# Copyright (c) 2010-2019 openpyxl """Read an xlsx file into Python""" # Python stdlib imports from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED, BadZipfile from sys import exc_info from io import BytesIO import os.path import warnings from openpyxl.pivot.table import TableDefinition # Allow blanket setting of KEEP_VBA for testing try: from ..tests import KEEP_VBA except ImportError: KEEP_VBA = False # package imports from openpyxl.utils.exceptions import InvalidFileException from openpyxl.xml.constants import ( ARC_SHARED_STRINGS, ARC_CORE, ARC_CONTENT_TYPES, ARC_WORKBOOK, ARC_THEME, COMMENTS_NS, SHARED_STRINGS, EXTERNAL_LINK, XLTM, XLTX, XLSM, XLSX, ) from openpyxl.cell import MergedCell from openpyxl.comments.comment_sheet import CommentSheet from .strings import read_string_table from .workbook import WorkbookParser from openpyxl.styles.stylesheet import apply_stylesheet from openpyxl.packaging.core import DocumentProperties from openpyxl.packaging.manifest import Manifest, Override from openpyxl.packaging.relationship import ( RelationshipList, get_dependents, get_rels_path, ) from openpyxl.worksheet._read_only import ReadOnlyWorksheet from openpyxl.worksheet._reader import WorksheetReader from openpyxl.chartsheet import Chartsheet from openpyxl.worksheet.table import Table from openpyxl.drawing.spreadsheet_drawing import SpreadsheetDrawing from openpyxl.xml.functions import fromstring from .drawings import find_images SUPPORTED_FORMATS = ('.xlsx', '.xlsm', '.xltx', '.xltm') def _validate_archive(filename): """ Does a first check whether filename is a string or a file-like object. If it is a string representing a filename, a check is done for supported formats by checking the given file-extension. If the file-extension is not in SUPPORTED_FORMATS an InvalidFileException will raised. Otherwise the filename (resp. file-like object) will forwarded to zipfile.ZipFile returning a ZipFile-Instance. """ is_file_like = hasattr(filename, 'read') if not is_file_like: file_format = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1].lower() if file_format not in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: if file_format == '.xls': msg = ('openpyxl does not support the old .xls file format, ' 'please use xlrd to read this file, or convert it to ' 'the more recent .xlsx file format.') elif file_format == '.xlsb': msg = ('openpyxl does not support binary format .xlsb, ' 'please convert this file to .xlsx format if you want ' 'to open it with openpyxl') else: msg = ('openpyxl does not support %s file format, ' 'please check you can open ' 'it with Excel first. ' 'Supported formats are: %s') % (file_format, ','.join(SUPPORTED_FORMATS)) raise InvalidFileException(msg) archive = ZipFile(filename, 'r') return archive def _find_workbook_part(package): workbook_types = [XLTM, XLTX, XLSM, XLSX] for ct in workbook_types: part = package.find(ct) if part: return part # some applications reassign the default for application/xml defaults = {p.ContentType for p in package.Default} workbook_type = defaults & set(workbook_types) if workbook_type: return Override("/" + ARC_WORKBOOK, workbook_type.pop()) raise IOError("File contains no valid workbook part") class ExcelReader: """ Read an Excel package and dispatch the contents to the relevant modules """ def __init__(self, fn, read_only=False, keep_vba=KEEP_VBA, data_only=False, keep_links=True): self.archive = _validate_archive(fn) self.valid_files = self.archive.namelist() self.read_only = read_only self.keep_vba = keep_vba self.data_only = data_only self.keep_links = keep_links self.shared_strings = [] def read_manifest(self): src = self.archive.read(ARC_CONTENT_TYPES) root = fromstring(src) self.package = Manifest.from_tree(root) def read_strings(self): ct = self.package.find(SHARED_STRINGS) if ct is not None: strings_path = ct.PartName[1:] with self.archive.open(strings_path,) as src: self.shared_strings = read_string_table(src) def read_workbook(self): wb_part = _find_workbook_part(self.package) self.parser = WorkbookParser(self.archive, wb_part.PartName[1:], keep_links=self.keep_links) self.parser.parse() wb = self.parser.wb wb._sheets = [] wb._data_only = self.data_only wb._read_only = self.read_only wb.template = wb_part.ContentType in (XLTX, XLTM) # If are going to preserve the vba then attach a copy of the archive to the # workbook so that is available for the save. if self.keep_vba: wb.vba_archive = ZipFile(BytesIO(), 'a', ZIP_DEFLATED) for name in self.valid_files: wb.vba_archive.writestr(name, self.archive.read(name)) if self.read_only: wb._archive = self.archive self.wb = wb def read_properties(self): if ARC_CORE in self.valid_files: src = fromstring(self.archive.read(ARC_CORE)) self.wb.properties = DocumentProperties.from_tree(src) def read_theme(self): if ARC_THEME in self.valid_files: self.wb.loaded_theme = self.archive.read(ARC_THEME) def read_chartsheet(self, sheet, rel): sheet_path = rel.target rels_path = get_rels_path(sheet_path) rels = [] if rels_path in self.valid_files: rels = get_dependents(self.archive, rels_path) with self.archive.open(sheet_path, "r") as src: xml = src.read() node = fromstring(xml) cs = Chartsheet.from_tree(node) cs._parent = self.wb cs.title = sheet.name self.wb._add_sheet(cs) drawings = rels.find(SpreadsheetDrawing._rel_type) for rel in drawings: charts, images = find_images(self.archive, rel.target) for c in charts: cs.add_chart(c) def read_worksheets(self): comment_warning = """Cell '{0}':{1} is part of a merged range but has a comment which will be removed because merged cells cannot contain any data.""" for sheet, rel in self.parser.find_sheets(): if rel.target not in self.valid_files: continue if "chartsheet" in rel.Type: self.read_chartsheet(sheet, rel) continue rels_path = get_rels_path(rel.target) rels = RelationshipList() if rels_path in self.valid_files: rels = get_dependents(self.archive, rels_path) if self.read_only: ws = ReadOnlyWorksheet(self.wb, sheet.name, rel.target, self.shared_strings) self.wb._sheets.append(ws) continue else: fh = self.archive.open(rel.target) ws = self.wb.create_sheet(sheet.name) ws._rels = rels ws_parser = WorksheetReader(ws, fh, self.shared_strings, self.data_only) ws_parser.bind_all() # assign any comments to cells for r in rels.find(COMMENTS_NS): src = self.archive.read(r.target) comment_sheet = CommentSheet.from_tree(fromstring(src)) for ref, comment in comment_sheet.comments: try: ws[ref].comment = comment except AttributeError: c = ws[ref] if isinstance(c, MergedCell): warnings.warn(comment_warning.format(ws.title, c.coordinate)) continue # preserve link to VML file if VBA if self.wb.vba_archive and ws.legacy_drawing: ws.legacy_drawing = rels[ws.legacy_drawing].target for t in ws_parser.tables: src = self.archive.read(t) xml = fromstring(src) table = Table.from_tree(xml) ws.add_table(table) drawings = rels.find(SpreadsheetDrawing._rel_type) for rel in drawings: charts, images = find_images(self.archive, rel.target) for c in charts: ws.add_chart(c, c.anchor) for im in images: ws.add_image(im, im.anchor) pivot_rel = rels.find(TableDefinition.rel_type) for r in pivot_rel: pivot_path = r.Target src = self.archive.read(pivot_path) tree = fromstring(src) pivot = TableDefinition.from_tree(tree) pivot.cache = self.parser.pivot_caches[pivot.cacheId] ws.add_pivot(pivot) ws.sheet_state = sheet.state def read(self): self.read_manifest() self.read_strings() self.read_workbook() self.read_properties() self.read_theme() apply_stylesheet(self.archive, self.wb) self.read_worksheets() self.parser.assign_names() if not self.read_only: self.archive.close() def load_workbook(filename, read_only=False, keep_vba=KEEP_VBA, data_only=False, keep_links=True): """Open the given filename and return the workbook :param filename: the path to open or a file-like object :type filename: string or a file-like object open in binary mode c.f., :class:`zipfile.ZipFile` :param read_only: optimised for reading, content cannot be edited :type read_only: bool :param keep_vba: preseve vba content (this does NOT mean you can use it) :type keep_vba: bool :param data_only: controls whether cells with formulae have either the formula (default) or the value stored the last time Excel read the sheet :type data_only: bool :param keep_links: whether links to external workbooks should be preserved. The default is True :type keep_links: bool :rtype: :class:`openpyxl.workbook.Workbook` .. note:: When using lazy load, all worksheets will be :class:`openpyxl.worksheet.iter_worksheet.IterableWorksheet` and the returned workbook will be read-only. """ reader = ExcelReader(filename, read_only, keep_vba, data_only, keep_links) reader.read() return reader.wb