Exploring Images on Social Media using Amazon Rekognition ================ ## Solution Overview Launch a CloudFormation Template ![architecture](architecture.png) ## To Deploy Follow the instructions in this [AWS Blog post](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/exploring-images-on-social-media-using-amazon-rekognition-and-amazon-athena/) to set up a stream from Twitter and analyze the contents. To deploy manually (i.e., without using the blog "Launch template" bucket): * Clone this repo * Copy the files into an S3 bucket, into a directory with the name "socialmediaimageanalysis" * Follow the instructions in the blog. * Instead of using the blog's "Launch" button: From the AWS CloudFormation console, execute the template s3:///socialmediaimageanalysis/deploy.yaml directory. * Change the S3 Bucket the of the Lambda ZIP file to your S3 Bucket. * Follow the remainder of the instructions in the blog. ## License Summary This sample code is made available under a modified MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.