version: '2' networks: # This special network is configured so that the local metadata # service can bind to the specific IP address that ECS uses # in production credentials_network: driver: bridge ipam: config: - subnet: "" gateway: services: # This container vends credentials to your containers ecs-local-endpoints: # The Amazon ECS Local Container Endpoints Docker Image image: amazon/amazon-ecs-local-container-endpoints volumes: # Mount /var/run so we can access docker.sock and talk to Docker - /var/run:/var/run # Mount the shared configuration directory, used by the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs # On Windows, this directory can be found at "%UserProfile%\.aws" - $HOME/.aws/:/home/.aws/ environment: # define the home folder; credentials will be read from $HOME/.aws HOME: "/home" # You can change which AWS CLI Profile is used AWS_PROFILE: "default" networks: credentials_network: # This special IP address is recognized by the AWS SDKs and AWS CLI ipv4_address: "" # Here we reference the application container that we are testing # You can test multiple containers at a time, simply duplicate this section # and customize it for each container, and give it a unique IP in 'credentials_network'. app: depends_on: - ecs-local-endpoints networks: credentials_network: ipv4_address: "" environment: AWS_REGION: "us-west-2" SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: "desktop" AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI: "/role/faster-cryptography-in-java-desktop-role" JVM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE: "-Xmx512m" # Leave enough memory for the JVM itself mem_limit: 1g memswap_limit: 1g # this number is memory+swap, setting it to the same number as mem_limit disables swap