data "aws_ami" "custom_bastion_ami" { most_recent = "true" owners = ["801119661308"] filter { name = "name" values = ["Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-Base-2021.09.15"] } filter { name = "root-device-type" values = ["ebs"] } filter { name = "virtualization-type" values = ["hvm"] } } resource "aws_security_group" "bastion_sec_group" { name = format("%s-bastion-sec-group", var.resource_prefix) vpc_id = module.main.vpc_id description = "Bastion host Security Group" egress { from_port = 80 to_port = 80 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [module.main.vpc_cidr] description = "Allow access to website over HTTP connection from the bastion host" } egress { from_port = 3389 to_port = 3389 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [module.main.vpc_cidr] description = "Allow RDP access to web server over TCP-3389 from the bastion host" } ingress { from_port = 3389 to_port = 3389 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = ["${chomp(data.http.myip.body)}/32"] description = "Allow RDP access to bastion host over TCP-3389 from the internet" } tags = merge( { "Name" = format("%s-bastion-sec-group", var.resource_prefix) }, var.tags ) } resource "aws_instance" "bastion" { ami = instance_type = "t3.micro" subnet_id = module.main.public_subnet_ids[0] vpc_security_group_ids = [] associate_public_ip_address = true key_name = var.ec2_key_pair_name metadata_options { http_endpoint = "enabled" http_tokens = "required" } tags = { Name = format("%s-bastion", var.resource_prefix) } } data "http" "myip" { url = "" }