#!/bin/bash -e # Based on https://github.com/awslabs/emr-bootstrap-actions/tree/master/saltstack VERSION="20160904" SELF=$(basename $0 .sh) print_version() { echo $SELF version:$VERSION } print_usage() { cat << EOF USAGE: ${0} -mode [-options] [-flags] MODES: -I (DEFAULT) Independent mode. EMR Master node is the salt master, slave nodes (task, core) are minions. If no argument is used, this mode will be deployed. -E External master mode. Register all EMR nodes as minions on the external master specified -S Syndicated mode. Like -I but also syndicates EMR master node to the specified external master OPTIONS -l See docs.saltstack.com for valid levels. Default: info -f See man syslog.h for valid facilities. Default: LOG_LOCAL0 -n The name of your EMR Cluster FLAGS -d Enable debug mode -V Print version -h Print usage EOF } write_grain_file() { grain_file=/etc/salt/grains instanceType=$(curl -s instanceId=$(curl -s instanceGroupId=$(jq -r '.instanceGroupId' $infodir/instance.json) jobFlowId=$(jq -r '.jobFlowId' $infodir/job-flow.json) version=$(grep releaseLabel $infodir/job-flow-state.txt | cut -d '"' -f 2) if [[ -z "$version" ]]; then version=$(grep amiVersion $infodir/job-flow-state.txt | cut -d '"' -f 2) emrType=ami else version=${version#emr-} emrType=bigtop fi instanceRole=$(jq -r '.instanceGroups[] | select(.instanceGroupId | contains("'$instanceGroupId'")).instanceRole' $infodir/job-flow.json) instanceGroupName=$(jq -r '.instanceGroups[] | select(.instanceGroupId | contains("'$instanceGroupId'")).instanceGroupName' $infodir/job-flow.json) cat </dev/null emr: version: $version type: $emrType job_flow_id: $jobFlowId cluster_name: ${cluster_name} instance_group_id: $instanceGroupId instance_group_name: $instanceGroupName instance_role: $instanceRole instance_id: $instanceId instance_type: $instanceType EOF } install_configure_master() { sudo yum --enablerepo=epel -y install salt-master sudo mkdir -p -m750 /etc/salt/master.d if [[ -d "/mnt/var" ]]; then sudo mkdir -p -m750 /mnt/salt sudo chown root:hadoop /mnt/salt sudo ln -s /mnt/salt $3 else sudo mkdir -p m770 $3 sudo chown root:hadoop $3 fi ## Conf file cat </dev/null log_level: $1 log_file: file:///dev/log/$2 auto_accept : True file_recv: True file_roots: base: - $3 nodegroups: core: 'G@emr:instance_role:Core' master: 'G@emr:instance_role:Master' task: 'G@emr:instance_role:Task' slave: 'G@emr:instance_role:Core or G@emr:instance_role:Task' EOF sudo service salt-master start sudo chkconfig --add salt-master } install_configure_syndic() { sudo yum --enablerepo=epel -y install salt-syndic cat </dev/null syndic_master: $1 EOF sudo service salt-syndic start sudo chkconfig --add salt-syndic } install_configure_minion() { local user=$4 sudo yum --enablerepo=epel -y install salt-minion sudo mkdir -p -m750 /etc/salt/minion.d sudo chown -R $user /etc/salt ## Conf file # open_mode: True cat </dev/null log_level: $1 log_file: file:///dev/log/$2 master: $3 user: $user EOF ## Grains with static EMR info write_grain_file sudo service salt-minion start sudo chkconfig --add salt-minion } write_salt-revoke_service() { cat <<"EOF" | sudo tee /etc/init.d/salt-revoke 1>/dev/null #!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: saltutil.revoke_auth # Required-Start: salt-minion # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Description: Revokes minion auth key on shutdown ### END INIT INFO # Source function library . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # Default Parameters RETVAL=0 PROG="salt-revoke" LOCKFILE="/var/lock/subsys/$PROG" start() { echo -n "Enable $PROG" if touch $LOCKFILE > /dev/null 2>&1; then success else RETVAL=1 failure fi echo } stop() { echo -n "Revoking minion auth key" if salt-call saltutil.revoke_auth > /dev/null 2>&1; then rm -f $LOCKFILE > /dev/null 2>&1 success else RETVAL=1 failure fi echo } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}" exit 2 esac exit $RETVAL EOF } # Defaults: infodir="/mnt/var/lib/info" facility="LOG_LOCAL0" loglevel="warn" basedir=/srv/salt minion_on_master=1 minionuser="root" syndic=0 external=0 while getopts ":f:l:E:S:dVIhn" optname; do case $optname in d) set -x ;; f) facility="$OPTARG" ;; l) loglevel="$OPTARG" ;; n) cluster_name="$OPTARG" ;; [eE]) saltmaster="$OPTARG"; external=1 ;; [sS]) saltmaster="$OPTARG"; syndic=1 ;; [iI]) : ;; # Removed for the moment due to # https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/22055 # u) minionuser="$OPTARG" ;; h) print_usage exit 0 ;; V) print_version exit 0 ;; ?) if [[ "$optname" == ":" ]]; then echo "Option ${OPTARG} requires a parameter" 1>&2 else echo "Option ${OPTARG} unkown" 1>&2 fi exit 1;; esac done if grep -q '"isMaster": true' $infodir/instance.json && (( ! external )); then install_configure_master $loglevel $facility $basedir if (( syndic )); then install_configure_syndic $saltmaster ## Deregister on terminate write_salt-revoke_service sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/salt-revoke sudo chkconfig --add salt-revoke sudo service salt-revoke start fi if (( minion_on_master )); then install_configure_minion $loglevel $facility $minionuser fi else if (( ! external )); then ## Get master hostname saltmaster=$(grep masterPrivateDnsName $infodir/job-flow.json | cut -d '"' -f 4) fi ## Grains with static EMR info install_configure_minion $loglevel $facility $saltmaster $minionuser ## Deregister on terminate write_salt-revoke_service sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/salt-revoke sudo chkconfig --add salt-revoke sudo service salt-revoke start fi