# Validate resilience at API boundaries with AWS Fault Injection Simulator and IAM policies This repo contains AWS CloudFormation templates supporting the [Securely validate business application resilience with AWS FIS and IAM](https://aws-blogs-prod.amazon.com/devops/securely-validate-business-application-resilience-with-aws-fis-and-iam/) blog post, discussing extending AWS Fault Injection Simulator fault injections by modifying IAM policies. This code is released under [MIT-0 license](LICENSE.md). Please see the blog post for how to use these templates. ## Deployment Deploy the templates with ```bash aws cloudformation deploy \ --stack-name test-fis-api-faults \ --template-file template.yaml \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM ``` and ```bash aws cloudformation deploy \ --stack-name test-fis-api-faults \ --template-file template2.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM ```