# Copyright (c) 2010-2019 openpyxl from openpyxl.descriptors.serialisable import Serialisable from openpyxl.descriptors import ( Alias, Bool, Integer, Set, NoneSet, Typed, MinMax, Sequence, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.excel import ( Relation, Percentage, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.nested import NestedNoneSet, NestedValue from openpyxl.descriptors.sequence import NestedSequence from openpyxl.xml.constants import DRAWING_NS from .colors import ( ColorChoice, HSLColor, SystemColor, SchemeColor, RGBPercent, PRESET_COLORS, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.excel import ExtensionList as OfficeArtExtensionList from .effect import * """ Fill elements from drawing main schema """ class PatternFillProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "pattFill" namespace = DRAWING_NS prst = NoneSet(values=(['pct5', 'pct10', 'pct20', 'pct25', 'pct30', 'pct40', 'pct50', 'pct60', 'pct70', 'pct75', 'pct80', 'pct90', 'horz', 'vert', 'ltHorz', 'ltVert', 'dkHorz', 'dkVert', 'narHorz', 'narVert', 'dashHorz', 'dashVert', 'cross', 'dnDiag', 'upDiag', 'ltDnDiag', 'ltUpDiag', 'dkDnDiag', 'dkUpDiag', 'wdDnDiag', 'wdUpDiag', 'dashDnDiag', 'dashUpDiag', 'diagCross', 'smCheck', 'lgCheck', 'smGrid', 'lgGrid', 'dotGrid', 'smConfetti', 'lgConfetti', 'horzBrick', 'diagBrick', 'solidDmnd', 'openDmnd', 'dotDmnd', 'plaid', 'sphere', 'weave', 'divot', 'shingle', 'wave', 'trellis', 'zigZag'])) preset = Alias("prst") fgClr = Typed(expected_type=ColorChoice, allow_none=True) foreground = Alias("fgClr") bgClr = Typed(expected_type=ColorChoice, allow_none=True) background = Alias("bgClr") __elements__ = ("fgClr", "bgClr") def __init__(self, prst=None, fgClr=None, bgClr=None, ): self.prst = prst self.fgClr = fgClr self.bgClr = bgClr class RelativeRect(Serialisable): tagname = "rect" namespace = DRAWING_NS l = Percentage(allow_none=True) left = Alias('l') t = Percentage(allow_none=True) top = Alias('t') r = Percentage(allow_none=True) right = Alias('r') b = Percentage(allow_none=True) bottom = Alias('b') def __init__(self, l=None, t=None, r=None, b=None, ): self.l = l self.t = t self.r = r self.b = b class StretchInfoProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "stretch" namespace = DRAWING_NS fillRect = Typed(expected_type=RelativeRect, allow_none=True) def __init__(self, fillRect=RelativeRect(), ): self.fillRect = fillRect class GradientStop(Serialisable): tagname = "gs" namespace = DRAWING_NS pos = MinMax(min=0, max=100000, allow_none=True) # Color Choice Group scrgbClr = Typed(expected_type=RGBPercent, allow_none=True) RGBPercent = Alias('scrgbClr') srgbClr = NestedValue(expected_type=str, allow_none=True) # needs pattern and can have transform RGB = Alias('srgbClr') hslClr = Typed(expected_type=HSLColor, allow_none=True) sysClr = Typed(expected_type=SystemColor, allow_none=True) schemeClr = Typed(expected_type=SchemeColor, allow_none=True) prstClr = NestedNoneSet(values=PRESET_COLORS) __elements__ = ('scrgbClr', 'srgbClr', 'hslClr', 'sysClr', 'schemeClr', 'prstClr') def __init__(self, pos=None, scrgbClr=None, srgbClr=None, hslClr=None, sysClr=None, schemeClr=None, prstClr=None, ): if pos is None: pos = 0 self.pos = pos self.scrgbClr = scrgbClr self.srgbClr = srgbClr self.hslClr = hslClr self.sysClr = sysClr self.schemeClr = schemeClr self.prstClr = prstClr class LinearShadeProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "lin" namespace = DRAWING_NS ang = Integer() scaled = Bool(allow_none=True) def __init__(self, ang=None, scaled=None, ): self.ang = ang self.scaled = scaled class PathShadeProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "path" namespace = DRAWING_NS path = Set(values=(['shape', 'circle', 'rect'])) fillToRect = Typed(expected_type=RelativeRect, allow_none=True) def __init__(self, path=None, fillToRect=None, ): self.path = path self.fillToRect = fillToRect class GradientFillProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "gradFill" namespace = DRAWING_NS flip = NoneSet(values=(['x', 'y', 'xy'])) rotWithShape = Bool(allow_none=True) gsLst = NestedSequence(expected_type=GradientStop, count=False) stop_list = Alias("gsLst") lin = Typed(expected_type=LinearShadeProperties, allow_none=True) linear = Alias("lin") path = Typed(expected_type=PathShadeProperties, allow_none=True) tileRect = Typed(expected_type=RelativeRect, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('gsLst', 'lin', 'path', 'tileRect') def __init__(self, flip=None, rotWithShape=None, gsLst=(), lin=None, path=None, tileRect=None, ): self.flip = flip self.rotWithShape = rotWithShape self.gsLst = gsLst self.lin = lin self.path = path self.tileRect = tileRect class SolidColorFillProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "solidFill" # uses element group EG_ColorChoice scrgbClr = Typed(expected_type=RGBPercent, allow_none=True) RGBPercent = Alias('scrgbClr') srgbClr = NestedValue(expected_type=str, allow_none=True) # needs pattern and can have transform RGB = Alias('srgbClr') hslClr = Typed(expected_type=HSLColor, allow_none=True) sysClr = Typed(expected_type=SystemColor, allow_none=True) schemeClr = Typed(expected_type=SchemeColor, allow_none=True) prstClr = NestedNoneSet(values=PRESET_COLORS) __elements__ = ('scrgbClr', 'srgbClr', 'hslClr', 'sysClr', 'schemeClr', 'prstClr') def __init__(self, scrgbClr=None, srgbClr=None, hslClr=None, sysClr=None, schemeClr=None, prstClr=None, ): self.scrgbClr = scrgbClr self.srgbClr = srgbClr self.hslClr = hslClr self.sysClr = sysClr self.schemeClr = schemeClr self.prstClr = prstClr class Blip(Serialisable): tagname = "blip" namespace = DRAWING_NS #Using attribute groupAG_Blob cstate = NoneSet(values=(['email', 'screen', 'print', 'hqprint'])) embed = Relation() #rId link = Relation() #hyperlink noGrp = Bool(allow_none=True) noSelect = Bool(allow_none=True) noRot = Bool(allow_none=True) noChangeAspect = Bool(allow_none=True) noMove = Bool(allow_none=True) noResize = Bool(allow_none=True) noEditPoints = Bool(allow_none=True) noAdjustHandles = Bool(allow_none=True) noChangeArrowheads = Bool(allow_none=True) noChangeShapeType = Bool(allow_none=True) # some elements are choice extLst = Typed(expected_type=OfficeArtExtensionList, allow_none=True) alphaBiLevel = Typed(expected_type=AlphaBiLevelEffect, allow_none=True) alphaCeiling = Typed(expected_type=AlphaCeilingEffect, allow_none=True) alphaFloor = Typed(expected_type=AlphaFloorEffect, allow_none=True) alphaInv = Typed(expected_type=AlphaInverseEffect, allow_none=True) alphaMod = Typed(expected_type=AlphaModulateEffect, allow_none=True) alphaModFix = Typed(expected_type=AlphaModulateFixedEffect, allow_none=True) alphaRepl = Typed(expected_type=AlphaReplaceEffect, allow_none=True) biLevel = Typed(expected_type=BiLevelEffect, allow_none=True) blur = Typed(expected_type=BlurEffect, allow_none=True) clrChange = Typed(expected_type=ColorChangeEffect, allow_none=True) clrRepl = Typed(expected_type=ColorReplaceEffect, allow_none=True) duotone = Typed(expected_type=DuotoneEffect, allow_none=True) fillOverlay = Typed(expected_type=FillOverlayEffect, allow_none=True) grayscl = Typed(expected_type=GrayscaleEffect, allow_none=True) hsl = Typed(expected_type=HSLEffect, allow_none=True) lum = Typed(expected_type=LuminanceEffect, allow_none=True) tint = Typed(expected_type=TintEffect, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('alphaBiLevel', 'alphaCeiling', 'alphaFloor', 'alphaInv', 'alphaMod', 'alphaModFix', 'alphaRepl', 'biLevel', 'blur', 'clrChange', 'clrRepl', 'duotone', 'fillOverlay', 'grayscl', 'hsl', 'lum', 'tint') def __init__(self, cstate=None, embed=None, link=None, noGrp=None, noSelect=None, noRot=None, noChangeAspect=None, noMove=None, noResize=None, noEditPoints=None, noAdjustHandles=None, noChangeArrowheads=None, noChangeShapeType=None, extLst=None, alphaBiLevel=None, alphaCeiling=None, alphaFloor=None, alphaInv=None, alphaMod=None, alphaModFix=None, alphaRepl=None, biLevel=None, blur=None, clrChange=None, clrRepl=None, duotone=None, fillOverlay=None, grayscl=None, hsl=None, lum=None, tint=None, ): self.cstate = cstate self.embed = embed self.link = link self.noGrp = noGrp self.noSelect = noSelect self.noRot = noRot self.noChangeAspect = noChangeAspect self.noMove = noMove self.noResize = noResize self.noEditPoints = noEditPoints self.noAdjustHandles = noAdjustHandles self.noChangeArrowheads = noChangeArrowheads self.noChangeShapeType = noChangeShapeType self.extLst = extLst self.alphaBiLevel = alphaBiLevel self.alphaCeiling = alphaCeiling self.alphaFloor = alphaFloor self.alphaInv = alphaInv self.alphaMod = alphaMod self.alphaModFix = alphaModFix self.alphaRepl = alphaRepl self.biLevel = biLevel self.blur = blur self.clrChange = clrChange self.clrRepl = clrRepl self.duotone = duotone self.fillOverlay = fillOverlay self.grayscl = grayscl self.hsl = hsl self.lum = lum self.tint = tint class TileInfoProperties(Serialisable): tx = Integer(allow_none=True) ty = Integer(allow_none=True) sx = Integer(allow_none=True) sy = Integer(allow_none=True) flip = NoneSet(values=(['x', 'y', 'xy'])) algn = Set(values=(['tl', 't', 'tr', 'l', 'ctr', 'r', 'bl', 'b', 'br'])) def __init__(self, tx=None, ty=None, sx=None, sy=None, flip=None, algn=None, ): self.tx = tx self.ty = ty self.sx = sx self.sy = sy self.flip = flip self.algn = algn class BlipFillProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "blipFill" dpi = Integer(allow_none=True) rotWithShape = Bool(allow_none=True) blip = Typed(expected_type=Blip, allow_none=True) srcRect = Typed(expected_type=RelativeRect, allow_none=True) tile = Typed(expected_type=TileInfoProperties, allow_none=True) stretch = Typed(expected_type=StretchInfoProperties, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ("blip", "srcRect", "tile", "stretch") def __init__(self, dpi=None, rotWithShape=None, blip=None, tile=None, stretch=StretchInfoProperties(), srcRect=None, ): self.dpi = dpi self.rotWithShape = rotWithShape self.blip = blip self.tile = tile self.stretch = stretch self.srcRect = srcRect