// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 variable "deployment_role" { type = string } variable "target_account" { type = string } variable "target_region" { type = string } variable "deployment_name" { description = "Deployment name, used to prefix resources" type = string default = "" } variable "owner" { description = "Resource owner identified using an email address" type = string default = "" } variable "ttl" { description = "Resource TTL (time-to-live)" type = number default = 48 } variable "datacenter_config" { description = "List of tenant configuration" type = map default = { dc1 = { vpc_cidr = "" public_subnets = ["", "", ""] private_subnets = ["", "", ""] consul_federation_id = "1" } dc2 = { vpc_cidr = "" public_subnets = ["", "", ""] private_subnets = ["", "", ""] consul_federation_id = "2" } } } variable "aws_key_pair_key_name" { description = "Key pair name" type = string default = "" } variable "consul_version" { description = "Consul version" type = string default = "1.13.1-ent" } variable "consul_ent_license" { description = "Consul enterprise license" type = string default = "" } variable "consul_serf_lan_port" { description = "Consul serf lan port" type = number default = 9301 } variable "ami_consul_server" { description = "AMI of Consul Server Autoscaling Group" type = string } variable "ami_consul_client" { description = "AMI of Consul clients" type = string } variable "license" { description = "Consul license content" type = string }