# Copyright (c) 2010-2019 openpyxl from openpyxl.descriptors.serialisable import Serialisable from openpyxl.descriptors import ( Typed, Bool, NoneSet, Integer, Sequence, Alias, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.nested import ( NestedText, NestedNoneSet, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.excel import Relation from openpyxl.packaging.relationship import ( Relationship, RelationshipList, ) from openpyxl.utils import coordinate_to_tuple from openpyxl.utils.units import ( cm_to_EMU, pixels_to_EMU, ) from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image from openpyxl.xml.constants import SHEET_DRAWING_NS from openpyxl.chart._chart import ChartBase from .xdr import ( XDRPoint2D, XDRPositiveSize2D, ) from .fill import Blip from .connector import Shape from .graphic import ( GroupShape, GraphicFrame, ) from .geometry import PresetGeometry2D from .picture import PictureFrame from .relation import ChartRelation class AnchorClientData(Serialisable): fLocksWithSheet = Bool(allow_none=True) fPrintsWithSheet = Bool(allow_none=True) def __init__(self, fLocksWithSheet=None, fPrintsWithSheet=None, ): self.fLocksWithSheet = fLocksWithSheet self.fPrintsWithSheet = fPrintsWithSheet class AnchorMarker(Serialisable): tagname = "marker" col = NestedText(expected_type=int) colOff = NestedText(expected_type=int) row = NestedText(expected_type=int) rowOff = NestedText(expected_type=int) def __init__(self, col=0, colOff=0, row=0, rowOff=0, ): self.col = col self.colOff = colOff self.row = row self.rowOff = rowOff class _AnchorBase(Serialisable): #one of sp = Typed(expected_type=Shape, allow_none=True) shape = Alias("sp") grpSp = Typed(expected_type=GroupShape, allow_none=True) groupShape = Alias("grpSp") graphicFrame = Typed(expected_type=GraphicFrame, allow_none=True) cxnSp = Typed(expected_type=Shape, allow_none=True) connectionShape = Alias("cxnSp") pic = Typed(expected_type=PictureFrame, allow_none=True) contentPart = Relation() clientData = Typed(expected_type=AnchorClientData) __elements__ = ('sp', 'grpSp', 'graphicFrame', 'cxnSp', 'pic', 'contentPart', 'clientData') def __init__(self, clientData=None, sp=None, grpSp=None, graphicFrame=None, cxnSp=None, pic=None, contentPart=None ): if clientData is None: clientData = AnchorClientData() self.clientData = clientData self.sp = sp self.grpSp = grpSp self.graphicFrame = graphicFrame self.cxnSp = cxnSp self.pic = pic self.contentPart = contentPart class AbsoluteAnchor(_AnchorBase): tagname = "absoluteAnchor" pos = Typed(expected_type=XDRPoint2D) ext = Typed(expected_type=XDRPositiveSize2D) sp = _AnchorBase.sp grpSp = _AnchorBase.grpSp graphicFrame = _AnchorBase.graphicFrame cxnSp = _AnchorBase.cxnSp pic = _AnchorBase.pic contentPart = _AnchorBase.contentPart clientData = _AnchorBase.clientData __elements__ = ('pos', 'ext') + _AnchorBase.__elements__ def __init__(self, pos=None, ext=None, **kw ): if pos is None: pos = XDRPoint2D(0, 0) self.pos = pos if ext is None: ext = XDRPositiveSize2D(0, 0) self.ext = ext super(AbsoluteAnchor, self).__init__(**kw) class OneCellAnchor(_AnchorBase): tagname = "oneCellAnchor" _from = Typed(expected_type=AnchorMarker) ext = Typed(expected_type=XDRPositiveSize2D) sp = _AnchorBase.sp grpSp = _AnchorBase.grpSp graphicFrame = _AnchorBase.graphicFrame cxnSp = _AnchorBase.cxnSp pic = _AnchorBase.pic contentPart = _AnchorBase.contentPart clientData = _AnchorBase.clientData __elements__ = ('_from', 'ext') + _AnchorBase.__elements__ def __init__(self, _from=None, ext=None, **kw ): if _from is None: _from = AnchorMarker() self._from = _from if ext is None: ext = XDRPositiveSize2D(0, 0) self.ext = ext super(OneCellAnchor, self).__init__(**kw) class TwoCellAnchor(_AnchorBase): tagname = "twoCellAnchor" editAs = NoneSet(values=(['twoCell', 'oneCell', 'absolute'])) _from = Typed(expected_type=AnchorMarker) to = Typed(expected_type=AnchorMarker) sp = _AnchorBase.sp grpSp = _AnchorBase.grpSp graphicFrame = _AnchorBase.graphicFrame cxnSp = _AnchorBase.cxnSp pic = _AnchorBase.pic contentPart = _AnchorBase.contentPart clientData = _AnchorBase.clientData __elements__ = ('_from', 'to') + _AnchorBase.__elements__ def __init__(self, editAs=None, _from=None, to=None, **kw ): self.editAs = editAs if _from is None: _from = AnchorMarker() self._from = _from if to is None: to = AnchorMarker() self.to = to super(TwoCellAnchor, self).__init__(**kw) def _check_anchor(obj): """ Check whether an object has an existing Anchor object If not create a OneCellAnchor using the provided coordinate """ anchor = obj.anchor if not isinstance(anchor, _AnchorBase): row, col = coordinate_to_tuple(anchor.upper()) anchor = OneCellAnchor() anchor._from.row = row -1 anchor._from.col = col -1 if isinstance(obj, ChartBase): anchor.ext.width = cm_to_EMU(obj.width) anchor.ext.height = cm_to_EMU(obj.height) elif isinstance(obj, Image): anchor.ext.width = pixels_to_EMU(obj.width) anchor.ext.height = pixels_to_EMU(obj.height) return anchor class SpreadsheetDrawing(Serialisable): tagname = "wsDr" mime_type = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawing+xml" _rel_type = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing" _path = PartName="/xl/drawings/drawing{0}.xml" _id = None twoCellAnchor = Sequence(expected_type=TwoCellAnchor, allow_none=True) oneCellAnchor = Sequence(expected_type=OneCellAnchor, allow_none=True) absoluteAnchor = Sequence(expected_type=AbsoluteAnchor, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ("twoCellAnchor", "oneCellAnchor", "absoluteAnchor") def __init__(self, twoCellAnchor=(), oneCellAnchor=(), absoluteAnchor=(), ): self.twoCellAnchor = twoCellAnchor self.oneCellAnchor = oneCellAnchor self.absoluteAnchor = absoluteAnchor self.charts = [] self.images = [] self._rels = [] def __hash__(self): """ Just need to check for identity """ return id(self) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.charts) or bool(self.images) __nonzero__ = __bool__ def _write(self): """ create required structure and the serialise """ anchors = [] for idx, obj in enumerate(self.charts + self.images, 1): anchor = _check_anchor(obj) if isinstance(obj, ChartBase): rel = Relationship(type="chart", Target=obj.path) anchor.graphicFrame = self._chart_frame(idx) elif isinstance(obj, Image): rel = Relationship(type="image", Target=obj.path) child = anchor.pic or anchor.groupShape and anchor.groupShape.pic if not child: anchor.pic = self._picture_frame(idx) else: child.blipFill.blip.embed = "rId{0}".format(idx) anchors.append(anchor) self._rels.append(rel) for a in anchors: if isinstance(a, OneCellAnchor): self.oneCellAnchor.append(a) elif isinstance(a, TwoCellAnchor): self.twoCellAnchor.append(a) else: self.absoluteAnchor.append(a) tree = self.to_tree() tree.set('xmlns', SHEET_DRAWING_NS) return tree def _chart_frame(self, idx): chart_rel = ChartRelation(f"rId{idx}") frame = GraphicFrame() nv = frame.nvGraphicFramePr.cNvPr nv.id = idx nv.name = "Chart {0}".format(idx) frame.graphic.graphicData.chart = chart_rel return frame def _picture_frame(self, idx): pic = PictureFrame() pic.nvPicPr.cNvPr.descr = "Picture" pic.nvPicPr.cNvPr.id = idx pic.nvPicPr.cNvPr.name = "Image {0}".format(idx) pic.blipFill.blip = Blip() pic.blipFill.blip.embed = "rId{0}".format(idx) pic.blipFill.blip.cstate = "print" pic.spPr.prstGeom = PresetGeometry2D(prst="rect") pic.spPr.ln = None return pic def _write_rels(self): rels = RelationshipList() rels.Relationship = self._rels return rels.to_tree() @property def path(self): return self._path.format(self._id) @property def _chart_rels(self): """ Get relationship information for each chart and bind anchor to it """ rels = [] anchors = self.absoluteAnchor + self.oneCellAnchor + self.twoCellAnchor for anchor in anchors: if anchor.graphicFrame is not None: graphic = anchor.graphicFrame.graphic rel = graphic.graphicData.chart if rel is not None: rel.anchor = anchor rel.anchor.graphicFrame = None rels.append(rel) return rels @property def _blip_rels(self): """ Get relationship information for each blip and bind anchor to it """ rels = [] anchors = self.absoluteAnchor + self.oneCellAnchor + self.twoCellAnchor for anchor in anchors: child = anchor.pic or anchor.groupShape and anchor.groupShape.pic if child and child.blipFill: rel = child.blipFill.blip if rel is not None: rel.anchor = anchor rels.append(rel) return rels