AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: 'AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31' Description: A Lambda function connected to a VPC that relays events from an EventBridge event bus to a given URL Parameters: Url: Description: Please enter the URL within the VPC for the Lambda function to send events to Type: String SecurityGroupId: Description: Please enter the VPC security group id Type: String PrivateSubnetId1: Description: Please enter the private subnet id in the first Availability Zone Type: String PrivateSubnetId2: Description: Please enter the private subnet id in the second Availability Zone Type: String Secret: Description: Please enter the secret to authenticate calls to the container application Type: String Resources: EventRelayLambda: Type: 'AWS::Serverless::Function' Properties: FunctionName: EventRelayFunction Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.9 CodeUri: src/event_relay_function Description: A function that receives events from an EventBridge rule and makes an HTTP call Policies: - EventBridgePutEventsPolicy: EventBusName: !Ref EventBus - AWSSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy: SecretArn: !Ref EventsToVpcSecret Environment: Variables: EVENT_BUS_NAME: !Ref EventBus SECRET_ID: !Ref EventsToVpcSecret VpcConfig: SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref SecurityGroupId SubnetIds: - !Ref PrivateSubnetId1 - !Ref PrivateSubnetId2 EventInvokeConfig: DestinationConfig: OnFailure: Type: SQS EventsToVpcSecret: Type: 'AWS::SecretsManager::Secret' Properties: Name: EventsToVpcSecret SecretString: !Ref Secret EventBus: Type: 'AWS::Events::EventBus' Properties: Name: event-relay-bus EventBridgeRuleInbound: Type: 'AWS::Events::Rule' Properties: EventBusName: !Ref EventBus EventPattern: detail-type: - inbound-event-sent Targets: - Arn: !GetAtt EventRelayLambda.Arn Id: LambdaFunction InputTransformer: InputPathsMap: "event-payload" : "$" InputTemplate: !Sub - | { "url" : "${Url}", "method" : "POST", "headers": { "user-agent": "Amazon/EventBridge/CustomEvent" }, "return-response-event": true, "event": } - Url: !Ref Url - Arn: !GetAtt CloudWatchLogsGroup.Arn Id: LogGroup EventBridgeRuleOutbound: Type: 'AWS::Events::Rule' Properties: EventBusName: !Ref EventBus EventPattern: detail-type: - outbound-event-sent Targets: - Arn: !GetAtt CloudWatchLogsGroup.Arn Id: LogGroup EventsToInvokeLambdaPolicy: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: FunctionName: !Ref EventRelayLambda Action: "lambda:InvokeFunction" Principal: "" SourceArn: !GetAtt EventBridgeRuleInbound.Arn CloudWatchLogsGroup: Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup Properties: LogGroupName: /aws/events/event-bus-relay-logs EventsToCloudWatchLogGroupPolicy: Type: AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy Properties: PolicyName: EventBridgeToCWLogsPolicy PolicyDocument: !Sub - > { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "EventBridgetoCWLogsPolicy2", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "", "" ] }, "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents" ], "Resource": [ "${logArn}" ], "Condition": { "ArnEquals": {"aws:SourceArn": [ "${inboundRuleArn}", "${outboundRuleArn}" ]} } } ] } - { logArn: !GetAtt CloudWatchLogsGroup.Arn, inboundRuleArn: !GetAtt EventBridgeRuleInbound.Arn, outboundRuleArn: !GetAtt EventBridgeRuleOutbound.Arn}