variable "region" { default = "us-east-2" } variable "fargate_only" { description = "Set to true if ecs cluster is only running on fargate" default = false } variable "private_subnets" { description = "list IDs of private subnets" default = [] } variable "ecs_cluster_type" { default = "ec2" } variable "ecs_name" { description = "Name of cluster" default = "example_ecs" } variable "container_insights" { description = "Bool value for enable or disable container_insights" default = true } variable "instance_type" { default = "t3.small" } variable "desired_capacity" { description = "Desired number of running nodes" default = 1 } variable "max_size" { description = "Maximum amount of running nodes allowed" default = 4 } variable "min_size" { description = "Minimum amount of running nodes allowed" default = 0 } variable "rolling_healthy_percentage" { description = "Percentage number of nodes to allow for rolling update" default = 50 } variable "services" { default = { hello_world = { image = "nginx" cpu = 512 memory = 512 desired_count = 1 deployment_maximum_percent = 100 deployment_minimum_healthy_percent = 0 } } }