# This template is used to update the stack created by canary1_001.yaml AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: EMR Serverless Application stack Resources: SparkApplication: Type: AWS::EMRServerless::Application Properties: Name: spark-3.2 ReleaseLabel: emr-6.6.0 Type: Spark MaximumCapacity: Cpu: 200 vCPU Memory: 100 GB AutoStartConfiguration: Enabled: true AutoStopConfiguration: Enabled: true IdleTimeoutMinutes: 100 InitialCapacity: - Key: Driver Value: WorkerCount: 3 WorkerConfiguration: Cpu: 2 vCPU Memory: 4 GB Disk: 21 GB - Key: Executor Value: WorkerCount: 4 WorkerConfiguration: Cpu: 1 vCPU Memory: 4 GB Disk: 20 GB Tags: - Key: tag-on-create-key Value: tag-on-create-value Outputs: ApplicationId: Value: !Ref SparkApplication ApplicationArn: Value: !GetAtt SparkApplication.Arn