--- apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 kind: HelmRelease # # Note that this HelmRelease is deployed on the workload cluster # The release itself is made in a namespace that equals to the namespace of the HelmRelease which is 'flux-system' here. # As this namespace should already exist, we have to create a 'flux-system' namespace on the workload cluster. # metadata: name: prometheus-helmrelease namespace: flux-system spec: # install: # createNamespace: true targetNamespace: monitoring releaseName: prometheus-for-amp interval: 5m kubeConfig: secretRef: name: crossplane-workload-cluster-connection chart: spec: chart: prometheus sourceRef: kind: HelmRepository name: prometheus-community namespace: flux-system interval: 1m valuesFrom: - kind: ConfigMap name: prometheus-configmap