from __future__ import division # Copyright (c) 2010-2019 openpyxl from openpyxl.descriptors import ( Float, Set, Alias, NoneSet, Sequence, Integer, MinMax, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.serialisable import Serialisable from openpyxl.compat import safe_string from .colors import ColorDescriptor, Color from openpyxl.xml.functions import Element, localname from openpyxl.xml.constants import SHEET_MAIN_NS FILL_NONE = 'none' FILL_SOLID = 'solid' FILL_PATTERN_DARKDOWN = 'darkDown' FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRAY = 'darkGray' FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRID = 'darkGrid' FILL_PATTERN_DARKHORIZONTAL = 'darkHorizontal' FILL_PATTERN_DARKTRELLIS = 'darkTrellis' FILL_PATTERN_DARKUP = 'darkUp' FILL_PATTERN_DARKVERTICAL = 'darkVertical' FILL_PATTERN_GRAY0625 = 'gray0625' FILL_PATTERN_GRAY125 = 'gray125' FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTDOWN = 'lightDown' FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRAY = 'lightGray' FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRID = 'lightGrid' FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTHORIZONTAL = 'lightHorizontal' FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTTRELLIS = 'lightTrellis' FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTUP = 'lightUp' FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTVERTICAL = 'lightVertical' FILL_PATTERN_MEDIUMGRAY = 'mediumGray' fills = (FILL_SOLID, FILL_PATTERN_DARKDOWN, FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRAY, FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRID, FILL_PATTERN_DARKHORIZONTAL, FILL_PATTERN_DARKTRELLIS, FILL_PATTERN_DARKUP, FILL_PATTERN_DARKVERTICAL, FILL_PATTERN_GRAY0625, FILL_PATTERN_GRAY125, FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTDOWN, FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRAY, FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRID, FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTHORIZONTAL, FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTTRELLIS, FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTUP, FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTVERTICAL, FILL_PATTERN_MEDIUMGRAY) class Fill(Serialisable): """Base class""" tagname = "fill" @classmethod def from_tree(cls, el): children = [c for c in el] if not children: return child = children[0] if "patternFill" in child.tag: return PatternFill._from_tree(child) return super(Fill, GradientFill).from_tree(child) class PatternFill(Fill): """Area fill patterns for use in styles. Caution: if you do not specify a fill_type, other attributes will have no effect !""" tagname = "patternFill" __elements__ = ('fgColor', 'bgColor') patternType = NoneSet(values=fills) fill_type = Alias("patternType") fgColor = ColorDescriptor() start_color = Alias("fgColor") bgColor = ColorDescriptor() end_color = Alias("bgColor") def __init__(self, patternType=None, fgColor=Color(), bgColor=Color(), fill_type=None, start_color=None, end_color=None): if fill_type is not None: patternType = fill_type self.patternType = patternType if start_color is not None: fgColor = start_color self.fgColor = fgColor if end_color is not None: bgColor = end_color self.bgColor = bgColor @classmethod def _from_tree(cls, el): attrib = dict(el.attrib) for child in el: desc = localname(child) attrib[desc] = Color.from_tree(child) return cls(**attrib) def to_tree(self, tagname=None, idx=None): parent = Element("fill") el = Element(self.tagname) if self.patternType is not None: el.set('patternType', self.patternType) for c in self.__elements__: value = getattr(self, c) if value != Color(): el.append(value.to_tree(c)) parent.append(el) return parent DEFAULT_EMPTY_FILL = PatternFill() DEFAULT_GRAY_FILL = PatternFill(patternType='gray125') class Stop(Serialisable): tagname = "stop" position = MinMax(min=0, max=1) color = ColorDescriptor() def __init__(self, color, position): self.position = position self.color = color def _assign_position(values): """ Automatically assign positions if a list of colours is provided. It is not permitted to mix colours and stops """ n_values = len(values) n_stops = sum(isinstance(value, Stop) for value in values) if n_stops == 0: interval = 1 if n_values > 2: interval = 1 / (n_values - 1) values = [Stop(value, i * interval) for i, value in enumerate(values)] elif n_stops < n_values: raise ValueError('Cannot interpret mix of Stops and Colors in GradientFill') pos = set() for stop in values: if stop.position in pos: raise ValueError("Duplicate position {0}".format(stop.position)) pos.add(stop.position) return values class StopList(Sequence): expected_type = Stop def __set__(self, obj, values): values = _assign_position(values) super(StopList, self).__set__(obj, values) class GradientFill(Fill): """Fill areas with gradient Two types of gradient fill are supported: - A type='linear' gradient interpolates colours between a set of specified Stops, across the length of an area. The gradient is left-to-right by default, but this orientation can be modified with the degree attribute. A list of Colors can be provided instead and they will be positioned with equal distance between them. - A type='path' gradient applies a linear gradient from each edge of the area. Attributes top, right, bottom, left specify the extent of fill from the respective borders. Thus top="0.2" will fill the top 20% of the cell. """ tagname = "gradientFill" type = Set(values=('linear', 'path')) fill_type = Alias("type") degree = Float() left = Float() right = Float() top = Float() bottom = Float() stop = StopList() def __init__(self, type="linear", degree=0, left=0, right=0, top=0, bottom=0, stop=()): = degree self.left = left self.right = right = top self.bottom = bottom self.stop = stop self.type = type def __iter__(self): for attr in self.__attrs__: value = getattr(self, attr) if value: yield attr, safe_string(value) def to_tree(self, tagname=None, namespace=None, idx=None): parent = Element("fill") el = super(GradientFill, self).to_tree() parent.append(el) return parent