# Easy ML PoCs _Easy Machine Learning Proof of Concepts_ Easy ML PoCs is a website/tool for use by people who need help navigating the AI/ML stack on AWS for their custom use cases. Customers who typically find it difficult to # General instructions: - The only thing you will have to touch, really, is the content folder. Add/ clone/ modify existing folders and .md markdown files. - To test locally, go to the root folder and do a 'hugo serve' and then head to localhost (link will be printed out in the output. - Commit and push once you are ready and the website will be built. - Do a PR for major changes, push directly for minor ones. ## Add useful examples and organize within chapters Then, create content pages inside the previously created chapter. Here are two ways to create content in a chapter with this hugo template: > hugo new chapter/first-content.md > hugo new chapter/second-content/_index.md *So how do you use this to contribute examples?* ## If you want to contribute code: 1. Ask for access and clone repo 2. Select between preprocessing, training and inference 3. based on your selection above, create a new index file under this chapter and edit away. For example, to create a new preprocessing sub-chapter for personalize, do: `hugo new preprocessing/personalize/_index.md' 4. Push update and wait for build ## Syntax-highlighting code blocks Insert code samples in a `{{< highlight >}}' block as shown below: `{{< highlight python >}} INSERT CODE HERE {{< /highlight >}}''
This gives you some more control like highlighting lines within an included code block. Alternatively, use the simple git syntax ```python INSERT CODE HERE ``` # License MIT-0 # Note on linked datasets The "use cases" section uses the following chest xray dataset: "[Kermany, Daniel; Zhang, Kang; Goldbaum, Michael (2018), “Labeled Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Chest X-Ray Images for Classification](http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/rscbjbr9sj.2)”, Mendeley Data, v2" used in examples under [CC BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). used in example uses cases and tutorials ## Remember to remove draft mode On the page you edited, mark draft: false (will be true by default)