1 you may pick any flower , but leave a few for mary . d_98 1 you may pick any five flowers . d_98 1 mary did n't pick any of the flowers . d_98 1 pick any flower . d_98 1 confiscate any liquor . d_98 1 pick any of these flowers . d_98 0 * confiscate any of this liquor . d_98 0 * mary did n't see almost every flower . d_98 0 * mary did n't see almost any flower . d_98 1 every student in mary 's class is working on negative polarity . d_98 1 there were twenty students at the lecture and every student who was there said it was inspiring . d_98 0 * there were twenty students at the lecture and any student who was there said it was inspiring . d_98 1 we have many graduate students but this year the graduate director met with every student in the graduate program individually to discuss their progress . d_98 0 * we have many graduate students but this year the graduate director met with any student in the graduate program individually to discuss their progress . d_98 1 susan found every book she had been looking for at borders . d_98 0 * susan found any book she had been looking for at borders . d_98 1 paul has interviewed every student who was at the scene of the crime and kate has interviewed them too . d_98 0 * paul has interviewed any student who was at the scene of the crime and kate has interviewed them too . d_98 0 * professor smith would support sue and prof jones bill . d_98 1 there is every book by chomsky in this library . d_98 0 * there is any book by chomsky in this library . d_98 1 there 's everything mary had asked for in this store . d_98 0 * there 's anything mary had asked for in this store . d_98 1 there is any book you could imagine in this library . d_98 1 there 's anything mary could desire in this store . d_98 1 that evening john laughed with everybody he talked to . d_98 1 that evening john laughed with anybody he talked to . d_98 1 john talked to everybody who came up to him at the party . d_98 1 john talked to anybody who came up to him at the party . d_98 1 bill offered mary everything he had cooked for dinner . d_98 0 * bill offered mary anything he had cooked for dinner . d_98 1 those days bill offered mary everything he cooked . d_98 1 those days bill offered mary anything he cooked . d_98 1 john made a fool of himself in front of everyone who was there . d_98 1 john made a fool of himself in front of anyone who was there . d_98 1 mary sang for everyone who wanted to hear her . d_98 1 mary sang for anyone who wanted to hear her . d_98 1 john slipped in front of everyone who was there . d_98 0 * john slipped in front of anyone who was there . d_98 1 at 4 p.m . i saw john lecturing to everyone who was near him . d_98 0 * at 4 p.m . i saw john lecturing to anyone who was near him . d_98 1 john knew every language that we encountered on our trip . d_98 1 john knew any language that we encountered on our trip . d_98 1 john liked everything that was placed before him . d_98 1 john liked anything that was placed before him . d_98 1 at the end of his speech , the president thanked any soldier who had fought in the gulf war . d_98 1 bob does not think that there is anyone from greece in his basement . d_98 1 can anyone pledge $ 1000 ? d_98 1 is it possible for everyone to to pledge $ 1000 ? d_98 1 is there someone who can pledge $ 1000 ? d_98 1 if anybody comes , he rings the doorbell . d_98 1 every student who wins any trophy displays it in a prominent place . d_98 0 * john saw anything . d_98 1 john did n't see anything . d_98 0 * some who read anything passed . d_98 1 every who read anything passed . d_98 1 no student who read anything passed . d_98 0 * some answered any question . d_98 0 * every student answered any question . d_98 1 any cat does n't like mice . d_98 1 every cat does n't like mice . d_98 1 every cat does n't like mice , for example felix does n't . d_98 1 almost every cat likes mice , but felix does n't . d_98 0 * every cat does n't like mice , but felix does n't . d_98 1 almost every cat likes mice , for example felix does n't . g_81 1 the dodgers beat the red sox and the dodgers were beaten by the giants . g_81 1 the dodgers beat the red sox and the giants beat the dodgers . g_81 1 different teams beat the red sox and were beaten by the giants . g_81 1 john gave the books to mary and the records to sue . g_81 1 how many did you buy of those pies at the fair ? g_81 1 how many have you given of these books to these people . g_81 0 * the man chased fido returned . g_81 1 the man that chased fido returned . g_81 1 the man i think chased fido returned . g_81 0 * the man i think that chased fido returned . g_81 1 the man who i think chased fido returned . g_81 0 * the man who i think that chased fido returned . g_81 1 who did you think mary saw ? g_81 1 how slowly would you say he was driving ? g_81 1 how suspicious was mary ? g_81 1 who saw the man ? g_81 1 who do you think that you saw ? g_81 0 * who do you think that saw you ? g_81 1 who do you regret that you saw ? g_81 0 * who do you regret that saw you ? g_81 1 who do you think you saw ? g_81 1 who do you think saw you ? g_81 0 * who do you regret you saw ? g_81 0 * who do you regret saw you ? g_81 0 * who did you believe that came ? g_81 0 * who did you wonder whether came ? g_81 0 * who did you wonder if came ? g_81 0 * who did you arrange for to come ? g_81 0 * which table did you wonder on kim put the book ? g_81 0 * which did you buy the table on kim put the book ? g_81 0 * what do you believe that iron is to be a fact well known to virtually everybody ? g_81 0 * who did you wonder saw kim ? g_81 0 * which did you buy the table supported the book ? g_81 0 * the fact , i put it down to that kim came . g_81 0 * the table , i put kim on which supported the book . g_81 1 who is it that mary likes ? g_81 1 he was talkative . g_81 1 he was a bully . g_81 1 he was talkative and a bully . g_81 0 * the talkative and a bully man entered . g_81 0 * talkative and a bully entered . g_81 0 * john is easy to please and to love mary . g_81 0 * the man who mary loves and sally hates george computed my tax . g_81 1 john is easy to please and to love . g_81 1 the kennel which mary made and fido sleeps in has been stolen . g_81 1 the kennel in which mary keeps drugs and fido sleeps has been stolen . g_81 0 * the kennel in which mary made and fido sleeps has been stolen . g_81 1 john saw more horses than bill saw or pete talked to . g_81 1 john saw more horses than bill saw cows or pete talked to cats . g_81 0 * john saw more horses than bill saw cows or pete talked to . g_81 1 i know a man who bill saw and mary liked . g_81 1 i know a man who saw bill and liked mary . g_81 0 * i know a man who bill saw and liked mary . g_81 1 i wonder who bill saw and mary liked . g_81 0 * i wonder who bill saw and liked mary . g_81 1 i wonder who mary likes and hopes will win . g_81 0 * john asked who and where bill had seen . g_81 1 which book and which pencil did john buy ? g_81 0 * where and when did bill put the book ? g_81 1 on which table and under which flower pot did john put the keys ? g_81 1 to which city and to which conference did bill go ? g_81 1 to which city and which conference did bill go ? g_81 1 which city and which conference did bill go to ? g_81 0 * which city and which conference did bill go to to ? g_81 0 * which city and to which conference did bill go to ? g_81 0 * to which city and which conference did bill go to ? g_81 0 * john , who and whose friends you saw , is a fool . g_81 1 john , to who and to whose friends that letter was addressed , is a fool . g_81 1 i wonder when and how often she went that day . g_81 1 i wonder who and whose friends he handed over to the fbi . g_81 1 i have wanted to know exactly what happened to rosa luxemburg for many years . g_81 1 i have wanted to know for many years exactly what happened to rosa . g_81 1 i had hoped that it was true that rosa luxemburg had actually defected to iceland for many years . g_81 1 i had hoped that it was true for many years that rosa luxemburg had actually defected to iceland . g_81 1 i have wanted to meet the man who spent so much money planning the assassination of kennedy for many years . g_81 1 i have wanted to meet for many years the man who spent so much money planning the assassination of kennedy . g_81 1 the woman believed that the man was ill who was here . g_81 1 the woman believed that the man who was here was ill . g_81 1 the woman who was here believed that the man was ill . g_81 1 a woman hit a girl who was pregnant . g_81 1 people are said to do crazier things at higher speeds there by dorothy than they are by other people . g_81 1 people are said to do such crazy things at such high speeds there by dorothy that i am getting skeptical . g_81 1 a woman hit a pregnant girl . g_81 1 a pregnant woman hit a girl . g_81 1 a man just came in and a woman went out who were similar in all kinds of ways . g_81 1 a man just came in and a woman went out who hate each other like poison and always have . g_81 0 * i find it easy to believe - but joan finds it hard to believe - tom to be dishonest . g_81 0 * john offered , and harry gave , sally a cadillac . g_81 0 * john told , and harry showed , seymour that sally was a virgin . g_81 1 jack may be and tony certainly is a werewolf . g_81 1 harry has claimed but i do not believe that melvin is a communist . g_81 1 i like but tom does n't like to visit new places . g_81 1 i can tell you when , but i ca n't tell you why , he left me . g_81 1 i 've been wondering whether , but would n't positively want to state that . g_81 1 john hummed , and mary sang , the same tune . g_81 1 john hummed , and mary sang , at equal volumes . g_81 1 john gave mary , and joan presented to fred , books which looked . g_81 1 the red sox beat , and the giants were beaten by , different teams . g_81 1 smith loaned , and his widow later donated , a valuable collection of manuscripts to the library . m_02 1 which club did you hit the winning putt with ? m_02 1 with which club did you hit the winning putt ? m_02 1 ethel was sitting at her desk . m_02 0 * the ethel was sitting at her desk . m_02 0 * accountant was sitting at her desk . m_02 1 the accountant was sitting at her desk . m_02 1 accountants audit our finances every year . m_02 0 * i would like an accountants to sort out my tax return . m_02 1 some accountants were quietly counting in the back office . m_02 1 would more accountants make any difference to my tax bill ? m_02 1 the truck spread salt . m_02 1 the truck spread the salt . m_02 1 the truck spread salts . m_02 1 this truck spread less salt than that one . m_02 0 * this truck spread fewer salt than that one . m_02 1 there are fewer trucks on the motorway this winter . m_02 1 there are less trucks on the motorway this winter . m_02 0 * the white rabbit vanished his watch . m_02 1 dogs chase cats . m_02 0 * dogs chase . m_02 1 flora cooks . m_02 1 flora cooks gourmet meals . m_02 1 the cat shot into the kitchen on sunday morning carrying a dead mouse . m_02 1 the cat sauntered into the kitchen carrying a dead mouse . m_02 1 maisie drove her car from morningside to leith on wednesday . m_02 1 on wednesday maisie drove her car from morningside to leith . m_02 1 maisie drove her car on wednesday from morningside to leith . m_02 1 jeeves sauntered into the room . m_02 0 * into jeeves sauntered the room . m_02 1 into the room sauntered jeeves . m_02 1 which room did jeeves sauntered into ? m_02 1 into which room did jeeves sauntered ? m_02 1 barbara handed the results to alan on tuesday . m_02 1 the pupils in this maths class gave cakes to margaret every . m_02 1 cakes were given to margaret every friday by the pupils in this maths class . m_02 1 this parcel is very heavy . m_02 1 this very heavy parcel was delivered yesterday . m_02 1 very heavy , this parcel ! m_02 1 what this parcel is is very heavy . m_02 1 we felled the murder with this chainsaw . m_02 1 with this chainsaw we felled the murder . m_02 1 barbara handed the intriguing results of the latest examination to alan on tuesday . m_02 1 barbara handed them to alan on tuesday . m_02 1 this large parcel is very heavy . m_02 1 this large parcel is very heavy and so is this small packet . m_02 1 vera is knitting in the lounge . m_02 1 vera is knitting there . m_02 1 grandma is coming to mr chalky 's school tomorrow . m_02 1 grandma is coming here tomorrow . m_02 1 the cat was sleeping in the kitchen . m_02 1 the cat trotted into the kitchen . m_02 1 the mouse jumped out of the cheese box . m_02 1 the mouse was out the cheese box . m_02 1 the cat trotted in the kitchen . m_02 1 the cat trotted in . m_02 1 the mouse jumped out . m_02 1 the terrier attacked the burglar . m_02 1 the terrier savaged the burglar 's ankles . m_02 1 the terrier attacked the burglar and the terrier savaged the burglar 's ankles . m_02 1 the terrier attacked the burglar and savaged the burglar 's ankles . m_02 1 did the wealthy young man buy that piano for his secret fiancée ? m_02 1 who bought that piano for his secret fiancée ? m_02 1 what did the wealthy young man buy for his secret fiancée ? m_02 1 who did the wealthy young man buy that piano for ? m_02 1 the wealthy young man bought his secret fiancée that piano . m_02 1 that piano was bought for his secret fiancée by the wealthy young man . m_02 1 i do n't like the plum brandy , but the port i just love . m_02 1 frank bought the piano for jane . m_02 1 frank bought jane the piano . m_02 1 the piano was bought for jane by frank . m_02 1 the piano frank bought for jane . m_02 1 did frank buy the piano for jane ? m_02 1 did frank buy jane the piano ? m_02 1 was the piano bought for jane by frank ? m_02 1 what did frank buy for jane ? m_02 1 frank bought something for jane . m_02 1 did frank buy something for jane . m_02 1 what did frank buy for jane . m_02 1 the children chased the dog . m_02 1 the cook saved no scraps for the dog . m_02 1 sarah devoured the cakes in the kitchen last night . m_02 1 mr knightley despaired . m_02 1 emma slighted miss bates . m_02 1 jane fairfax seemed upset . m_02 1 mr woodhouse sat in an armchair . m_02 1 mr knightley walked into the drawing room . m_02 1 mr elton handed his wife into the carriage . m_02 1 emma gave bad advice to harriet . m_02 1 mr knightley suggested that thieves would break into hartfield . m_02 1 eleanor blamed willoughby for marianne 's unhappiness . m_02 1 eleanor blamed marianne 's unhappiness on willoughby . m_02 1 the romans built this aqueduct . m_02 1 the computer will calculate the value of the variable . m_02 1 these objections killed the proposal . m_02 0 * lecturer was sitting at her desk . m_02 1 too much salt damages vehicles . m_02 0 * too much vehicles are damaged by salt . m_02 0 * too many salt damages vehicles . m_02 1 too many vehicles are damaged by salt . m_02 1 frank churchill gave a piano to jane fairfax . m_02 1 a piano was given to jane fairfax by frank churchill . m_02 1 wickham eloped with lydia . m_02 1 miss bates can chatter on for hours . m_02 1 henry crawford loved fanny but fanny loved edmund . m_02 1 mr bingley became tired of jane or mr d'arcy persuaded mr . m_02 1 elizabeth regretted that she had met wickham . m_02 1 catherine feared that the abbey was haunted . m_02 1 that anne was in conversation with mr elliott dismayed captain . m_02 1 fanny was delighted by the idea that she could subscribe to a library . m_02 1 who thought up the proposal that the committee be abolished ? m_02 1 the cottage which mrs dashwood accepted was rather small . m_02 1 the gentleman who saved marianne was willoughby . m_02 1 the building that we liked is in thornton lacey . m_02 1 it was anne elliott who loved captain wentworth but who rejected his first proposal . m_02 1 a motorist has reported that the road is blocked by snow at bunker hill . m_02 1 the labrador ate all the food which we left on the kitchen table . m_02 1 show me the folder in which you stored the documents . m_02 1 i like the book that you gave me . m_02 1 i love the food they cook in the halls of residence . m_02 1 a motorist has reported the road is blocked at bunker hill . m_02 1 i am delighted at the idea they might demolish the appleton tower . m_02 1 the cottage which mrs dashwood accepted was very small . m_02 1 anne musgrave has just seen mr elliott in bath street . m_02 1 nurse rooke has discovered where anne elliott stayed . m_02 1 nurse rooke suspected that mrs clay planned to run away with . m_02 1 anne astonished her father . m_02 1 that captain wentworth married anne astonished her father . m_02 1 sir walter elliott imagined the scene . m_02 1 sir walter elliott imagined that he was still handsome . m_02 1 yesterday lydia eloped with wickham . m_02 1 lydia eloped with wickham yesterday . m_02 1 when lydia went to brighton , she eloped with wickham . m_02 1 lydia eloped with wickham when she went to brighton . m_02 1 because of the strike the commuters travelled by army lorry . m_02 1 the commuters travelled by army lorry because of the strike . m_02 1 because the bus drivers were on strike , the commuters travelled by army lorry . m_02 1 the commuters travelled by army lorry because the bus drivers were on strike . m_02 1 although mr d'arcy disliked mrs bennet he married elizabeth . m_02 1 in spite of his dislike of mrs bennet , mr d'arcy married elizabeth . m_02 1 if emma had left hartfield , mr woodhouse would have been unhappy . m_02 1 did captain wentworth write a letter to anne elliott ? m_02 1 write a letter to anne elliott . m_02 0 * because did marianne love willoughby , she refused to . m_02 0 * if did emma leave hartfield , mr woodhouse would be unhappy . m_02 0 * when did fanny return , she found tom bertram very ill . m_02 0 * the cottage which did mrs dashwood accept was rather small . m_02 0 * catherine feared that was the abbey haunted . m_02 1 the girls wondered who mr bennet had received in his library . m_02 1 we were wondering who did you meet at the conference . m_02 1 she said that in came aunt norris . m_02 1 she said that into the room came aunt norris . m_02 0 * the person who in came at that moment was aunt norris . m_02 0 * because in came aunt norris , fanny stopped talking . m_02 0 * when in came aunt norris , fanny stopped talking . m_02 0 * because into the room came aunt norris , fanny stopped talking . m_02 0 * when into the room came aunt norris , fanny stopped talking . m_02 1 never had sir thomas been so offended . m_02 0 * the person who never had he been so offended was sir thomas . m_02 0 * because never had sir thomas been so offended , even mr yates left . m_02 0 * when never had sir thomas been so offended , mr yates left . m_02 1 dr jones habitually ate too much rich food , did n't he ? m_02 0 * we realised that dr jones died because he ate too much rich food , did n't he ? m_02 0 * the person who ate too much rich food did n't he was dr . m_02 0 * because dr jones ate too much rich food did n't he , he died of apoplexy . m_02 0 * when dr jones died of apoplexy did n't he , mary crawford went to live with his wife . m_02 1 fanny stopped talking because in came aunt norris . m_02 0 * because in came aunt norris fanny stopped talking . m_02 1 mr yates left because never had sir thomas been so offended . m_02 0 * because never had sir thomas been so offended , mr yates left . m_02 0 * fanny stopped talking when in came aunt norris . m_02 0 * when in came aunt norris fanny stopped talking . m_02 0 * fanny continued talking although in came aunt norris . m_02 0 * although in came aunt norris , fanny continued talking . m_02 1 fanny had just stopped talking when in came aunt norris . m_02 1 fanny regretted talking to mary . m_02 1 henry wanted to marry fanny . m_02 1 mrs bennet having taken the others upstairs , mr bingley proposed to . m_02 1 all mr collins does is praise lady de bourg . m_02 1 lady de bourg tried to persuade elizabeth to renounce mr d'arcy . m_02 1 henry wanted to have married fanny before edmund returned . m_02 1 fanny regretted having talked to mary . m_02 1 what mr collins is doing is praising lady de bourg . m_02 0 * fanny regretted being talking to mary . m_02 0 * all mr collins has done is have praised lady de bourg . m_02 1 julia and maria wanted to be allowed to perform a play . m_02 1 edmund wanted fanny to be able to ride a horse . m_02 0 * henry wanted to possibly marry fanny . m_02 1 fanny loved talking to mary . m_02 1 slamming the door , he ran down the steps . m_02 0 * he was knowing the country well . m_02 1 when ripe , these apples will be delicious . m_02 1 the tigers hunt prey at night . m_02 1 fiona hoped to meet the prime minister . m_02 1 arthur tried to bake a cake . m_02 1 fiona persuaded arthur to bake a cake . m_02 1 susan wanted jane to study german . m_02 1 ayala went to the ball and chatted to jonathan stubbs . m_02 0 * ayala went to the ball and jonathan stubbs chatted to . m_02 1 ayala went to the ball and was chatted to by jonathan stubbs . m_02 1 all the beatles came to merle park . m_02 1 the beatles all came to merle park . m_02 1 both jane and elizabeth were at home . m_02 1 jane and elizabeth were both at home . m_02 1 larry hunted all the foxes . m_02 0 * larry all hunted the foxes . m_02 0 * larry hunted the foxes all . m_02 1 george built both the houses . m_02 0 * george both built the houses . m_02 0 * george built the houses both . m_02 1 all the foxes were hunted by larry . m_02 1 augusta blamed herself for what happened . m_02 1 these documents elizabeth is checking at this very moment . m_02 1 louise broke the cup . m_02 1 alison drove the car . m_02 1 martha chewed the bread . m_02 1 the cup was broken by louise . m_02 1 the car was driven by alison . m_02 1 the bread was chewed by martha . m_02 1 these fields were marched over by all the armies of europe . m_02 1 how is someone to chat to a girl if she does not go out ? m_02 1 all the armies of europe marched over these fields . m_02 1 ayala sent back the diamond necklace . m_02 1 ayala sent the diamond necklace back . m_02 1 ayala sent her cousin the diamond necklace . m_02 0 * ayala sent back her cousin the diamond necklace . m_02 1 tatiana wrote to onegin . m_02 1 frank bought a piano for jane . m_02 1 lucy sent a letter to jane . m_02 1 lucy sent jane a letter . m_02 1 the company sent china its senior mining engineers to help plan the new mines . m_02 0 * the experts attributed raphael this picture . m_02 0 * i forwarded winifred the letter . m_02 0 * the manager presented the foreman a gold watch . m_02 0 * kick john the ball . m_02 0 * the critics ascribe shakespeare this play . m_02 1 who did john send a book to ? m_02 1 to whom did john send a book ? m_02 1 what place did you travel to ? m_02 1 to what place did you travel ? m_02 1 what place did john send the book ? m_02 0 * who was the book sent by john . m_02 0 * what place was the book sent by john ? m_02 1 only to the best students would he give this book . m_02 0 * only the best students would he give this book . m_02 1 only to glasgow would he go by train . m_02 0 * only glasgow would he travel by train . m_02 1 it is to the best students that he gives this book . m_02 0 * it is the best students he gives this book . m_02 1 it is to ireland that he is going . m_02 0 * it is ireland that he is going . m_02 1 he told her the whole story . m_02 1 she told him the whole story . m_02 1 the other plan she rejected out of hand . m_02 1 the vase got broken that sheila had brought all the way from . m_02 1 the plan was rejected out of hand that traffic should be banned . m_02 1 norman lemming jumped off the cliff and william lemming did so too . m_02 1 norman lemming jumped off the cliff and so did william lemming . m_02 1 harriet could n't marry mr knightley but emma could . m_02 1 what harriet did was marry mr martin . m_02 1 marry mr martin was what harriet did . m_02 1 emma insulted miss bates and annoyed mr knightley . m_02 1 harriet swooned . m_02 1 the book is astonishingly boring . m_02 1 the ethel we all know and love wishes to ask you some awkward questions . m_02 1 golfers can be good company . m_02 1 enthusiastic golfers with large handicaps can be good company . m_02 1 these enthusiastic golfers that i met at the nineteenth hole can be good company . m_02 0 * golfer who is in training has a pretty powerful swing . m_02 1 memo ate the spaghetti . m_02 1 memo liked lasagna . m_02 1 emma made harriet her friend . m_02 1 the quiche and i were cooking . m_02 1 erika made her mother an omelet and the kitchen a mess . m_02 1 bill went to london on monday . m_02 1 bill went on monday to london . m_02 1 my brother lives near strasbourg . m_02 1 near strasbourg my brother lives . m_02 1 he planted the garden with roses last november . m_02 1 he planted the garden last november with roses . m_02 1 the baby chewed the biscuit . m_02 1 the baby is heavy . m_02 1 what the baby did was chew the biscuit . m_02 1 the baby was chewing the biscuit . m_02 1 chew the biscuit ! m_02 1 hartfield house is in surrey . m_02 1 mr knightley rode to kingston . m_02 1 eleanor and marianne travelled from shropshire . m_02 1 frank gave a piano to jane fairfax . m_02 1 jane fairfax received a piano from frank . m_02 1 the thief smashed the window with a hammer . m_02 1 captain wentworth recovered the property for mrs smith . m_02 1 the window was broken by a hammer . m_02 1 wren built st paul 's cathedral . m_02 1 siobhan burnt a pattern on the piece of wood . m_02 1 the dog dug a hole in the lawn . m_02 1 the vase stood on the table in the hall . m_02 1 imogen took the vase to her mother 's . m_02 1 imogen broke the vase . m_02 1 sue knows the answer . m_02 1 the answer is known to sue . m_02 1 jim was happily chopping logs . m_02 1 jim was chopping logs when margaret left and was still at it when she got back . m_02 1 jim was enthusiastically chopping logs . m_02 1 captain oates died in order to save his comrades . m_02 1 this arch supports the weight of the tower . m_02 1 what this arch does is support the weight of the tower . m_02 1 this arch is supporting the weight of the tower . m_02 1 the computer is playing six simultaneous games of three dimensional chess . m_02 1 the intense cold killed the climbers . m_02 1 the climbers were killed by the intense cold . m_02 1 the climbers were killed with the intense cold . m_02 1 catriona opened the door with this key . m_02 1 the visas are with the passports . m_02 1 sally went to the party with andrew . m_02 1 alan made the loaf with strong white flour . m_02 1 the builders made the wall with concrete blocks . m_02 1 the gardener planted roses in the garden . m_02 1 it was roses that the gardener planted in the garden . m_02 1 it is the garden that the gardener planted with roses . m_02 1 roses are certain to be planted in the garden by the gardener . m_02 1 the garden is certain to be planted with roses by the gardener . m_02 1 helen sent a scarf to jim for margaret . m_02 1 what happened was they went home . m_02 0 * what happened was they knew his parents . m_02 0 * we are knowing this theory . m_02 1 they 're believing everything you say . m_02 1 you 'll soon be owning all the land round here . m_02 1 what she did was e-mail all her friends . m_02 0 * what she did was know this theory . m_02 0 * what she did was be very cold . m_02 0 * what she did was own all the land round here . m_02 1 harriet talked to emma for hours . m_02 1 the dog chased the cat for days . m_02 1 harriet told emma the whole story . m_02 1 the dog caught the cat . m_02 1 the beaver built a dam . m_02 1 anne played the tune on the piano . m_02 1 jane was playing the piano . m_02 1 jane played the piano . m_02 1 tess was knocking at the door . m_02 1 tess knocked at the door . m_02 1 frank churchill was crossing the street . m_02 1 jane is visiting emma . m_02 1 jane visits emma . m_02 1 tess is knocking at the door . m_02 1 tess knocks at the door . m_02 1 frank churchill is crossing the street . m_02 1 frank churchill crosses the street . m_02 1 real play valencia next sunday . m_02 1 i leave for paris next week . m_02 0 * the volcano erupts on tuesday . m_02 1 the minister has arrived . m_02 1 i 've been at work for six hours . m_02 1 have you ever visited doubtful sound ? m_02 1 there was an attack yesterday . m_02 1 emma and harriet were attacked by those bandits . m_02 1 those bandits attacked emma and harriet yesterday . m_02 1 the vase was smashed deliberately . m_02 1 the sheep got infected with scrapie . m_02 1 the fans were deliberately provoked by a rival group . m_02 1 the fans got deliberately provoked by a rival group . m_02 1 six students got shot accidentally . m_02 1 some gifts get used a dozen or so times a year . m_02 1 ca n't you see i 'm reading ? m_02 1 people go hunting in the autumn . m_02 1 we spent yesterday cooking . m_02 1 she buys for harrods . m_02 1 i saw and he chops . m_02 1 this sweater washes well . m_02 1 this book reads well . m_02 1 these cars sold very quickly last week . m_02 1 it will take years for the mersey to clean . m_02 1 the course is jumping well . m_02 1 one bomb did n't guide and crashed . m_02 1 fiona may be here by 5 o'clock . m_02 1 if fiona is here by 5 o'clock , we can go to the party . m_02 1 it 's high time fiona got a job . m_02 0 * it 's high time fiona gets a job . sgww85 1 pat is either stupid or a liar . sgww85 1 pat is a republican and proud of it . sgww85 1 pat is healthy and of sound mind . sgww85 1 pat is either asleep or at the office . sgww85 1 that was a rude remark and in very bad taste . sgww85 1 sandy is either a lunatic or under the influence of drugs . sgww85 1 i am hoping to get an invitation and optimistic about my chances . sgww85 1 i am neither an authority on this subject nor trying to portray myself as one . sgww85 1 pat was neither recommended for promotion nor under any illusions about what that meant . sgww85 1 pat has become a banker and very conservative . sgww85 1 i consider that a rude remark and in very bad taste . sgww85 1 the scene of the movie was in chicago . sgww85 0 * the scene of the movie and that i wrote was in chicago . sgww85 1 john sang beautifully . sgww85 1 john sang a carol . sgww85 0 * john sang beautifully and a carol . sgww85 1 kim sang and sandy danced . sgww85 1 kim and sandy met . sgww85 1 kim sang and was accompanied by sandy . sgww85 0 * the irritating and a bully man was my brother . sgww85 0 * soon irritating and a bully started shouting again . sgww85 1 kim was a banker . sgww85 1 dana was quite competent . sgww85 1 leslie was in the flood zone . sgww85 1 ronnie was talking to lou . sgww85 1 jean was given a prize . sgww85 1 pat has become a republican . sgww85 1 gerry became quite conservative . sgww85 0 * connie has become of the opinion that we should get out . sgww85 0 * tracy became awarded a prize . sgww85 0 * chris will become talking to colleagues . sgww85 1 pat became a republican and quite conservative . sgww85 0 * tracy has become a republican and of the opinion that we must place nuclear weapons in europe . sgww85 0 * chris became quite conservative and trying to change their minds . sgww85 0 * gerry became a republican and awarded a prize . sgww85 1 we walked slowly and with great care . sgww85 1 they wanted to leave tomorrow or on tuesday . sgww85 1 we are open saturdays , any national holiday , and on alternate . sgww85 1 kim alienates cats and beats his dog . sgww85 1 kim alienates cats and beat his dog . sgww85 1 kim alienated cats and beats his dog . sgww85 1 kim alienated cats and beat his dog . sgww85 0 * kim alienated cats and beaten his dog . sgww85 0 * kim beating his dog and alienates cats . sgww85 0 * kim to beat his dog and alienated cats . sgww85 0 * kim beaten his dog and alienates cats . sgww85 1 which student 's grades went unreported ? sgww85 1 they found pictures of themselves . sgww85 0 * who did you say my talking to would bother hilary ? sgww85 1 who did you say my talking to would bother ? sgww85 1 which article did terry file without reading ? sgww85 1 which books did robin read and hate ? sgww85 0 * which books did robin talk to chris and read ? sgww85 0 * which books did robin read and talk to chris ? sgww85 0 * who did robin visit and ? sgww85 1 they talked to kim and to each other . sgww85 1 he hated himself and his friends . sgww85 1 they were wary of themselves and of each other . sgww85 1 they asked which students and which teachers would get along together . sgww85 1 we called up every man whose father and whose mother had played on the team . sgww85 1 i went to the store and bought some whiskey . sgww85 1 she 's gone and ruined her dress now . sgww85 1 i 've got to try and find that screw . sgww85 1 she goes and buys some whiskey . sgww85 1 i have gone and bought some whiskey . sgww85 1 i will go and buy some whiskey . sgww85 1 i will try and buy some whiskey . sgww85 0 * i have gone and buys some whiskey . sgww85 0 * to go and buying whiskey is not the solution to your problem . sgww85 0 * i will go and bought some whiskey . sgww85 0 * i tried and buy some whiskey . sgww85 0 * i was trying and buying some whiskey . sgww85 0 * what did you say i went and get ? sgww85 0 * what did you say i go and got ? sgww85 1 i went to the store and i bought some whiskey . sgww85 1 i 've got to try and i 've got to find that screw . sgww85 1 i both went to the store and bought some whiskey . sgww85 1 i 've got to both try and find that screw . sgww85 1 here 's the whiskey which i went to the store and bought . sgww85 1 which dress has she gone and ruined now ? sgww85 1 the screw which i 've got to try and find holds the door to the frame . sgww85 1 either we americans or i myself will get ourselves in trouble . sgww85 1 either you or i will incriminate ourselves . sgww85 1 you and i may incriminate ourselves . sgww85 1 we americans and the british pamper ourselves . sgww85 1 you british and you americans pamper yourselves . sgww85 1 you british or you americans will get yourselves in trouble . sgww85 1 you and kerry have outdone yourselves . sgww85 1 you or kerry have perjured yourselves . sgww85 1 the boys and the girls seem happy . sgww85 0 * the boys and the girls seems happy . sgww85 1 either the boys or the girls are going to be there . sgww85 1 the students and professor swansong are meeting in the park . sgww85 1 either professor swansong or the graduate students are going to proctor the exam . sgww85 1 either dana or lee is going to lead the parade . sgww85 1 kim and terry are happy . sgww85 0 * either the boys or the girls is going to be there . sgww85 0 * the students and professor swansong is meeting in the park . sgww85 0 * either professor swansong or the graduate students is going to proctor the exam . sgww85 1 either dana or lee are going to lead the parade . sgww85 1 kim likes sandy , and lee leslie . to try to go to rome . sgww85 1 pat wanted to try to go to berne , and chris to go to rome . to rome . sgww85 1 kim went to the store , and then lou . sgww85 1 some people go by car , but others by bike . sgww85 1 some people like bagels , but others cream cheese . sgww85 1 on weekdays , terry eats meat and vegetables , but on weekends , only vegetables . sgww85 0 * john drinks coffee at 11 , and mary , tea at 10:30 . sgww85 1 john gave the books to mary at christmas , and the records to sue for her birthday . sgww85 1 john talked to his supervisor about his thesis , and erich to the dean about department politics . sgww85 1 a businessman will drink a martini to relax , and a health nut , a glass of wine , just to remain healthy . sgww85 0 * john left at 11 and at 12 , bill . sgww85 1 john left his office at 11 and at 12 , the library . sgww85 1 a policeman walked in at 11 , and at 12 , a fireman . sgww85 1 two days ago , we went out to dinner , and this afternoon , to the movies . sgww85 1 on this table , they put a lamp , and on that table , a radio . sgww85 0 * john did n't see mary and bill sue . sgww85 1 john did n't give the books to mary and the papers to sue . sgww85 0 * kim likes sandy , and lee to leslie . sgww85 0 * pat wanted to go to berne , and chris going to rome . sgww85 0 * kim gave a dollar to bobbie and a dime into his pocket . sgww85 0 * kim likes lee , and to ronnie . sgww85 0 * kim likes sandy and lee likes to leslie . sgww85 1 leslie is rather foolish , and lou a complete idiot . sgww85 1 kim seems to be just surviving , and terry in dire need of our help . sgww85 1 we consider leslie rather foolish , and lou a complete idiot . sgww85 1 pat has become crazy , and chris an incredible bore . sgww85 0 * pat has become crazy , and chris in good spirits . sgww85 0 * i gave a book to john 's mother and a magazine to him . sgww85 1 pat remembered the appointment and that it was important to be on time . sgww85 1 that goldstein appointed heydrich and the implications thereof frightened many observers . sgww85 1 we talked about mr. colson and that he had worked at the . sgww85 1 you can depend on my assistant and that he will be on time . sgww85 1 pat was annoyed by the children 's noise and that their parents did nothing to stop it . sgww85 0 * we talked about that he had worked at the white house . sgww85 0 * you can depend on that he will be on time . sgww85 0 * pat was annoyed by that their parents did nothing to stop it . sgww85 1 we talked about the issues we had worked on as students and that our perspectives had changed over the years . sgww85 0 * we talked about that our perspectives had changed over the years and the issues we had worked on as students . sgww85 1 that our perspectives had changed over the years and the issues we had worked on as students were the topics of discussion . sks13 1 the clever snake disappeared into a hole in the ground . sks13 0 * hole into disappeared ground the the in clever a little . sks13 0 * the snake clever disappeared into a hole in the ground . sks13 0 * this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill it on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk there before tomorrow . sks13 0 * this girl in the red coat one will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk it before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 bill will put a picture of this girl in the red coat on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 she will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * bill will put a picture of she on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 bill will put a picture of her on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * her will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * she her will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * bill will put a picture of she her on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 clean your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 this boy must not go to school , and his father must not go to school either . sks13 1 this boy must not go to france , but his father must go to france . sks13 1 this actress must play in this movie and she will play in this movie . sks13 1 can mary win the race and will sue win the race too ? sks13 1 this girl will buy bread and so will that one buy bread . sks13 1 the tourists will go to the park . sks13 1 will the tourists go to the park ? sks13 1 some student from australia speaks chinese . sks13 1 does some student from australia speak chinese ? sks13 1 they would have been walking for hours . sks13 1 would they have been walking for hours ? sks13 1 this girl will not buy bread , will she buy bread ? sks13 1 sean penn can act well in many kinds of movies , ca n't he act well in many kinds of movies ? sks13 1 you will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat or you will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 no boys will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat but no boys will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat will put it and a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill in the mailbox before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk after the dinner . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk after the dinner and before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat will eat her breakfast before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat will eat her breakfast before tomorrow and put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat will eat her breakfast and will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk . sks13 1 this girl in the red dress must put a picture of bill on your desk . sks13 0 * this girl in the red coat will and dress must put a picture of bill on your desk . sks13 0 * this girl in the or on the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk . sks13 1 john and mary will play with henry and with sue . sks13 1 they play unusual music , and i listen to unusual music . sks13 1 they play and i listen to unusual music . sks13 1 i love ice milk tea but you hate ice milk tea . sks13 1 i love but you hate ice milk tea . sks13 1 she may have thawed the roast and should have thawed the roast . sks13 1 she may have and should have thawed the roast . sks13 1 smith loaned a valuable collection of manuscripts to the library , and his widow later donated a valuable collection of manuscripts to the library . sks13 1 smith loaned and his widow later donated a valuable collection of manuscripts to the library . sks13 1 i borrowed large sums of money from the bank , and my sister stole large sums of money from the bank . sks13 1 i borrowed and my sister stole large sums of money from the bank . sks13 0 * put a picture of bill on your desk , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 mary should know that you must go to the station . sks13 1 that you must go to the station , mary should know that you must go to the station . sks13 0 * this your , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * will bill , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * red picture desk , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of . sks13 0 * before your , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * girl in the red coat , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * the red , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * of bill on , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * will put , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * your desk before , this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 it is your notes that john wants to look at after class . sks13 1 it is after class that john wants to look at your notes . sks13 1 it is john who wants to look at your notes after class . sks13 1 it was ann who bought a first edition of richard iii for $ 1000 . sks13 1 it was a first edition of richard iii that ann bought for $ 1000 . sks13 1 it was for $ 1000 that ann bought a first edition of richard iii . sks13 0 * it is before tomorrow that this girl in the red coat will put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 mary saw the tall man coming from england . sks13 0 * it is the tall man coming from england that mary saw the tall man coming from england . sks13 1 mary saw the tall man come from the back . sks13 0 * it is the tall man come from the back that mary saw the tall man come from the back . sks13 1 it is a picture of bill that this girl in the red coat will put on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 0 * it is put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow that this girl in the red coat will . sks13 1 what john wants to look at now is your notes . sks13 0 * what mary gave was a book to john . sks13 0 * what mary donated was a lot of money to npr . sks13 1 it is to cleveland that john drove the truck . sks13 1 what john became was deadly afraid of flying . sks13 0 * it is deadly afraid of flying that john became . sks13 1 john told us that he wants to quit school . sks13 0 * it is that he wants to quit school that john told us . sks13 1 what john told us is that he wants to quit school . sks13 1 john promised us to be gentle . sks13 0 * it is to be gentle that john promised . sks13 1 mary will arrive tomorrow . sks13 0 * it is arrive tomorrow that mary will . sks13 1 henri wants the book which is on the top shelf . sks13 1 what henri wants is the book which is on the top shelf . sks13 1 the spy became too friendly with his new contacts . sks13 1 what the spy became was too friendly with his new contacts . sks13 1 what this girl in the red coat will do is put a picture of bill on your desk before tomorrow . sks13 1 henri wants to buy these books about cooking . sks13 1 which books about cooking does henri want to buy ? sks13 1 i sent it to you . sks13 0 * i sent to you it . sks13 0 * i sent to you recipes . sks13 1 bill 's mother 's friends are waiting at the restaurant . sks13 1 bill 's mother 's friends and john are waiting at the restaurant . sks13 1 it was john that was waiting at the restaurant . sks13 0 * it was john bill that were waiting at the restaurant . sks13 1 it was john and bill that were waiting at the restaurant . sks13 1 i will eat spaghetti on sunday with marco . sks13 1 i will speak to hector about this . sks13 1 i doubt that mary reads mysteries . sks13 1 he muttered that the visitors will leave . sks13 1 the fact that john is snoring is informative . sks13 1 the man that mary saw knew me . sks13 1 that the visiting team won the race could surprise them . sks13 1 that is what you should see . sks13 1 john knows that she left . sks13 1 john knows whether she will come back . sks13 1 john knows that she left and whether she will come back . sks13 1 john knows that she left and john knows whether she will come back . sks13 1 john asked whether she left . sks13 1 i doubt if she kicks perfect goals every time . sks13 1 they think that she can do it . sks13 1 whether she left is most unclear . sks13 1 that the girl put a picture there proves her guilt . sks13 1 i prefer for the girl to put a picture there . sks13 1 for the girl to put a picture there is what i prefer . sks13 1 for the girl to put a picture there would surprise you . sks13 1 i prefer for the girl to win . sks13 0 * i prefer for the girl to will win . sks13 0 * i prefer for the girl to wins . sks13 1 let 's walk . sks13 1 i run on the beach . sks13 1 the three sunbathers went swimming . sks13 1 i hope that mary wins . sks13 1 they know if mary won . sks13 1 i wonder whether mary will win . sks13 1 they prefer for mary to leave . sks13 1 john wonders whether mary will win . sks13 1 john wonders whether to win . sks13 1 whether she will win is a question mary never considered . sks13 1 whether to win is a question mary never considered . sks13 1 i think that you will see that the girl will put a picture on your desk . sks13 1 they understand that you will prefer for the girl to put a picture on your desk . sks13 1 mary cuts the paper easily . sks13 1 the paper cuts easily . sks13 1 that he won the race could surprise them . sks13 0 * that him won the race could surprise them . sks13 1 for him to win the race would surprise them . sks13 0 * for he to win the race would surprise them . sks13 1 john saw mary . sks13 1 harry likes movies . sks13 1 for mary to leave on time is important . sks13 0 * think about linguistics all night , she does think about linguistics all night . sks13 0 * climb to the top , they do climb to the top . sks13 1 john can go to the market on his bike . sks13 1 mary should buy some flowers on sunday . sks13 1 my niece could write me letters before her third birthday . sks13 1 my nephew could write letters to his parents with a fountain pen . sks13 1 john can go to the market quickly . sks13 1 mary should buy some flowers for her mother to arrange . sks13 1 my niece could write me letters more faithfully . sks13 1 john can quickly go to the market . sks13 1 my niece could more faithfully write me letters . sks13 0 * john can go to the market to india . sks13 0 * mary should buy some flowers some bread . sks13 0 * my niece could write me you letters . sks13 0 * my nephew could write letters the postcards to his parents . sks13 1 john can go to the market on his bike on a truck . sks13 1 mary should buy some flowers on sunday at 5 o'clock . sks13 1 my nephew could write letters to his parents with a fountain pen with your help . sks13 1 pelé visited his uncle . sks13 1 she sold the car to sam for five dollars . sks13 1 she ran the car on propane from reno to vegas . sks13 1 the process changed the substance from solid to liquid to gas to energy . sks13 1 we associated their subsidiaries with our corporate office . sks13 1 i cycled around france . sks13 1 mary drank some beer in the barn from 6 to nine . sks13 1 it was in the barn or it took place in the barn . sks13 0 * it was some beer or it took place some beer . sks13 1 they wonder whether mary will run . sks13 1 they wonder about this . sks13 1 they wonder . sks13 1 i know that she runs . sks13 1 i know . sks13 1 i said that she runs . sks13 1 i said that . sks13 0 * i said . sks13 1 i prefer for mary to run . sks13 1 i prefer this . sks13 0 * i prefer . sks13 1 i said for mary to run . sks13 1 i said this . sks13 1 i put the book on the shelf . sks13 0 * i put the book . sks13 0 * i put . sks13 1 two ships appeared , arrived , remained , emerged . sks13 1 suddenly , there appeared two ships on the horizon . sks13 1 two inspectors from the ins appeared , arrived , remained , emerged . sks13 1 the ice melts , breaks . sks13 1 the door opens , closes . sks13 1 they melted , broke the ice . sks13 1 they opened , closed the door . sks13 1 they cooked , thickened the soup . sks13 1 i go , run , swim , jump , fly , crawl , dance , walk . sks13 0 * they went me , ran me , swam me , jumped me , flew me , crawled me , danced me , walked me . sks13 1 i danced a dance . sks13 1 he walked the walk . sks13 1 the time elapsed slowly . sks13 0 * the time elapsed the day . sks13 1 i see stars . sks13 1 i see . sks13 1 i liked mary . sks13 0 * i liked . sks13 1 they surrounded the fort . sks13 0 * they surrounded . sks13 1 i gave the charity . sks13 1 i gave money . sks13 1 i gave . sks13 1 i handed the ball to reg . sks13 0 * i handed the ball . sks13 0 * i handed to reg . sks13 0 * i handed . sks13 1 john ate . sks13 1 john knows . sks13 0 * john needed . sks13 0 * john criticized . sks13 1 john saw . sks13 1 john told . sks13 1 the agency classified the documents . sks13 0 * the agency classified . sks13 1 the war intensified the poverty . sks13 1 this project is manageable . sks13 1 it mattered on sunday . sks13 1 i saw john on sunday . sks13 1 i put the book on the desk on sunday . sks13 1 i saw john with a telescope . sks13 0 * it mattered with a telescope . sks13 1 i covered the bread with butter . sks13 0 * i emptied it with butter . sks13 1 mary will complete her exam within an hour . sks13 0 * mary will complete her exam for an hour . sks13 1 the hiker will reach the top of the mountain within an hour . sks13 0 * the hiker will reach the top of the mountain for an hour . sks13 1 henri will paint the floor for an hour . sks13 1 i will read linguistics for an hour . sks13 1 the student left . sks13 1 only the student left . sks13 1 even the student left . sks13 1 all the students left . sks13 1 i saw the student . sks13 1 i saw only the student . sks13 1 i saw all the students . sks13 1 john , who i saw yesterday , will visit us . sks13 1 i saw the brilliant student . sks13 1 i saw the brilliant one . sks13 1 i saw the brilliant student with long hair . sks13 1 i saw the brilliant one with long hair . sks13 1 i saw the one with long hair . sks13 1 i saw the physics student . sks13 0 * i saw the physics one . sks13 1 i saw the student of physics . sks13 0 * i saw the one of physics . sks13 1 i saw the student of physics with long hair . sks13 1 the big student of physics with long hair in the library . sks13 1 it is big . sks13 1 it is with long hair . sks13 0 * it is of physics . sks13 1 it is in the library . sks13 1 they are intense . sks13 0 * they are intense of bill . sks13 1 they intensified . sks13 1 they are special . sks13 0 * they are special of bill . sks13 1 they specialized . sks13 1 she is proud . sks13 1 she is the mother . sks13 1 she is the mother of john . sks13 1 they read the paper . sks13 1 the paper is readable . sks13 0 * it is readable of the paper . sks13 0 * they are readable of the paper . sks13 1 the driver of the car thinks that mary should leave dallas for boise tomorrow . sks13 1 her little sister will disagree with her . sks13 1 the girl he met at the departmental party will very surely call him . sks13 1 beavers build dams . sks13 1 john will see you . sks13 1 john thinks that mary left . sks13 1 john thinks mary left . sks13 1 john whispered that mary left . sks13 1 john will carefully study russian . sks13 1 john carefully studies russian . sks13 0 * john studies carefully russian . sks13 1 i wonder if she will use paints . sks13 1 yes , she will . sks13 0 * yes , she . sks13 0 * yes , she will use . sks13 1 i wonder if she used paints . sks13 1 yes , she did . sks13 0 * yes , she used . sks13 1 john will have been eating cake . sks13 0 * mary wo n't have been eating cake , but john . sks13 1 mary wo n't have been eating cake , but john will . sks13 1 mary wo n't have been eating cake , but john will have . sks13 1 mary wo n't have been eating cake , but john will have been . sks13 1 john will enthusiastically have been eating cake . sks13 1 john will have enthusiastically been eating cake . sks13 0 * john will have been eating enthusiastically cake . sks13 1 john will have been eating cake enthusiastically . sks13 0 * john studied carefully russian . sks13 1 john has carefully studied russian . sks13 1 john had carefully studied russian . sks13 1 john is carefully studying russian . sks13 1 john was carefully studying russian . sks13 1 john goes to school . sks13 0 * goes john to school ? sks13 1 mary thinks that bill will come . sks13 0 * mary thinks whether bill will come . sks13 0 * mary thinks for bill to come . sks13 1 mary wonders whether bill will come . sks13 0 * mary wonders for bill to come . sks13 0 * mary prefers that bill will come . sks13 0 * mary prefers whether bill will come . sks13 1 mary prefers for bill to come . sks13 1 i wonder has mary worked for microsoft . sks13 1 i wonder whether mary has worked for microsoft . sks13 0 * i wonder whether has mary worked for microsoft . sks13 0 * i wonder has whether mary worked for microsoft . sks13 1 will john not go to school ? sks13 1 has henri not studied for his exam ? sks13 1 did sue not pass her exam ? sks13 1 wo n't john go to school ? sks13 1 should n't mary taste the soup ? sks13 1 has n't henri studied for his exam ? sks13 1 is n't bill sick ? sks13 1 did n't sue pass her exam ? sks13 0 * will not john go to school ? sks13 0 * should not mary taste the soup ? sks13 0 * has not henri studied for his exam ? sks13 0 * is not bill sick ? sks13 0 * did not sue pass her exam ? sks13 0 * sue put . sks13 0 * henri arrived bill . sks13 0 * mary wonders that john said if bill left . sks13 0 * henri told sue in the drawer that bill put socks . sks13 1 she will win the race . sks13 0 * her will the race . sks13 1 elmer finished the cake and john did too , finish the cake . sks13 1 we need to provide two trees and . sks13 1 we also need to explain the relation between these trees . sks13 0 * john not liked mary . sks13 0 * john liked not mary . sks13 1 john did not like mary . sks13 1 john will endorse the treaty , but georges will not endorse the treaty . sks13 1 will george indeed not endorse the treaty ? sks13 0 * he will indeed not endorse the treaty . sks13 1 he will indeed endorse the treaty . sks13 1 he will not endorse the treaty ; and indeed . sks13 1 john thinks that bill left . sks13 1 john asked whether bill left . sks13 1 john was wondering whether to leave or not . sks13 1 john was wondering whether to leave . sks13 0 * i read these big three books . sks13 0 * mary sent . sks13 1 mary sent a book to bill . sks13 1 mary send a book . sks13 1 mary sent bill a book , … . sks13 0 * bill examined a book . sks13 0 * sincerity examined a book . sks13 0 * we put . sks13 1 we put a book on the table . sks13 1 we think that bill left . sks13 0 * we think for bill left . sks13 0 * we think if bill left . sks13 1 we wonder whether bill left . sks13 1 we wonder if bill left . sks13 0 * we wonder that bill left . sks13 1 john came in . sks13 1 then , john left . sks13 1 he took his umbrella . sks13 1 he hurt himself with it when he tried to open it . sks13 1 the idiot ca n't even open an umbrella ! sks13 0 * john hurt john with john 's umbrella when john tried to open it . sks13 1 john ca n't even open an umbrella ! sks13 1 john said he was sick . sks13 1 the ta who graded him says that john did really well . sks13 0 * himself should decide soon . sks13 0 * mary wrote a letter to himself last year . sks13 1 he should decide soon . sks13 1 mary wrote a letter to him last year . sks13 1 our rabbit and the neighbor 's cat like each other . sks13 1 the boys fought with each other . sks13 1 each of our rabbit and the neighbor 's cat likes the other . sks13 1 each of the boys fought with the other boys . sks13 1 the boy likes himself . sks13 0 * the boy likes herself . sks13 0 * the boy likes themselves . sks13 1 the girls likes themselves . sks13 0 * the girls likes herself . sks13 1 each of the girls likes herself . sks13 0 * the girls likes yourselves . sks13 0 * himself likes john . sks13 1 mary 's pictures of herself surprised bill . sks13 1 i noticed john 's excessive appreciation of himself . sks13 1 mary noticed john 's excessive appreciation of himself . sks13 0 * mary noticed john 's excessive appreciation of herself . sks13 0 * mary noticed that john excessively appreciates herself . sks13 1 john loved the new pictures of himself . sks13 1 i showed mary several portraits of herself . sks13 0 * john believes that mary saw himself . sks13 1 mary noticed that john excessively appreciates himself . sks13 1 mary appreciates only john and herself . sks13 0 * mary appreciates john and himself . sks13 1 mary really appreciates and constantly praises herself and sue knows it . sks13 0 * mary really appreciates and constantly praises himself and bill knows it . sks13 1 john heard their criticism of each other . sks13 1 john heard their criticism of themselves . sks13 0 * they heard john 's criticism of each other . sks13 0 * they heard john 's criticism of themselves . sks13 0 * john heard that they criticized each other . sks13 0 * they heard that john criticized each other . sks13 1 john likes himself . sks13 1 the students are proud of themselves . sks13 1 everyone likes himself . sks13 1 no spy betrayed himself . sks13 1 i heard john 's criticism of himself . sks13 0 * i heard john 's criticism of myself . sks13 1 john heard that i criticized myself . sks13 0 * i heard that john criticized myself . sks13 1 mary likes herself . sks13 0 * our rabbit and the neighbor 's cat like them . sks13 0 * bill likes herself . sks13 0 * himself laughs . sks13 1 the girls likes them . sks13 1 john 's mother likes him . sks13 1 john believes that bill saw himself . sks13 1 john believes that bill saw him . sks13 0 * mary believes that bill saw herself . sks13 1 they like their books . sks13 1 everyone thinks he is smart . sks13 1 who in this class thinks he is smart ? sks13 1 bill 's mother saw him . sks13 0 * no one 's mother saw himself . sks13 1 the mayor of john 's hometown wrote to him . sks13 1 the builder of his house visited peter . sks13 1 that is a bird . sks13 1 that 's the truth . sks13 1 he is john . sks13 1 bob dylan is robert zimmerman . sks13 1 i like mary and she likes me . sks13 0 * i like mary and she does too . sks13 0 * i like mary and she does like mary too . sks13 1 she considers john proud of his work . sks13 1 they saw bill leave . sks13 1 mary prefers that her ice cream is in a cone . sks13 1 henry saw that bill left . sks13 1 what mary prefers is her ice cream in a cone . sks13 0 * what she considers is john proud of his work . sks13 0 * what henry found is bill sad . sks13 0 * what they saw is bill leave . sks13 0 * what henry find was bill sad . sks13 0 * john heard mary describe himself . sks13 1 john heard mary describe herself . sks13 0 * mary considers john proud of herself . sks13 1 mary considers john proud of her . sks13 1 mary considers john proud of himself . sks13 1 john believes himself to be proud of mary . sks13 1 the pictures of bill she put on your desk . sks13 1 which pictures of bill did she put on your desk . sks13 1 susan wanted to sleep . sks13 1 she put the pictures of bill on your desk . sks13 1 the pictures of bill , she put on your desk . sks13 0 * the picture of bill she slept . sks13 0 * she slept the picture of bill . sks13 1 you put which picture of bill on his desk ? sks13 1 which picture of bill did you put on his desk ? sks13 1 how many strings did you say she had to pull in order to do that ? sks13 1 how much care do you think he would be taking of his patients under those circumstances ? sks13 1 how much headway is he likely to make . sks13 1 who left bill . sks13 0 * whom left bill . sks13 1 who did bill leave . sks13 1 whom did bill leave . sks13 1 is there anything to do today ? sks13 1 there are two main characters in the novel . sks13 1 there are 3 firemen available . sks13 0 * there stabbed an animal . sks13 0 * there ran many people . sks13 0 * mary judged there . sks13 0 * i had a realization of there . sks13 1 there were seven people . sks13 1 there were several doctors available . sks13 1 rodney was eating some squid , was n't he ? sks13 1 there is a man ready to jump from the roof , is n't there ? sks13 1 sharks seem to swim slowly in the tropics . sks13 1 the cat seems to be out of the bag . sks13 1 the shit seems to have hit the fan . sks13 0 * there run many people . sks13 1 there seems to be a nurse available . sks13 0 * there seems to stab an animal . sks13 0 * there seems to run many people to the station . sks13 1 it seems that john left . sks13 1 several people seem sick . sks13 1 john considers several people sick . sks13 1 there are several people sick . sks13 1 several people seem several people sick . sks13 1 several people are sick . sks13 1 bill is sick . sks13 1 susan hopes to sleep . sks13 1 susan hopes that she will sleep . sks13 0 * susan hopes susan to sleep . sks13 0 * everyone hopes him to sleep . sks13 1 everyone hopes to sleep . sks13 1 everyone hopes that everyone will sleep . sks13 0 * susan hopes her to sleep . sks13 1 only churchill remembered giving the blood , sweat and tears speech . sks13 1 only churchill remembered his giving the blood , sweat and tears speech . sks13 1 only churchill remembered himself giving the blood , sweat and . sks13 1 susan hopes herself to sleep . sks13 1 for john to hurt his friends is stupid . sks13 1 to hurt his friends is stupid . sks13 1 for john to hurt himself is stupid . sks13 1 to hurt oneself is stupid . sks13 0 * for john to hurt oneself is stupid . sks13 1 john promised bill to leave . sks13 1 john promised mary that he would leave . sks13 1 john promised mary to cut the grass . sks13 1 john promise mary to control himself . sks13 0 * john promised mary to control herself . sks13 0 * john promised mary to shave herself . sks13 1 john seems to sleep all day . sks13 1 john hopes to sleep . sks13 1 john tried to sleep . sks13 0 * john believes to have slept . sks13 1 john believes bill to have slept . sks13 0 * john believes for bill to have slept . sks13 1 john believes that bill has slept . sks13 0 * john believes bill that mary has slept . sks13 0 * john convinced to sleep . sks13 1 john convinced bill to sleep . sks13 0 * john convinced bill for mary to sleep . sks13 0 * john convinced that bill has slept . sks13 0 * it convinced bill that mary should sleep . sks13 1 john believes it to be obvious that bill left . sks13 1 john believes it to be raining . sks13 0 * john convinced it to be obvious that bill left . sks13 0 * john convinced it to be raining . sks13 0 * john convinced there to be several firemen available . sks13 1 bill cooked the rice . sks13 1 the rice was cooked by bill . sks13 1 bill visited mary . sks13 1 mary was visited by bill . sks13 1 john believes bill to have cooked the rice . sks13 1 john believes the rice to have been cooked by bill . sks13 1 john believes bill to have visited mary . sks13 1 john believes mary to have been visited by bill . sks13 1 john convinced bill to cook the rice . sks13 0 * john convinced the rice to be cooked by bill . sks13 1 john convinced bill to visit mary . sks13 1 john believes that bill slept . sks13 1 i sent money . sks13 1 i sent mary money . sks13 1 i sent money to mary . sks13 0 * i sent bill money to mary to sam . sks13 1 i worked on sunday in the city on that project without a break . sks13 1 i praised mary . sks13 0 * i praised . sks13 1 the moon glows in the darkness . sks13 1 the moon glows . sks13 1 i sang a song with mary while you did so with bill . sks13 1 what mary did with bill was sing a song . ad03 1 she tried to leave ad03 1 who said he would give the cloak to lee ? ad03 0 * gilgamesh does n't be in the dungeon ad03 1 which book about herself did jenny say that anson had written . ad03 1 paul had eighty eight billion sixty three million forty-four thousand nine hundred at ad03 0 * what i said that was we would go . ad03 1 the boy thought she was happy . ad03 1 the landlord donated a helicopter ad03 1 most dragons have been neutered . ad03 1 who did you meet all when you were in derry ? ad03 1 jason persuaded medea to desert her family . ad03 1 michael abandoned an old friend at mardi gras ad03 1 you friends of the king are all the same ad03 1 he is that kind of actor ad03 0 * lucy 's gomez 's wallet ad03 1 medea tended to appear to be evil . ad03 1 he 's bound to could do it ad03 1 nathan received the cloak from benjamin ad03 1 that the world is round is obvious . ad03 1 poseidon wept , after the executioner left . ad03 1 i asked who did medea poison . ad03 1 i never liked his analysis . ad03 0 * peter is some happy pigs which can fly . ad03 0 * gilgamesh not left . ad03 0 * there arrived by medea . ad03 1 i might have eaten some seaweed . ad03 1 there appears to be a problem with this solution . ad03 1 what julie became was fond of lloyd . ad03 1 bill did not defeat the gods but gilgamesh did . ad03 1 aphrodite frees animals ad03 0 * the hospital was donated the book to . ad03 1 medea , jason poisoned . ad03 0 * they kicked himself ad03 1 emily showed benjamin himself in the mirror . ad03 1 jason was killed by medea . ad03 1 how did you eat the cake ? ad03 1 i asked who medea poisoned . ad03 1 aphrodite wanted to live and ishtar tried to ad03 1 i was sitting not under the tree but under the bush ad03 1 the child wails ad03 1 gilgamesh has n't left ad03 0 * whiskey do i drink . ad03 1 dracula thought that he was the prince of darkness . ad03 1 he looked up the number . ad03 1 she has kissed her . ad03 1 agamemnon stopped jason casting the spell ad03 1 humans love to eat some disgruntled old pigs in those ditches . ad03 1 jason whispered that the phoenix had escaped ad03 1 ron definitely has bought a dog . ad03 0 * he book ad03 1 who is it obvious that plato loves . ad03 0 * which god the statue ? ad03 0 * kiss pigs is my happiest memory ad03 0 * dante accused ad03 1 that picture of jenny in a rubber dress does n't flatter her . ad03 1 he might could go ad03 1 benjamin gave lee the cloak and nathan the chalice . ad03 1 that monkey is ate the banana ad03 1 i bought a book about harry ad03 0 * the children wails ad03 1 who was it obvious that plato loved ? ad03 1 it was for jenny that i intended to be present . ad03 1 i think she is pregnant ad03 1 it 's extremely windy today . ad03 0 * who did you believe that to kiss seemed wrong ? ad03 1 jason would prefer medea to have cursed agamemnon . ad03 0 * the therapist 's analysis of lucy 's ad03 1 who did athena introduce to whom ? ad03 1 it appears that poseidon owns a dragon ad03 1 i have often eaten muffins . ad03 1 gilgamesh can seek ishtar ad03 1 you kicked yourself ad03 1 agamemnon seems to have left . ad03 1 the dragons had all eaten the pigs . ad03 1 anson shot the dinosaur with his rifle in the jungle ad03 0 * genie intoned the mirror . ad03 1 i often have eaten muffins . ad03 1 he kicked himself ad03 1 gilgamesh has not read the cuneiform tablets . ad03 1 he might maybe do that , might n't he ? ad03 1 i intended for jenny to be present . ad03 0 * we believed to be omnipotent . ad03 1 whose poem about achilles did homer persuade jason that he should read ? ad03 1 jason would prefer for medea to have cursed agamemnon . ad03 1 i asked who medea gave what ? ad03 1 i have every hope that you will defeat him . ad03 1 paris is no more ad03 1 he will can do it ad03 1 we believed him to be the headmaster ad03 1 who kissed who ? ad03 1 who did you say that john thought would leave early ? ad03 0 * any boy saw no one . ad03 0 * what i arranged for jenny was to be present . ad03 0 * he kicked herself ad03 1 cassandra has warned agamemnon again . ad03 1 gilgamesh has been fighting the dragon . ad03 1 lucy 's photograph of jane ad03 1 who did jason think medea had poisoned ? ad03 1 gilgamesh may have quickly cast the spell ad03 0 * having read of shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * medea tried her to leave . ad03 1 the potion boiled over ad03 1 there arrived a new actor . ad03 1 i ate fruit ad03 1 i hoped that you would defeat him . ad03 1 who seems to be certain to leave first ? ad03 0 * she liked moya 's football . ad03 1 his hen loves anson . ad03 1 i ate a mango and gillian did too . ad03 1 why did you eat the cake ? ad03 0 * he would can go ad03 1 perhaps gilgamesh should be leaving ad03 1 i want to can do it ad03 1 jason intended for him to learn magic . ad03 1 i went to the shop for to get bread . ad03 1 i asked which king invaded which city . ad03 1 we made the claim that perseus killed the gorgon . ad03 1 plato listened to dp demosthenes ' oration about philip . ad03 1 the old house collapsed . ad03 0 * i believed she is pregnant ad03 1 how are you feeling ? ad03 1 aphrodite misses gilgamesh . ad03 1 anson very happily demonized david . ad03 1 that plato loved aster proved to be his undoing . ad03 1 has n't the potion worked ? ad03 1 bill 's reading shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 every vampire slept . ad03 1 i might be leaving soon . ad03 0 * it 's arrived first that julie and jenny ad03 1 the man i saw left . ad03 0 * he replied his answer . ad03 1 because they hated him , the druids forced jason to live in a cupboard ad03 1 we kicked ourselves ad03 1 did medea poison jason ? ad03 1 aphrodite freed animals ad03 1 the book was donated to the hospital . ad03 1 medea poisoned more children than jason did . ad03 1 nathan showed benjamin himself in the mirror . ad03 1 that plato loved aster deeply was obvious . ad03 1 he kicked him ad03 1 jason expected the doctor to treat medea ad03 1 the therapist 's analysis of lucy ad03 1 where are you living ? ad03 1 who showed what to who ? ad03 1 medea thought that , after the executioner had left , poseidon would be relieved . ad03 1 the consul 's gift of the gladiator to himself . ad03 1 all the dragons have been slain . ad03 1 gilgamesh should slowly be tickling the mandrake . ad03 1 odysseus planned to hear the sirens . ad03 1 bill reading shakespeare and maureen singing schubert satisfies me ad03 1 the shooting of the hunters was very loud . ad03 0 * the librarians likes books . ad03 0 * can he will do it ? ad03 0 * i ordered there to be three books on the subject . ad03 1 truman punched johnson ad03 1 he became fond of peanuts . ad03 1 the therapist analysed lucy ad03 1 dracula thought himself to be the prince of darkness . ad03 0 * which poem did you hear those recitals of last night ? ad03 1 athena introduced medea to jason ad03 1 he 'll no can do it , will he ? ad03 1 anson is incredibly difficult to please . ad03 1 it was claimed by everyone that the poison was neutralised ad03 1 the banana is being eaten by that monkey . ad03 1 i want to kiss pigs ad03 1 burn letters to him ! ad03 1 his analysis of her was flawed ad03 1 did the potion boil over ? ad03 1 i did n't see him ever . ad03 0 * she said moya liked football . ad03 1 we all thought him to be unhappy ad03 1 which book are you reading ? ad03 1 that monkey is eating the banana . ad03 1 that bottle of water might have cracked open . ad03 1 who did gilgamesh believe to have kissed aphrodite ? ad03 1 paul had three affairs . . . ad03 1 close the door ! ad03 1 i was eating not a peach but an apple ad03 1 which poem did you go to hear a recital of last night ? ad03 0 * when time will you be there . ad03 1 i have sent 0 letters to environmental heath . ad03 1 why did you kill pegasus ? ad03 1 aphrodite does free animals ad03 1 gilgamesh will seek ishtar ad03 1 i assumed him to be innocent ad03 1 i am being whipped ad03 1 never will i do syntax again . ad03 1 the children wail ad03 1 mary fell . ad03 1 i inquired if we could leave early . ad03 1 benjamin gave the cloak and sent the book to lee ad03 1 hera tried to appear to be happy . ad03 0 * i arranged for to see her . ad03 0 * bill 's reading shakespeare and maureen 's singing schubert satisfies me ad03 0 * myself shaved me . ad03 0 * no reading shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 the emperor 's every wish was immediately carried out . ad03 1 jenny has eaten a cake . ad03 0 * moya played football with her ad03 0 * i intoned fruit ad03 1 the sheep cry ad03 1 he ca n't possibly do that , can he ad03 1 we believed that aphrodite was omnipotent . ad03 1 which book about ulysses did you say that you would read ? ad03 0 * i wanted any cake . ad03 1 gilgamesh is not reading the cuneiform tablets . ad03 1 jason persuaded medea to try to run away . ad03 1 we believed aphrodite to be omnipotent ad03 1 that bottle of water might have . ad03 1 i do n't remember what all i said ? ad03 0 * aphrodite said he freed the animals and freed the animals he ad03 1 that aphrodite was so promiscuous astounded the other gods . ad03 0 * gilgamesh does n't ate the honey ad03 1 i claimed that she was pregnant ad03 0 * aphrodite do freed animals . ad03 1 david wrote that you said that anson thought that julie had fainted ad03 0 * gilgamesh failed often biology ad03 1 it rained ad03 1 poseidon was asleep , when the executioner arrived . ad03 1 people are in the garden ad03 1 anson became happy ad03 1 it is tough to teach syntax . ad03 1 there 's going to be a party , is n't there ? ad03 0 * i have might be flying helicopters . ad03 1 they brought the hat to the teacher ad03 1 what medea attempted was to poison her children . ad03 1 benjamin gave the cloak 0 and sent the book to lee ad03 1 the man chuckles ad03 1 milena will make pasta . ad03 1 aphrodite did free animals ad03 1 gilgamesh should seek ishtar ad03 1 they depend on mary . ad03 0 * the greeks arrived all . ad03 0 * has not the potion worked ad03 0 * gomez 's photograph of pugsley of lucy 's ad03 0 * will can he do it ? ad03 1 humans love to eat the old pigs . ad03 0 * he could might go ad03 1 it 's under the bed that 's the best place to hide ad03 1 he left . ad03 1 that picture of her pleases jenny . ad03 1 constantly reading shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 there was a dragon in the cave . ad03 1 people like lard . ad03 1 these ones are to be smuggled from hungary . ad03 0 * emily showed himself to benjamin in the mirror . ad03 0 * i said that that jason was jealous annoyed medea ad03 1 we donated a chopper to the new hospital ad03 1 these expensive and illegal bottles of absinthe are to be smuggled from hungary . ad03 1 a programme about euripides is on a radio 4 tonight . ad03 1 lucy 's analysis was the most successful ad03 0 * i am having eaten seaweed . ad03 1 medea tried to poison her children . ad03 0 * anson demonized old ad03 1 what i said was that we would go . ad03 1 there are many fish in the sea . ad03 1 jason gave the poisoned clothes to who ? ad03 0 * by is eaten monkey banana that the being ad03 1 benjamin said he would run away and he did . ad03 1 who is sailing to ithaca ? ad03 1 they sat on mary . ad03 1 julie filed letters to herself . ad03 1 he looked it up ad03 1 who 's there ? ad03 0 * there was he in the garden . ad03 1 he might no could have done it ad03 0 * gilgamesh did n't ate the honey ad03 1 the sheep cries ad03 1 for aphrodite to appear to be happy would be impossible . ad03 0 * who did plato listen to dp demosthenes ' oration about ? ad03 0 * me gave it to him . ad03 1 if one were to steal talismans from witches , then that would be dangerous . ad03 1 bill did not destroy the world . ad03 1 both the twins might have been at the party . ad03 1 that plato loved aster was obvious . ad03 1 the pigs grunt ad03 0 * where place are you living . ad03 0 * who was for medea to poison awful ? ad03 0 * julie maintained if the barman was sober . ad03 1 the analysis of lucy took longer than that of gomez . ad03 0 * julie became a fond . ad03 1 i climbed up the tree . ad03 1 i inquired when we could leave . ad03 1 where alison and david soaked their feet was in the kitchen ad03 0 * what medea wondered if was the potion was ready ad03 1 that photograph of jane of lucy 's ad03 1 the constant reading of shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * medea wondered if that the potion was ready ad03 1 what she thought was that the poison was neutralised ad03 1 because she had got the highest marks , medea was happy ad03 1 when did you arrive ? ad03 1 which poisonous plant is it certain that we will find in amazonia ? ad03 1 the microphone salesman 's 0 irritating patter was relentless . ad03 1 the paris i used to know is no more ad03 1 sam gave the cloak to lee and gave the magic chalice to matthew . ad03 1 gilgamesh has eaten the honey ad03 1 i will eat a mango , and gillian will too . ad03 1 computer viruses increased in virulence last year . ad03 1 at trade , anson danced extremely frantically ad03 1 richard is going to chop some wood . ad03 1 the poem that homer wrote . ad03 1 who did drink the poison ? ad03 1 evan 's every idea was completely insane . ad03 1 sally is making scones , and gillian is too . ad03 1 everyone claimed that the poison was neutralized . ad03 0 * jonathan persuaded kate to lick himself . ad03 1 that jason arrived infuriated medea . ad03 1 medea was happy , because she had got the highest marks ad03 1 keep yourself clean ! ad03 1 cassandra has foretold disaster again . ad03 1 bill 's reading of shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 who poisoned who ? ad03 1 pigs love truffles . ad03 1 owners of pigs love truffles ad03 1 so quickly did the vampire move , that we barely saw him . ad03 1 humans love to eat those pigs . ad03 0 * she has kissed she . ad03 0 * jason intended for he to learn magic . ad03 1 jason persuaded medea to be treated by the doctor ad03 1 it is true that i might be doing something other than going to the party . ad03 1 jason expected medea to be treated by the doctor ad03 0 * i found there . ad03 1 moya said she liked football . ad03 1 anson became the mayor ad03 1 kane ate dirt . ad03 1 benjamin gave the cloak to nathan ad03 0 * the fig chuckled ad03 1 poseidon had run away , because the executioner murdered hera . ad03 1 a description of aristotle is in the book . ad03 1 julie and jenny did . ad03 1 it 's quarter past four . ad03 1 owners of a pig love to eat truffles . ad03 0 * that whether the world is round is unknown bothered athena . ad03 1 no one expected agamemnon to to win ad03 1 euclid was interested in plato 's description of geometry . ad03 0 * every reading shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * can will he do it ? ad03 1 medea poisoned who ? ad03 0 * he looked up it ad03 0 * who guy did you see . ad03 0 * we kicked myself ad03 0 * who would poseidon run away , if the executioner murdered ? ad03 0 * anson kissed him ad03 1 which city the claim that philip would invade . ad03 1 i have n't left yet ad03 0 * i am eating a mango and gillian has too . ad03 0 * letter is on the table ad03 1 who ate the cake ? ad03 1 why did you say that you were leaving ? ad03 1 michael left meg ad03 0 * aphrodite quickly may free the animals ad03 1 the reading of shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * the weather rained ad03 0 * gilgamesh seek may ishtar ad03 1 no one expected to win . ad03 0 * who did that plato loved seem to be known by everyone . ad03 1 the bear sniffs ad03 1 it hung on the wall . ad03 0 * jason killed . ad03 0 * many people were there playing on the beach ad03 1 know yourself ! ad03 1 agamemnon attempted to behave well . ad03 1 julie felt he was there ad03 1 he thought that dracula was the prince of darkness . ad03 1 i have eaten already ad03 1 it is not true that i have left yet . ad03 0 * that monkeys is eating the banana . ad03 1 i could have been flying helicopters by now . ad03 0 * anson put a book ad03 0 * gilgamesh might have not been reading the cuneiform tablets . ad03 1 i asked if medea poisoned jason . ad03 1 who did you persuade to go ? ad03 1 what did you get all for xmas ? ad03 1 some disgruntled old pigs in those ditches love truffles ad03 1 jason was killed . ad03 0 * i would like to might do it ad03 0 * peter is some disgruntled old pigs in those ditches . ad03 0 * there was him in the garden . ad03 1 gilgamesh is in the dungeon . ad03 1 anson will come to the party . ad03 1 gilgamesh has never flown a dragon . ad03 0 * julie maintained her own questions over the course of the argument . ad03 1 his analysis , i never liked . ad03 1 that bottle of water might . ad03 0 * did medea poison who ? ad03 1 she took a picture of the phoenix ad03 0 * look after herself ! ad03 1 who did medea poison ? ad03 1 i tried for to get them . ad03 1 who did you introduce athena to ? ad03 1 can i keep the screwdriver just like a carpenter keep the screwdriver ? ad03 1 jason refrained from casting the spell ad03 1 andrew likes lard on his sandwiches ad03 1 who seemed to have left first ? ad03 0 * ron asked that the potion was ready ad03 1 hierarchy of projections : ad03 1 we decided to paint the bathroom a lurid lime green colour . ad03 1 she kicked her ad03 0 * he knows he . ad03 1 i believed there to be three books on the subject . ad03 0 * the child wail ad03 1 which girl ate the cake ? ad03 1 that plato lived in the city of athens was well-known . ad03 0 * collapsed harry . ad03 1 for you to do that would be a mistake . ad03 0 * jason thinks who medea had poisoned . ad03 1 i believe she is pregnant ad03 1 no one expected him to to win . ad03 1 he 'll no can do it , can he ? ad03 0 * which poem did you hear homer 's recital of last night ? ad03 1 raffi slept well , and gillian will too ad03 1 he 's bound to should do it ad03 1 it might have cracked open ad03 1 where did perseus see the gorgon ? ad03 1 the scissors are lost ad03 1 gilgamesh should be slowly tickling the mandrake ad03 0 * agamemnon seems pro to be a maniac ad03 0 * myself saw me ad03 1 i believed she was pregnant ad03 1 anson gave fluffy to jenny . ad03 1 the very old and extremely wise owl . ad03 0 * who did that plato loved prove to be his undoing . ad03 0 * what medea believed was jason to be a murderer . ad03 1 the owl hated the evil bat and loved the wise eagle . ad03 1 no one could remove the blood on the wall ad03 0 * he can can go ad03 0 * gillian has made pasta and david is too . ad03 0 * jason intended for pro to learn magic . ad03 1 the boys should could all go ad03 0 * i assumed to be innocent ad03 1 anson danced extremely frantically at trade . ad03 0 * the gorgon is easy to believe the claim that perseus slew . ad03 0 * she kicked itself ad03 1 julie became a fond of lloyd . ad03 1 lee 's youngest and dawn 's oldest son ran away . ad03 1 anson kicked the cat ad03 1 merlin is extremely evil . ad03 1 syntax is easy to pretend that you can teach . ad03 1 i want to eat macaroni ad03 1 which ode did which poet write ? ad03 0 * what she thought that was the poison was neutralised ad03 1 who drank the poison ? ad03 1 what medea arranged was for her children to be poisoned . ad03 1 no one 's mother had baked anything . ad03 1 what kind of actor is he ? ad03 1 what did she eat ? ad03 0 * frantically at , anson danced extremely trade ad03 1 i have often a cold . ad03 1 who did maria say that she 'd kiss and kick ? ad03 1 where did they go all for their holidays ? ad03 1 they came running over the hill and through the woods ad03 0 * the airport yawned ad03 1 how quickly did you eat the cake ? ad03 1 many fish are in the sea . ad03 1 they arrived first ad03 1 people were playing on the beach . ad03 0 * benjamin gave to lee it . ad03 0 * he liked anson . ad03 0 * the bear sniff ad03 0 * i inquired could we leave early . ad03 1 the bears sniff ad03 0 * i persuaded there to be a problem . ad03 1 his book ad03 1 he looked the number up ad03 1 has jenny eaten a cake ? ad03 1 which goddess helped us ? ad03 1 medea killed jason . ad03 1 ron certainly will buy a dog . ad03 0 * they shaved david and anson . ad03 0 * we believed to be the headmaster ad03 1 which king did you wonder invaded which city ? ad03 1 no one expected agamemnon to win . ad03 0 * the day snowed ad03 1 gilgamesh never flies dragons . ad03 0 * keep myself clean ! ad03 1 the dragons have all been slain . ad03 0 * did that medea killed her children upset jason ? ad03 1 the amoeba coughed and then it fainted . ad03 1 i want to sing ad03 1 he will can go ad03 0 * medea seemed that has poisoned jason . ad03 1 having read shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * peter is owners of pigs . ad03 0 * odysseus attempted the helmsman to hear the sirens . ad03 1 gilgamesh may seek ishtar ad03 1 the librarian likes books . ad03 1 alison and david soaked their feet after dinner ad03 1 mary is faster than john is . ad03 1 alison and david soaked their feet in the kitchen ad03 0 * you kicked you ad03 1 did you see mary ? ad03 1 raffi has made pasta , and david has too . ad03 1 there seemed to be three men in the garden . ad03 1 that medea murdered jason did n't surprise anyone . ad03 1 moya 's football team loved her ad03 0 * i sent she away . ad03 1 jason persuaded medea that she should desert her family ad03 0 * aphrodite stinks to be omnipotent . ad03 1 every reading of shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * bill reading shakespeare and maureen singing schubert satisfy me ad03 1 when the executioner arrived , poseidon was asleep ad03 1 they kicked themselves ad03 1 many vampires have become vegetarian . ad03 0 * that that the world is round is obvious upset hermes . ad03 0 * bill not destroyed the world . ad03 1 john saw stephan ad03 0 * i destroyed there . ad03 0 * what was euclid interested in plato 's description of ? ad03 1 i like anson ad03 1 the dragons simply all died out . ad03 1 gilgamesh did not fly the dragon . ad03 1 which goddess might help us ? ad03 1 humans love to eat pigs . ad03 1 which poem about achilles did homer recite ? ad03 1 the boys should all could go ad03 0 * the owl hated the evil and the wise eagle . ad03 1 the shield that saved achilles life . ad03 1 evan 's every desire ad03 1 i wondered whether medea had fled . ad03 1 i have eaten my hat already ad03 0 * he will could go ad03 1 jenny swallowed the fly ad03 1 the flying car hit the tree in the air ad03 1 i have a book . ad03 1 jason thought of defending the dragon ad03 1 it seems that agamemnon is a maniac ad03 0 * which city do you believe the claim that philip would invade ? ad03 1 we claimed that perseus had killed the gorgon ad03 1 we need some technician to help us . ad03 0 * the scissors is lost ad03 1 i have been flying helicopters for years . ad03 1 sam gave the cloak to lee and the magic chalice to matthew . ad03 0 * we kicked us ad03 1 no reading of shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 what did he reply ? ad03 0 * it was claimed that by everyone the poison was neutralised ad03 1 i asked which city which king invaded . ad03 1 raffi makes pesto pasta , and david does too ad03 1 eat dirt ! ad03 1 look after yourself ! ad03 0 * she wanted to can leave ad03 1 arthur gave the tapestry to lancelot . ad03 1 we took the car to the town ad03 1 benjamin gave the cloak to lee . ad03 1 not reading shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * there were killed three men . ad03 1 gilgamesh has not been reading the cuneiform tablets ad03 0 * the imposition of the government of a fine . ad03 1 when alison and david soaked their feet was after dinner ad03 1 this problem 's analysis is made a lot easier when you understand differential equations . ad03 0 * dracula thought that himself was the prince of darkness . ad03 0 * gilgamesh might have been not reading the cuneiform tablets . ad03 1 who asked which statue which tourist had taken a photo of ? ad03 1 willow said that she 'd kiss tara and kick xander . ad03 1 i climbed right up the tree . ad03 1 all the dragons had escaped . ad03 1 who did you attempt to force jason to kill ? ad03 1 i thought of the moon ad03 0 * benjamin thought he would give the cloak to lee and the cloak to lee he gave . ad03 1 i wondered had he left yet . ad03 1 i thought she was pregnant ad03 1 i arranged for him to see her . ad03 1 it was over the hill and through the woods that they came running ad03 1 who did you ask saw what ? ad03 0 * gilgamesh might can seek ishtar ad03 1 gilgamesh arrived ad03 0 * jason arrived by medea . ad03 1 oil spread over the sea shore . ad03 1 what jason asked was whether the potion was ready ad03 0 * jason asked whether that the potion was ready ad03 1 have you seen mary ? i have vp seen mary ad03 1 it seems that agamemnon left . ad03 1 those monkeys are eating the banana . ad03 0 * i introduced her to he . ad03 0 * nathan showed to benjamin it . ad03 0 * he kicked yourself ad03 1 anson tried to shave himself . ad03 0 *? gilgamesh never has flown a dragon . ad03 0 * what julie did of lloyd was become fond . ad03 1 it is not allowed to incriminate oneself . ad03 1 the analysis of the problem was flawed ad03 1 which goddess did help us ? ad03 1 poseidon appears to have turned out to have left . ad03 0 * gilgamesh has been not reading the cuneiform tablets . ad03 0 * danced extremely , anson frantically at trade ad03 0 * aphrodite wanted to live and ishtar tried to do ad03 0 * i kicked yourself ad03 1 how fond of esther is agamemnon ? ad03 1 ron heard a discussion in the foyer ad03 0 * my mother hated myself ad03 1 the students demonstrated the technique this morning ad03 1 he walked up the hill . ad03 0 * we wanted to ate cake ad03 0 * jason knew those medea had cast the spell ad03 0 * gilgamesh must should seek ishtar ad03 1 aphrodite said he freed the animals and free the animals he did ad03 1 did you drink the poison ? ad03 1 whether agamemnon had triumphed was unknown . ad03 0 * her has kissed her . ad03 1 i often have a cold . ad03 0 * jason whispered the phoenix had escaped ad03 0 * bill reading of shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 did n't the magic work ? ad03 1 anson thought julie had fainted ad03 1 the horse fell ad03 0 * odysseus attempted odysseus to hear the sirens . ad03 1 burn letters to peter ! ad03 1 genie intoned the prayer ad03 1 gilgamesh did n't fly the broomstick . ad03 1 ron 's likely to be on the web , is n't he ? ad03 1 bill 's reading shakespeare and maureen 's singing schubert satisfy me ad03 0 * owners of a pig loves to eat truffles ad03 0 * gilgamesh might loved ishtar ad03 1 paul had an affair ad03 1 poseidon appears to own a dragon ad03 1 the twins might have both been at the party . ad03 0 * that jason had arrived was obvious infuriated medea . ad03 1 that i should evaporate is my fondest dream ad03 1 what gilgamesh may do is seek ishtar ad03 1 you said that anson thought that julie had fainted ad03 1 the owl hated the evil bat and the wise eagle ad03 1 what did john buy ? ad03 1 agamemnon forced aphrodite to leave the school . ad03 1 there is a description of aristotle in the book . ad03 0 * medea exclaimed if the potion was ready ad03 1 humans love to eat them . ad03 0 * someone did medea poison . ad03 1 perhaps iphigenia will have murdered oedipus by tomorrow . ad03 1 so that he could escape , jason became invisible ad03 0 * i wondered who had medea poisoned . ad03 1 i asked did medea poison jason . ad03 1 agamemnon stopped jason from casting the spell ad03 1 no one wanted any cake . ad03 1 i wanted jimmy for to come with me . ad03 0 * he walked the hill up . ad03 1 they should have all sent oedipus to thebes ad03 0 * those monkey are eating the banana . ad03 0 * who had poseidon run away , before the executioner murdered ? ad03 1 i asked anson if he was happy ad03 1 daniel became a blond . ad03 0 * has that we have arrived back at our starting point proved that the world is round ? ad03 1 it was the man i saw that you wanted to meet . ad03 1 that photograph by gomez of pugsley of lucy 's ad03 1 i ate that . ad03 1 it snowed ad03 1 aphrodite said he would free the animals and free the animals he will ad03 1 that the golden thread would show jason his path through the labyrinth was ad03 1 julie and jenny arrived first ad03 1 what have you eaten ? ad03 0 * peter is owners . ad03 0 * i said this he left ad03 1 who has drunk my whiskey ? ad03 0 * you said she liked yourself ad03 0 * she tried to left ad03 1 i 'd planned to have finished , and finished i have ad03 1 ron expected the sack . ad03 1 that i am here proves that i care . ad03 0 * she tried to may leave ad03 1 gilgamesh misses aphrodite ad03 0 * who seemed had poisoned jason ? ad03 1 that plato loved aster seemed to be known by everyone . ad03 1 when dining with evil crocodiles , it is advisable to wear armour . ad03 0 * benjamin said he would give the cloak to lee and give the cloak he did to lee . ad03 1 did the magic work ? ad03 1 who has drunk the poison ? ad03 1 benjamin said he would give the cloak to lee and give the cloak to lee he did . ad03 1 jason became invisible , so that he could escape ad03 1 aphrodite may quickly free the animals . ad03 1 the horse galloped ad03 1 how quickly did the greeks take troy ? ad03 1 some happy pigs which can fly love truffles ad03 1 julie felt a twinge in her arm ad03 1 the wizard turned the beetle into beer with a wave of his wand ad03 0 * who seemed that had poisoned jason ? ad03 1 kick me ! ad03 1 we wanted to eat cake ad03 1 gomez 's photograph of pugsley belonging to lucy . ad03 1 all the boys should could go ad03 1 julie maintained her own ideas over the course of the argument . ad03 1 the intrepid pirate and the fearful captain 's mate sunk the galleon . ad03 1 gilgamesh might not have been reading the cuneiform tablets . ad03 1 it was obvious that plato loved aster obvious . ad03 1 he loves him ad03 1 we all thought he was unhappy ad03 0 * emily showed himself benjamin in the mirror . ad03 1 anson believed the report . ad03 1 i looked the number up . ad03 0 * anson is incredibly difficult to be pleased . ad03 1 no vampire slept . ad03 1 after the executioner left , poseidon wept . ad03 1 peter was at the party ad03 0 * whales have i seen . ad03 0 * i thought she is pregnant ad03 0 * himself saw him ad03 1 that he is coming is clear . ad03 0 * there seem three men to be in the garden . ad03 0 * he analysis her was flawed ad03 1 where all did they go for their holidays ? ad03 1 gilgamesh decided not to kill ishtar ad03 1 bill reading shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 perseus saw the gorgon in his shield . ad03 1 poseidon would run away , if the executioner murdered hera . ad03 0 * who did a statue of surprise medea ? ad03 1 what did you say ( that ) the poet had written ? ad03 1 i saw people playing there on the beach . ad03 0 * who was that plato loved obvious ? ad03 1 i did n't want any cake . ad03 1 that i should kiss pigs is my fondest dream ad03 0 * gilgamesh flew not the broomstick . ad03 1 ron failed biology , unfortunately ad03 1 the men chuckle ad03 1 i expected there to be a problem . ad03 1 gilgamesh wanted to seduce ishtar , and seduce ishtar he did . ad03 1 harry collapsed . ad03 1 i asked who saw what . ad03 0 * the doctor arrived a new actor . ad03 0 * him loves him ad03 0 * who had poseidon run away , because the executioner murdered ? ad03 1 he has been happy ad03 1 poseidon had run away , before the executioner murdered hera . ad03 0 * which the poem did homer recite ? ad03 0 * not reading of shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * who did athena introduce who to ? ad03 1 merlin is a dangerous sorcerer . ad03 1 anson saw anson . ad03 1 i am to eat macaroni . ad03 1 poseidon had escaped , before the executioner arrived . ad03 1 owners love truffles ad03 0 * the dragons were slain all . ad03 0 * i saw him ever . ad03 1 humans love to eat owners of pigs . ad03 0 * i have sent 0 letter to environmental heath ad03 0 * what jason asked whether was the potion was ready ad03 1 those pigs love truffles ad03 0 * we all thought he to be unhappy ad03 1 i 'd planned to have finished by now . ad03 1 has the potion not worked ? ad03 1 what i love is toast and sun dried tomatoes ad03 1 mary ran . ad03 0 * the man i saw shaved myself . ad03 0 * readings shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * the picture of no one hung upon any wall . ad03 1 he replied that he was happy . ad03 1 no one could remove the blood from the wall ad03 1 julie maintained that the barman was sober . ad03 0 * i kicked me ad03 1 benjamin gave lee the cloak . ad03 1 aphrodite wanted hera to persuade athena to leave . ad03 1 gilgamesh is fighting the dragon . ad03 1 i claimed she was pregnant ad03 1 for jenny , i intended to be present . ad03 1 gilgamesh missed aphrodite ad03 1 she might be pregnant . ad03 0 * the pig grunt ad03 1 anson demonized david at the club . ad03 1 jason asked whether the potion was ready ad03 1 frieda closed the door ad03 0 * peter is the old pigs . ad03 1 medea might have given jason a poisoned robe ( just treat a poisoned robe as an np ad03 1 quickly kiss anson ! ad03 0 * anson believed jenny to have hurt himself . ad03 1 julie felt hot ad03 1 agamemnon expected esther to seem to be happy . ad03 0 * him book ad03 1 that the answer is obvious upset hermes . ad03 0 * the consul 's gift of himself to the gladiator . ad03 1 homer recited the poem about achilles ? ad03 1 no vampire can survive sunrise . ad03 1 under the bed is the best place to hide ad03 1 anson appeared ad03 1 there seems to be a problem . ad03 0 * anson became that he was happy ad03 1 i intoned that she was happy ad03 0 * we all thought him was unhappy ad03 1 medea saw who ? ad03 1 no one expected that agamemnon would win . ad03 1 believing that the world is flat gives one some solace . ad03 1 kick them ! ad03 0 * the bears sniffs ad03 0 * where did you disappear before you hid the gold ? ad03 0 * she tried to do go . ad03 1 medea wondered if the potion was ready ad03 1 who all did you meet when you were in derry ? ad03 1 who did you hear an oration about ? ad03 1 alison ran ad03 1 romeo sent letters to juliet . ad03 1 richard 's gift of the helicopter to the hospital and of the bus to the school . ad03 1 nathan caused benjamin to see himself in the mirror . ad03 1 a. madeleine planned to catch the sardines and she did . ad03 0 * medea tried medea to poison her children . ad03 0 * which temple did athena contemplate the reason that her devotees had built ? ad03 1 i did not understand . ad03 1 gilgamesh loved ishtar and aphrodite did too ad03 1 we believed him to be omnipotent ad03 0 * ron captured quickly a phoenix ad03 1 david ate mangoes and raffi should too . ad03 1 julie and fraser ate those delicious pies in julie 's back garden . ad03 1 the old pigs love truffles ad03 1 the boys all should could go ad03 1 aphrodite quickly freed the animals ad03 1 paul had two affairs ad03 1 what alison and david did was soak their feet in a bucket ad03 1 anson demonized david almost constantly . ad03 0 * agamemnon seemed that left . ad03 1 anson 's hen nibbled his ear . ad03 0 * what a kind of actor is he ? ad03 0 * the constantly reading shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 before the executioner arrived , poseidon had escaped ad03 1 gilgamesh did n't leave . ad03 1 genie intoned that she was tired ad03 1 look at all these books . which book would you like ? ad03 0 * there were killed three men by the assassin . ad03 0 * peter is those pigs . ad03 1 i do n't remember what i said all ? ad03 1 the pig grunts ad03 0 * the poison was neutralised was claimed that by everyone ad03 1 people are stupid ad03 1 what i arranged was for jenny to be present . ad03 1 i compared ginger to fred ad03 0 * peter is pigs ad03 1 which poet wrote which ode ? ad03 1 how did julie ask if jenny left ? ad03 1 dracula thought him to be the prince of darkness . ad03 0 * he ca n't possibly do that , possibly he ? ad03 1 i must eat macaroni . ad03 1 i asked who john would introduce to who . ad03 0 * the owl hated the and loved the bat . ad03 1 reading shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 humans love to eat owners . ad03 1 gilgamesh fears death and achilles does as well ad03 0 * the pigs grunts ad03 0 * constant reading shakespeare satisfied me ad03 0 * anson believed to be happy . ad03 1 how did julie say that jenny left ? ad03 1 show me letters ! ad03 1 the readings of shakespeare satisfied me ad03 1 anson demonized david every day . ad03 1 the students demonstrated this morning ad03 1 we believed aphrodite to be omnipotent . ad03 1 emily caused benjamin to see himself in the mirror . ad03 0 * anson left before jenny saw himself . ad03 1 nothing like that would i ever eat again . ad03 1 where has he put the cake ? ad03 1 jason persuaded medea to desert her family ad03 1 gilgamesh perhaps should be leaving . ad03 1 gilgamesh has n't kissed ishtar . ad03 0 * anson thought that himself was going to the club . ad03 0 * poseidon appears to own a dragon ad03 0 * digitize is my happiest memory ad03 1 it is easy to slay the gorgon . ad03 1 i had the strangest feeling that i knew you . ad03 1 what all did you get for christmas ?