# Set these environment variables 

# Bootstrapping the cluster with Flux
# The bootstrap process will automatically create a GitRepository custom resource that points to the given repository
# The GitRepository resource is named after the namespace where Flux GitOps ToolKit is installed. In this case, it is 'flux-system'
# The bootstrap process will configure the repository with an SSH key for read-only access
kubectl create ns flux-system
flux bootstrap github \
  --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
  --owner=$GITHUB_USER \
  --namespace=flux-system \
  --repository=eks-gitops-crossplane-flux \
  --branch=main \
  --path=clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME \

# In order to authenticate with the external provider API such as AWS, the Crossplane AWS provider controller need to have access to credentials. 
# An AWS user with Administrative privileges is needed to enable Crossplane to create the required resources
# We wil have to first create a configuration file, secrets.conf, with credeantials of an AWS account in the following format.
# [default]
# aws_secret_access_key = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
# Then using this file, a YAML file that defines a Kubernetes Secret is created as follows
kubectl -n crossplane-system create secret generic aws-credentials --from-file=credentials=./secrets.conf --dry-run=client -o yaml > aws-credentials.yaml

# Next, deploy the Bitnami's Sealed Secrets controller in the 'sealed-secrets' namespace
# Then, generate a SealedSecret corresponding to the 'aws-credentials' Secret created above. This is done as shown below using the 'kubeseal' companion utility for Bitnami's Sealed Secrets.
# The file 'aws-credentials-sealed.yaml' resulting from the operation below is the one to deploy to the management cluster in the GitOps workflow.
# Push this file to the './deploy/crossplane-composition' directory of the GitHub repo that Flux is pointing to 
kubeseal --controller-namespace sealed-secrets --format yaml < aws-credentials.yaml > aws-credentials-sealed.yaml

# Important! Extract the master sealing key from the Sealed Secrets controller into a YAML file.
# After extracting the master key, the Sealed Secrets controller may be termintaed.
# The controller per se will get deployed as part of the GitOps workflow. 
# But you must make sure that the sealing key is first deployed using this file so that all SealedSecrets that were created using this master could be unsealed
kubectl get secret -n sealed-secrets -l sealedsecrets.bitnami.com/sealed-secrets-key -o yaml > sealing-master.yaml

# Now, you are ready to initiate the GitOps worflow.
# Create a Kustomization resource under 'cluster/$CLUSTER_NAME' that points to the 'crossplane' directory in the config repo.
# Pushing this file to the Git repository will trigger a Flux reconcilliation loop which will install the following:
# 1. Crossplane core components 
# 2. Crossplane AWS provider-specific components
# 3. Crossplane Configuration package for creating EKS cluster and other AWS resources
# 4. Composite resource to create an EKS cluster
# When this reconcilliation loop is completed, Crossplane will start provisioning the EKS cluster.
# It will take about 10 minutes for the cluster to be ready and operational
mkdir -p ./clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}
flux create kustomization crossplane \
  --source=flux-system \
  --namespace=flux-system \
  --path=./crossplane \
  --prune=true \
  --validation=client \
  --interval=30s \
  --export > ./clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/crossplane.yaml

# To deploy workloads to the remote cluster using the credentials of the cluster creator, continue with the following step.
# To deploy using the credentials of a service account with appropriate set of RBAC permissions, refer to ./remote/remote-cluster-setup.sh before proceeding further.
# Create a Kustomization resource under 'cluster/$CLUSTER_NAME' that points to the 'applications' directory 
# Pushing this file to the Git repository will trigger a Flux reconcilliation loop which will install the following:
# 1. Sample web application that exposes Prometheus metrics
# 2. Prometheus server which scrapes the metrics from the sample application and sends it to an AMP workspace
mkdir -p ./clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}
flux create kustomization applications \
  --source=flux-system \
  --namespace=flux-system \
  --path=./applications \
  --prune=true \
  --validation=client \
  --interval=30s \
  --export > ./clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/applications.yaml
