name: Kubeflow - Launch TFJob description: Kubeflow TFJob launcher inputs: - {name: Name, type: String, description: 'TFJob name.'} - {name: Namespace, type: String, default: kubeflow, description: 'TFJob namespace.'} - {name: Version, type: String, default: v1, description: 'TFJob version.'} - {name: ActiveDeadlineSeconds, type: Integer, default: -1, description: 'Specifies the duration (in seconds) since startTime during which the job can remain active before it is terminated. Must be a positive integer. This setting applies only to pods where restartPolicy is OnFailure or Always.'} - {name: BackoffLimit, type: Integer, default: -1, description: 'Number of retries before marking this job as failed.'} - {name: ttl Seconds After Finished, type: Integer, default: -1, description: 'Defines the TTL for cleaning up finished TFJobs.'} - {name: CleanPodPolicy, type: String, default: Running, description: 'Defines the policy for cleaning up pods after the TFJob completes.'} - {name: PS Spec, type: JSON, default: '{}', description: 'TFJob ps replicaSpecs.'} - {name: Worker Spec, type: JSON, default: '{}', description: 'TFJob worker replicaSpecs.'} - {name: Chief Spec, type: JSON, default: '{}', description: 'TFJob chief replicaSpecs.'} - {name: Evaluator Spec, type: JSON, default: '{}', description: 'TFJob evaluator replicaSpecs.'} - {name: Tfjob Timeout Minutes, type: Integer, default: 1440, description: 'Time in minutes to wait for the TFJob to complete.'} - {name: Delete Finished Tfjob, type: Bool, default: 'True' , description: 'Whether to delete the tfjob after it is finished.'} outputs: - {name: mlpipeline-ui-metadata, description: 'Model ARTIFACT OUTPUT'} implementation: container: image: chuckshow/kubeflow-tfjob-launcher:latest command: [python, /ml/] args: [ --name, {inputValue: Name}, --namespace, {inputValue: Namespace}, --version, {inputValue: Version}, --activeDeadlineSeconds, {inputValue: ActiveDeadlineSeconds}, --backoffLimit, {inputValue: BackoffLimit}, --cleanPodPolicy, {inputValue: CleanPodPolicy}, --ttlSecondsAfterFinished, {inputValue: ttl Seconds After Finished}, --psSpec, {inputValue: PS Spec}, --workerSpec, {inputValue: Worker Spec}, --chiefSpec, {inputValue: Chief Spec}, --evaluatorSpec, {inputValue: Evaluator Spec}, --tfjobTimeoutMinutes, {inputValue: Tfjob Timeout Minutes}, --deleteAfterDone, {inputValue: Delete Finished Tfjob} ] fileOutputs: mlpipeline-ui-metadata: '/mlpipeline-ui-metadata.json'