# Facial Analysis [Facial analysis](https://ap-northeast-2.console.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/home?region=ap-northeast-2#/face-detection)를 통해 아래와 같은 값을 얻을 수 있습니다. - looks like a face - appears to be female - age range: 25 - 35 years old - not smiling: 63.5 % - appears to be happy: 70 % - wearing glasses: 99.9 % - wearing sunglasses: 99.8 % - eyes are open: 98.7 % - mouth is open: 88.3 % - does not have a mustache: 98.3 % - does not have a beard: 94.4 % image ### 결과로 얻을 수 있는 값들 사진 업로드후에 아래와 같은 응답을 얻을 수 있습니다. - AgeRange: "Low": 25, "High": 35 - Smile: T/F - Eyeglasses T/F - Sunglasses T/F - Gender Male/Female - Beard T/F - Mustache T/F - EyesOpen T/F - MouthOpen T/F - Emotions: HAPPY, SURPRISED, CALM, ANGRY, FEAR, CONFUSED, DISGUSTED, SAD ## Request ```java { "Image": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "rekognition-console-v4-prod-icn", "Name": "assets/StaticImageAssets/SampleImages/drive.jpg" } }, "Attributes": [ "ALL" ] } ``` ## Result의 예 ```java { "FaceDetails": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.20728477835655212, "Height": 0.4028930068016052, "Left": 0.1565658152103424, "Top": 0.1370398998260498 }, "AgeRange": { "Low": 25, "High": 35 }, "Smile": { "Value": false, "Confidence": 63.57194137573242 }, "Eyeglasses": { "Value": true, "Confidence": 99.99999237060547 }, "Sunglasses": { "Value": true, "Confidence": 99.83882904052734 }, "Gender": { "Value": "Female", "Confidence": 99.97936248779297 }, "Beard": { "Value": false, "Confidence": 94.43787384033203 }, "Mustache": { "Value": false, "Confidence": 98.39974975585938 }, "EyesOpen": { "Value": true, "Confidence": 98.76766204833984 }, "MouthOpen": { "Value": true, "Confidence": 88.39057159423828 }, "Emotions": [ { "Type": "HAPPY", "Confidence": 70.06643676757812 }, { "Type": "SURPRISED", "Confidence": 8.027836799621582 }, { "Type": "CALM", "Confidence": 7.5097336769104 }, { "Type": "ANGRY", "Confidence": 7.021594047546387 }, { "Type": "FEAR", "Confidence": 6.878425121307373 }, { "Type": "CONFUSED", "Confidence": 5.264672756195068 }, { "Type": "DISGUSTED", "Confidence": 3.5239059925079346 }, { "Type": "SAD", "Confidence": 2.461644411087036 } ], "Landmarks": [ { "Type": "eyeLeft", "X": 0.23198963701725006, "Y": 0.28643643856048584 }, { "Type": "eyeRight", "X": 0.3235231637954712, "Y": 0.27650442719459534 }, { "Type": "mouthLeft", "X": 0.2467770278453827, "Y": 0.4382726550102234 }, { "Type": "mouthRight", "X": 0.3232266306877136, "Y": 0.42945173382759094 }, { "Type": "nose", "X": 0.2997436821460724, "Y": 0.3558330237865448 }, { "Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft", "X": 0.18932999670505524, "Y": 0.2583378255367279 }, { "Type": "leftEyeBrowRight", "X": 0.25499090552330017, "Y": 0.23719875514507294 }, { "Type": "leftEyeBrowUp", "X": 0.22466374933719635, "Y": 0.23337897658348083 }, { "Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft", "X": 0.3075791299343109, "Y": 0.2318745106458664 }, { "Type": "rightEyeBrowRight", "X": 0.34850648045539856, "Y": 0.24108198285102844 }, { "Type": "rightEyeBrowUp", "X": 0.33046776056289673, "Y": 0.2224227786064148 }, { "Type": "leftEyeLeft", "X": 0.21311819553375244, "Y": 0.28864786028862 }, { "Type": "leftEyeRight", "X": 0.24986368417739868, "Y": 0.28610870242118835 }, { "Type": "leftEyeUp", "X": 0.23217180371284485, "Y": 0.2785497009754181 }, { "Type": "leftEyeDown", "X": 0.23257800936698914, "Y": 0.29334935545921326 }, { "Type": "rightEyeLeft", "X": 0.305154412984848, "Y": 0.28018122911453247 }, { "Type": "rightEyeRight", "X": 0.3372015357017517, "Y": 0.2750265896320343 }, { "Type": "rightEyeUp", "X": 0.32413217425346375, "Y": 0.26861634850502014 }, { "Type": "rightEyeDown", "X": 0.3232560157775879, "Y": 0.28335249423980713 }, { "Type": "noseLeft", "X": 0.2715092897415161, "Y": 0.3788992762565613 }, { "Type": "noseRight", "X": 0.3054922819137573, "Y": 0.37508466839790344 }, { "Type": "mouthUp", "X": 0.2917945683002472, "Y": 0.41236862540245056 }, { "Type": "mouthDown", "X": 0.2911905348300934, "Y": 0.45928117632865906 }, { "Type": "leftPupil", "X": 0.23198963701725006, "Y": 0.28643643856048584 }, { "Type": "rightPupil", "X": 0.3235231637954712, "Y": 0.27650442719459534 }, { "Type": "upperJawlineLeft", "X": 0.14873090386390686, "Y": 0.3066073954105377 }, { "Type": "midJawlineLeft", "X": 0.17836853861808777, "Y": 0.46686822175979614 }, { "Type": "chinBottom", "X": 0.2866045832633972, "Y": 0.5405004620552063 }, { "Type": "midJawlineRight", "X": 0.34070897102355957, "Y": 0.448843389749527 }, { "Type": "upperJawlineRight", "X": 0.3485998511314392, "Y": 0.28515905141830444 } ], "Pose": { "Roll": -0.9150228500366211, "Yaw": 17.985288619995117, "Pitch": 8.063776016235352 }, "Quality": { "Brightness": 70.32808685302734, "Sharpness": 97.45164489746094 }, "Confidence": 99.99929809570312 } ] } ```