# Copyright (c) 2010-2019 openpyxl from openpyxl.compat import safe_string from openpyxl.descriptors import ( Typed, Integer, Bool, String, Sequence, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.excel import ExtensionList from openpyxl.descriptors.serialisable import Serialisable from .fills import PatternFill, Fill from .fonts import Font from .borders import Border from .alignment import Alignment from .protection import Protection from .numbers import ( NumberFormatDescriptor, BUILTIN_FORMATS_MAX_SIZE, BUILTIN_FORMATS_REVERSE, ) from .cell_style import ( StyleArray, CellStyle, ) class NamedStyle(Serialisable): """ Named and editable styles """ font = Typed(expected_type=Font) fill = Typed(expected_type=Fill) border = Typed(expected_type=Border) alignment = Typed(expected_type=Alignment) number_format = NumberFormatDescriptor() protection = Typed(expected_type=Protection) builtinId = Integer(allow_none=True) hidden = Bool(allow_none=True) xfId = Integer(allow_none=True) name = String() _wb = None _style = StyleArray() def __init__(self, name="Normal", font=Font(), fill=PatternFill(), border=Border(), alignment=Alignment(), number_format=None, protection=Protection(), builtinId=None, hidden=False, xfId=None, ): self.name = name self.font = font self.fill = fill self.border = border self.alignment = alignment self.number_format = number_format self.protection = protection self.builtinId = builtinId self.hidden = hidden self._wb = None self._style = StyleArray() def __setattr__(self, attr, value): super(NamedStyle, self).__setattr__(attr, value) if getattr(self, '_wb', None) and attr in ( 'font', 'fill', 'border', 'alignment', 'number_format', 'protection', ): self._recalculate() def __iter__(self): for key in ('name', 'builtinId', 'hidden', 'xfId'): value = getattr(self, key, None) if value is not None: yield key, safe_string(value) @property def xfId(self): """ Index of the style in the list of named styles """ return self._style.xfId def _set_index(self, idx): """ Allow the containing list to set the index """ self._style.xfId = idx def bind(self, wb): """ Bind a named style to a workbook """ self._wb = wb self._recalculate() def _recalculate(self): self._style.fontId = self._wb._fonts.add(self.font) self._style.borderId = self._wb._borders.add(self.border) self._style.fillId = self._wb._fills.add(self.fill) self._style.protectionId = self._wb._protections.add(self.protection) self._style.alignmentId = self._wb._alignments.add(self.alignment) fmt = self.number_format if fmt in BUILTIN_FORMATS_REVERSE: fmt = BUILTIN_FORMATS_REVERSE[fmt] else: fmt = self._wb._number_formats.add(self.number_format) + ( BUILTIN_FORMATS_MAX_SIZE) self._style.numFmtId = fmt def as_tuple(self): """Return a style array representing the current style""" return self._style def as_xf(self): """ Return equivalent XfStyle """ xf = CellStyle.from_array(self._style) xf.xfId = None xf.pivotButton = None xf.quotePrefix = None if self.alignment != Alignment(): xf.alignment = self.alignment if self.protection != Protection(): xf.protection = self.protection return xf def as_name(self): """ Return relevant named style """ named = _NamedCellStyle( name=self.name, builtinId=self.builtinId, hidden=self.hidden, xfId=self.xfId ) return named class NamedStyleList(list): """ Named styles are editable and can be applied to multiple objects As only the index is stored in referencing objects the order mus be preserved. """ @property def names(self): return [s.name for s in self] def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return super(NamedStyleList, self).__getitem__(key) names = self.names if key not in names: raise KeyError("No named style with the name{0} exists".format(key)) for idx, name in enumerate(names): if name == key: return self[idx] def append(self, style): if not isinstance(style, NamedStyle): raise TypeError("""Only NamedStyle instances can be added""") elif style.name in self.names: raise ValueError("""Style {0} exists already""".format(style.name)) style._set_index(len(self)) super(NamedStyleList, self).append(style) class _NamedCellStyle(Serialisable): """ Pointer-based representation of named styles in XML xfId refers to the corresponding CellStyleXfs Not used in client code. """ tagname = "cellStyle" name = String() xfId = Integer() builtinId = Integer(allow_none=True) iLevel = Integer(allow_none=True) hidden = Bool(allow_none=True) customBuiltin = Bool(allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = () def __init__(self, name=None, xfId=None, builtinId=None, iLevel=None, hidden=None, customBuiltin=None, extLst=None, ): self.name = name self.xfId = xfId self.builtinId = builtinId self.iLevel = iLevel self.hidden = hidden self.customBuiltin = customBuiltin class _NamedCellStyleList(Serialisable): """ Container for named cell style objects Not used in client code """ tagname = "cellStyles" count = Integer(allow_none=True) cellStyle = Sequence(expected_type=_NamedCellStyle) __attrs__ = ("count",) def __init__(self, count=None, cellStyle=(), ): self.cellStyle = cellStyle @property def count(self): return len(self.cellStyle) @property def names(self): """ Convert to NamedStyle objects and remove duplicates. In theory the highest xfId wins but in practice they are duplicates so it doesn't matter. """ def sort_fn(v): return v.xfId styles = [] names = set() for ns in sorted(self.cellStyle, key=sort_fn): if ns.name in names: continue style = NamedStyle( name=ns.name, hidden=ns.hidden, builtinId = ns.builtinId ) names.add(ns.name) style._set_index(len(styles)) # assign xfId styles.append(style) return NamedStyleList(styles)