"""Some routines to setup the notebook. This is separated out from util.py because this module installs some of the pip packages that util depends on. """ import sys import logging import os import subprocess from importlib import reload from pathlib import Path TF_OPERATOR_COMMIT = "9238906" # add env default to google, we can override it. def notebook_setup(): # Install the SDK logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s') logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) home = str(Path.home()) logging.info("pip installing requirements.txt") subprocess.check_call(["pip3", "install", "--user", "-r", "requirements.txt"]) clone_dir = os.path.join(home, "git_tf-operator") if not os.path.exists(clone_dir): logging.info("Cloning the tf-operator repo") subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", "https://github.com/kubeflow/tf-operator.git", clone_dir]) logging.info(f"Checkout kubeflow/tf-operator @{TF_OPERATOR_COMMIT}") subprocess.check_call(["git", "checkout", TF_OPERATOR_COMMIT], cwd=clone_dir) # Installing the python packages locally doesn't appear to have them automatically # added the path so we need to manually add the directory local_py_path = os.path.join(home, ".local/lib/python3.6/site-packages") tf_operator_py_path = os.path.join(clone_dir, "sdk/python") for p in [local_py_path, tf_operator_py_path]: if p not in sys.path: logging.info("Adding %s to python path", p) # Insert at front because we want to override any installed packages sys.path.insert(0, p)