from __future__ import print_function import boto3 from decimal import Decimal import json import urllib import os print('Loading function') this_region = os.environ['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION']; print("region: " + this_region) sns = boto3.client('sns') s3 = boto3.client('s3') ddb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = ddb.Table('rekognitionTable') # Using the table that was created from CloudFormation rekognition = boto3.client('rekognition', this_region) # --------------- Helper Functions to call Rekognition APIs ------------------ def detect_faces(bucket, key): response = rekognition.detect_faces(Image={"S3Object": {"Bucket": bucket, "Name": key}}) return len(response['FaceDetails']) def compare_faces(bucket, sourcekey, targetkey, threshold=70): response = rekognition.compare_faces( SourceImage={ 'S3Object':{ 'Bucket':bucket, 'Name':sourcekey } }, TargetImage={ 'S3Object':{ 'Bucket':bucket, 'Name':targetkey } }, SimilarityThreshold=threshold ) message = '' # Retrieve the id_str (PK on DynamoDB) from the object's key tmp_str = targetkey.split("/")[-1] id_str = tmp_str.split("---")[0] print(id_str) for faceMatch in response['FaceMatches']: position = faceMatch['Face']['BoundingBox'] similarity = str(faceMatch['Similarity']) # Update the DynamoDB record with the additional match information record = table.get_item( Key={ 'id_str': id_str} ) table.update_item( Key={"id_str": id_str}, UpdateExpression="set possible_match = :m, similarity=:s", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':m':'true', ':s': similarity +'%' }, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW" ) print ("Similarity = " + similarity) # We also use the DynamoDB record to provide additional twitter meta data in our message back to the subscribers of our SNS Topic message = ('Possible match for missing person in https://'+ bucket + '' + targetkey +'\n' + "Image originated from " + record['Item']['user_handle'] +".\n" + "Posted on " + record['Item']['created'] + ".\n" + "Similarity of person in image to missing person : " + similarity + '%') # Send out (publish) a message with information about the possible match send_notification(message) return message # Send(publish) message via SNS if match is detected def send_notification(notice): response = sns.publish( # Get the SNS Topic Arn from Environment Variable set by the CloudFormation template TopicArn=os.environ['SNSArn'], Message=notice ) # Not used in the workshop - here for future reference def detect_labels(bucket, key): response = rekognition.detect_labels(Image={"S3Object": {"Bucket": bucket, "Name": key}}) # Sample code to write response to DynamoDB table 'MyTable' with 'PK' as Primary Key. # Note: role used for executing this Lambda function should have write access to the table. #table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('MyTable') #labels = [{'Confidence': Decimal(str(label_prediction['Confidence'])), 'Name': label_prediction['Name']} for label_prediction in response['Labels']] #table.put_item(Item={'PK': key, 'Labels': labels}) return response # Not used in the workshop - here for future reference def index_faces(bucket, key): # Note: Collection has to be created upfront. Use CreateCollection API to create a collecion. #rekognition.create_collection(CollectionId='BLUEPRINT_COLLECTION') response = rekognition.index_faces(Image={"S3Object": {"Bucket": bucket, "Name": key}}, CollectionId="BLUEPRINT_COLLECTION") return response # --------------- Main handler ------------------ def lambda_handler(event, context): # Get the object (photograph) from the event bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name'] targetFile = urllib.unquote_plus(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'].encode('utf8')) # for debugging print("bucket: " + bucket) print('targetFile: ' + targetFile) print("len(FaceDetails): " + str(detect_faces(bucket,targetFile))) #First we want to check if there are faces in the image from Twitter. If there are no faces, we simply delete the object from S3 if detect_faces(bucket,targetFile)<=0: s3.delete_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=targetFile) print("No faces detected in " + targetFile + ". Deleting...") else: # Face(s) is/are present in the object print("Faces detected in " + targetFile) # We get the Missing Person photo, using the filename you provided when creating the CloudFormation stack sourceFile = os.environ['RefPhoto'] print("Ref photo:" + sourceFile) try: # Calls Rekognition CompareFaces API response = compare_faces(bucket, sourceFile, targetFile) print(response) return response except Exception as e: print(e) print("Error processing object {} from bucket {}. ".format(sourceFile, bucket) + "Make sure your object and bucket exist and your bucket is in the same region as this function.") raise e