#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ----------------------------------------------------------- #// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. #// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # This code demonstrates how to automate the VIP routing for a multus based container # for multus pods # author: Raghvendra Singh # ----------------------------------------------------------- import requests import botocore, boto3, json import sys, datetime,argparse import ipaddress from requests.packages.urllib3 import Retry import subprocess,copy,time from collections import defaultdict from multiprocessing import Process ## Logs are printed with timestamp as an output for kubectl logs of this container def tprint(var): print (datetime.datetime.now(),"-",var) ## This function gets the metadata token def get_metadata_token(): token_url="" headers = {'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds': '21600'} r= requests.put(token_url,headers=headers,timeout=(2, 5)) return r.text def getInstanceData(instanceData,vpcId): instance_identity_url = "" session = requests.Session() retries = Retry(total=3, backoff_factor=0.3) metadata_adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries) session.mount("", metadata_adapter) headers={} try: r = requests.get(instance_identity_url, timeout=(2, 5)) code=r.status_code if code == 401: ###This node has IMDSv2 enabled, hence unauthorzied, we need to get token first and use the token tprint("node has IMDSv2 enabled!! Fetching Token first") token=get_metadata_token() headers = {'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': token} r = requests.get(instance_identity_url, headers=headers, timeout=(2, 5)) code=r.status_code if code == 200: response_json = r.json() instanceId = response_json.get("instanceId") region = response_json.get("region") instanceData["instanceId"]=instanceId instanceData["region"]=region macs_url="" r = requests.get(macs_url, headers=headers, timeout=(2,5)) code=r.status_code if code == 200: response = r.text macs=r.text.splitlines() for m in macs: mac=m.rstrip('/') eniData={} #interfaceKeys=["interface-id","vpc-id","subnet-ipv4-cidr-block","subnet-id","device-number"] interfaceKeys=["interface-id","vpc-id","subnet-ipv4-cidr-block","device-number"] for key in interfaceKeys: r = requests.get(macs_url+m+key, headers=headers, timeout=(2,5)) code=r.status_code if code == 200: eniData[key] = r.text if key == "vpc-id": vpc=r.text if vpc not in vpcId: vpcId.append(vpc) instanceData[mac]=eniData else: tprint("Got error while executing " + macs_url) except (requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err: tprint("Execption: Connection to AWS EC2 Metadata timed out: " + str(err.__class__.__name__)) tprint("Execption: Is this an EC2 instance? Is the AWS metadata endpoint blocked? (") raise except Exception as e: tprint("Execption: caught exception " + str(e.__class__.__name__)) raise def build_subnet_data(client,vpcId,subnetDetails) : try: response = client.describe_subnets( Filters=[ { 'Name': 'vpc-id','Values': vpcId },] ) for i in response['Subnets']: x={} x['SubnetId']=i['SubnetId'] subnetDetails[i['CidrBlock']]=x except Exception as e: tprint("Execption: caught exception " + str(e.__class__.__name__)) raise ## This function runs the shell command and returns the command output def shell_run_cmd(cmd,printOutput=True): if printOutput: tprint(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,encoding="utf-8") stdout, stderr = p.communicate() retCode = p.returncode stdout= stdout.strip() if printOutput: tprint("stdout:" + str(stdout.split("\n")) + " stderr: " + stderr + " retCode: " + str(retCode)) return (stdout, retCode) def addSBR(cidr, table): ip_str=cidr.split('/') query_cmd="ip rule ls | grep -q " + ip_str[0] tprint("check if there is a matching rule first: " + query_cmd) output, ret=shell_run_cmd(query_cmd) if ret==1: cmd="ip rule add from " + cidr + " table " + str(table) shell_run_cmd(cmd) def addRoute(peers,gw,intf,table,useSBR): for peer in peers: if useSBR: cmd="ip r add default via "+ gw + " dev " + intf+ " onlink table " + str(table) else: cmd="ip r add " + peer + " via "+ gw + " dev " + intf+ " onlink" shell_run_cmd(cmd) # This function checks if the prefix with prefixlen(netmask) belongs to a subnet or not, and returns the subnet cidr the ip address belongs to def find_subnet_cidr(inputCidr,subnetDetails): foundCidr=None data=inputCidr.split('/') prefix=data[0] prefixLen=int(data[1]) if prefixLen == 32: for cidr in subnetDetails.keys(): for addr in ipaddress.IPv4Network(cidr): ##if its a subnet CIDR then overwrite with subnet CIDR if ipaddress.IPv4Address(prefix) == addr: foundCidr=cidr break if foundCidr: break else: if inputCidr in subnetDetails.keys(): foundCidr=inputCidr tprint("inputCidr:"+ inputCidr + " subnet Cidr found:"+ str(foundCidr)) return foundCidr def add_route_parallel(eni,cidr,rtbResources): procipv4 = [] start = time.perf_counter() for rtb in rtbResources: tprint(f"processing rtb: {rtb} for { cidr} {eni} ") p = Process(target=add_route_new, args=(eni,cidr,rtb,rtbResources[rtb])) p.start() procipv4.append(p) # wait for the parallel requests to complete execution and return for p in procipv4: p.join(10) end = time.perf_counter() tprint(f"Finished All route tables for { cidr} {eni} route Time is {end - start}") def add_route_new(eni,cidr,rtb,ec2client) : #start = time.perf_counter() ##try replacing first adding action="replace" try: route = ec2client.Route(rtb,cidr) response = route.replace( NetworkInterfaceId=eni, ) # logger1.debug("added route for",cidr) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as err: errorcode = err.response['Error']['Code'] tprint(f"error { errorcode } for { cidr} {eni} in {rtb} while replace will perfrom add" ) action="add" try: route_table=ec2client.RouteTable(rtb) route = route_table.create_route( DestinationCidrBlock=cidr, NetworkInterfaceId=eni ) tprint(f"Finished adding new route for { cidr} {eni}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as err: errorcode = err.response['Error']['Code'] tprint(f"error { errorcode } for { cidr} {eni} in {rtb} while adding, route might still be there, skipping add" ) ## This function collects the details of VPC Route Tables in the given vpcs def build_vpc_rt_data(ec2_client,vpcId,rtbResources,vpcRTTag) : filters=None try: if vpcRTTag == "ALL" : filters=[ { 'Name': 'vpc-id','Values': vpcId },] else: data=vpcRTTag.split('=') if len(data) > 1: filters=[ { 'Name': 'vpc-id','Values': vpcId }, { 'Name': 'tag:'+data[0],'Values': [data[1]] }] else: filters=[ { 'Name': 'vpc-id','Values': vpcId }, { 'Name': 'tag-key','Values': [data[0]] }] response = ec2_client.describe_route_tables( Filters=filters ) for i in response['RouteTables']: if i['RouteTableId'] not in rtbResources.keys(): tprint("Adding " + i['RouteTableId'] + " in pool of VPC RTs") rtbResources[i['RouteTableId']]=None except Exception as e: tprint("Execption: caught exception " + str(e.__class__.__name__)) raise def main(): instance_id = None cmd = "for x in `ls /sys/class/net/ | egrep -v 'eth0|lo'`; do y=`ip a show dev $x | egrep 'link/ether'|cut -d ' ' -f 6`;z=`ip a show dev $x | egrep 'scope global'|cut -d ' ' -f 6`; echo ${x}=${y}=${z}; done" region= None instanceData = {} initcontainer=True interfaceDetails={} curInterfaceDetails = {} vpcId=[] rtbResources={} subnetLoopbacks=False useSBR=True subnetDetails={} peers={} routeAddCompleted=False parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='VIP script to add entries in VPC RT' ) parser.add_argument('--vpcRTTag', metavar='vpcRTouteTableTags', default='ALL',required=False, help='Options: ALL|BGPSpeaker=yes. This represents any tags as key=value pair to identify VPC route Tables,ex: BGPSpeaker=yes . ALL (or if no value provided) means select all route tables') parser.add_argument('--intf1Peers', metavar='eth1Peers', default=None,required=False, help='Options:, This represents This optional param is to add static route comma separated peers for first Multus interface i.e. eth1') parser.add_argument('--intf2Peers', metavar='eth2Peers', default=None,required=False, help='Options:, This represents This optional param is to add static route comma separated peers for second Multus interface i.e. eth2') parser.add_argument('--subnetLoopbacks', metavar='SubnetBasedLoopbacks', default="False",required=False, help='true|false This indicates if Loopbacks are defined as subnets in VPC. Default value is false') parser.add_argument('--runAsSidecar', metavar='runAsSidecar', default="False",required=False, help='true|false This indicates if this container shall run as sidecar, true mean sidecar, false means initContainer Default value is false') parser.add_argument('--useSBR', metavar='useSBR', default="True",required=False, help='true|false This indicates if this container shall configure Source Based Routing, false means classic dest based routing Default value is true') args = parser.parse_args() vpcRTTag=args.vpcRTTag if args.useSBR == "False" or args.useSBR == "false" : useSBR=False if args.subnetLoopbacks == "True" or args.subnetLoopbacks == "true" : subnetLoopbacks=True if args.runAsSidecar == "True" or args.runAsSidecar == "true" : initcontainer=False ## run as Sidecar tprint("Running as Sidecar container") else: tprint("Running as initContainer") if args.intf1Peers: peers['1']=args.intf1Peers.split(',') if args.intf2Peers: peers['2']=args.intf2Peers.split(',') while (1) : retCode=0 if not instance_id : try: # at the very first iteration, get the instance ID of the underlying worker & create a temp boto3 client to get instance data attached ENIs and corresponding subnet IP CIDRblocks getInstanceData(instanceData,vpcId) instance_id = instanceData["instanceId"] region = instanceData["region"] tprint(instanceData) tprint(vpcId) #tprint ("Got InstanceId: " + instance_id + " region: " + region) ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region) build_vpc_rt_data(ec2_client,vpcId,rtbResources,vpcRTTag) tprint(rtbResources) if len (rtbResources.keys()) <= 0: raise ValueError("No VPC Route table found for vpcRTTag: " + vpcRTTag) if subnetLoopbacks: build_subnet_data(ec2_client,vpcId,subnetDetails) tprint(subnetDetails) #Tn this coode, we are planning to do parallel processing and same client cant be used parallely for multiple parallel requests, so we are creating a Map/dictionary of ec2 clients for each ENI/subnet CIDR attached to the worker # These clients are stored as values against the dictionary where subnet RT Id is the key for rtb in rtbResources: if rtbResources[rtb] == None: tprint("Adding EC2 boto3 resource for RT: "+ rtb) rtbResources[rtb]= boto3.resource('ec2',region_name=region) # If these are any exceptions in getting the worker node details, catch it using catch all exception and keep trying & logging untill the problem is resolved except (Exception) as e: tprint ("Exception in getting the details :" + str(e)) tprint ("Retrying!!") time.sleep(1) instance_id=None ### override the instanceid to go through over it again continue try: #Run the shell command on the pod which will get the list of multus secondary interfaces MAC and Ips (non eth0) ##get MAC and IP output from pod for multus i/f output, retCode = shell_run_cmd(cmd,False) if retCode == 0 : newIPList = output.splitlines() for interface in newIPList: ## Ex: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff= data=interface.split('=') ## store MAC as key and IP as value, ignore netmask and add as /32 intfName=data[0] mac=data[1] ipList=[] if data[2]: for cidr in data[2].split(' '): ip=cidr.split('/')[0] prefix='/32' ipList.append(ip+prefix) interfaceDetails[mac]={"intfName": intfName, "ipList": ipList} ##if there add been any change in the IPs on the pod then add the new routes in VPC if curInterfaceDetails != interfaceDetails: tprint(interfaceDetails) #if there are IPs allocated on the pod, if len(interfaceDetails.keys()) > 0 : for mac in interfaceDetails: ipList=interfaceDetails[mac]["ipList"] intfName=interfaceDetails[mac]["intfName"] for ip in ipList: if subnetLoopbacks: cidr=find_subnet_cidr(ip,subnetDetails) else: cidr=ip #Add VPC RT entries in the relevant tables add_route_parallel(instanceData[mac]["interface-id"],cidr,rtbResources) if useSBR: ethIndex=instanceData[mac]["device-number"] table=100+int(ethIndex) tprint("Add SBR for IP: " + str(cidr)) addSBR(cidr,table) if routeAddCompleted == False: ##Add static route for the peers only once ethIndex=instanceData[mac]["device-number"] table=100+int(ethIndex) ipNet =ipaddress.ip_network(instanceData[mac]["subnet-ipv4-cidr-block"], strict=False) gw = str(ipNet[1]) if ethIndex in peers.keys(): tprint("add route for " + str(peers[ethIndex]) + " table " + str(table)) addRoute(peers[ethIndex],gw,intfName,table,useSBR) else: tprint ("No peers present for device-index "+ ethIndex+ ",skipping route add for " + intfName ) if initcontainer == True : tprint ("Started as initContainer. Exiting after successful execution") exit(0) # Once all the ipv4 and ipv6 assignments are completed, then copy the newIp list as current List curInterfaceDetails = copy.deepcopy(interfaceDetails) routeAddCompleted=True else: tprint ("No IPs present in system for cmd: "+ cmd ) else: tprint ("Error received: " + retCode + " for command: "+ cmd ) # If these are any exceptions in ip assignment to the NICs then catch it using catch all exception and keep trying & logging untill the problem is resolved except (Exception) as e: tprint ("Exception in Route Assignment to RT:" + str(e)) tprint ("continuing the handling") time.sleep(0.5) ##Main Usage if __name__ == "__main__": main()