# Copyright (c) 2010-2019 openpyxl """Write the workbook global settings to the archive.""" from copy import copy from openpyxl.utils import absolute_coordinate, quote_sheetname from openpyxl.xml.constants import ( ARC_APP, ARC_CORE, ARC_WORKBOOK, PKG_REL_NS, CUSTOMUI_NS, ARC_ROOT_RELS, ) from openpyxl.xml.functions import tostring, fromstring from openpyxl.packaging.relationship import Relationship, RelationshipList from openpyxl.workbook.defined_name import DefinedName from openpyxl.workbook.external_reference import ExternalReference from openpyxl.packaging.workbook import ChildSheet, WorkbookPackage, PivotCache from openpyxl.workbook.properties import WorkbookProperties from openpyxl.utils.datetime import CALENDAR_MAC_1904 def get_active_sheet(wb): """ Return the index of the active sheet. If the sheet set to active is hidden return the next visible sheet or None """ visible_sheets = [idx for idx, sheet in enumerate(wb._sheets) if sheet.sheet_state == "visible"] if not visible_sheets: raise IndexError("At least one sheet must be visible") idx = wb._active_sheet_index sheet = wb.active if sheet and sheet.sheet_state == "visible": return idx for idx in visible_sheets[idx:]: wb.active = idx return idx return None class WorkbookWriter: def __init__(self, wb): self.wb = wb self.rels = RelationshipList() self.package = WorkbookPackage() self.package.workbookProtection = wb.security self.package.calcPr = wb.calculation def write_properties(self): props = WorkbookProperties() # needs a mapping to the workbook for preservation if self.wb.code_name is not None: props.codeName = self.wb.code_name if self.wb.excel_base_date == CALENDAR_MAC_1904: props.date1904 = True self.package.workbookPr = props def write_worksheets(self): for idx, sheet in enumerate(self.wb._sheets, 1): sheet_node = ChildSheet(name=sheet.title, sheetId=idx, id="rId{0}".format(idx)) rel = Relationship(type=sheet._rel_type, Target=sheet.path) self.rels.append(rel) if not sheet.sheet_state == 'visible': if len(self.wb._sheets) == 1: raise ValueError("The only worksheet of a workbook cannot be hidden") sheet_node.state = sheet.sheet_state self.package.sheets.append(sheet_node) def write_refs(self): for link in self.wb._external_links: # need to match a counter with a workbook's relations rId = len(self.wb.rels) + 1 rel = Relationship(type=link._rel_type, Target=link.path) self.rels.append(rel) ext = ExternalReference(id=rel.id) self.package.externalReferences.append(ext) def write_names(self): defined_names = copy(self.wb.defined_names) # Defined names -> autoFilter for idx, sheet in enumerate(self.wb.worksheets): auto_filter = sheet.auto_filter.ref if auto_filter: name = DefinedName(name='_FilterDatabase', localSheetId=idx, hidden=True) name.value = u"{0}!{1}".format(quote_sheetname(sheet.title), absolute_coordinate(auto_filter) ) defined_names.append(name) # print titles if sheet.print_titles: name = DefinedName(name="Print_Titles", localSheetId=idx) name.value = ",".join([u"{0}!{1}".format(quote_sheetname(sheet.title), r) for r in sheet.print_titles.split(",")]) defined_names.append(name) # print areas if sheet.print_area: name = DefinedName(name="Print_Area", localSheetId=idx) name.value = ",".join([u"{0}!{1}".format(quote_sheetname(sheet.title), r) for r in sheet.print_area]) defined_names.append(name) self.package.definedNames = defined_names def write_pivots(self): pivot_caches = set() for pivot in self.wb._pivots: if pivot.cache not in pivot_caches: pivot_caches.add(pivot.cache) c = PivotCache(cacheId=pivot.cacheId) self.package.pivotCaches.append(c) rel = Relationship(Type=pivot.cache.rel_type, Target=pivot.cache.path) self.rels.append(rel) c.id = rel.id #self.wb._pivots = [] # reset def write_views(self): active = get_active_sheet(self.wb) if self.wb.views: self.wb.views[0].activeTab = active self.package.bookViews = self.wb.views def write(self): """Write the core workbook xml.""" self.write_properties() self.write_worksheets() self.write_names() self.write_pivots() self.write_views() self.write_refs() return tostring(self.package.to_tree()) def write_rels(self): """Write the workbook relationships xml.""" styles = Relationship(type='styles', Target='styles.xml') self.rels.append(styles) theme = Relationship(type='theme', Target='theme/theme1.xml') self.rels.append(theme) if self.wb.vba_archive: vba = Relationship(type='', Target='vbaProject.bin') vba.Type ='http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/relationships/vbaProject' self.rels.append(vba) return tostring(self.rels.to_tree()) def write_root_rels(self): """Write the package relationships""" rels = RelationshipList() rel = Relationship(type="officeDocument", Target=ARC_WORKBOOK) rels.append(rel) rel = Relationship(Type=f"{PKG_REL_NS}/metadata/core-properties", Target=ARC_CORE) rels.append(rel) rel = Relationship(type="extended-properties", Target=ARC_APP) rels.append(rel) if self.wb.vba_archive is not None: # See if there was a customUI relation and reuse it xml = fromstring(self.wb.vba_archive.read(ARC_ROOT_RELS)) root_rels = RelationshipList.from_tree(xml) for rel in root_rels.find(CUSTOMUI_NS): rels.append(rel) return tostring(rels.to_tree())