# Fresh Tracks An event driven serverless web application built in Vue.js. This example app allows you to upload `.gpx` files to view your tracked activities. Try it out at [MyFreshTracks.com](https://myfreshtracks.com) > :information_source: set up and deployment time is approximately **10 mins**. > :information_source: **This application uses [Auth0](https://auth0.com/signup)** to manage and Authenticate users. You must create a demo app in Auth0 before you can login, or deploy the backend resources. See "Authentication - Auth0" below. ![Fresh Tracks](/public/images/FTfrontPage.png "Fresh Tracks") ## Deploying the front-end application locally: - Clone the repo onto your local development machine: ```bash git clone ``` - `cd` into the root directoy and run: ```bash npm install ``` - Run the application locally: ```bash npm run serve ``` ## Deploying the backend application This application uses many AWS services to power the backend: [See this guide](/backend/FreshTracks/) to deploy the back end resources and services ![Fresh Tracks - Core architecture](/public/images/architecture1.png "Fresh Tracks") ### Authentication - Auth0 The project needs to be connected to an Auth0 application in order for the authentication flow to work. 1. Go to [Auth0](https://auth0.com/signup) and click Sign Up. 1. Register a [single page applicaiton](https://auth0.com/docs/dashboard/guides/applications/register-app-spa) 1. Add your domain (`http://localhost:3000`, if deploying locally) to the `Allowed Callback URLs`, `Allowed Logout URLs`, and `Allowed Web Origins` in your applicaiton settings. 1. Configure the front end applicaiton with your Auth0 domain and client ID. #### Option 1 (prefered) - use environment variables: create a .env file in the root directory and provide the following values: ```bash VUE_APP_Auth0_Domain = VUE_APP_Auth0_ClientId = VUE_APP_Auth0_Audience = ``` ## Learn about FreshTracks 3P SaaS integrations: - [Auth0](https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-eventbridge-integration-with-auth0) - Analyse user events to create an Amazon QuickSight - [Zendesk](https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-eventbridge-integration-with-zendesk) - An automated self-service Knowledge repository ## Issue Reporting If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](../LICENSE) file for more info.