# AWS EC2 Setup for Prototyping ## Overview This repository is designed to help you quickly start prototyping with AWS. It sets up an EC2 instance, configured to be accessed via Remote SSH such as [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh). The only requirement is an AWS account. ### What's included This setup comes pre-installed with Python, Node.js, and Docker, which are commonly used for development in AWS. ## Getting started - Open [CloudShell](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudshell/home) in AWS. - Clone this repository. ``` git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/ec2-setup-for-prototyping ``` - Run the script. The first argument should be the access source IP's CIDR, the second argument is the stack name. **Substitute `XX.XX.XX.XX` to your environment accordingly.** ``` cd ec2-setup-for-prototyping ``` ``` ./bin.sh XX.XX.XX.XX/32 ProtoEnvStack ``` - Copy ssh key displayed on CloudShell to your clipboard, then save it locally as `prototype.pem`. - Change the permission of the pem file. ``` chmod 400 prototype.pem ``` - Login using SSH command. The IP address can be found at the bottom of output on CloudShell as `HostPublicIP`. ``` ssh -i prototype.pem ec2-user@XX.XX.XX.XX ``` - Follow the instructions provided by the respective IDE's documentation to connect the EC2 instance. For example, you can refer to VSCode's documentation [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh). ## Note The third and fourth argument to the ./bin.sh command can specify the instance size and volume size respectively. By default, these are `t2.large` and `128GB`.