from aws_cdk import ( core ) import os import hashlib import re import json from jsii.python import classproperty _STACK_TAG = None class CdkUtils(): @classproperty def stack_prefix(self) -> str: return "ec2-imagebuilder-ami-share" @staticmethod def scoped_stack_name(base_name: str) -> str: return f"{CdkUtils.stack_prefix}-{base_name}-{CdkUtils.stack_tag}" @classproperty def stack_tag(self) -> str: """The stack tag is an identifier that is used to differentiate between different instances of the same stack. This is especially relevant in a feature-branch environment where developers will create their own version of the stack while making changes that are intended to be integrated into the "main" version of the stack. """ # The stack tag only needs to be determined once. From then on we use # the global variable _STACK_TAG to contain the value. global _STACK_TAG if _STACK_TAG is None: if "STACK_TAG" in os.environ: # An environment variable that can be used to define the stack suffix. _STACK_TAG = os.environ["STACK_TAG"] else: from git import Repo # If the stack tag is not provided in the OS environment, then it is # calculated from the Git branch that is currently checked out. repo = Repo(path=os.getcwd()) branch_name = # Create a "slug" from the branch name, by replacing all # non-alphanumeric characters in the branch name with a dash. _STACK_TAG = re.sub( r"""[^a-zA-Z0-9-]""", r"""-""", branch_name ).lower() return _STACK_TAG @classproperty def bootstrap_qualifier(self) -> str: hasher = hashlib.sha256() hasher.update(CdkUtils.stack_tag.encode(encoding="utf-8")) return hasher.hexdigest()[-10:] @staticmethod def get_project_settings(): filename = "cdk.json" with open(filename, 'r') as cdk_json: data = return json.loads(data).get("projectSettings")