# # When using the app of apps deployment pattern for bootstrapping a cluster with a set of applications, # a top-level parent Application resource is created, typically as a Helm chart. # This chart comprises a set of templates, each of which is a child Application. # The ArgoCD Application Controller responds only to Application resources deployed to the 'argocd' namespace. # The 'applications-project' AppProject allows a non-admin user to deploy only Application resources in the 'argocd' namespace. # Its counterpart 'workloads-project' is used for actual workloads which allows the user to deploy other resources such as Deployment, DaemonSet etc. # --- apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: AppProject metadata: name: applications-project namespace: argocd finalizers: - resources-finalizer.argocd.argoproj.io spec: description: Project for parent applicatons used when employing app of apps pattern sourceRepos: - git@github.com:aws-samples/eks-gitops-crossplane-argocd.git # # Allow this project to deploy only to 'argocd' namespace # destinations: - namespace: argocd server: https://kubernetes.default.svc # # Deny all namespace-scoped resources from being created, except for Application # namespaceResourceWhitelist: - group: 'argoproj.io' kind: Application